America's double standard
Ophir Falk
Published: 05.07.09, 16:05
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1. 100% correct
ghostq   (07.05.09)
the arab villages around Gush Ezion weren't there in the 80's, they r new villages witch didn't got building permits, but than again non of them got deeds to their lands. so all arab houses r illegal.
2. agree+ !
one or zero   (07.05.09)
" We should all be more concerned about militant Muslims building a nuclear bomb in Iran than about Jews building homes in Judea and Samaria." i think that this paragraph tells the whole story. Un Proportional world....
3. Gentlemen, I concur.
petra ,   uSA   (07.05.09)
Obama is painting himself into a corner. His background as a muslim must be why and his admiration of King Abdullah, to whom he bows. Most American's are disgusted with his behavior.
4. to the Author, I suggest that you stop your lies
Nader ,   Ramallah   (07.05.09)
first of all, we have recognized Israel more than 1000 times, we will never recognize you as a Jewish state because no need for that, we recognized you as a state as any other normal state in the world, but you always want to complicate things because you never seeked peace, you are a state of terror.by history and you better first set the boarders of your state my friend, you never knew what you need. On the building matter, if you agree to stop building in TelAviv and Natanya, then we will agree to stop building in West Bank - other than that, your building in the west banks are ILLEGAL , at least no one in the world recognize this right for you to build in west bank and wither you have the right or not in that, you must accept the decision of the international communit and stoip your crap.
5. #3
mark ,   ca   (07.05.09)
Sadly ,most Americans voted for obama.Long way to undo the damage .
6. The Arabs are building faster
Israeli grandmother   (07.05.09)
Fingers point at Jewish villages, but the Arabs have been building faster, and larger, and Beduin gypsy camps become permanent stone dwellings all the while. Double standards at work as usual. In the last few years, clusters of two or three primitive dwellings have suddenly expanded into villages with shops alongside the road to catch passing Israeli traffic.
7. No 4, I suggest you check your spelling
alexander tel-aviv   (07.05.09)
8. More of the same whining
Giora Me'ir ,   USA   (07.05.09)
Not only is your premise wrong, it's not an either/or situation. The U.S. can, and should, use its influence where it can.
9. Israel should stop building Arabs should stop having babies
Golan ,   SL   (07.05.09)
I say for a period of 60 years... internationally. No Jew may build a house, no Arab may have a child. That will lead to "middle east" peace. Oh yes, and since Americans seem to think they can tell others how ot live both no building and no babies should be forced on the Americans.
10. Mr. Obama is an Indonesian Islamic usurper of the US Preside
Rivkah   (07.05.09)
ncy. Do you really think he objects to illegal Palestinian settlements when he plans to give Jerusalem to the Arabs if he can? Hang on Bibi. Israel needs you. Believe it or not, your terms will be agreed to according to Daniel in the Bible. There will be peace for a short time before a BIG war and two invasions of Israel. Is it worth emigrating to Israel with so many enemies of God's people surrounding Israel? YES! For a Jew (and only Jews), going back to the ancient homeland is evidence of faith...saving faith. That is a pass into God's presence instead of separation from God for eternity after death.
11. double standard
jkovacs ,   europe now TA   (07.05.09)
First of all let me tell you something about the Jewish double standard: Anywhere all around the world if you start criticise someone who is jewish or something done by jewish or israeli people AT THE SAME MINUTE YOU ARE BRANDED AS AN ANTISEMITE. I think this is the Jewish double standard: If you are not jewish you ar not allowed to be critical with Israel. Nevertheless it does not matter what israelis think BUT the SETTLEMENTS ARE ILLEGAL according to the international law .(OF COURSE taking into consideration the settlers wiewpoint who are plain religious israelis and who just want to live like every other people in the world, and who does not now anything about int law just the religious blah blah ...the only problem is that they want to live it in STOLEN GROUND...BUT I think its not their fault... Its the fault of late Ariel Sharon and other israeli politicians, If at the time about starting the settlements they would have own the idea of BEN gurion : that the Negev is israels future there wouldnt have been problems.)
12. Bunh of racists
Palestinian ,   Jerusalem--Palestine   (07.05.09)
to whom thinks that israel should be only for jews, i say, you are a racist, not even one state in the whole world is based on religion, not even one, and it is even against the human rights. To #7 i say, if you can't attack the message you attack the messenger, you are idiot. And to all zionists that think they have a right in the West Bank i say, West Bank is 100% Palestinian, according to history and UN resolutions, so stop decepting your self and others.
13. if jews allowed to 'return' arabs should be allowed the same
Ned ,   Ramallah   (07.05.09)
14. Alexanders big deal..spelling..
#7..Alexander ,   Malone   (07.05.09)
While I don't agree with #4,I also don't agree with your nit picking about spelling. Probably English isn't his first language. Spelling is not the topic here. Grow up a bit..or a lot maybe.
15. #4 nader, ramallah
gm ,   south africa   (07.05.09)
this might be pointless to write, because you probably won't understand. The fact is that you won't recognise Israel as a Jewish state and that is exactly what the author said. he didn't question whether you would accept a country called Israel, he questioned whether the arabs would ever recognise Israel being a Jewish state, and you proved his point correct. therefore, you shot yourself in the foot. Secondly, the West Bank is still a part of Israel, so why should Israel stop building there?If Jews must stop building there, so must arabs, until the matter is setlled. tel aviv has nothing to do with it.
16. No. 12
gm ,   south africa   (07.05.09)
I thought the west bank was Jordanian? I thought the Jordanian's lost it in the 6 Day war, after they attacked Israel. Excuse my ignorance, but which palestinian government lost the West Bank? Oh, by the way: Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Indonesia .... all Muslim. England, Brazil, Rome ... Christian. That is just a few. How can you say there is not one state in the world that is not based on religion?
17. #8 like in Iran?
Danny   (07.05.09)
18. #4, no you haven't
Danny   (07.05.09)
Unfortunately your leaders repeatedly have refused to recognise Israel as a sovereign state. As a Palestinian to make this claim is simply to be lying.
19. #12
truth ,   israel   (07.05.09)
interesting comment... but let me correct your "facts"... saudi arabia is a state built on religion (the center of racism, religious intolerance, primitivism, barbarity, and, yes, terrorism). How many churches are there in saudi arabia? Why is it that non-muslims can't visit mecca? Iran is a state built upon religion... another great success story. Most of the muslim countries have some semblance of sharia law, and, hence, are founded on religion. Lets not forget the taliban (the greatest achievement of modern islamic statesmanship). Of course, we all know that islamic states are all backwards and oppressive. You probably shouldn't even mention human rights. Your religion (and, hence, muslim countries) is the biggest offender of human rights on the face of the planet. And by the way, there are no palestinians... there has never been a country called palestine, no borders, no "palestinian" laws or system of government. All you have are arabs that live there who belong in jordan.... so take a hike.
20. #11
Harold ,   Liverpool, USA   (07.05.09)
Well said but Sharon cannot be counted as late because he is still breathing and dreaming of the settlements he planed. He will stay as is until the settlements are flatened.
21. #12
Sam ,   Liverpool, USA   (07.05.09)
Very true. That is what they want to do and call Israel a Jewish State even when 20% of their population are Arab Mulims and Christians. I this problem will end very soon.
22. #10
Chance ,   Acton, USA   (07.05.09)
People like you and your followers are problematic for using idioting historic statements. The majority of humans do not believe in both the old and the new testaments and they don't even believe that G-d promissed you any land. Was that promissed land uninhabited at that time - I want to know.
23. #4, 12, What's a 'Jew', anyway?
What's a 'Jew'?   (07.06.09)
While it is unique to define a state according to what seems like religious belief, Israel is not the only state so unique. "Jewish State" and "Homeland of the Jewish people" are synonymous, since even technically non-Jews can live in Israel. One complicated issue, complicated for Jews themselves, is who is to be considered a Jew? According to religious law, you are Jewish if your mother is Jewish. But the law of Israel, in determining who is a Jew, is not the same as religious law. Israeli law counts anyone with at least one Jewish grandparent. Therefore, Jewish religious belief and the concept of a "Jewish State" are not exactly the same. With that in mind, think about why the Jews ask for a "Jewish State" in terms of independence, instead of thinking about it in terms of (only) religion. Just like Belgians want a Belgian state, Irish, an Irish state, Germans a German state, etc., Jews want a Jewish state. To some ears it does not make sense. That is because they think that being Jewish means, and only means, being part of some religion, which is false. Moses was a Jew; Einstein was a Jew; Jesus was a Jew; Freud was a Jew. What do all of them have in common? For one, they are part of a people: The Jewish people. That is because being Jewish also means being part of an ethnicity. We have Jewish last names, a Jewish language called 'Hebrew', even diseases like Tay Sachs that effect mainly Jews. We are the ones who are still around since biblical times. Remember reading about us? Religious restrictions on whom one can marry act like a bottleneck as much as mountains can when determining genetic variance over time and ethnicities. I don't blame you if you don't understand this. It's complicated. If you really don't care about Jews in the first place, why would you even take the time to learn any of this. Maybe to better know your enemy? We are your enemy, right? Your Koran tells you so; doesn't it? So search your heart and ask yourself: Why would a people who define themselves in such a way want their land back in the first place? Why did we approach the Turks and the British and purchase the land when it was under their control? Why build on deserted land when nothing was around? The answer is clear if you search through history. We have been murdered by your people, by the Europeans, by the Nazis, the Russians, every land we've ever lived in and were subjected to ghettos and pogroms. Wouldn't you want a land to be called 'Jewish' if you were us? In that way we can never be harmed for being Jews since we are in a land for Jews. That's why the Jews call it a "Jewish State." Israelis make up 1/10 of 1% (0.1%) of the entire world's population. The middle east consists of 5% of the world's population. So ask yourself, isn't it fair to ask for a .1% Jewish State after everything we've been through? The fact of the matter is, we aren't going anywhere. When you're ready to be secular and not consider Palestine a Muslim state--enforcing Muslim law--we will reconsider. When there's peace on earth, we will reconsider. Until then, we will stick with our 0.1% (.001).
24. For the record
Israeli   (07.05.09)
1) Never in the histroy of mankind was there such a thing called a Palestinian State 2) The Vatican and Iran (the Islamic Republic) to name two are regligious states (there are more) 3) The holocaust proved (again) that the Jews needa state of their own - as long as the world is devided into states
25. #12
Brian ,   Tel Aviv   (07.06.09)
plain and simple you are a complete ass.
26. #12Arab "antiracism"
Raphael ,   Netanya   (07.05.09)
Dar el Islam should be Judenrein (it was as the Pals wiped out the Jews of the Old City of Jerusalem, Hebron, Gush Etzion), this is Sharia, but expulsion of the arab 5th column from Israel is quoted racist. Isn't this the perfect example of double standard? Arabs as usual, have only rights, but no obligations towards the dhimmis.
27. No recognized Jewish Homeland = No Palestinian state
Besancenot Olivier ,   Paris   (07.05.09)
N°4 - Sorry, but if you do not recognized ISRAEL as the jewish homeland and the state for Jewish people, then you will never have any recognition for a palestinian state ! Whatever you say, Jordan is the home of the palestinian people. No need for a new arab state in Judea + Shomron if there is no recognition of Israel as the country of jewish people and Israel as its capital.
28. #15
Nader ,   Ramallah   (07.06.09)
sooooooo, you want us to recognise Israel is a jewish state OR we are terrorists?? huh??? We will never do that because that request is based on a bad faith my friend - so never dream of it, otherwise, we will take every country in the world, look at their religen and then recognize that country based on it;s relegin !!! This is rediclus. Secondly, west bank is never part of Israel, we were in the west bank before your grandfathers came to visit us in this land - ask your parents.
29. Serious Concerns about Obama's Leadership
lynne ,   USA   (07.06.09)
I feel extreme anxiety and concern that Obama has said NOTHING about the aggression from North Korea that is frightening the people of the world, particularly in that region, and has said next to nothing---and nothing meaningful---about the murders of protesters in Iran. He is too busy sucking up to dictators. I predict he won't be elected again. I just hope that he does not do too much damage during his presidency.
30. To #12 and alike
Larry G. ,   Hamilton, Canada   (07.06.09)
You say the West bank is 100% Palestinian according to history, please state and in detail if your can what historical record you are talking about? Also Jerusalem is the ancient capital city of the Israelites, thousands of years before Muhammad was even born! The only people who have claimed Jerusalem their capital city who weren't Israelites were the various invaders throughout history! Also all throughout the land formerly known as Canaan are antiquities that are continually being dug up that keep proving the biblical account of the Jewish people and their history! Palestine is a Roman invader invention to ethnically cleanse Judah (or also known as the former Roman colony of Judea) of Jews! And with it, the Roman emperor Hadrian renamed Jerusalem to Aelia Capitolina (the capital city Syria-Palaestina to be renamed in his honour, his first name was Aelius)! So it's you that needs to stop deceiving others and yourself! By the way, it's completely illogical to say that a non-Jewish capital city of Jerusalem can exist in a fictitious state of Palestine. That like saying the capital city of Aelia Capitolina can exist in the Jewish Sate of Judah or Israel! Get your facts straight!
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