Shoah survivor: Don't deport foreigners' kids
Yael Branovsky
Published: 12.10.09, 18:54
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2 Talkbacks for this article
1. Let them to stay in Israel because
Danny   (10.13.09)
these children will be better Israeli citizen than a lot of leftist Jewish sons draft dodgers, self hater
2. illegal immigrants
Itzik ,   T/A Israel   (10.13.09)
Let them stay - lets finance them and then lets bring their families and their uncles and aunts and why not the neighbours? Lets reward all the law breakers,not only the ILLEGAL MIGRANT ECONOMIC workers,lets allow parking where you want and lets tell people to drive faster and lets allow drunks to drive? Why not prepare the ground for the next 5000 kids and lets put up new homes and churches for them and lets find new cemetaries for them and ensure we can get some more bacon for them. Why have laws - why does the state bear responsibility for beligerent parents all of whom are illegal and are only here for money. What are we debating - where is the issue,these people broke the law now they must go - their kids will survive like all kids survive back in their own lands where they are part and parcel of their own society ,Israel is not their society,it was just a place they ALL came to earn money - there is not a zionist bone in their body
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