Jewish Scene
Rabbinate refuses to marry couple over adoption suspicion
Nissan Shtracuhler
Published: 07.07.09, 14:44
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91. #90 Charles
Lisa   (07.09.09)
yes, I thought so, this is why I added the 'to make sure' mail- I first learned about Ben Saruk in Tortosa- I had known about Maimonides for a long time- I visited Cordoba many years ago. I visit the Jewish Quarters here whenever I need to get away- it is a special place.
92. DNA would prove that 100% these rabbis have goyim ancestors
No true halakhic jew ,   United States   (07.11.09)
If one took a second to look at the Israeli population, one would see the undeniable obvious. Since the destruction of the second temple, the jews from the original tribes have been mixing with local goyim. Or do you think it is just a coincidence that ashkenazi jews from Poland look like Poles and sefaradi jews from our neighboring states look like the locals from their respective countries. I am so sorry my Haredim friends, but all of you have non-jewish ancestors or all of us would pretty much look the same. It is obvious that we don't. The people in charge of the rabbinate would be very afraid to take a good look at their own DNA. I am willing to bet that if you go back enough none of them would be halakhic jews. How ironic...hehehe!
93. 92 , no true Halachic Jew = NOT Jew at all
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (07.12.09)
You can't even use the word Goyim correctly . Regarding DNA , all Jews have some IDENTICAL .
94. Correction , it are of course the genes that are identical
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (07.12.09)
conclusion : don't write when not completely awake
95. #64 clarification
observer   (07.12.09)
Is she only 10 years older than him? She looks older. It must be the stress of keeping up with a younger guy.
96. what was in this story for YNet?
observer   (07.12.09)
Such a non-starter, something that happens regularly, particularly with people from the former USSR. I'm surprised it made the news. Will YNet publicise from now on every instance of suspected false documents that occurs in any and every government department?
97. The poor Charles and our moral obligation
Oren ,   Or Yehuda   (07.13.09)
It seems that this Charles from petach tikva is full of anger. The way he addresses other people's opinions is very disrespectful and indicates lack of self-confidence and a desperate need to belong to a group, any group. These are the same feelings, to a lesser or greater degree, that have led others to do horrible things to our people throughout the course of history. As Jews, we have a moral obligation to refrain from such behavior.
98. 97 Oren , who does'nt know me
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (07.13.09)
You think that i'm disrespectfull ? why ? because of the heading of my # 93 ? Let's say that don't do it on a "diplomatic" way , do not turn around , say it directly . For the rest of your TB , it's your idea because you don't know me .
99. #3 ghostq
Uri ,   Israel   (07.14.09)
Whats wrong with Rabbis wanting money? Do you think God created money with only your name on it? How do you think Rabbis survive in this materialistc world? You remind me of a child who on being asked where does meat come from, replied "supermarket" Open your eyes fool.
100. #4 ghostq
Uri ,   Israel   (07.14.09)
Are your parents that bad that you wish you were adopted?
101. #79 Lisa
Rabbi Moshe ,   Israel   (07.14.09)
You sound like you are looking for a husband to me. I have good news for you. There are many religous men that are available. Just be ready to convert to Judaism and be ready to have as many children as you possibly can, and you are welcome to the land of Judaism.
102. I think this horney Rabbi...
Mike Van Harris ,   Capital of Europe   (07.14.09)
Has the hots for the bride!!!!
103. Charlie missed point, there are no more true halakhic jews
Kochav Nolad ,   Ramat Gan   (07.15.09)
I think what the reader #92 was trying to say is that through the galut years, the jews dispersed throughout the globe and mixed with the local habitants. Jews from 70 AD were certainly not blonde with blue eyes, like the ashkenazi from Poland/Russia. Whether one likes it or not, these mixed marriages are integral part of judaism. There is no denying it. The DNA of people of jewish descent are extremely variable, just like any other people. They are certainly not identical, otherwise we would be all identical twins. I wonder what these radical rabbis, causing all this pain to these fellow jews, would do when their own DNA analysis shows that they are descendants of gentiles.
104. Kohav nolad ???? Blonde Ashkenazi Jews ????
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (07.15.09)
Ashkenazi Jews from Poland / Russia BLOND ? Where did you see this ? I corrected and said that all Jews have SOME identical genes , not some identical DNA . Those SOME don't make identical twins . Of course that there were "intermarriages" and conversions .But this did'nt happen so much i think . Jewish communities were always very "closed" .
105. Humans and monkeys also have SOME identical genes, so what?
kochav nolad ,   Ramat Gan   (07.16.09)
Have you never seen a blond jew from Poland? A jew that looks just like any other polish person? Who says that jewish communities were always very closed??? That is so historically inaccurate. If that is the case, why is Yddish based on the german language? If the jews were that closed, all european jews would speak hebrew or aramaic. Come are just trying to lie to yourself.
106. To kohav nolad
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (07.16.09)
Listen you wrote that the Ashkenazi were blond . I have'nt seen many , if even only one , i'm Ashkenazi , lived amongst Ashkenazim and am not blind . Regarding genes : Jews share some identical ones , be they Ashkenazi , Sephardi , Ethiopian etc . This was told to me by my doctor who studied it . Closed communities : they were mostly marrying people of their own . Brought the problem of cosanguinity . Nothing to do with the language they speak . You can better watch "kohav nolad" than discuss serious matters .
Red ,   New York, NY   (07.16.09)
As a Jewish person, I think it's disgraceful that these arrogant rabbis are turning away people who do not meet their standards. Who has empowered them to be in this position? They have! When one considers the attempts throughout history to wipe out the Jewish people, it is mind boggling to comprehend the attitude these rabbis have toward their fellow Jews. They should welcoming but choose to drive people away. As such, it is impossible to accord to them the respect they believe that they are entited to. To many Jews, their "final word" on who is and isn't Jewish means less than nothing.
108. Red 107 , not arrogance , but law .
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (07.16.09)
If they received papers they think are fake , do they have to accept them ? would you accept a 100 $ bill if you think it's fake ?
109. Charles, 108
Red ,   New York, NY   (07.17.09)
You are using an antiquated law to justify the pain and grief that has been inflicted upon many people who have been raised as Jews and have a deep and sincere connection to Judaism. If papers are not authentic, surely the "wise" rabbis can develop a simple process by which they can rectify the situation and welcome their fellow Jews into the fold. The bottom line is to have some derech eretz, caring, and compassion.
110. your comment 7-7-09
Noah ,   Florida   (07.27.09)
unless u r adopted, or a Rabbi, or experienced this situation, you have no basis for your comment.
111. What difference??
MIke ,   USA   (08.10.09)
The man legitimately was raised in a Jewish home, espouses Jewish beliefs... What cause do you have to accuse him of being unfaithful? Surely, DNA tests are not required for ascension into heaven? Do you wish to curse those who have faith, but fail DNA tests? The Lord welcomes all. Mike
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