Clinton says Israel should be patient on Iran
News agencies
Published: 27.07.09, 00:14
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31. #24-26
alan ,   Texas   (07.27.09)
The BIG difference is that Iran is no different from the arab dictatorships with sheep instead of people and Israel is Jewish. The Jews will prevail because the arabs and persians are backward barbarians.
32. Out Of Range...
Roy ,   USA   (07.27.09)
All well and good for the US to speak of "patience;" they are OUT OF RANGE of Iranian nuclear-tipped missiles! By year's end, Iran will be getting a well-deserved "Christmas present" from the IDF; conflict ending with the place once called "Persia" being more appropriately named "Glassia!"
33. Current US regime cannot to be trusted
somesceptic ,   Cal, USA   (07.27.09)
Hillary and her boss, BHO, cannot be trusted. this is all talk, talk, talk...
34. Diplomacy does not work
Brod ,   USA   (07.27.09)
with fanatics. It is time the naive Obama administration understands this fact. The fanatics are hellbent on the pathway of destruction.
35. do we have to be patient long enough for Iran to get a nuke?
zionist forever   (07.27.09)
We have been patient for six years now letting the diplomats do their thing and being played for fools by Iran. Before Iraq Iran would have taken more notice of the demands because they would know the US might take military action if no progress is made. Now they see the US with two new Vietnams in Iraq & Afghanistan not knowing what to do, keep up the fight or cut and run like the British have done in Iraq. There is not a chance in hell the US will open another front and Iran knows it. They know they have the Russia & Chinas Security Council vetos in their back pocket so any sanctions that might seriously hurt them is not going to happen. What the US does have now that they haven't had for the past six years is a president who loves everything islamic and has an oversized ego and thinks nobody else could manage to solve this problem but because he is the divinely sent great prophet Obama then he can do anything. The only way there is going to be any progress on Iran is if Israel takes the initiative. Obama has said already there is no deadlines on diplomacy with Iran so he will keep talking for the till the day he leaves office if he has to and keep smiling and saying we can solve this problem through diplomacy just be patient. As for the offer of an American nuclear defense umbrella, thanks but no thanks I would rather take my chances in the rain. Especially because what she doesn't say is to be invited under that umbrella Israel must give up its own nuclear deterent and the nukes are the only hold we have over the US as we have given up so much soverignty. Does anybody believe that with Americas current economic problems and the troubles in Iraq & Afghanistan that they would get into another war to defend worthless Israel especially as these days the US jews are more interested in palestinian welfare than Israel? If Israel was attacked and you asked an American jew did they want to send American solders into another war which is going to cost America more money are they more likely to say let Israel take its own chances or lets send everything we got and rush to its rescue? American jews today are not as pro Israel as they were 15-20 years ago today its much more about how will helping Israel affect me? Obama & Clinton keep out of israels affairs, you don't want another fight on your hands so just let us do our own dirty work and you watch from the sidelines.
36. 26
zionist forever   (07.27.09)
1) Irans only threat to Israel is in the form of WMDS. They have no land borders to launch a ground assult, their jets don't have the range to launch attacks against Israel. The S300 is an anti aircraft sytem so outside Iran its useless. Despite the headlines about Arrow not working because it wasn't launched in a test because of weather that affected the monitoring of the tests and the posibilty of a problem with the individual being interceptor being used in the tests the system itself works and has preformed fine in most tests in the past. 2) Lebanon wasn't about facing a superior enemy it was about mistakes made by the Israeli government trying to micromanage the war and not listening to officers on the ground. The former airforce general chief of staff was convinced air power alone could win the war and it wasn't until the last 2-3 days of the war that the request for more infantry was granted. Olmert & Peretz screwed up also other problems came as a result of almost annual military budget cuts by successive governments so they didnt give the reserves the hardware they needed and cut down on training so they got out of shape and forgot skills. The army would buy new tanks to save money they didn't fit them with a system to defend against anti tank rockets. They also allowed Hizbullah to choose the battlefield where they knew every dirt road and bush to hide behind. Instead we should have dropped a few bombs on Damascus and told Assad raign in your terrorist friends or its your palace we start dropping bombs on. Things would have been very different if we had cut off the head of the snake. 3) The Gaza operation was a success and Hamas are still feeling the effects. As for the Hamas rockets, we don't yet have a system in place that can deal with them. Nobody does its just one of those things you have to live with during a war. 4) As much as I dislike him Barak has generally been a reasonably good defense minister and certainly better than the idiot Peretz. Ashkenaz has also been a decent chief of staff. After Lebanon the IDF started to get its act together so it could fight and win a war and although Iran may become a power for the Gulf states to fear except for the WMDS Israel has nothing to fear from Iran. What we are seeing is Israel continuing as the regional superpower and the strongest country in its part of the Middle East and Iran emerging as a conventional military power in the Gulf and if we do something about it we can prevent them becoming a regional superpower by stopping them getting nukes. Its still Israel still rules the roost militarily and isn't afraid to use it the problem is in recent years its been afraid to take the gloves off and smash its enemies rather than defeat them.
37. MAHMOOD the cool dude!
Ram ,   London   (07.27.09)
I have addressed you before because of your cool useless subtly anti-semitic posts. I have yet to see any post from you that invites any form of reconciliation. There is no doubt of Israel's superiority in the ME. Even your corrupt brain surely knows if it was not for this fact Israel would have been obliterated by your brothers. With regards to the Iranians, how can you not sympathise with all the poor citizens out there who are being so badly subjugated by the mad mullahs? How can you want such evil people to have the bomb after you have heard their declarations and watched their cruel treatment of their own citizens? It is sad that you are so consumed by hate that you are unable to think rationally but unfortunately that is a widespread pattern within your people. Be sure that Iran will not get to own the bomb and if by some miracle the West manages to convince them to stop in their track than the poor subjugated people of Iran would have been saved from total devastation. If Israel feels close to the threat being carried out, Iran will invite an apocalyptic devastation upon itself and its poor citizens. They will have no choice! You better understand this. Your time will be better spent trying to knock some sense into yourself and your brethren who think like you. Preach salaam young man for anything else is likely to lead to an ugly scenario.
38. #27-You got types?
Ypip ,   Canada   (07.27.09)
39. Pakistan went nuclear under the Clinton Administration
Shalom Freedman ,   Jerusalem Israel   (07.27.09)
It is impossible to trust anyone here. The U.S. is taking no real action to stop Iran or North Korea. Under Hillary's husband's careful observation , Pakistan went nuclear. Iran is going ahead with its program and ignoring Obama as it ignored Bush.
40. Mahmood, spoken like a true fish. Only the"threating"
Enjoying my freedom ,   how about you?   (07.27.09)
of what you speak is those who long for that thing you seem to take for granted... Freedom. Yeah like it was really outside forces at work. That anger you feel for Israel, that is an outside force designed to reel you in and I can see it working just as foretold. Pity you education didn't include reading what was really important but just taking somebody else's word for what it says. That of which I speak is the writing of the real prophets.
41. To the Talking Rubbish, #25
Bengantha   (07.27.09)
Yes indeed, Mahmood, if rubbish could talk, it probably WOULD sound like you! If you think election-stealing wife-stoning bystander-murdering Chavez-hugging medieval fanatical mullahs ARMED WITH NUCLEAR WEAPONS represent nothing more than "power balancing", you're even more ignorant and deluded than I thought. Much to YOUR disappointment, the Iranian regime will doubtless find itself in the RUBBISH bin of history before too long. The world is utterly against it, including the Arabs of the region, and so are most of its own people (except, of course, for a few blustery gusts of hot air thick with the stench of rubbish like yourself). Defanging is what you will begin to live with. "Make sure you get used to it."
42. the waiting game
alan   (07.27.09)
What specific actions can Obama take to thwart Iran? The EU tried talking for 7-8 years as Iran built up its capability to enrich uranium and build more plants. So Hillary proposes to engage in more talk, the saem direct talk that failed without acknowledging the failure of the EU efforts. There is no chance that even a revolution in Iran would result in alteration of the policy to acquire nukes. This leaves one option. The military option. But Obama has less inclination to use it than George W Bush. That leaves but one option. A massive first strike that turns Iran into glass. WWII taught us waiting too long enables dictatorships to become so powerful that fighting them costs millions of lives that could have been saved by decisive action in the early stages of a crisis.
43. sure presidents chemberlin and president willson
ghostq   (07.27.09)
also talked to Hitler, but look what happen when you kiss up to totalitarian regims. jews suffer by the millions.
44. Whenever she speaks
Jackie ,   Florida   (07.27.09)
We should remember whenever Hillary speaks the picture of her embracing Arafat and kissing his wife, while he was planning the intifada, while -- of course doing what Arabs alwas do, speaking of peace. Hold onto that picture and thing where her sympathies truly rest.
45. Let's see.The US has not been able to do anything to stop
Iran for 8 yrs.Times ,   up obama.BOOOMMM!!!!   (07.27.09)
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