Swedish paper slams Israeli 'propaganda machine'
Published: 20.08.09, 00:35
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31. Sweden's Aftonbladet
Oskar Prager ,   Petach Tikva   (08.20.09)
I am not surprised at the article published about IDF stealing Palestinian organs of dead bodies. After all, it is well known that during WWII Sweden helped and supported the Nazis and therefore inevitably the Swedish public absorbed Nazi propaganda. Whilst they did not actually participate in the killing of Jews, they certainly supported the Germans. By the way, some years ago having made a trip there, I found the population still anti-semitic. It is not a place for Jews to visit or to live there.
32. #10 so why are you reading jewish news ?
rachel ,   usa   (08.20.09)
33. #24 your still here ?
rachel ,   usa   (08.20.09)
I thought you wanted to boycott everything jewish . So stop reading jewish news ....
34. Not all Swedish people are the same
Swedish ,   Israel   (08.20.09)
Unfortunately the Scandinavian media is very one sided in its reports on the ME conflict - the sensational and scandalmonging evening press, to which Aftonbladet belongs, being among the worst of them. Aftonbladet is an evening paper, which relies on insinuating headlines for selling single copies. If you want a bit more reliable information, you should read the big daily newspapers that people subscribe to on a monthly or yearly basis, although also they are rather biased. As for myself, I am Swedish, but I would never read Aftonbladet as I am not interested in unproven slander.
35. Freedom of expression, Sweden 2009
Joo ,   Eurabia   (08.20.09)
I really wonder which country will accept sharia law first: Sweden, Norway, Spain or UK? The competition is tough and jew-bashing is in high gear. This tabloid was something that Gebbels didn't discover. The lefy-nazis are looking much more advanced and ready in Sweden today. Still remember life threats of Jewish tennis on Davis cup in Malmo recently. But sorry, this is also the freedom of expression as the blatant lies and anti-israel hysteria made in Sweden.
36. Freedom of speach,is not freedom to slander
Dani ,   Amsterdam NL   (08.20.09)
They spoke out after 20 years with no evidence just to make rumors to gain attention. Someone should pay for it an heavy price just to learn the lesson. European were not only anti-Semite but they also exterminated all the local population in the American continent than they keep Africans Slaves. Dear all before you start talk just think about it.
37. Vladimir, #19, what?
Brad ,   USA   (08.20.09)
Religion - no, you didn't give us religion. Admit it: you call Christians bad names, in Talmud there are despicable thysis about us, and what is worse: O.K., you wrote that in times when Christians were Jewish sect. BUT YOU STILL THINK LIKE THIS TODAY! Can you deny that in Lurianic Kabbalah it is explicitly stated that non Jews do not have adequate soul and cannot go to heaven, effectively making it equal to animal? Can you deny that this is still proclaimed today in circles of Ovadia Yosef as official attitude? So, what religion did you give us? Monoteism? Give me a break and learn history - Ehnathon the pharaoh was a monotheist, much before Jews! Morals - what morals did you gave us? Maimonides states that whoever gives up a Jew to a non Jew is condemned, no matter what a Jew did to non Jews! Christianity proclaims that Moses laws apply to ALL nations and you - curse Christianity! So no, you did not GIVE us morals, we took it from you, but you certainly didn't give us that freely. Culture? What culture? Do you even know what that word means? That's set of rituals and beliefs! It refers to what I wrote so - no, you didn't! Economic prosperity - oh, you mean, by intelligent Jews who were in science? I have news for you: MOST of these Jews renounced their Judaism, and NONE of them would be alive if there were no Hashkava, which - look at the irony! - your rabbis curse! If there were no cursed Enlightment - you wouldn't contribute to anything! So tell me how are the biggest contributors - Jews who fell from their religion? Is this some sort of "racial" thing? If it is, why do you have problem when non Jews are going "racial"? Civilization - what are you talking about? Do you even know what this word means? Oh, you meant that you made us civilized? Don't make me laugh. Oh, check the last writing of Ovadia Yosef, and you will see that JEWS are responsible for Holocoust! You know how? Because 6 million (I do not doubt the number) were sinners in soul who had to attone their sins! This is no joke. Your problem, Jews, always was and will long be - what the hell do you want? You want to be "chosen people" with supreme moral mission? Sorry, you DON'T have single right to mistake: you cannot kill Palestinian civilians, you cannot commit crimes, you must be superior light to nations. And then yes, we can see you as such. IF YOU DO commit crimes, etc, do not whine when antisemitism arises. Or you can be like every other nation: then you can kill civilians, commit crimes and have good deeds etc. But that would mean renouncing your status as "supreme nation with special task on Earth"? And what do you do? You try to take good things from each concept and throw bad things out. And have a problem when told "No can do!"
38. Sweden is anti-semitic country
Tomas ,   New York   (08.20.09)
I worked for American company and was send to Sweden for technical negotiation. Once I was identify as a Jew there hostility was unbelievable. The hate that they have toward the Jews would not matter if you support Israel or not. I think it is in there soul and any Jew, Zionist or not should consider twice to associated with Swedes or buy ther products.
39. To Brad, USA, # 37
Vladimir ,   Jerusalem   (08.20.09)
Your tb is so silly and primitive that I won't waste my time to refute it. Yes, we the Jews gave you everything. Otherwise, you, the Western people, would be like savages from New Guinea. Why are so ungrateful? The Americans should know better that the Jews formed the face of their nation and contributed immensely to its current prosperity and world leadership. That's not only my personal opinion - I read this in the German weekly "Der Spiegel".
40. Chanalau POS
JB ,   CANADA   (08.20.09)
Get back under that rock with your ally Marco You can discuss all those conspiracy theories together. The israeli army is not made of angels, but you and your ilk are definitely the spawn of the devil!
41. #12 lets get back to new allegations
Ron ,   Netherlands   (08.20.09)
Hey Morris; good that you mention that serious allegations must be checked, wether or not the allegations have any basis. I will now use MY freedom of speech and I demand, like you, that the SERIOUS ALLEGATIONS will be checked. I have heard, from rumors, of rumors, that the New Zealand government, buys phillipine children en mass, some rumors say even thousands (!) with the purpose of raping them, and then dumping their bodies out in the sea. I don't have proof...but the allegations are serious! Check them! Please, for the children?
42. #10, The world is getting tired of uncivilized barbarians
Jake   (08.20.09)
repeating the same old medieval canards and blood libels to distract people from the real issues. Get a life, get educated, and stop your obssession with Israel and Jews, barbarian.
43. How typical, Vladimir, #39
Brad ,   USA   (08.20.09)
When faced with argument, you spit and slander. And you don't refute it cause YOU CANNOT refute it. It is true. Let me tell you something, my dear Jew: your greatest weapon, branding somebody antisemit, is slowly but steadily fade away. You will one day woke up and when you will shout to somebody that he is antisemite, he will tell you "Yes, I am, and I am proud of it. What will you do? But - I do not want to kill you anymore, Jew. I want you far away from me as possible. I want you to put you in your Israel and surround your "Holy Land" with big wall. You be inside as you always were: in a big, walled ghetto".
44. #25 "chanalau tova"(sic)
frederic   (08.20.09)
you are absolutly right....most of the time it is false
45. #24 Marco- the last laugh...
Lisa   (08.20.09)
so you think the editor will have evidence- where is he going to get it? making it up as he goes along? As many of the Arab sob stories? Don't be so dense, Marco. So you think Swedes can have freedom of speech? How about us on TB? We are not allowed to have our say? So, don't hold your breath from Mr. Helin to come up with any proof that holds water...Why are you blaming the 'Zionist media'- who started this shitty story? It was your buddies in Sweden!
46. What about all of the Jewish children who donated Organs
Eliana ,   Maryland, USA   (08.21.09)
If Israelis are in such dire need of organs than why have we been letting our Jewish children donate organs to Palestinian children?!? Why not publish an article about Yoni, the 19 yr. old Israeli who died in a bus terrorist suicide bombing in Tel Aviv. Yoni's family then donated his organs, and one of the recipients was a 7 yr, old Palestinian girl who received his Kidney. This is just one of the many life saving heroic acts committed by the Jewish people. Even while the Arabs kill us, we save their lives so that our death will bring life to others. Why don't the Swedes publish articles about these amazing stories which happen even during times of blood shed. But no of course they do not, because they are only interested in promoting HATE against the Jews and Israel. To read more about how Israelis have saved countless lives of Arab children visit this website;
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