Gates: Iran planning on obtaining nuclear weapons
Dudi Cohen
Published: 27.09.09, 14:01
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49 Talkbacks for this article
31. #5: U R right, if Iraq had nukes, it wouldn't been attacked
Marggi ,   USA   (09.27.09)
This is what makes Iran to have nukes so that neither Israel nor its blind servants/supporters can attack or occupy Iran as has happened to Palestine and Iraq.
32. To 16 Sarah B
George ,   Canada   (09.27.09)
Give me break and don’t talk moral, you are far away from it. The American invasion killed Iraqi more than Saddam Hussein did in his 30 years dictatorship. Secondly if you are talking about mass graves as justification of invasion (Which is an excuse worse than cause) why no body in the West and at the UN says a word about it.As everybody knows the Iraqi dictator was the American beloved guy as soon as he fighted the Iranian Ayatollah. , right? lately when he started threatening Israel the death conviction was approved .The America satellites don’t see existing mass graves but see illusional WMD weapons being transferred to Syria.( Cheney Bul.S.t).American invaded Iraq for oil and for Israel. All the rest made up excuses and stories are a full crap. The supported by the US Arab sheik s,kings and long live presidents aren't much better than Saddam.In Iran there is at least election and some kind of change.
33. SarahB
Alex ,   Stockholm-Sweden   (09.27.09)
Sarah regarding those mass grave's. Just who on earth do you think you are to come from that part of the world into a region to bring human right's for Iraqi's??How funny. But don't worry the whole world laughed at you pretty hard when your excuse of iraq having WMD was revealed. 1st you claim they have WMD,then you say we were there to liberate the iraqi's. Surely you don't expect the whole world to fall for these lie's(other than yourself). But hey,it's fun to see the Taliban(which are so to say far less armed and have only basic training) are teaching your boy's a deadly lesson. It's just a matter of time before the US and NATO are forced to leave afghanistan(don't trust me?wait and see). But oh well,if it was up to you,you would also claim Vientam was a success. One last thing;sitting all the way in NY and talking about war wont make you look smart. Have some guts and get your self enrolled for the next tour to afghanistan(at least then maybe,just maybe you would see what war is all about,though I hardly doubt you have the capacity for that)
34. #31 If Iran didn't purse nukes there would be no need attack
Genuine Tosefta ,   Tveria   (09.27.09)
the same with Iraq if they did not develop WMD's they smuggled across the border into Syria at the beginning of the war, there would be no reason to invade them A riddle what comes first, the chicken or the egg? train your brain better next time
35. Gates article
gregg bowman ,   Parksville, Canada   (09.27.09)
Where do they get these guys? Gates is only figuring out now that the Iranians are planning on develping nucleur weapons!!! I am amazed and confused at the level of naive of these supposed commanders....I just don't get it....regards....Gregg Bowman
36. And Why Not... Ensure Peace through Strenghth
RJBH ,   Methil   (09.27.09)
37. 5 Fool you fell for Iran's tar baby. Chalabis was Iranian
lydia ,   Brisbane   (09.28.09)
Saddam fought the West's proxy war against Iran and lost. The Mullahs used Iraq as bait and you and your jewish intelligence fell for it hook line and sinker and dragged the US into a useless war on Israeli manufactured evidence. Removing Saddam meant the Mullahs got served Iraq on a silver platter,and the 000,000s trapped in quagmire Iraq. Add the Afghanistan war, the deaths and destruction what the f*** do you lot have to brag about. Oh yes! the rise of Iran, like the Phoenix from the ashes. "Better to be thought a fool.."
38. This is a bit off topic...but what if the currencies
Steven Wilson ,   Anchorage, Alaska   (09.28.09)
get a little too frothy....And lose a little to much in spreads.....And cause the 180 trillion dollar currency derivatives market to collapse in on itself. We could see a nasty loss of banks reserves, because they are the bookie on these bets, on the currencies. I'm really hoping we aren't going to see a Leman Brothers two this fall. Lets hope the currencies aren't the next shoe to drop. Bailouts 2009-2010.....The next episode? I'd be exiting Wall Street about right now. October is going to suck.
39. To: No. 11
Sarah B ,   New York/Saviyon   (09.27.09)
Well, as usual, you are quite incorrect. Israel mobilized about 5% of its forces and was (I think) overly concerned with collateral damage -- both in Lebanon and more recently in Gaza. Contemplate a 100% mobilization and a disregard for collateral damage (which is how wars have been fought since time immemoria). World War II was won because the Allies went full out in Germany -- nearly 2 million dead German civilians while the Allies carpet bombed the place. Two bombs dropped by the United States -- one on Hiroshima, the other on Nagasaki killed 200,000 and 140,000 civilians, respectively. Do you get it yet? Eat your heart out, loser! Am Israel Chai -- despite you and that thing inside your skull which passes for a brain.
40. 34 dude
adam ,   usa   (09.28.09)
smuggled across the border into Syria at the beginning of the war,!!!! smart!!! why not use it?
41. Really....??? so?
Wael ,   Palestine   (09.28.09)
42. We're all going to glow in the dark...
The only hope is that we'll eventually learn to live together in peace.
43. Sarah #39
Shlomo Kamra   (09.28.09)
When Israel is attacked, I hope the same concerns occur, that happened in Gaza. DIMEs, white phospherous, whole police stations of traffic cops blown up, graduating police cadets massacred, women and children slaughtered (don't forget your white flag when you come to Saviyon)-do you get it? Happy Yom Kipper, Sarah.
44. Gates: Iran planning on obtaining nuclear weapons
R C ,   USA   (09.28.09)
For those politicians and people who do not understand the situation with Iran. Ahmadinejad has been openly telling the world his plans:
45. 38 Steven Wilson: Watch events in the Middle East...
Rivkah   (09.28.09)
The notable horn will not collapse until after the higher second horn on the ram is subdued. A Grecian (Gentile or Greek) he-goat (UN) with a notable horn (USA) from the ends of the earth (other side of planet from Jerusalem which is the center point of directions in the Bible) with choler (fiece anger) and subdues a ram with two horns, the second horn higher than the first (Media-Persia or Iraq-Iran). Immediately after the second horn (Iran) is subdued, the notable horn breaks (leader dies or economy collapses or an invadion or civil war breaks the nation). When the US dollar collapses which is what Obama was assigned to do just as Schwarzenegger was assigned to destroy the California economy by shadow government king makers, the world economy will also collapse since the big market place will be gone. This is all planned so a one world economic system can be put into place and no one can buy or sell except those who take the mark of the beast on their forehead or hand. Watch for a treaty dividing Jerusalem since the Prophet Joel said that will lead to Armageddon (dividing God's land). Daniel said seven years after that covenant with death, the Messiah will come to rescue Israel. the last three and a half of that will be the worst times the earth has ever seen. Mother Shipton's prophecies describe that awful time of disease and killing and raping. Isaiah 26:20 says to go into your chamber (Strong's Concordance, inner chamber) and close the door until the indignation be overpast and the earth no longer buries its dead. But being in Alaska, you will be dead already from the Russians invading at the time the notable horn collapses (bear of Daniel chapter 8 that notable horn breaks into, as well as a lion, leopard, and seven headed ten crowned beast). Visionaries who have seen the attack on Alaska say everyone is slaughtered. Russia is already building military bases near the North Pole they say are for oil exploration but will be used to attack Alaska since Putin and other Russian leaders think that is part of Russia and they want it back. Ezekiel chapter 38 describes the Russian attack this way: Gog (chief prince of Mechach and Tubal or Moscow and Tubulsk) of Magog (Russia or China or both) attacks Israel and goes UP to the land of unwalled villages to take a cattle. That is Alaska, Canada or the continental USA. Alaska is more certainly attacked.
46. Gates knew about the Ayatollahs' nukes
Brod ,   USA   (09.28.09)
They knew about the Ayatollahs' nukes. But they kept stalling and spewing crap. But what can you expect from a James Baker engineered appointment? Behind the scene is the AntiSemite manipulating the Pentagon to Israel's detriment. Israel cannot and must not trust and depend on the Obama administration that is infested by AntiSemites/anti-Israel elements. Israel must defend itself decisively irrespective of the world. Why be a sitting duck for the Ayatollahs' Mushroom Cloud?
47. To #9
Tyra ,   Lebanon, US   (09.28.09)
Right there with you. People who read the Bible, get it. They get what time it is. Israel will become a burdensome stone to ALL nations and ALL nations will be judged for coming against her. God will soon make believers out of all the last day mockers and scoffers. Ezekiel 38 and 39 is getting ready to happen. We know the ending. Pray and Pray hard.
48. To: No. 40
Sarah B ,   New York/Saviyon   (09.29.09)
Oh, alas and alack -- they would have. Except Israel bombed the site back to the 10t h century. You were saying?
49. Iran
Bill ,   Canada   (09.30.09)
To # Sarah, why is it the US's problem, the reason Iran wants a bomb is because the Jews have the bomb,. but because the Jews own the US and Canada also we let them have one also. Why do we not stop them, they are the cause of all the regions problems.
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