Clashes erupt in Iran over disputed election
Roee Nahmias, agencies
Published: 13.06.09, 19:46
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49 Talkbacks for this article
31. thanks ahmadinejad
zionist forever   (06.13.09)
You have done Israel a great favour. If the reformer won because he talked about improoving relations with the US He would have been in bed with Obama helping him scheme up the next way to hurt Israel. Next thing you know the nuclear issue would have turned from whart Iran wanted to what Israel has. To show support for the moderate reformer all sanctions would have been withdrawn. It would have also been a shame not to hear anymore of our favorite monkeys speeches.
32. who?
James ,   Herzeliya   (06.13.09)
edwars and Noor are the same person and keep bombarding this site with nonsense. Its getting boring
33. Let's not forget
Robert Haymond ,   Ashdod, Israel   (06.13.09)
that the Iranian people rose up against the Shah and overthrew him. Unfortunately (for them), a theocracy under Khameni took over but look at Iran now: The young people (under thirty) are in strong opposition to the current government, its prime minister and ruling thocratic elite. As time goes by, this same opposition will only grow in numbers and power. It (the opposition) will attempt to overthrow the current regime. The Iranian people have proved themselves fully capable before. This internal dissent can be expected and will continue to grow these young people wish to make use of their education and their talents, I think we can forsee a much more troubled Iran in the near future. especially the women.
34. Remember: today is the beginning of the end of the Monkey
The Doc ,   Haifa, Israel   (06.13.09)
...remember the pictures of those being beaten, raped and murdered in the streets. They will rise and topple the crazy tyrant - one way or another, sooner or later. This shows how a cruel and bloodthirsty dictator acts and talks. The "free" elections were a charade, just like those who "elected" the megalomaniacal illiterate Baboon from South America.
35. Paul, I bet you've never been to Iran in your life.
Noor ,   Palestine   (06.13.09)
So, keep your mouth closed.
36. J.K. What does that have to do with my #13?
Noor ,   Palestine   (06.13.09)
You still dont know what imperialism is. "Lebanon under the boot of Khaminey,with the help of the quisling Nasaralla" What?? Do you even know who the majority party is in lebanon? Not hezbollah! Oh, dear Lord. "If Iran is so peaceful,why are it's suni neighbors afraid of Iran ?. " What sunni country is afraid of Iran? Did Iran ever threaten a sunni country? What is wrong with you, dear JP?
37. Iranians are furious because their government....
AJ ,   Washington, DC   (06.13.09)
lies, oppresses, kills and now on film beats them. I wish the great Iranian nation the best as they express this. All big lies have to collapse from its own weight. That's why communism failed in Russia. That's why Zionism and the Israeli state will endure. That's why the Islamic Republic will fall and that's why there will be a resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian disput. Ok, not maybe on terms that Israelis or Nour would like, but it will be resolved inshhallah!
38. # 19
J.K. ,   Brooklyn USA   (06.13.09)
Noor ! your thinking is distorted,you keep repeating Bolshevic slogans,like American Imperialism,American influence.The majority of Iranian don't care much about what you call 'American Imperialism"they are sick and tired of second hand American influence,and would like to emigrate to the land of the great Satan,and enjoy the American influence,first hand,you are right about the corruption in Iran,if Achmadjenun,is so good at fighting corruption how come the Billioner corrupt Raphsajany, was not arrested ? is it because Raphsajany,is protected by Ayatolla Khaminey ? I agree with you 1 little nuclear bomb is more important than a100 freedoms,the first words that Iranian babies are uttering,is: I want the bomb,I want the bomb,very patriotic.The irony is if it were not for the great Satan, Iran would be ruled today by the red Satan, and Khaminey would have been secretary general of the Iranian Bolshevic party.
39. 100 Million USD alloted to Iran by CIA reaps the fruits
Tayfun_Turkey ,   Istanbul   (06.13.09)
Ahmedinejat won election with support of Iranian people, any opposition leader like Mousave, who is underhanded candidate of CIA and Mossad has no change in Iran. But such riots, and making election results disputable are deliberate and it may be a western war preparation against Iran, After Ahmedinejat was show as dictator, it would be justified to wage war aganist an antidemocratic leader THAT IS JUST A PREPARATION OF WAR OR ATTACK AGAINST IRAN.
40. #19 Sad truth, Noor
Cynthia ,   USA   (06.13.09)
During Ahmadinejad's four years as President, he did NOT succeed to fulfill one single platform promise. Under his watch, inflation and unemployment increased while the economy tanked. His focus was to inflame relations with the West for jihad, fund global terror including two wars with Israel and chase this quest for nuclear power, with an emphasis on power. His opponents took issue with his poor handling of the economy as well as with how he isolated Iran and tarnished Iran's image. What I find interesting about Iran's economy is that while the people complain about the economy, the Regime seems to have an open checkbook for pursuit of their nuclear program and an endless supply of weaponry for terror. Two senseless wars during Ahmadinejad's time which he took no responsibility for. You would think the Regime learned a lesson from the war with Iraq.
41. #Noor, I BET you ARE in Iran (or have been trained there)...
The Doc ,   Haifa, Israel   (06.13.09)
...and as suspected, your "from palestine" charade is a lie, just like EVERYTHING you say. And don't go telling ANYBODY here to "keep our mouths closed". If you haven't noticed, Israel is a democracy - that's YOU are being tolerated in this talkback despite the fact that we all know you are a racist and bloodthirsty impostor. So we will keep on exposing you as a fraud and racist agitator, most likely Hamas, Hezbollah or Iranian.
42. #39 Tayfun the pathetic impostor
The Doc ,   Haifa, Israel   (06.13.09)
... YAWN - today it seems that all the impostors reveal themselves - one claims to be from "palestine" and the other from "Turkey" when in fact they are lackeys of the crazed Iranian tyranny. This really puts into conext their lame rants and pathetic attempts at disinformation. Thank you for constantly reminding us how much you hate us - this will make us even more determined to resist you and ultimately crush you like a cockroach.
43. #28, A Nobody, in 1948 it was much worse
Genuine Tosefta ,   Tveria   (06.13.09)
A Jewish population of 650,000 with and a ragtag army of maybe 40,000, no decent weaponry, attacked from inside and outside by militaries of 7 countries with hundreds of thousands of soldiers equipped with the best by British and French, and trained by them. Everything was not hanging in the balance but all odds were against the survival of the nascent Jewish State If one quarter left like you never came, there would be no Zionist Jewish State today. Unlike you the coward, several thousand Jewish volunteers, war veterans, from the US, Britain and South Africa did arrive to help. After the war ended most of them stayed. Colonel Marcus is the most famous of the Machal members, he founded the Armored Corps in the middle of the war with practically improvised wrecks, reinforced with welded steel plates. No such initiative or ingenuity is expected of you since you still remain a coward, and will continue to be one for the rest of your life.
44. Billions USD given by Iran to Israel enemies reap no fruit
Genuine Tosefta ,   Tveria   (06.13.09)
they are still hateful and poor as dirt. but the nigger issue is independence for Kurdistan, extending Armenia territory to Anatolia, giving back Eastern Asia Minor to the Greeks and repatriating the invading nomad Turkomans to their motherland in Central Asia
45. As a Muslim, Noor the Arab is mindlessly betting too much
Khameini ,   GA (Grand Ayatollah)   (06.13.09)
no wonder that the female brain is so much smaller than a male's, therefore Noor the Aranb is condemned to a minimum of 200 lashes and more until she asks a male's forgiveness.
46. #13 - Nour - In law, even indirect involvement is counted
William ,   Israel   (06.13.09)
Iran may not have declared war on anyone directly, as a State - it has done so through proxies. It's tentacles are seen in Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Lebanon, Iraq (big time), Azerbijian, Afghanistan, Gaza, the Sinai, parts of Europe, and most recently, in Morocco where the diplomat was thrown out for instigating Shiite citizens against the Sunni Monarch. Just because it isn't front page in Arab newspapers, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Rather I think if it was in the Arab media, it most certainly wouldn't exist. As for occupation - there are a lovely set of islands off the coast of UAE which Iran continues to occupy, and refuses to give back. All legal documents point to UAE ownership.
47. #18 - Edward - Do you even read your own post?
William ,   Israel   (06.13.09)
"what does "imperialistic" mean: the policy of extending the rule or authority of an empire or nation over foreign countries, or of acquiring and holding colonies and dependencies. " "the united states and israel are the two most imperialistic nations on the planet." I can see the argument for the US, but how does Israel qualify? Are you referring to your own opinion or to legal aspects? Because based on legal documents, the real land given to Israel includes WB, Gaza, and Jordan. If you want to go one further, many documents show Arab illegal immigration into the region in the 1930s and many have no ownership documentation of land there. Yet, Israel does. I would imagine that if you bought land in Las Vegas, some Mexican immigrant couldn't show up and take it, then falsely claim they have a 3000 year history on it, as the Arabs did to my land. Regarding Iran, imperialism is correct. They are building a Shiite crescent of influence under the banner of Islamism, with Iran at the helm. My words? No, the words of their leaders since 1979 - and intelligence has shown their hands in countries all over the world, especially Sunni countries. Educate yourself before you try to educate us. You're grossly mis-informed in the City of Sin.
48. # 36
J.K. ,   Brooklyn USA   (06.13.09)
Noor ! who is responsible for hostilities between Lebanon and Israel,the majority of the Lbanese people,or a foreign power called Iran ?.Before the Palestinian terrorists were forced on Lebanon,by the Arab league,after the terrorists were expelled from Jordan,relations between Israel and Lebanon were good,a joke was going around in Israel:we don't know who the first Arab country ,to recognize Israel will be,but we do know,who the second Arab country will be,meanning ,Lebanon.If not for Iran there would be peace between Israel and Lebanon. Since Iran took over Lebanon,the majority of the Lebanese people can't contradict the wishes of Iran,because Iran controls Hezbolla,and Hezbolla has the power and the zeal, to terrorize the majority of the Lebanese people.Have you heard of a country,with 2 governments,and 2 armies ? and concerning suni fears of Iran,clever people don't have to hear threats,they read a situation,and by the way,who ordered peacful Hezbolla to set up terrorist cells in Egypt ?
49. #19 - Nour - you're correct, according to Ayatolleh
William ,   Israel   (06.13.09)
"The Iranian people are more concerned about Amercian Imperialism as well as its and Israel's constant threats that are directed at the country daily." Actually, they are not. Read any non-State newspaper, talk to their people. Iran as a whole, not including the ill-educated and poverty-stricken followers of Monkey man, are more concerned with rising prices, lack of jobs, crackdown on their freedom to dance and dress as they like. Every Iranian interviewed by a non-Arab press states they love America but are cautious of Bush. And most agree that Monkey Man created this big fiasco in the world by insisting on the nuclear issue, giving the UN the finger, and provoking the US constantly. Now if Iranians can see, why are you so blind?
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