Report: Saudis to overlook Israeli jets headed to Iran
Published: 05.07.09, 09:40
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44 Talkbacks for this article
31. To Marco from Spain
jackie ,   Florida   (07.05.09)
I have been to Israel and have seen the places where the Arabs live. Shopping malls, fine homes, cafes and restaurants...When have you been there? Or are you just repeating what people say? Learn Arabic, and Hebrew and go to the places you write about, before making stupid remarks.
32. 5
zionist forever   (07.05.09)
I agree with part but not all of your assesment. 1) AGREE - Irans retaliation would be limited to missiles, there is a possiblity although unlikely Iran would be permitted to launch a ground war from Syria. if this did happen it would be inferior ground forces to come and fight in Israels backyard where they have no chance. Also Assad knows that if he lets Iran use his territory or even joins in any fight Syria becomes a legitimate target and his aging MIGS with their pilots who take off and eject & Soviet tanks whose most advanced are from the 70s are no threat to F16s & merkavas. 2) PARTLY AGREE - Iranian anti aircraft weapons such as the Russian Iskander are a real threat & their jets are inferior to Israels although they have access to more of them & Israeli pilots can't get into dog fights if they plan on getting home. Israel does have loitering radar killer UAVS which could be used possibly to knock out tracking systems. If the Saudis let Israel keep a refueling rig flying in their territory that will be a different matter & this probem can be avoided. 3 & 4 ) DISAGREE - the shihab is launched from flat trucks & tracked vehicles so it is portable. It can be tracked by satellite but Israel doesn't have the recources to hunt down & kill shihabs that might be out in the open this isn't the US with its hunudreds of F/A18s, heavy bombers & stealth aircraft. Israel may be able to target some shihabs with combat UAVS but it would be very few. On the good side although shihab can hit Israel its not a mature missile that can hit fool a missile defense system so shouldn't be a problem to knock down although some would hit. 5) AGREE - Hezolah would almost certainly start firing rockets which israel is unable to stop although they are only short range rockets & jets can shoot some launch sites but we must accept that there are still limits to what Israel can do & accept it until a ceasefire is implimented. 6) AGREE - but as you said this time the IDF has prepared for a scenario like this so hopefully any possible Lebanon invasion would be better planned than last time. 7) AGREE - If Iran tried to start messing around with the shipping lanes the US would have no choice but to get involved which would probably come in the call of a phone call from Obama saying we have carrier fleets on your front door don't mess with shipping lanes we won't mess with you. If that doesn't work US subs & carrier based jets can destroy any Iranian warships with ease so thats more of a theoretical threat than a physcal one especially if in advance Iran is told leave the shipping lanes alone and we will leave you alone & won't help Israel. Obama would be happy anyway to leave Israel to fight to survive or go under, we might have been able to rely on intervention from Bush but Obama will see how it plays on on CNN.
33. #1 Nour. It's not me it's the Saudis the SOBs
Meir Gagan ,   Israel   (07.05.09)
35. #31 Jackie, Florida
Marco ,   Spain   (07.05.09)
You've been toi Israel???? What a joke! Have you been shown the places that Jimmy Carter visited on his last trip? Did you read his comments? Have you seen any of the human rights organizations reports? Most of you Americans are nothing but ignorant fools. In a recent study, high school students were asked what the capital of the U.S was and some actually answered "Moscow".
36. #31 Jackie
Dave ,   Los Angeles   (07.05.09)
You must have been high on something when you visited Israel.
37. #35 and #36
Steve   (07.05.09)
Following the 1967 Six Day war, large sums were invested (by Israel) in essential public services for the Arabs. "Roads were built, the educational system extended, modern methods of agriculture were introduced, elections were held for city and village councils, the export and import of good encouraged, homes built for formerly nomadic Bedouin tribes," etc. Standard of living, infant mortality rates, etc. for these Arabs exceeded that of most any surrounding Arab state. Then came the intifadas, murderous terrorism and suicide bombings, largely instigated by Yasser Arafat, the PLO and Hamas. Whatever degradation ensued for these people was simply a result of their own bad behavior. The late Rabbi Meir Kahane advocated forcible removal, just like the Jews were forcibly removed from Gaza. Kahane was labeled a racist by his fellow Jews and his party was banned from the Knesset. Any self-respecting nation would have expelled these killers just as the ethnic Germans were expelled from Poland, former eastern territories of Germany and Czechoslovakia, Hungary, northern Yugoslavia and other nations of Central and Eastern Europe and other countries following the second world war. The expulsion of the German population had been agreed to by the allied leaders of the US, UK, and the USSR, and supported by France. Approximately twelve million Germans were directly involved, it was the largest movement of any European people in modern history. (Wikipedia)
38. hey marco
Ilana   (07.05.09)
you are back? With a mouth filthier than before? Practice what you preach!! And watch what you write this time!
39. #35 and #36
Steve   (07.05.09)
From the Washington Post, when Abbas was in Washington this past May: "....Abbas rejects the notion that he should make any...concession -- such as recognizing Israel as a Jewish state, which would imply renunciation of any large-scale resettlement of refugees. "Instead, he says, he will remain passive. "I will wait ....for Israel to freeze settlements," he said. "Until then, in the West Bank WE HAVE A GOOD REALITY . . . THE PEOPLE ARE LIVING A NORMAL LIFE." (emphasis mine) "In the Obama administration, so far, it's easy being Palestinian. Abbas's Waiting Game By Jackson Diehl Friday, May 29, 2009
zionist forever   (07.05.09)
There are poor arabs & there are poor jews living in Israel. There are also very rich arabs and very rich jews. The arabs in the territories have made themselves hated through their actions. When you make yourself hated don't expect the enemy to be concerned with your welfare. Their arab brothers hate them even more than Israel The Arab League forbids any arab state giving citizenship to a palestinian because they don't want them to give up right of return. The entire arab world combined have only given a fraction of what Europe or the US have since 1993 ... WHY? In the 70s at taxpayer expense the Israeli government had planned to replace the Gaza camps with modern arab settlements. The government would build the infastructure & subsidise the cost of any Gazan who wished to live in this settlement who would be legally registered with the ILA as the owner of that property. In return they would let Israel demolish their home in the camp eventually there would be only settlements. The plan fell through in the end and the reason was the PLO said they would execute anybody who took up the offer. In 1917 they rejected the Balfour Decleration which would have created a single state in all Jordan, Judea Samaria, Gaza & pre 67 Israel. It wasn't going to be a jewish state it would have been binational, very few jews would have come because at the time zionism was about a safe haven for persecuted european jews Basicly a huge arab state with a small jewish population where jews are equals & the jews loved the idea but the arabs didn't. They rejected partition in 1947? They were offered a state in 48% of British mandate Palestine including the fertile Galilee region but they rejected the offer. Assuming Israel withdrew 100% to the 1967 border ( which it wont ) the palestinian state they would get only 22% of British mandate Palestine everything else goes to Israel. Thats over 50% less than they could have had if they accepted partition. In 1999 Barak offerd 97% of Judea & Samaria and without even consulting the Knesset or cabinet shocked Bill clinton & offered to divide Jerusalem and the Old City but Arafat walked. Everytime the palestinians are offered a deal they reject it in the hope of holding out for something better and in the end what they do get is worse and then they moan about it. I am also no ignorant American fool as you describe the other poster I have been living in Israel for nearly 10 years now.
41. Incompetent Israeli government!
Husam ,   USA   (07.05.09)
Now I am convinced that Israel will never dare attack Iran. They leaked this information to create fraction between Iran-Saudis since Israel so incompetent do the job itself. Typical, just like in Lebanon and in Gaza.
42. #41: You might well be right.
Steve   (07.05.09)
A government that champions "two states for two peoples" as this government does, is a disgraceful government. It's a shame.
43. #38 Ilana
Marco ,   Spain   (07.05.09)
Hey Ilana, I miss you too. You still bark as loud as ever.
44. Thank you!! I am pleased.
Ilana   (07.05.09)
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