'Native American' protesters to US: Give us back Manhattan
Olga Gouresky
Published: 20.08.09, 00:23
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31. #23 Land's original inhabitants
Happy ,   Turkey   (08.20.09)
Soooo, you mean that prior to jews there were other people in the land you claim. So jews were not the original inhabitants of the land. Nice to know.
32. Big Difference
A.H. ,   World   (08.20.09)
Jews are natives who after a long time, have succeeded and reclaiming their land. They have even had to fight on it so they can keep it. Native Americans, with much of their lands gone, are now a practically invisible minority on their own soil. Those who maintain anything of their ancient culture are are in a somewhat better position The point of the "reservation"-land appropriated by the US government for the Indians- was to keep them apart. Many of them are far away, and not very accessible to cities. Some of the lands are "leased" to the Indians. That means, the government maintained the right to take it back and use it for its purposes. As for Manhattan, $24 does not go as far now as it did back then. Especially not on today's skyscraper studded isle.
33. to #31 the one befor jews got married
ghostq   (08.20.09)
to jews, and you be surprised to know that jewdaism adopted their rituals. pagan as they may be even the names for exmple the Jewish name ESTER comes from the Cnaanis goddes of fertility ishtar. sweet when truth hurts.
34. The original inhabitants were the Canaanites
Elmer ,   USA   (08.20.09)
The Hebrews/Israelites invaded and slaughtered them.
35. #25 - A wonderful article was written about this
William ,   Israel   (08.20.09)
I believe it was in Jpost or Ynet. They interviewed an Israeli who was an activist for finding and documenting those Palestinian tribes that were Jewish. The author also interviewed several tribe elders who admitted they were Jewish and that neighboring Muslims also knew this. They were forcibly converted centuries ago but still keep some traditions. Doubtful that they would return to Judaism...seeing how their lives would be in danger from our "peace partners", but I disagree with your assessment that most Pals are Jewish. Infact, just a miniscule amount hail from Jewish roots. The majority of the rest of full-blooded Arabs from Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, etc. that came into the country illegally in the 1930s to follow prosperity...just as Arabs do today (check out Dubai - it's full of Indian, Lebanese, Syrian, Iranian, and Egyptian Muslims!)
36. #16 - Arabs acknowledge their oppression of Palestine 642AD
William ,   Israel   (08.20.09)
The world seems to forget this part. But Arabs not only acknowledge they took the land by force in 642 AD, killing or converting many of the population, but they're proud of it. Today, they speak as if the population and history they overtook was really their's. Hence, their claim on the Temple Mount and Pharoah's legacy.
37. #3, #11 - they are opposing the settlements, of Europeans
William ,   Israel   (08.20.09)
On their historical land. Their history on this land went back way farther than Pals claim on Israel. Infact, Arabs not only acknowledge they stole the land in 642AD, they are proud of it! They also claim no one lived their before and it was 100% empty...or they were welcomed in by pagan Christians. are the settlers and get credibility through violence and revisionism. Hell, most of your population came in 1930s as illegal immigrants chasing European wealth. Pals do that now in Dubai! Now wonder you hide behind your lies. If you learned the truth, your entire narrative and your reason for being would disappear in an instant.
38. #6 - Are you sure Indians are the idiots, Steve?
William ,   Israel   (08.20.09)
Judging from your own post, it seems like you're not very informed yourself. Infact, you're just a mouthpiece for somebody else's agenda....and in the grand scheme of things...that really makes you the idiot. Now, if you can prove your claims, please do. However, no matter how you spin it like your Pals brothers....buying land at highly speculative prices does not equal "rape, castration, and euthanasia". And you forgot the best part....Arabs leaders asked the Pals (mostly illegal immigrants) to run and return later to take Jewish property and wealth. But answer me this Mr. Idiot...if Jews did attack, expel, and rape Pals....wouldn't atleast one of the many journalists, writers, diplomats, foreign fighters in the region at the time seen this? Reported this? And yet no one did. Hmmm.
39. #34 - The King and soldiers were slaughtered
William ,   Israel   (08.20.09)
The inhabitants were allowed to stay in the land in peace. The original inhabitants did and many assimilated to either side. Unlike the Arabs who invade a land, slaughter everyone or force them to convert. Even when they cite the 1948 UN resolution giving them "right of return" they ignore the part that says "an end to all aggressions and hostilities against Israel and their citizens". This is where the Canaanites, though being child-sacrificing pagans, had more morals than Palestinians.
40. #30 - if that were true, then let US do whatever in Arabia
William ,   Israel   (08.20.09)
Right now, based upon the aid and investments the US has made, they can call the shots all over the Middle East, including with the Palestinians. They dump a huge amount of money into Egypt, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, parts of Asia, parts of Africa, and Latin America. So with this being true, why do people like you decry the US "arrogance" in the world, but demand that Israel adhere to their whim? Could it be that you're a racist hypocrite Happy pappy?
41. #6, Ha ha. The truth hurts, doesn't it?
Jake   (08.20.09)
2000 years ago, there was a country called Judaea and its people were called Jews. 3000 years ago there was a united Kindom of Israel, one of the first nation-states in world history. 4000 years ago, there was a mountain in Jerusalem called Zion. Where were America and Americans even 500 years ago?
42. You are kidding, Mr. Hovland #5
Jake   (08.20.09)
It's their land and you know it? Not even you believe that bogus line. The casinos and the tax-free status for Indians were a miserable excuse of a consolation prize, after the American government turfed out and decimated the Indians, took their land per the Manifest Destiny, and then cheated them out of the rest by violating every agreement that was ever made with the Indian tribes. But sure, lip service is certainly cheap when you are 300 million and they are 1 million. What would you say if you were 6 million and they were 5 million?
43. #9 Really? What about Hawaii, then?
Jake   (08.20.09)
Hawaii was an independent kingdom until the end of the 19th century, when it was overthrown by American settlers who proclaimed the "Republic of Hawaii". President Grover Cleveland himself announced that the overthrow of Queen Liliuokalani was an illegal act of war, and refused to consider annexation. However, the following administration proceeded with annexation and Congress created the US Territory of Hawaii. Hawaii only became a US state in 1959.
44. #34, RE: The original inhabitants were Canaanites
Jake   (08.20.09)
1. "The Hebrews/Israelites invaded and slaughtered them". Lol. Yes in about 1400 bc. 2. The Hebrews/Israelites absorbed the language and material culture of the Canaanites. The Hebrew language is called in the Bible 'the Language of Canaan'. 3. According to the Bible, the ultimate origins of the Hebrew patriarchs were Aramaic, which puts their origins still within the Levant - not on the other side of the ocean.
45. #39, William
Elmer ,   USA   (08.20.09)
Your response to my post was reasonable and respectful. I appreciate that. I was trying to answer some silly and irrelevant posts with a silly and irrelevant post of my own. That was not really mature on my part. The history of mankind is truly brutal and bloody. All races or peoples have conquered or been conquered, been slaves and held slaves, expelled others and been expelled, etc. That includes the history Christians, Muslims and Jews. The history of the Middle East is especially messy with conquests, shifting populations and rulers, nations and borders coming and going, claims, counterclaims, etc. But the world, through the United Nations, welcomed Israel as an equal member in 1949. That's it. That makes it valid. Equally with all other nations. That's the start of modern day Israel. Nothing before that matters. I've thoroughly enjoyed seeing Israel's attackers get their butts whupped. We probably agree on 90% of the important things. But I am completely opposed to the outlying, isolated settlements. They are wrong. The days of taking land by conquest are gone. Same as the days of conquest, slavery, expulsion are gone. We all have to try to live in the modern world, with the rules of the modern world. Purely as an aside, and completely irrelevant to this subject and to this day and age, I believe that Deuteronomy Chapter 20, especially Verse 16, confirms my claim. (I just reviewed it online at the Jewish Virtual Library.)
46. Meir - 13
David ,   USA   (08.20.09)
We purchased Alaska from Russia when Lincoln was President. They called it "Seward's folly", named after Lincoln's Secretary of State. Prior to Russia and Mexico's ownership of the states you mentioned, they were occupied by the native americans. It's said that they had no concept of owning land, since it belonged to the Great Spirit. They still fought a lot.
47. Elmer - 45
David ,   New England   (08.20.09)
The thing is, prior to Israel's gaining Judea and Samaria in the defensive war of 1967, Jordan illegally seized it. (and then renamed it the west bank) Before that it was part of the British Mandate for Palestine, territory the Turkish Ottoman Empire lost in WW2. Since it belonged to no sovereign nation, why does everyone assume the land belongs to the arabs (palestinians)?
48. #36, 37 William
Happy ,   Turkey   (08.21.09)
"Infact, Arabs not only acknowledge they stole the land in 642AD, they are proud of it! They also claim no one lived their before and it was 100% empty." BLATANT LIE! Excerpts from Wikipedia Article "Jerusalem": With the Arab conquest, Jews were allowed back into the city. The Rashidun caliph Umar ibn al-Khattab signed a treaty with Monophysite Christian Patriarch Sophronius, assuring him that Jerusalem's Christian holy places and population would be protected under Muslim rule. In 1099, Jerusalem was conquered by the Crusaders, who massacred most of its Muslim inhabitants and the remnants of the Jewish inhabitants; the Crusaders later expelled the native Christian population and created the Kingdom of Jerusalem. By early June 1099 Jerusalem’s population had declined from 70,000 to less than 30,000.[58] In 1187, the city was wrested from the Crusaders by Saladin who permitted Jews and Muslims to return and settle in the city.[59] Under the Ayyubid dynasty of Saladin, a period of huge investment began in the construction of houses, markets, public bathes, and pilgrim hostels as well as the establishment of religious endowments. In 1517, Jerusalem and environs fell to the Ottoman Turks, who generally remained in control until 1917.[59] Jerusalem enjoyed a period of renewal and peace under Suleiman the Magnificent - including the rebuilding of magnificent walls around the Old City. Throughout much of Ottoman rule, Jerusalem remained a provincial, if religiously important center, and did not straddle the main trade route between Damascus and Cairo.[62] However, the Muslim Turks brought many innovations: modern postal systems run by the various consulates; the use of the wheel for modes of transportation; stagecoach and carriage, the wheelbarrow and the cart; and the oil-lantern, among the first signs of modernization in the city.[63] In the mid 19th century, the Ottomans constructed the first paved road from Jaffa to Jerusalem, and by 1892 the railroad had reached the city. With the annexation of Jerusalem by Muhammad Ali of Egypt in 1831, foreign missions and consulates began to establish a foothold in the city. In 1836, Ibrahim Pasha allowed Jerusalem's Jewish residents to restore four major synagogues, among them the Hurva.[64] In the 1834 Arab revolt in Palestine, Qasim al-Ahmad led his forces from Nablus and attacked Jerusalem, aided by the Abu Ghosh clan, entered the city on May 31, 1834. The Christians and Jews of Jerusalem were subjected to attacks. Ibrahim's Egyptian army routed Qasim's forces in Jerusalem the following month.[65] Ottoman rule was reinstated in 1840, but many Egyptian Muslims remained in Jerusalem and Jews from Algiers and North Africa began to settle in the city in growing numbers.[64] In the 1840s and 1850s, the international powers began a tug-of-war in Palestine as they sought to extend their protection over the country's religious minorities, a struggle carried out mainly through consular representatives in Jerusalem.[66] According to the Prussian consul, the population in 1845 was 16,410, with 7,120 Jews, 5,000 Muslims, 3,390 Christians, 800 Turkish soldiers and 100 Europeans.[64] The volume of Christian pilgrims increased under the Ottomans, doubling the city's population around Easter time.[67] In the 1860s, new neighborhoods began to develop outside the Old City walls to house pilgrims and relieve the intense overcrowding and poor sanitation inside the city. The Russian Compound and Mishkenot Sha'ananim were founded in 1860.[68] In 1867 an American Missionary reports an estimated population of Jerusalem of 'above' 15,000. With 4,000 to 5,000 Jews and 6,000 Muslims. Every year there were 5,000 to 6,000 Russian Christian Pilgrims.
49. #36, 37 William, Western Wall
Happy ,   Turkey   (08.21.09)
William, learn things correctly, if you have good faith. Instead of biting the hand extended to help the Sephardim expelled from the medieval Spain, show due respect. Don't poison minds with your lies. See below how western wall was discovered from the trash. Excerpts from Wikipedia Article "Western Wall": In 1517 the Turkish Ottoman Empire under Selim I conquered Jerusalem from the Mamluks who had held it since 1250. The Ottomans had a benevolent attitude towards the Jews, having welcomed thousands of Jewish refugees who had recently been expelled from Spain by Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella of Castile in 1492. Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent was so taken with Jerusalem and its plight that he ordered a magnificent fortress-wall built around the entire city, today's Old City wall. There are various accounts of Suleiman's efforts to locate the Temple's ruins. Rabbi Eliezer Nachman Puah, (ca. 1540), relates: ”I have been told that in the day of Sultan Suleiman the site of the Temple was not known and the Sultan had every corner of Jerusalem searched for it. One day the man in charge of the work, despairing after much searching and inquiring in vain, saw a woman coming with a basket of rubbish and filth upon her head. He asked her: “What are you carrying on your head?” – And she replied: “Rubbish.” “And to where are you carrying it?” “To such and such a place.” “Where do you live?” “In Bethlehem.” “Is there no dunghill between Bethlehem and this place?” “It is a tradition among us that whoever takes a little rubbish to that place performs a meritorious act.” The curiosity of the officer was aroused and he commanded a great number of men to remove the rubbish from that place…and the holy site was revealed. When the Sultan learned of this, he rejoiced greatly and ordered the place to be swept and sprinkled and the Western Wall washed with rosewater...” In the second half of the 16th century, Suleiman the Magnificent gave the Jews rights to worship at the Western Wall and had his court architect Sinan build an oratory for them there. In 1625 arranged prayers at the Wall are mentioned for the first time by a scholar whose name has not been preserved. Rabbi Gedaliah of Semitizi, who went to Jerusalem in the year 1699, writes that scrolls of the Law were brought to the Wall on occasions of public distress and calamity. Over the centuries, land close to the Wall became built up. Public access to the Wall was through the Moroccan Quarter, a labyrinth of narrow alleyways. In May 1840 a firman issued by Ibrahim Pasha forbade under sharia law the Jews to pave the passageway in front of the Wall. It also cautioned them against “raising their voices and displaying their books there.” They were, however, allowed “to pay visits to it as of old.” Rabbi Joseph Schwarz writing in the mid-19th century records: ”This wall is visited by all our brothers on every feast and festival; and the large space at its foot is often so densely filled up, that all cannot perform their devotions here at the same time. It is also visited, though by less numbers, on every Friday afternoon, and by some nearly every day. No one is molested in these visits by the Mahomedans, as we have a very old firman from the Sultan of Constantinople that the approach shall not be denied to us, though the Porte obtains for this privilege a special tax, which is, however, quite insignificant.” Over time the increased numbers of people gathering at the site resulted in tensions between the Jewish visitors who wanted easier access and more space, and the residents, who complained of the noise. This gave rise to Jewish attempts at gaining ownership of the land adjacent to the Wall.
50. We BOUGHT Manhattan from the Indians.
Devlin se Draak ,   Washington, DC   (08.21.09)
What the ef are they going on about? Protesting, saying "Give us back Manhattan". Well, we BOUGHT Manhattan from the Indians for about $24 dollars worth of beads. They know where they can shove those beads...
51. #40
Happy ,   Turkey   (08.21.09)
US aid to other countries counted over there all together does not make up a percentage point of the aid to Israel. Without the US aid, weaponry and backing in the UN and elsewhere, the story of modern day Israel would be told very, very differently today. What's more, US aid accounts for thousands of dolars of per capita income in the Israeli economy, one of the most significant contributions to it. Isn't it clear enough why the US should have the decisive vote?
52. David #45
Elmer ,   USA   (08.21.09)
You are right! Jordan grabbed the West Bank illegally. Ironically, the only country that recognized Jordan's right to the West Bank was Britain. So much for using the British Mandate. Anyway, so, suppose Joe Jordan steals property from from its rightful owner. Joe Jordan attacks me and I whup Joe Jordan and I gain possession of that stolen property. Does that stolen property then belong to me? Nope. It still belongs to the original owner. Now, we can argue who the West Bank belonged to, who had legal control over it, Britain or the United Nations, but it sure was not Israel. Israel cannot claim title to property stolen by Jordan, just because Israel whupped Jordan's butt (thank goodness) when Jordan attacked it. There is no country on Earth, there has never been an American president, from the most liberal to the most conservative, who has not objected to Israel's settlements not adjacent to its borders. (I tried to word that carefully.) None have recognized Israel's rights or title to the West Bank. It's a losing proposition. I am not sure which has been the biggest mistake that Israel has made - the Oslo Accords (trusting Arafat and the PLO) or the outlying settlements. But there are far, far more important things for Israel to address. In its fight with its bloody barbarian neighbors, who want to destroy it, Israel needs all the friends it can get. It doesn't need fights with its best friends. Forget Obama. It doesn't need fights with folks like Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush. Which it has had.
53. This is really disturbing!
D ,   Palestine/US   (08.21.09)
The "native Americans" (actually a very diverse group of people from many tribes and nations) were murdered and pillages by colonialists from Europe. They were almost completely killed off. It's actually horrifying poignant that they would make this parallel to the U.S. and it always horrifies me when Israelis/Zionists use this argument because they can't seem to see the horror in their logic. "They did it too why can't I?" Why? Because NEVER AGAIN! Applies to EVERYONE! Not just the Jews!!! And the natives of Palestine (muslims, Jews, christians and others) all deserve to live on our land and whoever wants to come and join us peacefully is welcome, otherwise go back to your own homeland!!!!
54. Native Americans
Marilyn ,   USA   (08.21.09)
I hope that they got permission from one of the tribes. Here in the US, using a native American likeness is not something that you could just do.
55. Ridiculous comparison
christina ,   USA   (08.25.09)
What racist idiots!!! as if taking land from the Native Americans was a good thing??? It was wrong to take another people's land and kill many of them, it is still wrong, and the government has a responsibility to make that a point! Furthermore, are they saying we should be stuck in the 1500s??? That as a nation we are somehow bound to the policies and eurocentric worldview that brought us to the US?? More proof that they have no good reason to take Palestinian land! Pfffft
56. tell the world clearly
debbie ,   uk   (12.31.09)
in responce to yehudi coment You need to brush up on your history with regards to Palestine and Israel. Futhermore Israel receives 3 billion a year in aid from the US, so you will do as they say
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