Carter: Israel wants bi-national state
Yitzhak Benhorin
Published: 05.09.09, 22:40
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82 Talkbacks for this article
61. bever make fuss but his country is in more troble
ghostq   (09.06.09)
today than ever go protest the helth care or something you old hag cause you have no idea what you r doing what Israel go in return from Egypt cold sholder peace is not much. go reflect on that for a while.
62. Israel (from med to dead sea)+Jordan=2 !
Trumpeldor   (09.06.09)
This former US president is really bad in math.
63. Carter the anti-Semite
Yehudi ,   Jerusalem   (09.06.09)
This man is a true anti-Semite. Israel should treat him with the contemp that he deserves.
64. And that is how it should have been in the first place!!!
William ,   Seattle, Wa, USA   (09.06.09)
65. THE worst president And the worst ex-president
truthteller   (09.06.09)
Jimmah, the loser, the appeaser, the sell out, who had 34 senior staff members of the Carter Foundation RESIGN because he is a liar, and an antisemite. Those are the facts. James Earl Carter--the absolute and total failure. Carter is bought and paid for by Arab money. No one could ever say another president has been wholey owned by another government like this man. He is America's shame.
66. Israel wants one state
Atmawi ,   Historic Palestine   (09.06.09)
"Jewish State" They count on time and planning one day a war will spark in the region, which will enable them to kick out all palestinian out of their origin land. End of Story. This will never happen without American help, and honestly, I think they will get it any way. Fair? Who talk about fairness those days.
67. 26# If you really believed your diatribe....
Steven Wilson ,   Anchorage, Alaska   (09.06.09)
You would be moving back to Israel and giving my land back, since I am American Indian. The whole damn world complains about Israel standing on some other guys land.....while they are doing the same thing they are blaming the Israeli's for. Peanut farmer is on my land too. The Jews had their land stolen by the muslims in the first place. As for walled off ghetto's....what does Jimmy Carter think all the Indian Reservations are? If every reservation birthed 30 million Indians.....would Jimmy Bean Carter be willing to give his land back to the Indians? Just because the Palestinians have a plan of birthing themselves into a majority population in the West Bank and Gaza.....does it make it Israel's responsibility to provide them a place to squat. China will be asking for squating rights next.
68. #23
Karen USA/Australia   (09.06.09)
You may not be old enough to remember, but when Carter ran for the second term we all sang ABC anybody but Carter
69. Carter's mouth is in his rear end.
Vicky ,   Ashkelon Israel   (09.06.09)
70. Billy was the better Carter
Ilan ,   Ariel   (09.06.09)
Take an honest drunk over a sanctimonious hypocrite any day.
71. jimmy carter
jerry ,   xenia usa   (09.06.09)
whata moron. thats why he only got elected once. he's so retarded if he sneezed you'd catch downs syndrome.
72. Rivkah 45: I don't buy into the World Wide Church of God.
Steve   (09.06.09)
I do not accept Herbert W. Armstrong's theory that England is or was populated by the descendants of Ephraim and Manasseh. The English are of Germanic origin and very anti-Semitic by and large. Most English loathe Israel. Only enemies of Israel loathe Israel. American people are not descendants of Jacob. There may be a few here and there that are. Nonetheless, America is not Ephraim. The only piece of land on the face of the planet that was promise by God to a certain people - to the sons of Jacob - is the land of Israel. That's it. White European interlopers conquered the north American continent - dispossessing the American Indians of their ancient lands - like all the nations of the earth conquered and dispossessed other nations. I will grant you that God may have permitted white Europeans to do this. God will bless the children of these white European conquerers only if they bless Israel; but they are cursing Abraham and Israel. That God gave north America to white Europeans by "divine right" or Biblical right is simply vanity, delusion and idolatry. Yet the United States of America is in the forefront of this effort to steal our God-given land in order to give it to our jihadist enemies. If there were a true prophet of God on the earth, would he not be praying for the Almighty's vengeance against the American people and their leaders? That is the only reason I mentioned Jimmy Carter's grandparent's theft of Indian lands. He has no right to lecture us about our God-given land. Carter, Bush, (now) Obama and the American people are committed to dispossessing the sons of Israel of our land - just as they did the American Indian - and you appear to bless their efforts in the name of Herbert W. Armstrong or some other selp-proclaimed prophet.
73. That idiot is carrying the torch for Iran.....
Ezra ,   US   (09.06.09)
What is his problem? He would sacrifice everything to make a peace neither he nor anyone else could prolong. Palestine is Jewish land. Interesting that Hashem has granted Carter a long life too. Let's take care of our Muslim brothers and sisters by tempering love into our judgment of them. They choose to live in a walled-in ghetto. They choose to send Israel missiles of destruction. They choose to blow themselves up like kamikaze fighter pilots. They choose, they choose, they choose,...and Iran decides what they choose. May peace be upon all our Muslim brothers and sisters in and around Israel. Judgment with out love only brings separation. Baruch Hashem.
74. 72 Steve: Ignorance is bliss. God said, "My people perish
Rivkah   (09.06.09)
from lack of knowledge." Judgment is coming on America but not because of the leaders the people get because they deserve them because of sins. Judgment is coming on America because the people who are called by God's name are sinning and not repenting and turning away from sin. If those few people who are called by God's name would stop being like the ungodly world, then God would heal the land and protect the whole nation for the sake of the few who repented and turned back to the Lord and the old paths that are the good way. The Assyrians attacked ancient Israel and took the ten tribes of the northern Kingdom of Israel captive. When the Assyrian army left Assyria later to attack the southern Kingdom of Judah, the Israelite captives escaped over the Caucasus Mountains into Russia and Europe and became known as the Caucasians (White people). There is so much evidence of that even in the naming of rivers and nations that it cannot be refuted. (DANube River, DANmark, LonDAN, SweDAN, etc.) In Hebrew there were no vowels, just consonants. In London, people speak with a Hackney accent, dropping the H's just like in Hebrew. Tel Hashomer is pronounced Tel Ashomer', dropping the H sound. The hatred of Jews in Britain is from the Philistines (now called Palestinians in the Middle East) who migrated to southern Ireland long ago and then to Britain. Some of the Jewish remnant at the time of the Babylonian invasion of Judah migrated to Northern Ireland (area) and established the Throne of Judah and David there, complete with the Stone of Scone (Jacob's pillar stone) brought by the Prophet Jeremiah and his scribe Baruk when they brought Princess Tia Tephe to Northern Ireland as the monarch. Baruk's name is in the annuls of ancient Ireland, so that cannot be refuted. The Protestant-Catholic waring in Ireland is genetic with the Protestants of the Jewish bloodline and the Catholics of the Philistine bloodline, just like in Israel the Palestinians war against the Jews.
75. Mr Carter your name has come to mean ...
Galut ,   Selah   (09.06.09)
Appeasement ... you Do not even believe the bible you teach from.... it is time for you to be silent !
76. Carter
David ,   US   (09.07.09)
Carter is the only voice of reason in the middle east. Perhaps he is an enlightened one compared to most of the posters on this article! Wake up and see the Light!
77. Bravo, President Carter!
new_york_loner ,   Rochester, NY   (09.07.09)
Judging by the majority of hateful comments on this Ynet board, it's plain to see that the Israelis and their supporters are total ingrates. Have you forgotten that President Carter secured two lasting peace treaties with two of Israel's chief enemies - Egypt and Jordan ? And this vicious ad hominem is the thanks that he gets. Shame on you all! The Israeli Declaration of Independence (May 1948) invited the Arabs of Palestine to join the nascent state. Obviously, the invitation was phony then and it remains ludicrously phony to this very day. Why? Because a bi-national state would mean sharing the land with non-Jews and this is anethema to most Israelis and to most Jews in the diaspora. It's simply bigotry, masquerading as nationalism. Faith-based, race-based colonialism has not worked out as Theodor Herzl predicted. Jimmy Carter is correct, we need a new paradigm, the apartheid model has failed.
78. Hateful insults
Kees ,   Amsterdam, Holland   (09.07.09)
Hmm, if the responds here represent public opinion, my tears go for the loss of ethics and morality of this poor country.
79. Jhimmi Carter
Tom Jones ,   Seattle US   (09.07.09)
Silly ex-president know-nothing.
80. 72 Steve: The book "Judah's Scepter and Joseph's Birthright"
Rivkah   (09.08.09)
has nothing to do even remotely with the World Wide Church of God. It is a university textbook about the migration of the ten tribes of the Northern Kingdom anciently. Another book, "The Ten Lost Tribes of Israel" is likewise not a World Wide Church of God publication, but documents the evidence of where the Lost Tribes of Israel went. The Bible says God will do nothing except He first tells His servants the Prophets. There are many false Prophets, so sifting through information from many is tedious but that leads to a knowledge of who the true Prophets are in addition to the Prophets in the Tanach and Torah. By the way, Yeshua the Great Rabbi said John was a Prophet and that there was none greater born of woman than John (Yeshua was born of a virgin). There are many Jews who were born of virgins because sex in marriage is delayed other than to allow seed into the woman at the opening of the vagina, for those who aspire to be a mother of the Messiah. Miriam (Mary) was impregnated as a virgin herself with Yeshua the conceived outcome, by the Holy Spirit. But having a first child that is not traumatized by sex during the pregnancy is a gift to the child on the spiritual level. The only way a woman could be the mother of the Jewish Messiah was to conceive as a virgin.
81. Carter, an anti-semite #63 Yehudi
Ron ,   Fairfax USA   (09.12.09)
There is anti semitism and there is anti semitism. Jews have misused the term so badly it has lost its impact. Historically, after WWII, its meaning of prejudice against Jews was a stigma to be avoided at all costs. No longer. Some decades ago, starting in Europe, and quickly making its way to the US, the public began to realize that Jews used the charge freely against anyone who criticized Israel, whether or not their criticism had anything to do with Jews per se. People now realize the charge is not designed to describe one’s interlocutor, it is designed to shut him up. And people chuckle at it, and don’t care any more.
82. Little piece of land is Jewish #13 historian
Ron ,   Fairfax USA   (09.12.09)
That “little piece of land that always belonged to Jews” was once occupied by others. When Moses led the Israelites from Egypt to the Jordan river, and Joshua led them across the river into Canaan, Canaan was already occupied. It was occupied by several tribes and groupings and was referred to as Palestine in the Old Testament. While the Jews were there Palestine was occupied and belonged to Babylonians, Assyrians, Persians, Byzantines, Arabs, Greeks, Europeans, Mamlukes and Ottomans. And if you are referring to Judea and Samaria. Israeli settlements there are in violation of UN resolutions 242, 452 and 465 and a violation of articles 53, 147 and 49 of the 4th Geneva Convention, and therefore a war crime. You are an historian in what discipline?
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