Nasrallah is scared
Guy Bechor
Published: 18.08.09, 01:04
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31. Earth to #12, #27
Tahl ,   Ashdod, Israel   (08.18.09)
"the blow Hizbulla has afflicted upon israel in the 2006 war" "israel's obvious defeat in 2006" Oh really? Whatever "blow" or "defeat" Hizbullah dealt Israel, Hizbullah suffered that much more. Israel sustained only 165 fatalities in the war, while Hizbullah had 500-700 fatalities, a quarter of its fighters, killed. Israel has fully recovered from the war. Its economy is booming. Lebanon is still destroyed in many places, many are still homeless, the economy is shattered, and the people there blame Nasrallah. That's why he lost the election. Mughniyeh was taken out. Hizbullah indeed rearmed itself, but the recent explosion of their bunker near the border, exposed their lies to the world. Even the Israel-bashing UN admitted Hizbullah severely breached resolution 1701, and this further isolates them from the world. "Israel's cowardly bombing and killing of thousands of innocent civilians, like it did in last war with Hezbollah, and in its war on Gaza" - Care to provide solid proof of these accusations? The official figures from the Second Lebanon War, are at least 500 dead Hizbullah fighters (UN estimate), out of a total of 1200 Lebanese casualties (as provided by the Lebanese goverment). For Cast Lead, there were about 700 dead militants and 460 dead civilians (Wikipedia). Furthermore, even the Palestinians and Lebanese themselves admitted Israel warned civilians in advance to get out before the bombings. But why let these facts confuse you.
32. Hezbollah's military loss, propaganda victory
JPS ,   Efrat   (08.18.09)
Only the whiners in Israel keep saying we lost the war with Hezbollah. The facts stand for themselves: at the end of the war Israel had some 15,000 soldiers inside Lebanon, and Hezbollah had nobody in Israel except for prisoners and dead bodies. Funny how at the end of the war, with over 1000 dead, billions in damage, and thousands of Israeli troops controlling his territory, Nasrallah declares victory. But then again, we see this all the time from pathetic dictators in the middle east. Don't forget that the Arabs have won each and every war with Israel since 1948. Well, that's if you believe what they say, of course.
33. #28
Samer Salami ,   LA & USA   (08.18.09)
I may agree with you with you about the mutual need of both parties (Israel & Hizb) with psych ops in order to raise morals and get ready for the next round, what everyone fails to realize is that in Lebanon if there were no Hizb there will be resistance whether it is Sayed or someone else. Do you know why Tahl? Israeli short sighted policies, high tech aggression, unneeded humiliation of the locals during the occupation of the south, in the past decades have created an animosity that did not exist. The amazing thing that puzzle people is that the Jewish State still believes that with more power and superior weapon they can win and change the situation! Not likely. Most people around the world have grown tired of these circles of violence and are supporting the Lebanese and now the Palestinians (after they stopped blowing up civilians).
34. #22 Dany:
Wildmandxb ,   M.E.   (08.18.09)
What did israel gain from that war other than killing innocent civilians, a trend your zionist army doesn't seem to give up! They killed a couple hundred Hizbulla soldiers? Destroyed a couple of thousand missiles? Well guess what wise guy, Hizbulla has grown stronger and more powerfull than before with more missiles than any time ever...besides did you see your pussycats, i mean your soldiers crying on tv upon returning from the battlefield? if you didn't, i did, and damn well did they get a good whooping by the Hizb men! Get over it man, you guys lost, you had a target and failed massively...it seems you missed a lot of news in the summer of 2006!
35. #21 Danny again (Sigh):
Wildmandxb ,   M.E.   (08.18.09)
Whatever hizbulla did in 2000 was legitimate and substantiated given that the israeli army was occupying their land, or did you miss that? in 2006 they abducted 2 soldiers, Not destroy a hundred structures in Tel Aviv!
36. #34, the world has progressed
Danny   (08.18.09)
once upon a time, victory for the arabs was throwing the Jews into the sea, then it was getting a stalemate, then it was inflicting some damage and now it is not being completely wiped out. That is progress for you. PS It was a war Hizbollah started
37. #35, apparently you don't read the news
Danny   (08.18.09)
Israel pulled out in 2000, a few months ***later**** Hizbollah made an unprovoked attack.
38. #12 - what hole in the Middle East are you writing from???
Andy ,   ramat hasharon   (08.18.09)
Hibollah can start something any time it likes - as long as it's ready to clean up more and more rubble. Israel's "defeat" was not a defeat at all. Even a badly run war was a victory in terms of blood and treasure and what we learned. You see, Wildman from some backwater toilet in the middle east, that's how modern, self-critical democracies work. We learn from our mistakes and are better for it. Try it sometime. Unless speaking out will get you arrested or killed.
39. The proof is simple
Tuvea ,   Chicago, Illinois   (08.18.09)
A few months ago, while the IDF was pummeling Hamas, what was the response of 'victorious' Hezbollah? Did they rise up in defense of their brothers in the South? Did they unleash its fearsome weaponry in order to stop the IDF from warring in Gaza? Well someone fired a few rockets. And Hezbollah, after changing its underware, immediately stated it had nothing to do with those attacks. If, as some of the posters claim, Hezbollah 'won' in 2006, what were they so afraid of in 2009? A new generation of Tzahal showed this year what they did 3 years ago and in the past. Man for man IDF is one of the toughest militaries in the world. All Glory to the IDF!
40. #1 Sam
Jake ,   New York   (08.18.09)
Yes, it is disturbing to have the Truth shatter your absurd islamic 'logic.'
41. What is left out
GHook93 ,   Chicago   (08.18.09)
Israel can never win the PR war with the hypocritical Arab world, the leftist and growing Islamic Europe, the liberlized America, the Jew hating Africa and Latin America, the Persian Princesses, the meloncoly Chinese and the hypocritics in Russia (man that blasted Israel, but hit Georgia 10 fold worse than Lebanon was hit)! It can't happen and will only get worse!
42. Agree
Mohammed ,   Jordan   (08.18.09)
43. Nasrallah will always win.
Nathan Rai ,   Bangalore   (08.19.09)
Nasrallahs 'heroes" get their arses lammed by the IDF / run like frightened school girls from the IDF / fight the IDF from behind civilians / bomb unsuspecting civilains and still this loony and his "heroic" illegitimate offspring gang claim victory. Yes the IDF left Lebanon becuase they were tired of chasing these spineless cowards who survive by hiding under the skirts of women. Hamas / Al Qaeda and true Molems have got spine. Warriors fight warriors. God loves the brave. These heretic scum Hezbollah will meet the fate God has reserved for all heretic cowardly scum. No wonder true moslems call these scum the sons of snakes and monkeys.
44. re: #39
Albert ,   Los Angeles, Ca   (08.19.09)
Your argument is idiotic. How did Hamas help Hezbollah in 2006? Why should Hezbollah help Hamas? They are fighting different causes and tho im sure they may share weapons time to time they have always fought theyre own battles. As far as Nasrallah being afraid of Israel, I think Nasrallah is more afraid of being perceived as a Lebanese dictator than fighting Israel. Hezbollah has doubled its missile capacity and now has missiles that will indeed crash on Tel Aviv should war arise. You didnt stop the missiles then and you wont stop them now. Wake up and get out of Shabba Farms.
45. Wildmandxb - Hezbollah broke international law
JPS ,   Efrat   (08.19.09)
Hey Wildmandxb, go get your facts right, because you're spinning lies. In 2006 Hezbollah launched an unprovoked attack across the international Lebanon-Israel border. That by definition is an act of war, and a violation of international law. They didn't just kidnap soldiers, they killed several soldiers, then kidnapped and murdered two other soldiers. In order to cover the attack, they also fired anti-personnel rockets at Israeli civilians - a war crime. In response, Israel counter-attacked (legal under international law) and Hezbollah increased the rocket fire against civilian targets (more war crimes). In the end, there were 15000 Israeli troops in Lebanon and massive destruction and death to Lebanese. All because Hezbollah attacked Israel. Those are the facts, hope you understand it now.
46. #44, Israel was fighting Hamas when Hizbollah attacked
Danny   (08.19.09)
in 2006. In fact the abduction of the two soldiers in the North happened less than a month after the abduction of Shalit in the South. So Hamas was ALREADY in a full scale fight. Also Hamas tried to send a number of suicide bombers during the second Lebanon war. Hizbollah simply shut up and didn't lift a finger to help and was very very very quick to point out the rockets that were fired had nothing to do with them.
47. Wilmandxb-you are silly
Mickey ,   Sydney Australia   (08.19.09)
......When the United Nations wanted to impose a 48-hour ceasefire, it was Hezbollah which rushed to accept while Israel had to be pressured. Obviously this was because Israel had the military momentum in her favor. ......Israel pushed Hezbollah well away from the Lebanese-Israel border.Israel lost 116 soldiers while five to six hundred Hezbollah members were killed and nearly all of their bases, headquarters and tactical infrastructure were destroyed. Additionally, Israel took over every single village in southern Lebanon.During the conflict, Hezbollah said it would never agree to allow either the Lebanese army nor international monitors to patrol southern Lebanon. ....Even after the cease fire, Israel stayed in Lebanon for two more months in order to destroy all remaining Hezbollah outposts and bunkers while Hezbollah stood by and did nothing. During the conflict some of the Israel/Lebanon border fence was destroyed and torn down, and Israel was in no rush to fix it, since what`s the point? Hezbollah will not want to mess with the IDF again! ...not too long ago, nearly all television and print media images coming out of southern Lebanon were that of armed Hezbollah fighters with their guns,outposts, and banners. Not anymore! Hezbollah is now hiding under rocks in Southern Lebanon and Nasrallah is no longer enjoying frequent visits to central Beirut, giving daily "Hate Israel" speeches,Nasrallah even admitted that had he known that even one percent of this war would have gone as it had, he would have NEVER kidnapped the soldiers and thus started the war! "We did not think, even 1 percent, that the capture would lead to a war at this time and of this magnitude. You ask me, if I had known on July 11 ... that the operation would lead to such a war, would I do it? I say no, absolutely not.? - Hezbollah Leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah, August 27, 2006 ......After the war some Arab Governments claimed Hezbollah achieved a divine victory but lets not forget, that some of those Arab governments "STILL" until today claim that the Syria and Egypt won the 1967 War and the 1973 War. ...No one disputes the fact that Hizbullah started the fight," sayd a writer for Ya Libnan. ..... "The cease-fire acted as a life jacket for the organization [at the end of the Second Lebanon War]," a Hizbullah officer said in an interview aired by Channel 10 ...The officer shown on Channel 10 said the organization`s gunmen had been running low on food and water and facing rapidly diminishing arms supplies. ....The officer also said that many Hizbullah commanders were ordered to hide before the war started, and that the gunmen who remained were forced to fire Katyusha rockets from inside urban populations because of the IDF`s efficiency in destroying launchers minutes after a launch had been detected.
48. Sorry, #6, Don't know what you're talking about.
Jake   (08.19.09)
Israel did not "conduct a war on Lebanon" in 2006. Israel responded to a deadly attack into Israel by Hizbullah. That's all. If Hizbullah repeats its error of 2006 and attacks Israel again, Israel will respond again - disproportionately.
49. #12. Wildman. Just one question.
Jake   (08.19.09)
What blow did Hizbullah inflict on Israel in 2006? I ask you. I mean, you said "the world knows". But I just don't get it?
50. #17 , But Hizbullah did strike first in 2006.
Jake   (08.19.09)
I can assure you. And if Hizbullah believes it has enough support at home, and enough firepower to score another "divine victory", it will strike first again. I can assure you. Because Hizbullah announced it will not stop until Israel is destroyed. The whole world knows. I can assure you.
51. #34, "a couple hundred Hizbullah soldiers"?
Jake   (08.19.09)
Who says so? According to both UN and Lebanese sources, the Israelis killed about 500 Hizbullah "soldiers". And as for killing innocent civilians being a "zionist trend", hiding behind civilians appears to be the main trend for Hizbullah, Hamas, and the like.
52. #47 Mickey in Sydney:
Wildmandxb ,   M.E.   (08.20.09)
Wow Wow...hold your breath there boy, i can smell the stench coming out of all the mendacity in your words...Israel took over every single village in south lebanon??? where the hell did you get that from? the pussycats in the IDF tried to invade the southern villages however they got their asses whooped by the fighters! haven't you seen the interviews in your zionist media about the war? the IDF didn't gain control on a single village sir...Honestly, whatever you have mentioned in your talkback sounds like a typical zionist propaganda about the war that has made its way into your pathetic minds! there is no way in hell a Hizbulla officer would have said whatever you related to in your scam! your words are a depiction of lies, but no wonder, we are used to this type of situation from zionists...inventing stories to suit their case, preventing the truth from reaching people like you! Go Mickey , continue believing and enjoying the swindle of history, you will never know what is wrong or right, simply because you believe everything they tell you... The difference between me and you here mickey is that i was THERE, you WEREN'T. I know exactly what happened hour by hour , day by day, while you were enjoying the comfort of watching it onTV , taking in whatever the zionists want you to know. I commiserate with you for the state of utter ignorance that you choose to live with.
53. #49 Jake:
Wildmandxb ,   M.E.   (08.20.09)
Honestly Sir, i don't care if you guys wanna know the truth or not, obviously there are so many of you here posting talkbacks about the situation without having the slightest idea of what ACTUALLY happened. Now there is a difference Jake between people who where in Lebanon during the war , like myself, and people watching the war in the media, like you! I don't wanna keep on going time after time giving you facts trying to negate what seems to be instilled in your minds so deep, that simply isn't gonna happen with people like you, and i completely understand your situation, you guys live in a huge propaganda bubble, customized to serve a certain purpose and seems to be working very well....
54. Wildmandxb, your posts are like a storm in a teacup.
Jake   (08.20.09)
55. let's hope...
tom ,   toronto, canada   (08.21.09)
let's hope that nasrallah reads israeli newspapers. and more importantly, let's hope that he believes them... let's hope that his masters in tehran actually care about whether he and his followers live or die, rather than using them as expendable pawns, as they have done until now... let's hope that the iranians don't supply nasrallah with some new weapon, like a longer-range rocket, or an armed uav, that can elude the idf's defences... let's hope that hebollah doesn't really have a death-wish, in spite of all the evidence to the contrary, and doesn't really want to destroy the world in order to precipitate the return of the shiite mahdi. let's hope...
56. Yeah JAke atleast they mean something unlike your posts!
Wildmandxb ,   M.E.   (08.22.09)
57. may the divine win
John ,   USA   (10.05.09)
Lets hope Nasralla gets all these things and sends you bozos to hell
58. scared
alan dershowitz ,   boston, usa   (11.14.09)
Guy Bechor...u sound really scared in this article....
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