Helping the refugees
Ilan Gal
Published: 14.07.09, 18:07
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34 Talkbacks for this article
31. At least someone has a heart
M ,   Tel Aviv   (07.16.09)
I praise your resolve to continue treating these refugees. As a Jew, I am ashamed that the Jewish State has denied protection to these people and is denying them basic human rights. As a nation and a people, we should be ashamed of our hypocrisy which is discussed in this article. The horrors which have been inflicted upon these people are unspeakable; to think that we have the opportunity to help them in their search for a safe haven and are sending them back to a death sentence is shameful. I
32. #31 refugees- how soon we forgot
Magdalena   (07.19.09)
you are so right. This is a state/country of people who have been refugees themselves ( WWII)- many countries could not take any more refugees because their own people were starving- they are still accused and maligned because of it...... Israel is a wealthy country- and the refugee policy is bordering on racism by any standard, because it is limiting the numbers to a ridiculous number- and to Jews. Most other countries have much more generous policies.
33. #23 dear Sarah
Lisa   (07.20.09)
Sarah, you sound just exactly like many countries in Europe during WWII- they did not care for the Jews, they figured it was not their problem- they could always go to the US- who did not want them either by the way.... so, now over 60 years later- the TBs here: nothing has changed, has it? Israel does not want the refugees- it is not their business, let the UN take care of them- besides they are not Jewish anyway...think about it. What's the difference? You tell me.
34. refugees
Hilary phillips ,   Wellington, New Zeal   (07.22.09)
If this Bill passes, the rest of the world will point and say, "See the Jews are really unfeeling racists, just as we always said they were". I can't believe only one MK voted against it! How can we complain about the way the rest of the world has treated us, when we ourselves show no compassion? I just hope that, first of all the members of the Knesset come to their senses and reject the Bill, and then that the international media don't get to hear about it - they'd have a field-day with it!
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