Ahmadinejad asks Interpol to arrest '25 Zionist war criminals'
Published: 22.04.09, 10:51
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1. ahmadinejad sour looser not the hero of arabs he wants to be
2. Ahmadinejad truly gutsy man
3. my 50 cents
Don Leone   (04.22.09)
I have put toegether the names of 50 iranian war criminals , topping by their grand kakatollah Kamenei and Ahmadarejenbdeh, their self styled preisdent. These are on a hitlist, and should be targeted everywher ein the world. There are bounty made on them.
4. he just can't take the loss, poor guy.
5. ahMADinejad
Barrieg ,   Zichron Yaakov   (04.22.09)
This dangerous dictator is allowed so express his distorted and crazy world views freely and open to the world media. Whilst the voice of the internal opposition to him is silenced. The "hero" returned to a staged welcome for internal viewing but they were not able to see on there "hero" being subjected to the walk out in Geneva.
6. Iran plays us for the suckers we are
JPS ,   Efrat   (04.22.09)
Here is more "factual reporting" of what Iran's president said. The truth is, however, that it's simply more of the media (including YNET) having their collective heads up their butts and being stupidly used by the Iranians as a propaganda tool. Ahmadinejad is a known racist, liar, and war monger. Instead of the lead being "Iranian president continues verbal attacks on Israel", the press simply parrots his ludicrous request to Interpol. Did any Ynet readers watch the news yesterday? Did you see Ahmadinejad get off the plane to a hero's welcome in Iran? And what was the crowd chanting? "Death to Israel." Has anybody anywhere ever in the past 62 years seen any street protest in Israel where the Israelis chanted "death to Iran"? The answer is of course no. It has never happened. The real racists, of course, are in Iran. The real suckers, as you now now, are you and I for letting the media get away with printing Ahmadinejad's hate filled and overtly racist propaganda as if it were hard news.
7. To # 6 some Israelis do
an Arab   (04.22.09)
I heard them many times on TV chanting "death to Arabs"
8. And he pals around with and protects Sudan's president?!!!!!
Jo   (04.22.09)
Shows his hypocrisy big time, and why he can never be taken seriously. And does he really believe all that rubbish he rambled on about in his speech? Does he still live in the middle ages? Is he dumb? I have heard that rubbish before, standard Islamic prejudice and racist policy re Israel and Jews. So no hope for Iran's clergy, they have no minds of their own and have not a glue about Israel or the Palestinians at atll. And are the biggest racist there are!
9. Thankfully he is not an Arab at all!
Who says wisdom came from Persia???
10. he is a scrached cd with low memory capacity.
ghostq   (04.22.09)
11. The hand to nose gesture looks like he is smelling
his crotch or bung after wiping his crotch or bung with his hand.
12. institutionalize the Iranian retarded
Moshe   (04.22.09)
13. Ahmadinejad
Ana ,   UK   (04.22.09)
Pure evil!. He plans to wipe out one third of the world. Not only Israel should be worried.
15. To 9
Robotic   (04.22.09)
By now persian is becoming synonym of crime and terrorism ! This is the reason why they are mostly unwelcome in the western world
16. At least Ahmadinejad is consistent
Paul ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (04.22.09)
Although he dismisses the Holocaust as a hoax, ask him and he would also dismiss the genocide in Dalfur committed by Islamic Arabs and all the numerous Arab genocide success stories as hoaxes as well. So at least the man is consistent. The problem with Ahmadinejad is that he is a hypocrite, a moral deviant and delusional Islamic messianic Jihadist.
17. I would love to see THE CRIMINALS OF THE GAZA ATTACK in jail
Atilla Karagözoğlu   (04.22.09)
18. To #7 - Iranians are not Arabs, and...
JPS ,   Efrat   (04.22.09)
...and there was never an organized state rally of thousands of people chanting "death to Arabs.". Yea, you hear it at some soccer games and by small groups of demonstrators after Palestinian terrorist attacks. However, the Iranian government organizes mass rallies and gets tens of thousands of people to chant "death to Israel". In fact, official Iranian government policy calls for the destruction of Israel - that's about as racist and genocidal as you can get since they don't hide their lust for nuclear weapons to use on Israel. Sorry, Mr. Arab, but you have never heard the Israeli government call for Iran to be wiped off the map. You have heard calls for pre-emptive defensive strikes given Iran's threatening position, but not a call to wipe the entire country off the map, like Iran has called for Israel. Iran's leaders are obvious racists, and are abusing the world press spreading their propaganda.
19. Ahmadinejad must have been jilted by his Jewish lover
He is a sick sick man - I pray his time on this planet is short lived.
20. #6- what do you expect? they are MUSLIMS
Daniel Rossi ,   NYC, USA   (04.22.09)
Islam=Terror, hate, racism. No-one has the guts to stand up to Islam. So you see my friend, Muslim chanting "death to...." is normal behavior, and does not make it to the news. On the other hand, if a Christians or a Jews would do such a thing- that would be news-worthy.
21. #7
An American   (04.22.09)
Correct. I did hear Israelis scream"death to the Arabs" .This ONLY happens after Muslim terrorists murder Jews in cold blood. Those are indivduals and not state sponsored as a matter of policy!!!
22. Iran must be a great country...
Natan   (04.22.09)
One can only assume that Iran is a great place to live in...No economic crisis, every one is happy, every one has all they need. No crime, no car accidents, they all love each other. One can only assume this because the only thing that these morons are pre occupied with is the Palestinians and the holocaust...
23. #7
maybe some israelis in anger do shout stupid dangerous things like that. i can't say as an israeli that i support these remarks by some of my country men. they may do this in an angry response to the terrorism in our country by arabs from within and from without. however, there is a very big difference between SHOUTING OR SAYING THINGS ON ONE HAND, AND PLANNING ON COMMITTING WHAT THEY SAY, ON THE OTHER HAND. people may say things in anger in the heat of passion, but collectively, the israeli government and its israeli population....compared to the iranian government policy does NOT WISH THE DESTRUCTION OF THE ARABS NOT IN GAZA AND NOT IN ISRAEL AND NOT IN JUDEAH AND SAMARIA. iran's governent policy is the annihilation of zionism, that means the annihilation of our state of jews in the middle east. this is government policy where the leader actually says this, not just people on the streets. now, when a government, which is the ultimate authority in a country, calls for the death of another country, this is dangerous because it is not only some people doing this. it is a government doing this. with very few exceptions, i have never in my life in israel saw even a few people on israeli streets call for the annihilation of ,muslims and arabs in the middle east....but you heard almost a huge crowd when ahmad-inejad came back to iran...they were shouting death to israel. imagine that happening in israel. it will never be allowed! for a government to have a policy of eradicating a neighbor state of the un is a shame! NO ONE IN ISRAEL WISHES ANYONE DEAD. NO ONE! the arab israelis know this too well and enjoy indeed a quality of life and freedom rarely experienced by their brothers in all muslim countries. we do not kill arabs for the enjoyment of it. we do so for self defense against the terror, intifadas, etc... you should have your own country. any people should aspire to collectively come together and build an independent nation based on their values, their aspiration, their ethenticity and their culture. but, denying the jews their own country and their own aspiration for liberty and self rule is a bog mistake that arabs or iran makes because to live with hate and the desire to kill another country will only explode in the haters' faces one day. i have nothing against the palestinian arab people. i have a lot against terrorism and killing of our people because of hate, revenge and religious doctrine.
24. #9
and how much wisdome comes from arabia? not much.
25. Only if Muslims are arrested.
Chris   (04.22.09)
Muslims consider any attrocity they commit as acceptable in a holy war. If their wars allow attrocities then why do they care if non-Muslim countries do such things? How can a murderer call another murderer despicable without implicating himself?
26. we need to thank him
alan ,   toronto   (04.22.09)
i dont think jews and our supporters have ever been able to produce such a united response from western nations. Thank you Mr. Ahmadinajad
27. Ahmadinajad (pron: I-MAD-THE-NUT-JOB)
KB ,   US   (04.23.09)
He's gotta be snorting something from those poppy fields in Afghanistan or he's hanging around the leaking russian made nuclear facilities too long. What a tin horn dictator!!!
28. ahMADdiNUT's demetia illness is getting worse
Zohan ,   Tel Aviv   (04.23.09)
I am really worried about him
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