Obama’s good for Tehran
Hagai Segal
Published: 10.04.09, 14:00
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69 Talkbacks for this article
1. Give it up Israel
Paul   (04.10.09)
What goes around = comes around
2. Hagai Segal - Eat your heart out !
3. Iran wins
Jasson ,   Austrailia   (04.10.09)
To me Iran is unstoppable so Mr. Obama is keen in talks rather than wage a war against it. Other wise it has not been the nature of US to avoid wars (as against Iraq n Afghan)
4. Good article.
Steve   (04.10.09)
Obama is facing his first test with Islam off the coast of Somalia. PM Netanyahu would be unwise to rely on the Obama administration to insure Israel's security. It could cost Israel dearly.
5. I don't understand why all Israelis always expect
from the President of the US to put Israel's intrest before America's intrest. Is that what he was elected for ??????????? It's really hard to understand !!!
6. #1? give what up paul?
vashDi ,   israel   (04.10.09)
where you from? why the stupid remark about boomerang effect? what's coming? you make no sense meaning nonsense. the only thing coming is your words biting your arse. be careful what you say. israel never gives up . especially on something that was given to us by the allmighty. you give up your home.
7. great article!
oded   (04.10.09)
the far left , in general is riddled with self- hate and guilt over the misery, so to speak of others. obama has been indoctrinated in that enviroment, so why should we expect him any different?and, paul#1-- israel will never ever give it up-- get it thru your thick empty skull!
8. Don't worry, you'll still get our money
Noah ,   New York, NY   (04.10.09)
Stop whining. No matter what you may think, Barack and the congress will continue to send you our tax dollars for your military. We'll continue to provide diplomatic cover for you, even as you continue to build the settlements you promised us you'd stop building. Regardless of whatever reconciliation we attempt with Iran or other Muslim nations, in the end we'll always put our money and our reputation on the line for you. Appearances may be to the contrary, but the reality is the same. It would be nice if you could return the favor by keeping a civil tongue when talking about our leaders.
9. Disagree with everyone. It is simple: Obama is Muslim
Jim ,   Chicago   (04.10.09)
On the other hand, it is not clear if he Iran type Muslim like his closest friend Farakhan, or a moderate Muslim who just kissed the hand of Saudi dictator. There is no quuestion he kissed the hand of King like former prez of France kissed the hand of Rice (actually they boths don't give real kiss - just give a gentl's kiss without love kiss.
10. #8 Noah - Excellent talkback .I think now they will shut up
11. Did he lean to the Queen?
DeAnn ,   Iowa, U.S.A.   (04.10.09)
It was a groveling subservient kneel!! If he leaned over for this guy, why didn't he lean over for Queen Elizabeth? Liar!!! And a very dangerous man.
12. Obama is a slave
Eli ,   Warsaw, Polin   (04.10.09)
The Obamas bow afront of abdullah shows that this man not deserve to be the peresident of any country not only USA. He absolutely forgot that he's representing USA , not himself. Talking about Iran - he is affraid to be called not cool guy ... PR is much more important for him that World Security. He have slave mentality .Obama is a liar and traitor .
13. Sad deluded Obamabots
Steve from Raleigh   (04.10.09)
Let's just admit that you'll support whatever he proposes no matter what. If indeed he's selling the US and their allies at fire sale prices and Iran indeed becomes a nuclear state, you'll still support him.
14. #8 Read your Bible
Doug ,   Ohio   (04.10.09)
The Bible clearly states that those people or countries that Bless Israel shall be blessed by G-d. That is why our country has be blessed be on all others.When they were given the Gaza Strip it was a propering town, and they were given money from the International community. Instead of using the money for business and manufacturing, they used it for bombs because they hate the Jews. They always have and always will. They teach it in there school and there homes to tiny children. You can not have peace with some one who hates you with every part of there being. As for Obama, there has never been a President who has done so much to destroy our country son quickly in such a short amount of time. May G-d Bless Israel.
15. Obama
Joel Handelman ,   Marietta, Georgia   (04.10.09)
You are way off base, Obama doesn't cow tow to anyone. He didn't bow, he isn't going to do any favors for Iran, and he is a friend of the JP. Bush was no friend, he was an ignorant Christian air brain, who could not be trusted.
16. Joe Biden told Obama in the Oval Office....
Steven Wilson ,   Anchorage, Alaska   (04.10.09)
"I'm sorry to say Mr. President....but no one is following you in the United States. Look behind you. There are one billion Muslims instead, whom you represent."
17. to #8
oded   (04.10.09)
of course we will continue to get your tax dollars, because it is in the interst of the usa to keep israel afloat and alive. and your gratitude is that israeli soldeirs died and bled testing american armaments so that you boys from nyc won't have too. and this is just a glimpse of you are "" getting back" for your money. as for a civil tongue vis a vis "" your leaders"-- show me one......oh , the one who kisses king abdullas' rear, the one who is about to spend america away, or the one9 same one0 who surroounds himself with tax- evaders...... oh that one!
18. #8 Obama is no more than a muslim pimp. There,is that civil
enough for you? ,   JP DC,USA   (04.10.09)
19. #8-Noah...
Micah ,   Haifa, Israel   (04.10.09)
Obviously you missed the point. Obama seems to be appeasing radicals at the expense of moderates. Go ahead, sell Israel out, it will only be your problem down the line. We lasted 4000 years, and we'll last a while longer. As for America, I'm not so sure....
20. Obama justifies all the grave concerns we had about him.
Tahl ,   Ashdod, Israel   (04.10.09)
When Obama got elected, we in Israel expressed great concerns regarding the continuation of the US's tough stance against Muslim terrorism, and the nuclearization of Iran. While most of America and the whole world was extatic, we knew there was a reason to be concerned. Very concerned. Now we see that all of our concerns were materialized. The West fell like ripe fruit to Barack's personal charms and great rhetoric skills. The Arab world was even happier, to see an American leader who's soft and naive with them the way Chamberlain was soft and naive about Hitler's intentions. The only country to lose from this is Israel - the modern-day equivalent of Czechoslovakia who was sacrificed to appease Hitler back then. Yet in the future not only Israel, but America and the free world would pay dearly for this mistake as well.
21. #1, #2, #5, #8
Tahl ,   Ashdod, Israel   (04.10.09)
#1: What goes around, and what comes around? Sorry but I just don't get your stupid post. #2: If Obama continues his capitulation to radical Islam, soon the Arabs would be eating our hearts. #5: America's interest happens to coincide with Israel's interest, which is to stop the radical Islam and the nuclearization of Iran. I really fail to see how Obama's capitulations serve any American interest. #8: First of all, your "tax money" is actually being paid as subsidies to American weapons manufacturers, and the Congress wouldn't authorize it if it weren't beneficial for America as well. Second, these 3 billion $ are the least of your concern, given the trillions your sick economy lost last year due to poor regulation. Third, the violations in settlement building, are minimal when compared to the violations of Israel's security by Hamas. Fourth, the concern expressed here is very real, and is not only Israel's, but America's too. Thinking otherwise is burying your head deep in the sand.
22. #NOAH when you invade a country for oil
dovdevan ,   ashdod,israel   (04.10.09)
is it for your interest or the interest of the state of iSRAEL ? you should know that your reputation was very bad well before the state of israel was born !! when you occupy vietnam and bomb them with napalm was it for our interest ? what about the countries that you destalyse in south america like chile, argentina ? what do you think of the special relation the US has with the saudis regardless of the nature of the regyme ? is it for our interest OR the interest of OIL ? what about the relations with the chinese is it for our interest too ? so please check very well what has done your country to be so hated by the world ?
23. to #8 You are as big an anus as the madrass boy!
jason white ,   afula,israel   (04.10.09)
I am American also and I say screw your worthless democrat "leaders". Wait till 2010! Besides that I bet your name is nabil or something arab. We will build on our Jewish land.It is not arab land.Never was! They are trespassing. Did you build on native American land in N.Y.? Finally obama is a true student of the indonesian madrass.he studied there and lived as a moslim. Now with the war on terror, they voted in one of the enemy for President. Imagine in 1944, the Americans voted for a german-American for President? Pres.Adolph Schultz or something similar. Imagine that same president wanting to open up talks with the germans and the japanese enemy.
24. Noah, don't worry, the Arabs will get plenty
Darren ,   Oakland, CA   (04.10.09)
of money from us too, as they have continually received. It doesn't matter how often they burn our flag, how often they say "Death to America"... heck, they can even fly planes into World Trade Center and that still won't decrease the amount of economic aid we provide to those who hate us! The fact of the matter is that whatever reconciliation we attempt with Iran and other Muslim nations, the ideological chasm is too large for any reconciliation to actually occur. Obama's policies in the region are really no different from the failed policies Bush espoused. Is this "Change We Can Believe In"? I think not- we got bamboozled.
25. surrender
David ,   USA, exile   (04.10.09)
I saw the sickening bow. It had nothing whatsoever to do with his height. It was a full bow in deference to the king of islam. It was a surrender of America to the control of islam. Well, I will lose my head before I bow to them, but taking my head may not be so easy. I serve the Eloheim of Avraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
26. #8, Noah, Israel is an Ally
Bill ,   Chicago, IL   (04.10.09)
Noah, I think you are missing the point that Israel is an ally of the USA. Why doesn't the USA stop giving aid to the UN for Gaza or to Egypt, or plenty of other countries who have never done anything for the USA. Israel does so many good things for the USA, so many medical break throughs, inventions, scientific break throughs, defense systems, etc. to better the USA and the world. Bush saw this, but I guess Obama would rather make friends with his Muslim buddies. Noah, you will be ultimately sorry as at least Bush knew how to govern, I am not saying he did a great job, but Obama has no idea what he is doing. He is way in over is head and its only been a couple months. Israel loves the USA, but can survive without them. Israel has one of the largest armies in the world and are nuclear armed. Thre is a reason that the USA regardless who is president wants to be friends with Israel. There are many benefits.
27. Smart Politics
cas reader   (04.10.09)
The Obama administration has done the right thing by showing to the world that it is genuine in trying to seek better relations with Iran and the Muslim world. This is by no means a sign of weakness on the American part. It is just smart diplomacy. Afterall, USA does not want to be accused by world leaders of being a bully that only wants to start a war. Bush did not try to seek diplomacy for which he was heavily criticised. If USA has to go to war against Iran, at least no country can accuse Obama of not seeking diplomacy first.
28. Doug #14: regarding #8 and blessing Israel
Steve   (04.10.09)
Doug, I would like to see Israel wean herself from U.S. aid and dependency. I believe it would be good for America and good for Israel. American aid keeps Israel in a position of unhealthy dependency. Aid buys immoral influence and pressure on Israel to make suicidal concessions of land to the Islamic enemy. President Bush made the establishment of a Muslim-enemy state in Israel a formal goal of American policy. Bush pressured Sharon to retreat from Gaza; from land God gave to Israel. Obama will pressure Israel to establish a Muslim-terror state even more than Bush. Blessing Abraham has nothing to do with foreign aid. Foreign aid is actually conter-productive. Blessing Abraham (Israel) is about morally and spiritually supporting Israel. I see America more and more turning against Israel. George W. Bush cursed the patriarch, Abraham. Obama will curse Abraham mightily. No. Israel would be much better off reducing her dependence on America. America is no friend to Israel. America is no friend of Abraham or of God. Individual Americans, yes. America as a nation has turned her back on the God of Israel.
29. #19, Micah
lawrence ,   Philadelphia, USA   (04.10.09)
Please don't curse the USA like that. I hope that both our countries will be around to see 5000 years of Jewish history. we can support both and get around the traitor obama.
30. #14 Doug, Ohio
Jake ,   NYC, US   (04.10.09)
If you believe the joke that the Palestinians were given Gaza, then you really need help. First, understand what the Palestinians in Gaza have to go through to get water, gas, or food into Gaza, or what they have to go through to leave or enter Gaza. Gaza is a modern day Nazi concentration camp. And guess what? all this is happening to them because they voted for a government that won't recognize an occupying power. The Palestinians in Gaza do not want peace, and that's perfectly understandable, you wouldn't want peace either if everytime you need to eat or move you have to have a permit from Canada. Let's not forget that only a few months ago, Israel killed at least 900 civilians in Gaza in a couple of weeks. Don't these people matter? Does your bible tell you to demonize an entire population and annihilate them?
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