Obama: US strongly supports 2-state solution
Yitzhak Benhorin
Published: 06.04.09, 16:37
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61. Linda Rivera of New York
Shaul ,   Sheboygan   (04.07.09)
Here's another Arrow for your Quiver: http://archive.NEWSMAX.COM/archives/articles/2004/2/1/132047.shtml
62. #56 or less
ROWANDA ,   Sacramento Ca USA   (04.07.09)
So because a 6,000 yr old book says it is right ....goes both ways....we can all see the end is world and Obama is just the player in the game. He will be able to move us to one world goverment. He has no class and neither does his admin. I am very upset how he bowed to another leader. USA should have pride but Obama does not have it for us. We are not all behind him. .....Bunnie I enjoy your posts and have been on line here for about 5mos God give us grace in the USA.
63. Alas, Obama has smiling trainwreck written all over him
Cameron ,   USA   (04.07.09)
My God, what a mess we'll have to clean up in 2012. Note how the Euro-types were singing his praises while whining in his ear & kicking him in the tail when he requested that they start to seriously function as real allies? At a time when we need decisive, no-nonsense leadership, we get stuck with a contrite, progressive supplicant. Watch as the hard, cold world plays that gentle soul like a fiddle. Israel: you made a much better gamble on the future than we did. Preserve thyself, until we can run this wanker lot off in a few years.
64. Cameron @ 63; It does not mean we should not try and
leo ,   USA   (04.07.09)
clip his wings in 2010 to mitigate the damage. Guys, we need to do a better job explaining to our kids (and to ourselves) that not everything that looks good tastes good.
65. re - #64
will ,   dallas tx usa   (04.07.09)
Leo, are you trying to tell me that McCain, Palin would have been a better choice? If you honestly believe that you have no business in an adult situation. Those two are totally unfit to lead. Many of us, including me, are unhappy with what Mr Obama is doing, but he is leading with his convictions. He needs to start taking the people of the USA for what they want. He is obviously deterring from his campaign rhetoric. We must actively work to oppose his direction towards the rabid dogs of death. Still, he is a far cry better then the only other choice we had. Please don't talk to me about how its been... take a look around and see how it is because of the greedy amorale carpet bagging republicans who run the country in to the ground every time they get in office. You need to understand these people are nothing but lying scum stealing your money and changing the rules so they get away free. The reason Hamas and the other organizations are so strong is because of GW Bush...directly. He was no friend of Israel... like every republican Ive ever met he just lies to put you off guard. Mr McCain is even worse. He tossed out his years of record to suck up to the republcan election committee. He lost miserably as a result. He would have been a horribly weak president. He is also dying of melanoma. We would end up with Sarah Palin.... the only person I know dumber then Bush. These people sold us down the river. Obama looks like he is too. We need to let congress and the President know we don't support a 2 state solution and he was wrong to suggest we did. Stop the republican rhetoric... no one believes it any more.... start doing things to change the way things are... make a positive effect on the world you live in.
66. Will of Dallas Tx of the US of A
Shaul ,   Sheboygan   (04.08.09)
Will, I beseech thee: carefully read through the link I have provided in #61. This is to whom Obama answers.
67. Americans
CD ,   Texas USA   (04.08.09)
I just want to assure the people of Israel that Barack Hussein Obama does not represent all of America. The vote for him was not a mandate. At least 47 per cent of the people voted against him. There is good indication that not all of Obama's votes were legitimate. Right now over 55 percent of Americans do not agree with his policies.
68. Will @ 65
leo ,   USA   (04.08.09)
"Leo, are you trying to tell me that McCain, Palin would have been a better choice?" - yes. "If you honestly believe that you have no business in an adult situation." - I doubt this part passes for intelligent argument. "Those two are totally unfit to lead." - how do you know? Or better yet, how do you know they would've been worst than Obama? These people were/are in positions of leadership, if you have reason not to like their performance, please regale us. "Those two are totally unfit to lead." - this statement implies that Obama actually can. And now I have no choice but to quote you: "If you honestly believe that you have no business in an adult situation.". "Many of us, including me, are unhappy with what Mr Obama is doing, but he is leading with his convictions." - Convictions? Lenin had convictions, Stalin had convictions, Hitler had convictions, Mao Tse Dong had convictions, Ahmadinejad has convictions, ... Convictions my foot. What good are your convictions if result is either failure or success for few and misery for the rest? Besides, what makes you believe I share Obama's convictions or is it mandatory these days? "He (Obama) is obviously deterring from his campaign rhetoric." - Some may claim they foresaw it happening long before Obama got elected. I personally am not surprised. "Please don't talk to me about how its been... take a look around and see how it is because of the greedy amorale carpet bagging republicans who run the country in to the ground every time they get in office." - as far as I can see greed is common to most regardless of political affiliations. "Amoral" - what is moral and what is not? Is AIG bonus affair moral? Is treatment of AIG bonus affair by Obama and Schumer and the others moral? "Carpet begging republicans" - I am not sure I understand what you mean by it or how it differs them from the rest. "The reason Hamas and the other organizations are so strong is because of GW Bush...directly." - how? "He was no friend of Israel... like every republican Ive ever met he just lies to put you off guard." - Bush was friend of US while Obama is ashamed of us. Israel can hold its own, just have them elect right leaders. "Mr McCain is even worse. ... He lost miserably as a result." - McCain lost because Obama's campaign was run better, because MSM was and still is biased in Obama's favor and because great many people voted against Bush, and a lot of us wanted to create history too by electing first black president while completely ignoring questionable merit of the candidate. "He (McCain) would have been a horribly weak president." - you are speculating. It is too early to make this call on Obama even though I am beginning to believe it. "He is also dying of melanoma." - dying?, but you have a point. "We would end up with Sarah Palin.... the only person I know dumber then Bush." - and Palin and Bush are dumb because? "We need to let congress and the President know we don't support a 2 state solution and he was wrong to suggest we did." - My heart and my soul might be against two-state solution but my brain tells me there is no other choice. Well, unless you are suggesting Palestinian genocide, which I am sure you do not.
69. Will
jv ,   LA, USA   (04.08.09)
I thought you were a nutter by your #60 comment. Now, reading your #65 comment you leave no doubt in my mind that you are crazy. Seriously, piss off. No one is interested in your crazy lefty donk talking points. You voted for obama- You own it.
70. #66 beseech this...
will ,   dalls tx usa   (04.08.09)
You are what we call a religious fanatic. You base your belief system on the con man's promise that G-d wants you to be exactly like you want to be. You are wrong in almost every aspect. I can't bring you back in to the sanity corral... you are too far out there, but if you want to maybe you can find your way back on your own. My suggestion is to read (I assume you can) a book from the Christian Bible called Ecclesiastes. Read through that a couple of times then start on Proverbs. That may help to calm those inner voices. Barack Obama is the president of the United States... he doesn't follow anyone. He leads. We may not like where he is leading us, but he leads. We need to make sure he is aware of our wishes as we should congress as well. We may just have a chance then. The weirdos like you ran our country in to the ground and got us involved in two wars which have just about sucked us dry. Your philosophy is rancid dude. I beseech you.... shhh the grown ups are talking.
71. #68 a response
will ,   dallas tx usa   (04.08.09)
I really don't know what to say to you. I think it's clear truth won't dent your ideological smoke screen. You believe what you want. Say what you want... Oh wait, since GW Bush and the Patriot Act... speaking anything against Bush or Cheney is a criminal least whle they are under secret service protection... You can either work in a positive way to effect the changes you want, or you can continue to talk the lying bullcrap from the previous administration of the US. You are in an ever shrinking group though. Even the special ed kids have figured it out. Bush stupid? Yeah he's a bleeping moron who thought he could get away with robbing the nation of its wealth and selling border security to the Arab Emirates. Trust me... his day in court is coming. Sara Palin? Yeah she thought she could incite rioting, spend other people's money like it was going out of style and then talk about fiscal responsibility, illegally use her office as governor to exact revenge against an in-law, and talk about morality while her daughter is out back bending over in the woods. McCain? He wanted to be president so bad he walked away from his entire belief system. He is nothing but a slave to the highest bidder. After his first wife got in a car wreck and developed a limp he divorced her because she no longer fit the stereotype he was going for. Now that's moral courage eh? Obama? His record is fairly immaculate actually. Great education...worked his way up from a broken lower middle class home to be the very first African-American president who, in spite of the proven rigged voting machines with no paper trail, won by a very respectable margin crossing all ethnic and racial boundaries. Please don't try to use your fake arguments and twisted half truths to make your point. Obama has been in office 10 weeks... by this time GW Bush had already taken a budget surplus and put us in the hole. He had already stopped free immunizations for poor children. He had already put thousands of mentally unstable and emotionally disturbed people out on the streets, He had already lined up his buddies to rape the national parks of their natural resources.... You sir better do a bit of research before you try to take me on. These matters are my job. I take my job very seriously and you can't pay me off. The Palestinian solution? Sure I want to see more of my brothers and sisters murdered in their beds...their children killed or maimed playing in the yard... Heck I would love to have a murderous Palestinian dog move in right next door... If they want to live in peace with Israel they need to move. Israel belongs to the Jew. I really don't think you want to take me on about that. I am not some cowardly republican who sends the democrat's kids out to fight his illegitimate wars. I am a human being, liberal in some ways, conservative in others. I have a strong sense of morals thanks to Ha-Shem, and my parents. I stand up for what I should and I put my faith in Ha-Shem. I am just your average Jew. Who the bleep are you?
72. #69 a leftist nutter?
will ,   dallas tx usa   (04.08.09)
You think using the tools given you by the constitution of the US for redress are crazy lefty donk talking points? Who is the nutter here? My military record shows I stand up for my country, the rights of my fellow citizens, and the freedoms we don't have so much of thanks to GW Bush and his brand of fascism... look up the word in a dictionary, jv. What about your record JV? I voted for Barack Obama... yes I did... and the only things I have against his efforts to date are his backpeddling concerning Israel and national health insurance. At least he isn't shoving trillions of dollars of our money in to private swiss bank accts and corporate cronies of his under sealed bid contract (a violation of federal law) or the countless other things these crooks have done while in office. Not everyone is a puppet to Rush Limbaugh.... a drug addict who would have been in prison for his many crimes if not for his friends in the RNC. There's justice and equal treatment under the law for ya. We have the right to redress our government and let our feelings be known. That is the way we do things in the USA and since the Bush administration left in such embarrassing defeat, we can again. You don't want a piece of me budroe... you really don't. I am a US Citizen, free from tryanny and able to speak my mind. I am a very conservative person just not the republican's version of conservative. Take from the people and squander on themselves. You wanna chase me out? Im in texas... give it your best shot. and by no one... you mean you.
73. #67 Americans
will ,   dallas tx usa   (04.08.09)
FYI gw bush lost the popular vote both times. The first time he had his daddy's friends in the supreme court violate the law of the land and certify his win. The second time they used what was known as a +5 offset on the paperless electronic voting machines and although people waited for hours and hours to vote, they were denied because the RNC prevented them from getting sufficient voting machines in all but the "red" voting districts. Here in Texas, my fellow Texan we, regardless of party affiliation ran an honest election, but we're Texans and honor still means something to us... We have exceptions, most notably GW Bush, and his ilk..., but for the most part Texans are people of honor and will fight for your right to say it even if they don't agree with you. I want to assure you Mr CD, I being a Jew, am very concerned with the success of the state of Israel and enemies of my people are enemies of me. I do NOT support anything short of a full reclamation of the entire Biblical boundary of Israel and total freedom for Jews everywhere which is a case in point this being the first day of Pesach. Ha-Shem set us free, who can move against Ha-Shem? The claim that 47% of Americans believe in the lies, treachery, deceit, and criminality of the wicked group that just left office is unsubstantiated. I know many people in my professional capacity and most of them are republicans but none of them supported the regime that just left the helm. Most of them were embarrassed by the McCain Palin ticket and... most of them voted for Obama. If there was a better choice offered, heck, even I would have voted for that. Obama was the best choice and if his direction is a tad off we need to do what we can as the American People to pull him back in the right direction. We have the tools, we can do it. Silly tirades by uninformed bubbas don't influence any sober person. Those votes were legitimate in spite of the numerous attempts by puppet organizations set up by the RNC to disqualify literally tens of thousands of honest registered voters. From your statements I can tell you are a thoughtful person not given to wild rants and I can only assume you are getting your information from a limited closed source, such as fox news or another Murdoch media outlet. The sources are out there and you can find them out. The amount of false data is staggering, but by researching the origination of the statements made you can find out the truth for yourself. I respectfully appreciate your viewpoint. In closing I would like to say the last time the Jewish people were in need of friends (ww2) everyone turned their backs. 6 million of my grandmother's people were murdered most horribly. NEVER AGAIN!
74. Will of Dallas, Tx USA. On the subject of your service record . . .
Shaul ,   Sheboygan   (04.09.09)
Thank you . . . SIR!!! Thank you, Mr. Ewards for helping to maintain my right to say even the most idiotic things in public. Thank you, Shaul
75. Will, I think you lost it.
leo ,   USA   (04.09.09)
76. my final rant
will ,   dallas tx usa   (04.09.09)
The reality is this... we have the means to actively petition our government (as US citizens) to actually effect a change, mostly because of the electoral process. We can choose to make inflammatory statements designed to attack emotional weak spots and inner fears or we can pursue a logical method to achieve our goals. We are a majority rule nation again. For the last eight years a 12% minority ran roughshod over our freedoms and our rights. That time is over, but it will happen again if we don't exercise our political power. Leo and the rest of you right wing screamers and attackers listen up. Do you even know who your representatives and senators are? When was the last time you called them, or wrote them? Sitting by the sidelines yelling out personal attacks on those you disagree with is the act of a frustrated coward. I know that is not what you want to be. Get involved. If there really are enough out there who feel like you do, you can get your way. The matter at hand is the protection of Israel. This is one of my highest priorities. If the president of my country doesn't see it like that I will have my friends, relatives and their friends etc to barrage my elected officials to make our feelings known. This is the American way. As far as the citizenry of Israel goes, I am honored to do what I can to keep my brothers and sisters safe and able to serve Ha-Shem. Even in Israel there are factions that denigrate my view of Judaism and that is of grave concern to me. The truth there is...I live in the USA and I don't have the right to meddle in the affairs of my Jewish brethren in Israel. I will gladly come to there aid and support them in any way I can. This includes dealing with my political system so that my priorities are met to the best of my ability. What is your choice? Do you choose to verbally attack or do you want to make your voice count? It is up to you. The only thing I've lost is respect for those to afraid to stand up for themselves and their fellows.
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