The right to hate
Yair Lapid
Published: 30.05.09, 08:26
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61. All this is wonderful
frank ,   Israel   (05.31.09)
if in fact it is applied evenly. As an example, it is ok to speak about how we must respect the enemy's right to hate us, but at the same time, it is against the law to say anything negative about rabin. How does that work? Why is it good for somethings but bad for others? It is all well and good that you have gone over to the the other side, at least limitedly, but you have seriously missed the point. In fact, the media has missed, or dare I say, evaded and ignorned the point. When I can stand up and say our court system, as an example, is corrupt, mismanaged, and plain stupid, without being harrassed by police and under penelty of breaking the law, then possibly I will allow the enemy to yell fire....when you think about it, by denying them, you are actually treating them equally with us. We are both being denied a freedom, albeit theirs seems to always involve destroying us.....
62. Why is Ricky Martin attempting to co-opt R' Kook?
Kerwood Derby ,   Frostbite Falls, MN   (06.01.09)
And ironically for support of his own complaint. It must be a shanda for his parents that he bases his complaints on Jews who embrace that aspect of Judaism that has come to be know derisively as Zionism. Eretz ha Kadosh, Eretz ha Shleima. Shma Yisroel Adonai ha Sheleinu, Adonai echad and yes, Ricky may be onto something about one being their own worst enemy, especially when you don't act to expel those who come to kill you and have killed you in the land of your own name, Yehudim in Yehuda. That you don't enforce the right of return of the mass-murdering, extortionists back to the homicidal, Hamite peninsular homeland of their own name.
63. To Shosho #59: how can you live with people
Rose ,   Netherlands   (06.01.09)
who in the best scenario openly want to throw you out of your country - because that is what nakba day is all about - and in the worst case want you dead - that is what supporting hamas is all about.
64. Lapid isn't anti-Zionist,only a complete imbecile would thin
Yoav Naor ,   Haifa Israel   (06.01.09)
Lapid right or wrong,is entitled to his opinion.He has something there, though I myself don't agree completely with him. Cheers Yair.
65. The confederate flag is not banned in any state
Jack ,   Us   (06.01.09)
Whoever thinks that any flag is banned in the us grossly misunderstands the constitutional right to free speach. Native American tribes are free to mourn the existance of the uropeans in the us and do so to this day. Israel needs constitution and to protect the rights of all of her citizens. The Palestinians loathe Israel because of the abuse they have received at the hands of the state. And those of you who claim that the founding of the state did not involve grevious injustice to the Palestinians similar to the trail of tears are ignorant. The Irgun attempted to kill all of the citizens of dier yassin (there is a mass grave in the field next to yad vashim) but were stoped after only a hundred people were killed after being lined up and shot next to a wall by the neighboring community of chadim. You see the people in dier yassin had an agreement to stay out of conflict and did so. Only the leaders of the Irgun wanted to ethnically cleanse the land. Now the descendants of those people willing to fight to remain and the people of a peaceful community reside all but forgotten in a mass grave next to the hollocaust museum... And you wonder why "they" celebrate the disaster, nakba.
marge, USA   (06.01.09)
67. Am Yisroel's existence depends on HaShem
Kerwood Derby ,   Frostbite Falls, MN   (06.02.09)
Am Yisorel cannot exist without HaShem's land that is named for am Yisroel. If anyone disputes this, try to sever the land from its people and see what happens to you.
68. The state of Israel has the right to demand
Vardina   (06.02.09)
allegiance from its sitizens. This Is expected from USA citizens in their country and there is no reason why Israel should not be entitled to the same. He who is unable to pledge loyalty to our state is free to go to any other place or to hell. It is not recognition that we are asking from our citizens. Our existence is a fact which is proven by the identity card they are bearing. What we demand rightfully is loyalty. We should not compromise on that. Mr. Lapid is always trying to present himself as wiser and more human than anyone else, but he is losing the ground under his feet. Let us not follow him in this.
69. #65, Everything you said is wrong
Jake   (06.02.09)
The Confederate flag is not legal in all scenarios. It was removed from the South Carolina state capitol, for instance. The Palestinians loathe Israel only because it exists. In fact, the only reason is there exists a people known as Palestinians is the fact that there is a state called Israel. Otherwise they would have been undifferentiated Arabs. You also lie about Deir Yassin. It is a fact of history that there were foreign Arab soldiers and fedayeen quartered in Deir Yassin. By contrast, Abu Ghosh had a policy of non-belligerency toward the Yishuv, and Abu Ghosh stands as an Arab town in Israel to this day.
70. #12, Even on the ashes of Israel
Jake   (06.02.09)
a Palestinian state will not be established, because this has never really been on the agenda for the Arabs, only the destruction of Israel. The fact that you believe Israel should tolerate its own citizens to publicly and officially mourn its founding as a 'catastrophe' goes to show you have some very warped ethics.
71. Lapid's ideas of democracy
Abe ,   London, UK   (03.18.10)
Lapid is certainly correct that these two bills are anti-democratic - no way should they be implemented. But his terminology is curious. "Jewish existence in the Land of Israel depends only on the Jews, and on what the Jews think of themselves." While this may be partly true, surely Nations need the respect of other nations by their observance of international law? No nation is an island. It matters very much what other nations think, since why is Israel so incensed over what Ahmedinajad has said, misreported though it was? Why did the world want to bring about change in apartheid South Africa? But this is the best one: "Since when do we need Palestinian recognition? Is this why we returned from the Diaspora? In order to ask foreigners to approve our entitlement for our own national identity?' Surely the reason Palestinians wish to mourn on Nakba Day is because they as a nation were ruthlessly displaced by the new Israeli state -they lost everything, their homes (demolished), their culture, their identity. Israel has never acknowledged or apologized for this awful crime, and you are surprised or could not care less what these "foreigners", who are the indigenous people of Palestine, think? Willy nilly , Israel will have to live with the other half of the population of original Palestine, and it is about time they were afforded equal rights in a state that calls itself a democracy, and that is so dismissive of international law and human rights!
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