Report: IDF killed women and children with white flags in Gaza
Published: 13.08.09, 11:28
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43 Talkbacks for this article
31. #10, DF Israel
Louis Fried ,   Woodbridge, Canada   (08.13.09)
Very well said my friend. You will never get an objective and unbiased report from HRW or the British media.
32. #10, It's quite simple to understand
machrooha ,   USA   (08.13.09)
"We live in Israel, and as such have served in the IDF, and probably have seen, not through the whitewashed lenses of CNN and the BBC, but with our own eyes the results of car, bus, restaurant, disco bombings by suicide murders. And we live with the aftermaths of these attacks, unlike you who turn your tvs off and go about your daily routine not having to worry about where the next bomb or rocket will come from. " Do you know why people like Lisa and everyone else from germany, england, etc dont have to worry about rockets or bombs or suicide attacks? BECAUSE THEIR GOVERNMENTS DON'T MAINTAIN THE POLICIES OF OCCUPATION AND OPPRESSION LIKE YOURS DOES. BECAUSE THEY TREAT THEIR MINORITIES JUST LIKE THEY TREAT THE MAJORITY POPULATION. BECAUSE THEY TREAT ALL OF THEIR PEOPLE LIKE HUMAN BEINGS. BECAUSE EVERYONE HAS THE SAME RIGHTS. BECAUSE THERE IS NO APARTHEID.That's why people like Lisa dont have to worry about the trivialities that you are o so worried about. You want the violence to stop? STOP ELECTING TERROR GOVERNMENTS. Noone wants to hear your sobbing.
33. Rename Ynet "Peace Now"
george ,   ashdod   (08.13.09)
It is disappointing how Ynet continues to give credibility to stories about supposed IDF misdeeds. It seems to part of a larger tendency to criticize the government at every opportunity. Jpost is at least more even handed.
34. #32
Df ,   Beer Sheva, Israel   (08.13.09)
Sobbing - you got it all wrong. We are not sobbing, we are just doing what any people would do in our situation - protecting ourselves against a band of terrorists who are hell bent on destroying us. If you think otherwise, read the Hamas Covenant. Why don't you live it day by day ? Hmmmmm - lets see - England took over Northern Ireland and colonized it. And yet, those of you who live in England lived without the daily fear of bombings. Yes, there was violence, but mostly in Northern Ireland, not in England proper. Today, you have a different situation in England, not because of a difference in government between you and us, but because of the same type of terrorists that we have been dealing with for over 60 years. And it will increase. Same for mainland Europe and, unfortunately, for the U.S. although it will take longer there. One last thought about this oppressive, apartheid, etc. country. Around the end of the Gaza operation, the deputy mayor of Umm El Facham, an Arab town in Wadi Ara, was interviewed by Razi Barkaie on Army radio. He was told that as part of a final settlement between Israel and the PA, Olmert was proposing land exchange and as part of that offer, Um El Facham would be handed over to the PA. His immediate reaction was; "NO WE DON'T WANT THAT." Interesting that an arab elected official would rather live in that apartheid, racist, oppressive state called Israel than live in that free, democratic state to be called Palestine. Pardon me for my sarcasm.
35. Israel
Df ,   Beer Sheva, Israel   (08.13.09)
In addition to my previous post, to #32, at least we have the ability to freely elect our parliament which is more than you can say for those great democracies around us. And for your information, there are 2 Arab parties in the knesset with I believe it is 10 knesset members. In addition, other parties, such as Kadima, Likud and Labor have or have had Arab knesset members and in the previous government, there was an Arab minister. Apartheid ? - hmmmmmm. There are Arab judges in the court system, there are Arab doctors in Israeli hospitals, Arab lecturers in Israeli universities. Apartheid ? hmmmm. I suggest that instead of parroting the propaganda put out by other people, you do a bit of research by yourself and find out what really is happening on the ground here. But then again, that takes effort and intellect and I am not sure you have the second and are willing to put out the first.
36. Ynet - #33
Df ,   Beer Sheva, Israel   (08.13.09)
I beg to disagree with you about Ynet. In the present case, they are reporting only which is legitimate journalism. I happen to like their opinion section - both in English and Hebrew. If you want to see a Peace Now newspaper, check Haaretz, especially two of its columnists: Amira Hass and Gideon Levy. Now there are a couple who have never said to my knowledge anything good about Israel or anything bad about the Palestinians. Hey - I thought the Israeli media was controlled and censored. I must have been wrong - LOL
37. #16 wow. obviously u have no clue
sp ,   ny   (08.14.09)
Its just a shame that ppl like r allowed to speak... obviously u never served in the army n have never been to Israel and have no real grasp on reality. Enjoy ur freedom while it lasts cuz the "more n more Americans" that think like will end that freedom really fast if ire not careful...
38. #1 - Of course violence against Jews make Ynet headlines
William ,   Israel   (08.14.09)
Because no one else but Jews believe that Jews have any rights, not even human rights. Yet, make a Palestinian wait an extra 20 minutes at a roadblock and suddenly there are cries of "war crimes" and human rights groups descend like vultures over roadkill. The difference between our media is this - stories in Israeli media are somewhat accurate and corrected very soon, if need be. In your media, no facts are checked or unreliable sources are used, it's spin-doctored with local emotion and put out for money-making public consumption. Any updates to the facts are buried 15 pages deep indicating no real attempt at truth.
39. #30 - Lisa, if AI has so many reports why kept secret?
William ,   Israel   (08.14.09)
Sure, anyone can find these reports on their website. And your claim that AI is unbiased because of the other reports only holds water if the reports are given the same attention. You fail to acknowledge (or purpose or because of your own ignorance) that more resources were put against AI's reports on Israel than other hotspots, like Darfur, Sri Lanka, even China. Further, if AI is unbiased as you claim, why do they give massive media attention to Israel-bashing reports but the others I mentioned are considered "oh by the way, we also reported on....."? Seems a bit strange that AI would go to such lengths if they try to be unbiased. But then again - NGOs are groups living on donations and we all know (because they've admitted it) they get the biggest donations for attacking the "demon du jour". Call me when the deaths in Darfur and Tibet become apropos again.
40. #32 - Machrooha - WOW, where to start with your tripe??
William ,   Israel   (08.14.09)
Um, ok. Let's see. "Their govts don't maintain policies of oppression and occupation".... Well, there was no "occupation" before 1967 yet cross-border attacks on Israeli civilians by terrorists were there. Infact, before there was an official Israel, there were racist Arab attacks on Jewish civilians. Why? Did they predict the future and wanted to pre-empt it? "They treat their minorities just like their majority population" - REALLY??? The US does this? Ask the Latino population what they think. Certainly NOT the EU where riots in France contradict your lie. Perhaps in the UK where the average Englishman is getting pissed off at foreigners and demand a block on immigration. How about Germany, Holland, France, Italy, Belgium....where the pressures of immigration and Arab intolerance have given rise to nationalistic groups? "Because there is no apartheid (as if Israel has it)" - well I can tell you one thing, our Arabs in Israel can wear a head dress freely in public where as it's illegal in parts of Europe, and raises suspicions in the US to the point that Arabs complain of racial profiling. Our Arabs can eat, walk, drive, learn, get healthcare, and work in the same places that Jews, Druze, B'hai, Samaritans, Christians, Russians, Ethiopians, Americans, Chinese, Indian, Latins, Europeans and others do. Infact, it's this same heterogeneous population that Americans apparently admire as it matches there own - with recent polls showing massive support for Israel from the American public. Compare that with - say, the very group you support, the Arabs. Most Arab countries are purposely kept homogeneous. Palestinians are often kept in camps and are severely limited (i.e. not at all treated like human beings). Christians are targeted in Gaza, Lebanon, Iraq, and Pakistan regularly (but are free in Israel). Sunnis hate Shia (but no sectarian violence in Israel). And Palestinians want not one Jew in their territory, even as a law-abiding citizen of Palestine. You call that democracy, I call that apartheid and ethnic cleansing. So again - your feeble Leftist attempt to twist facts and demonize people who disagree with you blows up in your face. Quick, call Code Pink for some Palestinian face cream made from mud, ball bearings, and TNT residue!
41. #34 - DF - Even our jails are better than living under PA
William ,   Israel   (08.14.09)
Despite the carefully choreographed attack against Israel as an "apartheid" State, these numb-nuts like Lisa and Machrooha ignore your anecdote and another interesting one.... like those Pals who demand to remain in our jails, petitioning our court system, because of how their life would be "free" under the PA or Hamas rule. Several demanded to remain for weeks beyond their sentence in order to finish a university degree...something out of their reach in the Pal territories. And one kid did everything he could to get into Israeli jails because his life sucked in the West Bank. I doubt highly the same could be said of Blacks in South Africa for the ruling White.
42. chocko from NY
David ,   Rhode Island   (08.14.09)
Try to understand. Israel left Gaza because the palestinians wanted it. In return they got missiles for thanks. They offered Arafat a country he said no and went to war instead after stealing billions from his people. You can't make peace with people who don't want peace.
43. Gazans should sneak into America
David ,   USA   (08.14.09)
In the sanctuary cities the cops can't ask you if you are here legally and Obama wants to give you free health care.
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