Why should they get a state?
Hagai Segal
Published: 27.04.09, 00:45
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78 Talkbacks for this article
31. funny
annie ,   san francisco   (04.27.09)
so now ynet is publishing comedy, so funny.
32. Palestinians? Fake!
Joo ,   Eurabia   (04.27.09)
The term "Palestinians" is the biggest falsification in Human history. In this matter Jews can be called Palestinians. The non-Jewish population of Gaza, Samaria and Judea are ARABS. it's absurd that Israel should create another Arab state.
33. there is a Palestinain State
RHT ,   Jerusalem   (04.27.09)
Jordan is a state made up primarily of "Palestinian" Arabs. Jordan is in part of what was Palestine. There are already 2 states for 2 peoples.
34. right to a state
Avrom ,   bet shemesh   (04.27.09)
People who who are not tolerant liberal and have no respect for other people or the truth and democracyrule of law and justice do not deserve the right to vote or have a state
35. #3 serious road blocks started in 1986 intifada, u sure
about getting jordanian citizenship? i should think many of them would move there to join their families instead of fearing becoming refugees in jordan, if they got jordanian citizenship like you said
36. they already have one....
oded   (04.27.09)
anyone without any historical distortion in mind, would come to the very simple conclision-- trans-ordan which was created at the end of ww1, by ,who else, the brits, IS the only legitimate, bona fide ""palestinian state". jordan controlled the west bank until '67, and its poulation simply should be brought back to their homeland, jordan. any othr attempt to recreate history is futile.
37. Okay, no state ...
berlonski ,   Berlin   (04.27.09)
Okay, no state ... The consequences of "no state" the author unfortunately does not tell. Expulsion of the Arabs of the territories? Or full Israeli citizen rights for all of them? Or just leaving them in their current second-class-people status? Yes, the Basks, Catalonians, Kurds etc. do not have an own state but full citizenship of the country they live in. As long as the author does not tell what his demands really mean, his article is just cheap and demagogic.
38. Please tell me that this is satire.
Stephen ,   London, UK   (04.27.09)
But the Kurds, Basques, Catalans, Corsicans, and Scots do have states but maybe just not the ones they want. When Israel gives citizenship to all Palestinians living in the West Bank, Gaza and the refugee camps in neighbouring countries then you might have an argument but until then the author of this stupid article should shut up!
39. Keep Listning to youself
Native Palestinian ,   Historic Palestine   (04.27.09)
So, No need for Israeli state as well, right? Its your turn, so go ahead, say whatever you want to say, there are no justice whatsoever. Native Palestinian
40. Palestinian state
John ,   Boise, Idaho, USA   (04.27.09)
Need a little land to settle in? Why not portion off a part of Iraq and move in. That would allow Israel to expand to it's orignal borders and fully show the world that they are a fulfillment of God's original intent to Israel of "land" "people" and "blessing" indicated by the original promise to Abraham - Genesis 12. Thus, Palestine would help to amplify Israels's fulfillment of prophecy as indicated throughout the Old Testament, and, perhaps, find peace in do so.
41. a palestian state works wonderful on paper not in reality
zionist forever   (04.27.09)
A palestinian state is a nice little idea for the Israel leftists & the rest of the world but the simple fact is its never going to be viable and even its creation works on paper only. There are not enough natural recources to share between 2 states. The palestinian state is going to be small and overnight a huge influx of people wanting citizenship when the palestinians from arab states are finally deported. There is no money to create a viable state especially during a recession and they will probably find that once they get the state the world will start looking for other lost causes to support rather than spending billions every year on the palestinians. In Israel the settler movement can make or break an election, any government that starts talking about mass evacuations is not going to loose alot of votes & its being in power that parties are interested in not palestinians. Security will be a nightmare. Between security, settlers, & various other issues the deal would take us into depression and the country would be in debt for decades. Jerusalem its a non starter there is no way you can divide the city. There are to many emotional issues over religion and the city itself. You can physicly divide the city which will make it impossible for business, tax issues, life for the ordinary people of the city. People are not just living in cantons of all jews and all arabs peope are spread all over the place. What happens if you find yourself on the wrong side of the border? Travel means going through border checks. You could have an open city where regions are owned by each state with no physical barriers but again. Businesses will find themselves with all sort of legal & tax issues. There is again the problem of ending up on the wrong side of the border. Two states with a common undivided capital its going to become the holy city of terror & smuggling. Get your bomb or drugs walk into Jerusalem on your side and travel into the other sides state without any border control. The palestinian culture itself is not ready for statehood. They are still made up of a collection of political & terror groups with seperate agendas nobody has the authrority to represent everybody. The entire palestinian identity is based around the idea we are poor badly done by refugees, give them a state they will either say we have a state but we are still refugees and one day we will liberate the rest of palestine ( Israel ) or will they be able to start over with an entirely different identity. I very much doubt the we are all refugee issue will ever end especially if we force them to compromise on the right of return issue & Israeli arabs make problems. Its going to be a political issue that never goes away and they will force the world to take notice. At first the world will say thats a solution but a few years down the line when it doesn't go away the arabs have a skill at getting the world to take notice of any problem they have with Israel and its Israel the arab side they usualy take. What happens if the palestinians never stop their demand & Israeli arabs will see the palestinan state creation as a symbol of hope and start campaigning for the binational state idea once the world has got the palestinin side sorted they will start supporting the Israeli arabs. We will start to see campaign groups saying its all apartheid and there must be trade sanctions etc. The palestinan state is just stage 1 of a slippery road thats going to hurt Israel its not going to turn the Middle East into the Garden of Eden.
42. to #39 since
ghostq   (04.27.09)
Israel is the only jewish stat on earth, how many islamic stats there r? just a rhetoric quetion
43. 2 states
bear ,   zefat. Israel   (04.27.09)
Give the so-called palestenians the Sinai. Betcha a bunch they wouldn't want it. No way to harass us.
44. A question for the Palis...
Bri ,   Sri Lanka   (04.27.09)
Forgive me, but I could do with a quickie history lesson. When was there previously a Palis State? Surely not under the Ottomans? Certainly not while the Brits were there... Maybe I missed the chapter on the autonomous regional government while the Jordanians were on both sides of the river... and could someone please tell me why the Egyptians were quite happy to leave the Gaza Stripers out of their peace negotiation? Cheers.
45. Jews were call "Palestinians" by Russians, Brits, French
Alon ,   Tel Aviv   (04.27.09)
Arabs were called Arabs. Like all Arabs in Israel they came from the desert to the Land which was much worse than the desert. No city in Israel was bult by Arabs. Jerusalem had 10,000 people in 1900, and about 50% Jews, some Armenians ans some Arabs, very few Turks. Syrians still consider Israel (including Juder ans Samaria) as part of Syria. Even S. Arabia consider Israel part of Arabia (1% of S. Arabia). What is Gaza now? people from Sudan, Somalia and others that came for jobs and much better life than in Somalia, Sudan.
46. To: Sara at No. 22
Sarah ,   New York City, USA   (04.27.09)
Not quite. Arabs living in Israel proper are full citizens of Israel (with all the rights and privileges attendant thereto but not very much loyalty). Arabs in East Jerusalem are citizens of Israel, as they are in the Golan, because those areas have been fully and formally annexed. West Bankers are not citizens of Israel because Israel has not formally annexed the territories. If it does -- you will all have to leave. There is no way Israel is going to grant citizenship to 2 million people committed to the destruction of the Jewish state.
47. Yes to dissolving PNA into Israel and living as equals
Mohammad ,   Exile   (04.27.09)
Moshe Cryan , I support the idea of dissolving the PA into Israel so long as we all live as equals. I don't even object to some sort of a power balancing formula whereby no one group can dominate the others. Sort if like Switzerland. That would be a country I am willing to die defending. And who cares about the name call it Israel or call it Kit Kat.
48. how dare you
rico ,   london   (04.27.09)
how dare you expel a people from their land - whether it was a nation or not - then establish your own nation based on foreigners who already have other citizenship! their desire for a country is different to yours. you were polish, russian, german, american etc before, these people have always been palestinians and nothing else. They have no other place to reside. They want a country for the same reason you do: to stop powerful governments from harrasing, massacring, humiliating them etc
49. its simple
Bassem ,   USA   (04.27.09)
the only way to solve this problem is to have all the jews go back to where they came from. The jews are a scattered race that truly don't have a land so they've used religion/corruption as a means to get the land they occupy now. It even said in the bible that God saw you were not fit to have the land so what makes you think you deserve it now. Plus i would like add that your down talk about the palestinian/arab community makes you the real anti-semites.
50. to 49 mohammad
sara ,   usa   (04.27.09)
it is not kitkat it is banana state
51. Creating another Arab Palestine is another racist country
David ,   Boston, USA   (04.27.09)
Why does the world want to steal more land from Israel to create another racist Arab Palestine? You cant have peace with such racism. Isnt it bad enough that Jordan palestine (the bulk of historic Palestine) has laws banning Jews from citizenship and land ownership. Every Jews who lived there for centuries had everything taken away, yet they want to creat another racist state? Look at Gaza. Hamas charter calls for killing Jews. You cant have peace with such racism. Current Israel is about 20% of the land known as Palestine for the past several hundred years under the Ottoman Empire. It is 20% Arab. The rest of the land is 0% Jewish now because all the Jews were kicked out. Stop trying to create another racist state, and start trying to create peace. Cancel Palestine. Create peace. 2 states, Israel and Jordan Palestine. Jews MUST live in Judea and Samaria for there to be peace. If some of that falls on the Jordan Palestine side, so be it, but to not allow Jews is racist and dispicable, and not for peace. Am Yisrael Chai! the land
52. #39, native, you are Jewish right?
David ,   Boston, USA   (04.27.09)
Since the native population is Jewish, not Arab. Squatters arent native.
53. Why should Palestinians have avote in Israel
avrom ,   bet shemesh   (04.27.09)
English people do not have a vote in France and furthermore Palestinians want to dismantle Israel so it is right and proper they should not have a vote
54. To: Northern at No. 16
Sarah ,   New York City, USA   (04.28.09)
So Palestinian West Bankers should take up the problem with Jordan, who unilaterally revoked their citizenship in 1988. Not Israel's fault the Palestinians are "stateless." You've had three bites at the apple, and rejected them all. Sooner or later -- you have to learn from your mistakes and you have to expect that the lessons will be hard ones. Tough. You did it to your own selves; not Israel's problem.
55. Problem with the 2 state solution?
andrew   (04.27.09)
Well, you don't have much choice left except 1 state or the inevitable war when you try to expel the Palestinians into Egypt and Jordan. And I thought Israelis didn't like wars.
56. To: John at No. 9
Sarah ,   New York City, USA   (04.28.09)
Where did you come up with your "facts?" They're wrong. Do a little research. The archeological and historical record which ties Jews to Israel is indisputable. (Try reading the Bible, for example.) The Palestinians, on the other hand, largely came from the Balkans and were moved there by the Ottoman Turks because they were such an unruly and uncontrollable and troublesome population in the Balkans. Hey ..... see any parallels? Some things NEVER change. And there is -- of course -- the little matter of SIX WARS (all won by Israel) and sixty years of terror on an unimagined (worldwide) scale. Oh,. and let's not forget the little matter of the TWICE REJECTED two state solution. You've proven to have an abysmal knowledge of history, but this much you might know: When Germany lost to the Allies, did they set the terms of surrender? No. Did Japan? No. Have the vanquished at ANY time in history set the terms? Of course not. So -- after six wars -- why would Israel allow the Palestinians to set the terms to anything? Unconditional, complete and total surrender. That's what the Palestinians can have. If they want anything more --- well -- they can argue their case in someone else's country. You are a fool, sir. Read up on history.
57. To: Andrew at No. 55
Sarah ,   New York City, USA   (04.28.09)
Smug, stupid comment. You are correct, though: Israelis do not like wars. Which is not quite the same thing as being able to fight them better than any other military force in the world, now is it? Israel can -- and probably some day will -- expel the Palestinians. They are a cancer within the Israeli body politic. And you know what? Have you learned anything from recorded history? The world will complain for five minutes.... and then move on. Just look at the African continent. About 75 million refugees. Who bleats and moans and beats their breasts over them? You really think that it will be any different with respect to a bunch of rabble-rousing troublesome terrorists? It won't. The world has bigger fish to fry.
58. Britain fought WW11 and the Falklands so that
avrom ,   bet shemesh   (04.28.09)
provesthat Britain likes wars NOT!!!
59. Northern
to Sarah #54   (04.28.09)
First, its not "we" it's "them" since I'm not a Palestinian. I'm Israeli. Second, it's not about a nation or what country holds you or used to hold - it's about a territory you live in. Palestinians have been living in the West Bank for generation and they should have a full citizenship in a country that holds the West Bank. Currently, Israel controls it so either Israel leaves the West Bank for the Palestinians and let them build their own state on it or give them Israeli citizenship. If Jordan was still in control of the West Bank, then you're right but currently it's not. My point is that those people come with this land. You want this land, accept the people who have been there for many generations, don't want these people then you can't have the land. Sorry, you just can't tell them "everybody get your stuff, you're leaving. We're the new land owners".
60. Maybe... But not a solution
Reluctant Hawk ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (04.28.09)
Even if the Palestinian case for independence is weak -- and the argument made in the article is a reasonable one -- the author still doesn't solve the main problem. How should the Palestinian Arabs be governed? The options include only: Either we cede territory to another state, we continue to rule them and risk losing our Jewish state, or we do to them something horrible and immoral which most of us would not support. If the author has a version of the first option that doesn't include "Palestine", he should tell us.
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