Jewish Scene
Why haredim don't honor Memorial Day
Eliezer Hayon
Published: 27.04.09, 15:31
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120 Talkbacks for this article
31. those haredim must be expelled from Israel
MMA guy   (04.27.09)
and we must cancel their citizenship !
32. because it does not mean anything..
Mark   (04.27.09)
it does not mean anything to them because they do not serve in the army, the do not take part in constructive building of a country- they see themselves as what? If you don't identitfy with a country- you are not part of it- then pray tell, what are you doing there? You can wait for salvation somewhere else if the country is not yours. give and take- whoever only takes and gives nothing is selfish- religion or not. Nations are build on people- Israel was built with the sweat and blood of thousands of people- they deserve to be remembered, recognized - is this too much to ask from people who contribute nothing? They want protection, support, conveniences, healthcare, etc.... and what are they willing to give? I don't care if it is religious or secular people- but people who are only in a coun, any country, to take advantage without contributing are just- bloodsuckers.
33. no meaning
Jacob Erickson ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (04.27.09)
if these days really mean nothing to you, move back to a country of persecution and problems being Jewish. Then maybe you can rejoice at the feeling of easy life as a Jew here in the holy land.
34. haridim
sad ,   israel   (04.27.09)
disgusting parasites and our soldiers and police have to protect them.
35. BS! You're just creating enormous amounts of hate!
David ,   Jerusalem   (04.27.09)
Haredim do care for the fallen and the soldiers. Fact, the biggest charity and volunteer institutions are all Haredi. Who are you trying to fool?There's just no real positive connection between the countries intitutionalized ideology and the world of Torah.
36. I agree with 1, 2 and 3
chaya ,   bat Yam   (04.27.09)
I don't consider them part of the Jewish people.
37. This is a BLOOD LIBEL!
Shalom   (04.27.09)
This article is pure venom, lies, distortion and evil. Hareidim DO care. Every Jew is a connected spirit, irrespective of his beliefs. The reason Hareidim don't stand to attention like non-Jews do on War Memorial day, is because it is not the Jewish way of mourning. We have many days to mourn our fallen: Tisha B'Av; 17 of Tammuz; 10th of Tevet. These are Jewish days, where we fast, pray in the merit of all Jews who have been killed and who have suffered throughout history, and do things THE JEWISH WAY. How many seculars even understand what these fasts are all about. Imagine that it is decided that to make Memorial Day more real, everyone has to fast and restrain from sexual relationships. How many of you could manage that? So don't criticise Hareidim; be thankful that at least they are doing something truly in the merit of the Fallen.
38. The Rabbis might be more interested if the Independence Day
Rivkah   (04.27.09)
and Memorial Day honored the people God protected in battle instead of those who died. What? Yes, the people who were protected by God under Psalms 91 because they followed God's commandments including dietary laws and repented when they erred. King David would not have lived more than a few minutes after greeting Goliath unless the Lord protected him.
39. Motzie shame ra (giving a bad name)
Tuvia Schertzman,MD ,   Betar Ilit   (04.27.09)
We are charedim. I have served in the IDF as a combat physician for many years. An older son served in a combat unit, another son is presently in officer's training in the special forces of the IDF. One of my daughters served in the National Service for two years. This author owes my family an apology.
Michael ,   Jerusalem   (04.27.09)
yes ... why ? .... is it worse to not honor independance day ? ... independance or dependance day, dependance to USA, to the UN, to the Vatican ... well guys, i m not a naturei karta, i made aliyah 6 years ago but trust me to desecrate shabbat is a lot worse worse than not honnor independance day... I put an israeli flag on my windows and just stood up for the fallen soldiers (G.d Bless them) but still not sure if haredim are soooooo wrong ... they have differente views. its acceptable if they don't harm Am israel like shaking hands with ahmadin-jajad (imah shemo) but all haredim ARE NOT naturei karta...
41. Haredim
Ceaser ,   Ariel, IL   (04.27.09)
Thank you Chanya #2 you are right on.
42. I probably wont get published because...
shadoil ,   Jerusalem   (04.27.09)
I must say this is the biggest BULLSHIT I have ever read! I am Haredi and while I do take offense to all of my secular friends partying on 9th of Av or walking to the beach on Yom Kippur,none the less, Independence Day and Yom HaZikaron do mean something ot me but much less than to my secular friends. Why? Not because i dont care as this article would imply but because I have something so much more meaningful in my life. But I wouldd never disrespect those who have given their lives for me the way my secular friends disregard the millions who have died before 1939-1945 for the sake of the JEWISH NATION!
43. Haredim = Goim!!!!!!!!!
Phoenix ,   Israel   (04.27.09)
They live inside us, take money from the state. They are a bunch of selfish lazy scum. Throw them out the Jewish state. Send them to Iran they for sure would love to live there (Except they will get no money for children from the state and they will get no money for not working) The haredim are ennemies of the Jewish nation.
44. to #25 - and your point is?
Chanya ,   Israel   (04.27.09)
If you're referring to my free use of the "s" ending instead of "t", that is because I was addressing myself to the writer who most likely uses the Ashkenazi style and would respond better to it. If there is something else (I'm not sure what - I only used a word or phrase at a time, so I don't know what grammar I might have trampled on), then please edify us. In any event, that was hardly the point of my post. Seems like when we have people out there writing articles about how they feel nothing when their fellow Jews are killed because those Jews just might be "Zionists" then we have bigger issues to discuss than "s" and "t" endings.
45. #12 - Good question. Have you asked them why not?
William ,   Israel   (04.27.09)
I personally know many secular citizens who feel very Jewish and celebrate Jewish holidays with vigor. However, they ALL cite the obtrusive nature of the haradim in controlling everything Jewish. It's not lost on the rest of the nation the many haradim who abuse the system to gain power or money, and the many instances of "holier than thou" haradim who are caught read handed abusing the law. Many (not all) act as if they are a "State within the State" - and that's plain bullsh*t! Many of my secular friends said they would gladly follow the Torah more closely, including going to beit kenneset, IF it didn't come with the oppressive haradim! And THAT is probably why many don't celebrate the holiday you mentioned.
46. Boring
Mark ,   Jerusalem   (04.27.09)
Why are you making more hate between Jews
47. what is there to celbrate about?
that we have leaders who are thiefs, molesters, rapists, leftist, so what is there to be proud of?????? if you want a day off go ahead
48. This article is mistaken.
Avi ,   hilltop, Israel   (04.27.09)
The article claims that Hareidim don't honour Memorial Day or Independence Day because they and their families didn't fight or participate in the state, nd therefore the days mean nothing to them. But this argument is clearly false. Hareidim also don't commemorate Yom Hashoah, but the Holocaust means a great deal to them, and they were affected by it at least as much as any other Jewish community. So the author of this piece needs to go back to the beginning and find a new argument -- one that stands up to scrutiny. Try again.
49. #42 right, shadoil
Lisa   (04.27.09)
you are certainly right- if you are one Haredi who respects the memorials for the fallen... but not all Haredi think like you... this article was written for those who do not care..... there are probably many secular people in Israel who do not celebrate and respect those days either- and I am sure there are articles written about them too.. TBs are notorious for making general statements- or haven't you noticed? One, or a few doing something, or not doing something- and immediately it is ALL Haredi, all XXX... are..... I hope you don't take offense too much, it is not worth it- tomorrow there will be another TB, another victim...
50. I think I'll drive down Rabbi Akiva in Bnei Brak on Saturday
Israel   (04.27.09)
51. Terrible article not representing Haredi ideology
Yoni ,   Jerusalem   (04.27.09)
The article was terrible in my opinion. This does not mention any ideology of the haredi sector of Israel. To say that we dont care and it means nothing to us is insane. We pray for the soldiers during times of warfare, we feel when soldiers fall protecting our lives. Anyone who says this is not true is lying. The fact that charedim do not serve in the IDF en mass does not mean we could care less about our soldiers and other Jewish lives. We follow the torah (mybe brackman doesnt know this) and clearly a very important part of our torah teaches us of Jewish unity and love for all Jews. Unity prevails even when Jews are worshiping idols, Unity is the key to our success and all who do not feel for other Jews cannot consider themselves part of a nation but rather merely individuals. Haredi ideology cannot be separated from the basic values of the Torah or it would not be charedi sorry brackman but you blackened the name charedi
52. i agree with rashid #4
milud   (04.27.09)
i don't understand either.
53. shut off social services
charicleia ,   USA   (04.27.09)
Haredim don't give support to anyone else and can't even take care of themselves. but the govt of Israel does. the two situations are entirely unequal. If you can't support the hand that feeds you, then that generosity can be given to the truly needy.
jesusalen ,   jesusalen   (04.27.09)
Interpretations of the torah by Jesus,reconcile with your enemy,do not take an oath in vain,do good to your enemy,do charity in secret,pray in secret,do not be materialist the time destroys everything look for righteousness,do not judge so as not to be judged,whatever you wish that human beings do for you likewise you also do for them,if someone fools you go and resolve it between yourself,if you want to be mature go and sell your personal assets and give to the poor,the greatest commandment of the law is shema yisrael and love your neighbour as much as you love yourself.
55. It has something to do with L"G B'Omer
Sally F   (04.27.09)
They say that they are in a period of mourning until Lag B'Omer, so they don't celebrate. But they can commemorate. Clearly, if other Jews are standing to honor the fallen, then clearly, it is not just a gentile custom. So honor the fallen. There is no skin off your back in doing so.
56. why haredim dn't honor Memorial Day
Gavriel ,   South Africa   (04.27.09)
Eliezer your statements are filled with disgrace! You liken your statements to having a sense of not caring for this particular subject because you feel it’s a insignificance in your life as most haredim do not serve nor have fallen for the state. But surely you can liken this statement to Sepharadim during yom hashoah not much of sepharadim died in the holocaust yet they celebrate that day! Why mr Hayon do you feel this is anything different? To me not being apart of yom ha zikaron is completely outrageous. The ultimate “goal” as so to speak of the purpose of this very day is mourning the loss of JEWS if you believe that means nothing to you then find another religion as that is the opposite of what Judaism is about. If you want to respond to me please send me a message to
57. It means nothing becuase God means nothing to you
Yos   (04.27.09)
The Haredi public does not really fear God, they have no concpet to be "Maker Tov". Sad, Yos
58. re: phoenix no.43
shachar ,   jerusalem   (04.27.09)
1. whats "Jewish" about this state? 2.the only enemies of the jewish state/ jewish nation is the jews themself, the jews who dont care for their heritage,the jews who do nothing that defines them as jews, the jews who marry out and the jews who hate their fellow jews just because they want to fulfill the Torah!!! the Torah that ensures a true Jewish nation!! 3. maybe you should come to realise and appreciate that it takes all types of jews to make the jewish nation.(not just those who would give up their heritage in a heart beat)
59. Who cares about this agnostic cult
LarryT ,   K.Sava   (04.27.09)
It is about time us Jews stood up for ourselves
60. Love of Israel
ruth ,   israel   (04.27.09)
I am charedi and I just finished watching with tears the very meaningful, though sad, ceremony at the kotel for our fallen soldiers. There are thousands of charedim who have lost their loved ones and friends during Israel's wars. And, the charedim were at the front lines with our soldiers during Cast Lead, bringing presents, treats and showing our love and appreciation to the soldiers. Listen now to radio kol chai and hear the moderators say "our soldiers." The charedi tzedeka organizations give to everyone, religious and non-religious. Hayon's article just spreads hatred and shouldn't have been printed in YNET. Let's have more love for one another in the merit of our kedoshim.
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