Egypt: Arab nations plotting against us
Roee Nahmias
Published: 18.04.09, 12:14
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31. #27 - you're not in Valhalla yet
publius ,   USofA   (04.19.09)
taking what you said to its logical conclusion, the Eypptian people must be feed up with Mubark govt, since he didn't join the fight and let Eypgtians help Hamas kill jews. Eygpt has a peace treaty with Israel, at the most basic level doing anything other than what Eygpt did during Cast Lead would have been veiwed as fundemantal break in the treaty, and what would that have accomplished, Oh I get it, kill the jews. trust me Odin its not going to be impressed by the likes of you, a cyberBerserker sitting on the sidelines.
32. #18 Wishful thinking. No Genocide
EgyptJewRefugee ,   Geneva, Switzerland   (04.19.09)
#18 Stop lying. Israel did not commit genocide. Stop meddling in Egyptian affairs. Yuo are not even Egyptian.
33. #20 I believe you to be a spy!
here oh Israel ,   riv ca.   (04.19.09)
Who are you working for! we want to know!!
34. All fabricated lies! Egypt will just request money from IMF
Tayfun_Turkey   (04.19.09)
and try to show financer behind IMF how dangerous things could happen if they do not give billions to them! Frequently resorted tactics and works well IN Turkey they arrest Ergenekon "terror" organization members who was planning to throw governmet and dictate a nationalist government !!!
35. #25 Cynthia
Marco ,   Spain   (04.19.09)
Cynthia I never claimed to have all the answers off hand. I will answer what I know and I will research what I dont know and get back to you some other time. The refugees in Lebanon, Syria and Jordan are kept in refugee camps because their presence there is temporary. They will be going back home to Palestine sooner or later (Right of return for Palestinian refugees worldwide) . Some of them actually still hold the keys to their homes in Palestine and when they die, the key is handed down to their hiers. Hezbollah is helping the people of Gaza, the only way it can, by putting pressure on the Egyptian Government to end the seige and allow humanitarian aid to flow in. They have also tried to help by sending money to pay for the salaries of civil servants including the Police. Hezbollah also tried to send a ship from the port of Tripoli loaded with medicine and food, but it was rammed at sea by the Israeli navy and forced to go back after being severly damaged. Aboard that ship, was an ex American Congress Woman whose name I cant recall right now. Anything else dear?
36. 19 - Cynthia
Dahal ,   M.E.   (04.19.09)
Tons of food are rotting in Egypt because it cant get through the Rafah cross. This is because of the collaboration between Israel and Egypt under the control and sponsorship of the US. Tiny Gaza is under attack by the World Superpower, the Regional Superpower and the closest thing to an Arab Superpower. Three Huge armies and billions of dollars all deployed aginst one tiny strip and the Hamas. Pure evil.
37. Mr. Viking #27
David ,   Rhode Island   (04.19.09)
According to the Norway Post all the rapes in Oslo the last three years were committed by "non-western immigrants" to Norway. I wonder what religion the rapists were?
38. Egypt
David ,   USA   (04.19.09)
Egypt once was predominantly Christian. What happened?
39. #35 - I still have a key to my home from 1982
William ,   Israel   (04.19.09)
Doesn't mean I own, and it doesn't indicate that I actually rented it at the time and never did own it. Same here with the Pals. Though they have a key (not very binding in the legal world) they have NO deed for the land. Jews do have deeds for tons of land, they also have historical records by British of the illegal immigration of thousands of Arabs from Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, and Egypt. Historical records that showed a multitude of languages spoken by Arabs in the 1930s, including Bosnian. Not exactly the typical case of people with a claim "multi-thousands year" legacy in the region, huh? Turk records showed less than 6% of land was in private hands...if so, how did every Arab own several dunams in just 3 years after WWI? Who sold it to them and bestowed ownership if they do have a deed? Pal refugees only reversed the illegal trend from 80 years ago - returning to the land of their birth.
40. #18 - better to aid a war than push for peace?
William ,   Israel   (04.19.09)
"he was any kind of leader he would send the palestinians tanks,aircraft defense systems,guns and bullets." Well, for one, if he did send them he would breach his own peace agreement and be subject to targeting by the IDF. We all remember how that went last time, huh? Second, it would just make the Pals more of a target to use these weapons and many more would be dead. You're not arming Pals, you're arming Hamas which has shown it cared nothing about human lives, as long as they help Allah look triumphant above all. Egypt did what an Arab nation should be doing - working as a mediator to bring both sides to a peace table and stop the fighting. Egypt was right to call Hamas out on its increase in violence and the use of rockets on civilian centers, the smuggling of money and weapons, and the use of Gazans as human shields. What you're saying is basically "As an Arab, Mubarak should have helped Hamas defeat Israel, despite being against Hamas' platform and a peace agreement with Israel. Arab for Arabs" - which is tantamount to Apartheid and racism.
41. #36 - Dahal - People in glass houses....
William ,   Israel   (04.19.09)
Well if you are so concerned that "tiny" Gaza was attacked by a "world superpower" then perhaps you should address your concern to Hamas and their brilliant strategy to launch rockets for years onto the civilians of this "so-called" superpower. You wold think that if Gaza were so tiny, it would do everything to make itself self-sustaining - yet Hamas took pride in targeting the crossings almost daily to block their own shipments, to cause gas shortages by stealing gas trucks, by causing unemployment by targeting Industrial zones and the advanced greenhouses. Not sure which "three armies" you're talking about because only Israeli soldiers were involved. You might be talking about the "three armies" of Gaza - Hamas, IJ, and The Revolutionary Guards of Iran. Curious which you consider more evil - the use of expensive weapons to target those firing rockets (without destroying a whole village) or those Hamas men who carried children in front of them as they walked to avoid being targeted. Your answer is enough to define you as a person.
42. #38 - So was Lebanon...
William ,   Israel   (04.19.09)
What happened? Maybe the EU is a good place to look for the events leading up.
43. #39 William
Marco ,   Spain   (04.19.09)
The deeds that count are the deeds that existed prior to the occupation of Palestine, not the fake deeds that were mass produced after occupation.
44. #35 Sixty years is not temporary
Cynthia ,   USA   (04.19.09)
Marco, the same countries that told the Arabs to leave Israel to make war in '48 (Syria, Jordan, Lebanon) have permanently dumped them in hovels. They rant about treatment of Palestinians by Israel while these people are treated like dirt by fellow Arabs/Muslims. The Arabs left on their own and have no right of return. Israel has made it clear they are not coming back. False promises is what groups like Hizbollah offer them. Hizbollah is setting up terror cells in Egypt which represents a security threat that causes border crossings to close. I suspect what Hizbullah pays is salaries of Hamas terror operatives who double as civil servants. So you're saying in 60 years, Hizbullah sent one ship with humanitarian aid they knew would be turned away? You've admitted Hizbollah only gives lip service and false hopes to the Palestinians.
45. #36 Dahal
Cynthia ,   USA   (04.19.09)
If food is rotting in Egypt, it's likely because the border crossings are closed for security reasons. This also holds true for the border crossings into Israel. When this happens, Israeli and Egyptian farmers lose money so it's not intentional. If you give specific dates of reference, you will likely be able to connect the border crossing closure to incidents related to Hizbullah or Hamas terror. But it seems you don't want to hold the Palestinians responsible for their role in the problem. Tiny Gaza was under attack because Hamas blasted tiny Israel with 9000 kassam missiles and bombs. Again, point the finger at everyone but the Palestinians. The IDF had to stop the Palestinian attack because the Palestinians refused to stop on their own. And you ignore the humanitarian aid and medical supplies/treatment provided to the Palestinians by Israel which represents their lifeline. We are waiting for the day when Palestinians stop attacking their lifelines and direct their counter productive efforts into ways to sustain themselves.
46. They are not conspiring but exposing the mubarak regime
gisele ,   Beirut   (04.19.09)
that lost the plot and now accepts millions to support the zionists , and help starve and kill the people of gaza (over 3 00 died because of lack of proper treatment ) and the rafah border continues to be closed . so the arab tvs have done nothing wrong but show pictures that speak for themselves . Egypt could easily open the rafah border and allow people to buy their food , medicine , ventoline , get treated in egypt at their hospitals , buy cement and glass to repair their homes but no , it keeps it shut . shame on you egypt , shame on you . U used to be great during the time of Nasser .
47. #46 Play the blame game, Gisele
Cynthia ,   USA   (04.19.09)
Israel and Egypt have been feeding, treating and providing supplies to Palestinians for 60 years. That's in addition to billions of dollars that's poured in from the US, UN, EU and other donors. With this money, the Palestinians could have built the most state of art medical facilities in the ME including dialysis centers, MRI units etc. so that Palestinians who needed urgent or complex medical treatment could have received it at a local level rather than risk being transported to Israel or Egypt. But no, this has not been a Palestinian priority. They defrauded donors and invested the money in terror. Palestinians get excellent medical treatment in Israel from the "Zionists" and would get even more timely care if acts of Palestinian terror did not require Israel to set-up security checks along the way. I have yet to see the Arab/Muslim world rise up to help the Palestinians. And it sounds like the contribution from Lebanon via Hizbullah to Egypt is terror cells and plans to attack Israelis from Egypt. Am I missing something Gisele?
48. "Packaging" Colonialism
Jake ,   Zion   (04.19.09)
Will not work willie. Never did, never will. Out you'll go!
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