Barak: US to soon unveil regional peace plan
Amnon Meranda
Published: 04.08.09, 17:40
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31. OBVIOUSLY Barak has been told exactly what the plan will be
GZLives   (08.04.09)
And so have all sides - and it will be some variation of Arab plan ie borders will be 1967 with slight adjustment. Even parts of Golan will go back to Syria. Parts of E Jerusalem will be Arab with exceptions being Holy Sights which will be under some sort of International Supervision or US Supervision. Token right of return for Arabs but most of that reparations of some sort - ie money Arabs agree to demilitarization and all other Israeli demands. That will be the deal ... Questions remaining will be Will it last? What about Hamas
32. Rejected out of hand
Sarah B ,   New York City, USA   (08.04.09)
Any "peace plan" coming out of the Obama White House is per force grossly biased in favor of the vanquished Palestinians (hey, sorry; truth is truth) and expects voluminous concessions from Israel while the Palestinians concede nothing. Unless and until the Palestinians (all 30-odd organizations purporting to be the true representatives of the Palestinian people, at any rate) acknowledge the right of the State of Israel to exist in its 6000 year old homeland -- no dice. Israel won six wars that it neither wanted nor started. She should not be forced to lose the illusory "peace" -- which is not even worth the breath it takes to utter it, given as how we are dealing with Palestinians here. Terrorist rabble; not diplomats. Obama is a joke. A rather bad and tasteless one, at that.
zionist forever   (08.04.09)
The American people didn't elect you to look for a legacy by trying to force a bad deal onto Israel or to bow down to muslim kings. They elected you to sort out the economy, national security and other DOMESTIC issues non of which concern Israel. Clinton had time to mess around trying to deal with the so called peace process because they were the good days Americas economy was strong & the war on terror hadn't began. President Hussain you are not in that situation so your priority should be America. Let Israel sort oiut its own problems as it has done for the past 61 years. The Israeli people don't like or want you butting in on our problems. We do not want your racist policies of telling jews they can only live in certain parts of Jerusalem. Isn't that what they did in South Africa telling blacks there was only certain parts of the country where they could live. Its certainly not your place to condemn Israels courts because they ruled that some jews owned houses and not arabs so the jews kicked the illegal arab squatters out. Don't impose solutions onto Israel drawn up by you. Any plan thats going to work has to be mutually acceptable to Israel & the palestinians not just to the Hussain regime. Charity begins at home so solve your own countries problems assuming you are a naturalized American and allowed to be president. Considering your not allowing your birth certificate to be made public people wonder if you have something to hide.
34. na'asay v'nishma...says Barak to Obama..
gedaliah   (08.04.09)
Just a few problems... 1. Obama is not god 2. Barak does not represent the Jewish people 3. The peace plan is not the torah
35. Only fools support a plan before they've seen it
Raymond in DC ,   Washington, DC USA   (08.04.09)
If Barak knows what's in the plan, he should tell us precisely. And once it's out, he will not be the one to decide to support it or not. He is, after all, Defense Minister and titular head of a minor coalition party. He is *not* the Prime Minister. And, yes, I've long thought Barak was a fool. He should focus on defense matters and leave matters of state to others.
36. to 35
sima ,   jerusalem   (08.05.09)
even the one who put a plane do support anything .. hahaha fool to believe whatever he said whatever he is obamaorbarakor the abouoribn ...
37. Peace in our time; again??
felix the cat   (08.05.09)
OY VEY, do we have Politicians. Everyone talks about Barak's decorations as a soldier ---- and everyone talks about Barak's stinks ! Sharon was a great soldier but, as a Politician..... he put us in a larger pile of dung than the one generated by the cattle on his ranch. A soldier's job is " killing " the enemy. " out killing " him makes him a hero. A politician's job is outsmarting his " confreres ". Brains, experience, knowledge, languages, finesse, makes him THE top asset of any Govt. (Aba Eban?) To # 6 , Marcel, yes the people of Israel are this impotent.It's natural, as they are led by impotent leaders. And last, TO # 10; the wisdom of Salomon he (Obama) gets by osmosis from Rahm Emmanual.
38. OBAMA on dividing Jerusalem
chow-chow ,   SA, USA   (08.08.09)
obama needs to follow the " PLAN" that has always been in place since Israel became a nation!!! The USA has always supported Israel ! Why can't the world open their eyes and imagine living the way the Israelis have to live on a daily basis? How would you like to live with rockets comming down on you and your children daily! For years! I get so sick of hearing about the poor "terrorist" That just love to make life hell for the jewish people. I have a great idea, why don't OBAMA make Kenya or Iran or Jordan or any of the other countries in the middle east give up there land to the palestineons. No, they don't want these trouble makers. Egypt put up a wall to keep them out,but I never here anyone say anything about their WALL! THEY ALL MAKE ME SICK!!!!!
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