UN: 60,000 Palestinians risk losing homes in east Jerusalem
Published: 01.05.09, 12:01
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31. Ethnic Cleansing
Ali Z ,   Washington DC   (05.01.09)
But the legitimate owners of this land (cananite palestinians) always prevail. Enjoy your short stay Israel.
32. The UN needs to examine its own policies like the
Rivkah   (05.01.09)
destruction of Katanga in the 1960's to please the Congo. Israel should understand what allowing UN troops into Israel, even on the Temple Mount, would mean. It would be like the Romans who were asked to help the ancient Judeans against Syrian forces. The Romans helped and then they would not leave. In Katanga, the UN bombed the businesses and factories until the people had no work. Then the people were slaughtered and raped and robbed BY UN TROOPS with the consent of the UN! There is a news DVD called "Katanga" available from "WRM" 18950 Hwy.441 #308, Mt. Dora, Florida 32757...for $25. Make checks payable to WRM (World Radio Ministries). To know the horror that UN troops often leave in their wake, you see to see what happened to Katanga.
33. I propose to all to review the way in which Jerusalem was...
Yedidja Ben-Ami ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (05.01.09)
...governed and developed before 1967 and after!!! Prior to 1967 Jerusalem was a desolate little town on the road to no where. Today, under Israeli governance has taken over people from throughout the world frequent the place and express their appreciation for the fact that it has indeed become the center of culture and religion for Jews, Christians and Muslims alike, from which both residents and outsiders benefit. The only way to keep it this way is to govern the place properly, including through the enforcement of Jerusalem's municipal laws and regulations. We must not allow those who don't wish to see Jerusalem continue to develop into the center that it is designed to be rule the affairs of the city and its population: Jew, Christian and Muslim.
34. Hey Nour, your comments
Yaron ,   USA   (05.01.09)
are typical mis-guided Arab bravado. When will you imbiciles learn that you are in no position to make almost reminds me of a rabid dog that needs to be put down. Stop your barking because you Arabs did nothing good with Jerusalem when you had it....besides desecrated holy sites other than Islamic. You people are really quite a joke and will go down in the history books as the village idiots of Israel.
35. #31
correction. read history and actual genetic research by very credible and famous historians both arab and jewish and christians. the cananites were never arabs, muslim or palestinians and all research proves the fact that the cnanites were in fact jewish tribes in the land of israel. i guess you listened too often to arafat's propaganda in changing history and proven facts. sorry, no connection both historically and genetically between arabs and cananites ever! vivienne, beirut, lebanon
36. #34 Israel denying1,400 million Muslim pilgrim to Jerusalem
observer   (05.01.09)
will!, that is not history; that is contemporary; Israel IS desecrating holy sites.
37. Ali Z, 31, you made me laugh with "Canaanite Palestinians"
Historian ,   USA   (05.01.09)
Whatever Canaanites and Philistines were left after Babylonian, Assyrian and Persian conquest of Ancient Israel, Judea and Philistia were converted to Judaism under John Hyrcanus with the re-establishment of the Jewish state in the Second Century BCE. That being said, Judaism itself is most likely a mixture of pagan Canaanitic beliefs mixed with Zoroastrianism and the Jews themselves (as far as linguistics and archaeology prove) are descended from a class of Canaanites called the 'Apiru. Also, Hebrew is the language the Canaanites spoke. For all purposes, the Canaanites are now Jews and the Jews were Canaanites. The Arabs are invaders and "occupiers", who brought with them a foreign language (Arabic), a foreign religion (Islam), a foreign judicial system (Sharia) and continued calling the region by the name given to it by its Roman occupiers (Palaestina/Falasteen). If your level of knowledge on the subject is indicative of the quality of Arab education, it's no wonder you guys are still stuck 600 years behind the rest of the world. Open up a book other than your Qur'an and learn something about this world before you open your mouth again.
38. to #36 observer
GZ ,   USA   (05.01.09)
Isn't it a little strange that when Jerusalem was in Arab hands Muslims were not interested pilgrimages. Jews were kicked out, their holy places destroyed or desecrated (the ancient grave stones were used to pave latrines). Even now that Jerusalem is under Israeli sovereignty Jews are forbidden -- by Israeli government!!! -- to pray on the Temple Mount so that not to offend delicate Muslim sensibilities. But that is not enough for our "observer". Could the "observer" please enlighten us why is it that Israel must allow millions of people from the countries who refuse even to recognize it and that are officially at war with it to flood it's capital? We will anxiously await your response.
Adam ,   USA   (05.01.09)
Every Arab country has apartheid racist policies against Jews- No Jews can live there. The Palestinian Authority has racist apartheid policies against Jews. Jews may not live or own property in these places. Why does the UN, US & EU only attack Israel? Because they do not care and criticism would be futile. Israel needs to make a difficult decision. It must decide if it wants to be a Jewish State or a democratic state- Zionism and democracy cannot coexist. If we are to survive as a Jewish nation, we must choose Zionism not democracy. Zionism and Judaism are racist ideologies and we should embrace them with pride and show contempt for those hypocrites who challenge our morality. Democratic rights are OK but should be reserved for Jews only in the land of Israel. I AM A PROUD ZIONIST RACIST.
40. #2 Nour
jb ,   Canada   (05.01.09)
You're an idiot. Is apatheid building universities for you in the west bank that werent there before 1967? Is apartheid having access to the Israeli Supreme Court. Is apartheid having a better medical care than anywhere else in the mid-east? But I'll tell what apartheid is... its the racist genocidal culture you embrace that means to complete Hitler's work. Its the mysogynistic, anti-gay, anti Christian culture you embrace. You and your Arab/Muslim brethren are the true purveyors of apartheid throughout the world, Nour! Actually its a lot worse than apartheid. And as far as your so-called friends from s. Africa are concerned...its just a mutual masturbation society. You see Nour, you can't change history or its path. There are those like you who know nothing about it and those like you who are sincere in their desire to destroy everything and everyone who is non-Muslim!
41. Nour
jb ,   Canada   (05.01.09)
Jerusalem has never been an Arab city, dumbass! The only people leaving will be you and your cultist brothers. Don't mistake that propaganda BS for history. Oh by the way, did you know that Jordan is part of the Palestine Mandate? Try moving there are see how well they treat you!
42. #31
jb ,   Canada   (05.01.09)
What a hypocrite! Living in Washington, are we, Ali? I guess you've had enough of "Palestine"? Hahahahaha
43. #36
jb ,   Canada   (05.01.09)
"Israel IS desecrating holy sites. " Which ones, asshole...Joseph's Tomb, the grounds of the Western Wall.? Your Pali friends have systematically destroying anything related to Jewish heritage they can get their evil little paws on! An you call yourself "Observer"! Look in the mirror and you'll observe a POS, but you have to open your eyes!
44. Arbs denying14 million Jewish pilgrim to holy site of Medina
better observer   (05.01.09)
Arbs have systematically destroyed any remains of Jewish existence there
45. Observer 36 , what a liar you are !!!!
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (05.01.09)
From 1948 to 1967 when Jerusalem was occupied by Jordan , the king of Saudi Arabia did'nt even visit this "holy" site . So not so holy . In the same period Jews were prevented to pray at the Western wall , Jewish cemeteries were desecrated , synagogues burned . Now , if we had'nt to fear all those would be murderers , Muslims would certainly be welcome . What holy sites were desecrated by Israel ?
46. Observer #36
Yaron ,   USA   (05.01.09)
They would be welcome the day after their countries recognized and had relations with Israel. It is they who are/was/and will ALWAYS BE rejectionists. No one is denying the 1.4B muslims anything. If the Muslim leadership was not so racist and xenophobic we would be living in peace. Let me ask you a question my self-righteous you ask the same of the following regimes? Saudi Arabia, Iran, Syria, Egypt, Jordan, Libya, Iraq, etc.... Didn't thinks so!
47. observer, 36, what about the Islamic Waqf denying
Historian ,   USA   (05.01.09)
over 13 Million Jews the right to pilgrimage and worship at their Qiblah? You occupy other peoples' countries and holy sites and then claim yourselves to be occupied when they stand up for their human and national rights by rightfully showing you the door and shoving you through it. I hope the Jews build a synagogue over the Ka'abah in Mecca and forbid Muslims from entering for over 1000 years just to teach you occupiers some humility.
48. #38,43,45,46
observer   (05.01.09)
Jerusalem was the capital of Jews for 100 years (2nd – 1st century BC), and it was the capital of Christian Kingdom for 100 years, and a capital of a Muslim and Christian province for 1900 years, while it was the holy place of pilgrimage for all its history. Jerusalem is not mentioned in the Torah of Moses even once, while there are thousands of Muslim stories about Jerusalem. Jerusalem was the centre of pilgrimage, and Arab, Muslim and Christian leaders came to venerate there, until being forbidden to enter by the Jews, while [first PM] David Ben Gurion went to New York before he came to visit Jerusalem, and [first President] Haim Weitzman hated the city. Jews estroyed one thousand mosques and churches in 1948; they besieged the Church of Nativity in 2002, they. Jews also desecrated hundreds of Christian and Muslim cemeteries, turned the mosque of Caesarea into a bar, and demolished the 5th century Church of St Barbara. Jews also enforced apartheid laws preventing goyim from coming back to the places they were born. Jews do not allow any Muslim below age of 45 to pray in the Mosque of al Aqsa, they do not allow Christians of Bethlehem to celebrate Easter in Jerusalem and do not allow Christians of Jerusalem to celebrate Christmas in Bethlehem. What the American King-Crane recommended in 1919: " With the best possible intentions, it may be doubted whether the Jews could possibly seem to either Christians or Moslems proper guardians of the holy places, or custodians of the Holy Land as a whole. The reason is this: the places which are most sacred to Christians-those having to do with Jesus-and which are also sacred to Moslems, are not only not sacred to Jews, but abhorrent to them. It is simply impossible, under those circumstances, for Moslems and Christians to feel satisfied to have these places in Jewish hands, or under the custody of Jews. There are still other places about which Moslems must have the same feeling. In fact, from this point of view, the Moslems, just because the sacred places of all three religions are sacred to them, have made very naturally much more satisfactory custodians of the holy places than the Jews could be."
49. #35,37
observer   (05.01.09)
The native dwellers of Palestine were called “Palestinians” by Herodotes in 5th century BC, 2500 years before (modern) Israeli statehood; but Herodotes never heard of Jews, though he walked across the whole land. Jews appeared three hundred years later. The Jews conquered the land in 168 BC and ruled it for 100 years until Palestine was liberated by the Roman general Pompey the Great for they killed and pillaged the natives overmuch. Another 100 years later, there was not a single Jew in Jerusalem. King Herod (1st century BC) was as full-blooded Arab as Omar ibn Khattab (7th century AD) and as the Mayor of united Jerusalem, Ragheb Nashashibi in 20th century.
51. #36 Please tell me where Jerusalem is mentioned in the Quran
Aaron ,   SF, USA   (05.01.09)
Not once. In fact, the mention of the Mosque in Jerusalem being the third holiest site to Muslims did not even appear anywhere in history books until the 1930s. Islam: Religion of backwards and invented logic.
52. Observer of fantasies
Ivri ,   IL   (05.01.09)
You cannot even use wikipedia properly. What meds are you on?...too much Tamaflu?
53. #48
jb ,   Canada   (05.02.09)
Jesus! Observer, What history books are you reading, Wikipedia or those published by the PLO. You have a collection of so called facts without context,so they might as well be outright lies. The worst lies, A-hole are those that have a grain of truth. They are the ones that are manipulated by the likes of you to prop up your pathetic excuse for an argument. are you in grade school, you pathetic little excuse for a nobody? You're not worth arguing with since you deal in propaganda and clearly have not read anything resembling historical analysis. Stick to the opinions, NOT FACTS, on Wikipedia. I'm sure you feel right at home there!
54. Observer of the "truth"
jb ,   Canada   (05.02.09)
"though he walked across the whole land. " And Mark Twain walked across most of the Ottoman controlled fertile crescent, formerly known as Palestina, a name given by the Romans after defeating the Jews there...and he found a desolate wasteland with hardly any population, no Palestinians for sure and no society, only occasional nomads. And did you Mr. History Expert, Wikipedia guru, know that until 1967 only the Jews called themselves Palestinians. The Muslims always considered themselves as part of the greater Umah. And just think if the Arabs had won in 1948. Do you really think for one nanosecond that there would be a "Palestine" today? If you do I have abridge you might be interested in buying! The area of the former Mandate would have been carved up faster than a Christmas turkey by Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and Jordan. And the next 60 years they would have been fighting over the bones. As for King Herod, maybe he was a "full-blooded" Indian Hahahahha!! Where do you get this shit? Do make it up yourself or do you get help ie from Al Jazeera? What a pathetic ignoramus you are!
55. Hey Observer
Yaron ,   USA   (05.02.09)
Possession is 99% of ownership....who is the next conquerer who will try to take it smart guy? Guess what, Jerusalem is not mentioned once in the Quran but mentioned throughout the Torah. Your twisted and crude attempt to distort the facts is limp, now run along and observe yourself being silent.
56. observer, 49, The Greeks were known
Historian ,   USA   (05.02.09)
for referring to other peoples in the Middle East by means of exonyms, meaning that they applied names of their own creation onto the inhabitants of the non-Hellenic "Kozmos". A clear cut example of this is the word "Mesopotamia", which was a literal translation of the Aramaic "Beth Naharin". This was the name by which the Greeks referred to the ancient lands of the Assyrians, Babylonians and Sumerians. A more modern-day example would be Egypt, which is referred to in Coptic (the direct descendent of the ancient, native Egyptian language) as "KMT", but is called MaSr in Arabic, Mitzrayim in Hebrew and Egypt (in varying forms) in Germanic and Romance languages. Nowhere, however, does Herodotus refer to these "Palestinians" as Arabs. They very well could have been (and most likely were) Jews, Samaritans and Edomites- none of whom spoke Arabic. The name of the region in Greek was "Syrian Palestine". Jewish arrival into the region did not begin in the 2nd Century BCE. Like I said before, the Jews were a subset of Canaanites who were native to the region, dragged away into captivity and returned to the region in the 6th Century BCE. It is only in the 2nd Century that they were able to achieve independence. King Herod was not an Arab. Arab is an ethnolinguistic term whose criteria for a common heritage is either speaking Arabic as one's native language or having ancestors who did. King Herod was an Edomite whose ancestors converted to Judaism. This was over 600 years before the birth of Muhammad, the arrival of the Qur'an and, therefore, the codification of the Arabic language, which is modeled on the Qur'an itself. If, in spite of history, facts and logic, you are going to argue that the Edomites really are Arabs, then by that same logic you have to argue that Jews really are Arabs too as they both heavily influenced pre- and post-Islamic Arab culture.
57. are Palestinians allowed building permits?
observer   (05.02.09)
how many? the answer is Zero permits. That is exactly what the UN considers: "facts on the ground are against the international laws"
58. #49
Yaron ,   USA   (05.02.09)
I hear there are plenty of permits available in Jordan and wherever it is that you live. Please embrace the filth you advocate so hard for. Let me ask you a questions Mr UN.....whatabout Jewish rights in the Arab and African countries that they were driven out of? Does that concern you too? You really are an ignoramous with a penchant for narcisism. Your "facts" have been refuted and then you pull the ultimate trump card....the UN says. The UN is an Islamist body that is as useless as the used toilet paper I just used to wiped my a** with. Put that in you observation scope!
59. #58 Jews left Arab countries Only After 1948 cuz of Zionists
observer   (05.02.09)
Arab Jews were seduced or forced by Zionists to leave their homes, while the Palestinians were expelled by the same Zionists. Jews have been invited to come back; you have for example King of Morocco and Gaddafi of Libya. The second one welcomed compensation for Libyan Jews' houses provided that they are not occupying Palestinian houses, but no-one showed up. Do you know why Jews do not come back, while Palestinians are not willing to drop their right of return? because The Palestinians are forever faithful to Palestine, while Jews do not mind to change countries and allegiances.
60. What are you smoking?
Yaron ,   USA   (05.03.09)
You better get back to the party before you miss your hit.
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