Displaced Christians want pope to help them return
Associated Press
Published: 14.04.09, 16:29
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31. TO:#8. Will Christians press to return to PA and Gaza?
Omar ,   Palestine   (04.14.09)
you are way off base. >>Will they ask the Pope to apply comparable pressure on the PA? I didn't think so. PA does not have any control on the population registry in the west bank or Gaza. Israel has exclusive control on who enters and exits West Bank. Once West bank residency is taken away from thousands of Palestinians as the case in Jerusalem, Bethlehem and other West bank cities when traveling abroad Israel refuses to allow anyone to return. Israel doesn't want anyone returning anywhere it controls that includes village of Biram, Bethlehem, Hebron, Jerusalem or any city in the West bank, period. GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT!
32. # 27, nameless, shameless, homeless..
ben ,   Golan-singapore   (04.15.09)
Atilla karagozoglu is my friend, you dont talk to him like that !
33. Place them there again :-)
ben ,   golan - singapore   (04.15.09)
There is no evidence of any agreement strike by the Olmerts Govt on this claim made by Birams towners . As such , I think the position of the 1972 status quo still stands ( the 1972 position is not allowing the return of these towners ) But this claim is exclusive and separate on its own merits and facts within the historical perspective, unlike the demand made by the Pal Arabs. ( PA - GAZA) Unless there is no ground to suspect that this biram's would be a subject of exploitation for future questions of right to return so as to open the flood gates. No norman clature application should find it way as precident please. In fact there is no right of Return of the Biram in the first place. This is a point the Nethanyahu Govt should consider and explore. But the resettlement process, should the New Govt were to allow or approve , it will still have to be allowed on the premise of the emergency and insurgency -security of the current challenges and situational management. Was there any interim granted by the court injunction standing on the way? Was it renewed and extended to date ? Can the New Govt be held back to make a decision on these provisions favorable to the Birams? These are questions , one has to visit and ponder. This Biram,s incidents happened during the leadership of David ben Gurion, I suppose , as such I am sure he must have made some agreement that is binding favorable towards the Birams. Any documentary evidence available ? I am sure the Libai Klugman recommendation made or studied from the time of Menachem Begin contains evidence that is favorable to this Birams ( Hiram, freemason and Catholics). Netahyahu should/ could do something positive. I suppose , the Israeli Parliament is blogged down with unnecessary drama on legalistic issues and policy reasoning’s which are putting aside the nationalistic and symbolic aspirations of the Birams hiram, freemasons and the catholic ). To me It seems like a situation ,unlike the Pal and the bogus claim of Right of Return ! This Birams case is one that warrants some positive results. Please let them return to their homes. The Olmert Govt , was over burdened by the wars, and this Birams claim been set aside with inaction, high time the BiBi spark some action, of course subject to the national security of Israeli and the interest of the Israeli cannot be compromised ! Waht happened to the kibbutz. moshavim ? The farms are all missing ! Well ? Who is the justice minister now ? this is a political lacunae not legalistic or normative ethics. Only politicains can solve this promblem of the Birams. it is high time they move their arse , too long warming the parliament sits already ! :-)
34. #39 RE: "Israel is America's biggest whore"
Jake   (04.15.09)
Well, if that is the case, then this whorehouse has a hierarchy. Tradionally, America has been a concubine in the Harem of the Saudi Kings and the Gulf petro-Sheikhs. That was then. With Obama as president, the US is set to star as the main belly dancer in a few more tents.
35. we, sepharadi jews from all arab lands
who kicked us out after 1948 and stole our homes, fortunes, money and businesses, we became refugees also and israel took us in and made us citizens with full rights....not like arabs treated their "palestinians" when they still live in poor violent refugee camps till today, we jews ALSO WANT OUR HOMES BACK, OUR BUSINESSES BACK, OUR RIGHTS BACK TO ALL THE MONEY THE ARABS STOLE FROM US AND TO OUR HOMETOWNS IN ALL ARAB COUNTRIES IN WHICH WE LIVED FOR CENTURIES BEFORE ISLAM WAS EVEN BORN. when the arab countries make restitution to all of us, then we, israelis, will honor the rights of these arabs who want their "home" back.
36. #17 #4
baram synagugue actualy is in the middle of biram. it is a place many jewish people visit. i have no idea what egyptian shrine you talk about egyptians mamlukes divided palestine into sanjacks so the 100,000 moslems that were present in 14th century palestine are hardly the jews that were converted to christianity 1000 years earlier in byzantine times, as moslems & arab tribes came to the land since 7th century. it is believed that christian and jewish population was 50,000 people, mostly christian in 14th century, and they maintained the same number of people till 19th century. during ottomans the term palestine ceased to exist. people were displaced in the empire, and the counties of this area were used as a passing route to egypt, so unlikely the 400,000 moslems that were in palestine in end 19th century are somehow related to the jews. besides, jews have remained on the land as jews through the centuries. after rome was sacked in 410, romans and christians from europe were said to come over to palestine following holy man jerome's invitation to settle in palestina. from 200 communities after bar kohba revolt remained less then 50 jewish communities in 630. arab moslems came to palestine since 7th century, and kept coming since. also now. it is wrong to assume they have jewish blood because it suits them while being amongst a jewish majority.. as usual, you are making asumptions.
37. #31 that's a myth, everyone knows people infiltrate from
jordan, and they go and live in nablus or other places. only today 2 were caught from egypt and syria, what about those on the very long border with jordan that don't get caught? the police doesn't patrol the borders thatr often. george galloway was awarded a palestinian passport by hamas, and as many as 50 countries recognize it you know not what you speak!!!!
38. #31 palestinian authority passport
39. 31 - why would chritians want to return to the PA?
mike ,   israel (formerly usa   (04.15.09)
the PA is an islamic apartheid state which offers no place for christians. at least in israel arab christians will be left alone by the governing authorities (but not the local muslim population). arab christians never had it so good in the middle east as they have it in israel. TAHT'S THE FACT.
40. #4 ben-
Lisa   (04.19.09)
well, dear ben- why are you in Singapore and not Israel? Why are there Jews in Europe and other countries? Your argument is not good- if your argument was valid, then ALL JEWS should by now be in Israel- and stay there, because this was the land God gave you- not Europe, not America, not India---- see my point? this is a very small and peaceful group of people who is integrated in Israel- why should they not be allowed to return? They are asking the Pope for help in speaking out for them, since the Israeli politicians are no good... and not interested. They work in israel, probably pay as much taxes, or more than other Israelis, so give me ONE GOOD reason, not just emotional gab.
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