Opinion  Ron Ben-Yishai
Israel’s growing isolation
Ron Ben-Yishai
Published: 14.10.09, 11:59
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58 Talkbacks for this article
31. No changes. World anti-semitic. World believes Arab lies
David ,   Boston, USA   (10.14.09)
Nothing changes century to century other than Jews are home in Israel and it is a Democratic Oasis that can defend itself. Enemies change, but the end game is the same. Arab empire is trying to do what Nazis couldnt, but they will fail too.
So the Holy Bible says...Ma,all the other nations hate my guts. Son tell them to leave them on the sides of their plates.
33. This writer would have us
Robert Haymond ,   Ashdod, Israel   (10.14.09)
go back to the appeasement oriented government of Olmert, Livni and Barak which showed no pride in the country of Israel and was accepted by other states (where it was accepted) only because we had become the "nice cousins" which everyone could pat on the head for our "peaceful" ways. We, Israelis, were humiliated and could not take pride in ourselves. Now that we have a government with "cohones", many nations turn against us and this writer, a Livni stalwart, thinks we have made a wrong turn. I admit to being infuriated when I read his article. As to socalled "moderate" Arab regimes, other than Jordan and Egypt, none officially accepted us under Olmert+Company so the change in government did not bring on anything of consequence. As to western European nations, most are troubled by their own unintegrated Muslim population and Israel is a convenient whipping boy. When these governments are forced to stand up to the new "invaders", they will understand our position and our experience and may even seek our help. As to Turkey, as one Talkbacker already noted, this is a country undergoing its own upheaval, secular versus Muslim, European versus mideastern. There are, however, several significant actions which we could take up to assist ourselves. One, already noted by a previous Talkbacker, is to produce a 24-hour satellite television programme called "Israel Today" which would include news out of the mideast and expose the lies continually told against us. As well, we could deal with the graphic history of Israel (fascinating subject) and the history of the Jewish people (always significant). Moreover, we could tell stories and present views on modern life in Israel, from Sderot to Samaria and Judea, from Jews to Muslims and Christians, from Sephardic to Ashkenazi to Ethiopians and post-communist Russians and from the huge differences between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem to the Galilee and Golan Heights. We possess the richness to express all this, from the successes to the warts while presenting Israel to the world in all its living vibrancy. I met a man, Chaim Goldman, who said his own agency in Jerusalem had been trying to obtain funding for this project for years but had never had any success, neither from government nor private entrepreneurs, in spite of the fact that everyone was in favour of it. This, I submit, is, remains and has been shortsighted on the part of Israel. The second activity which is within our power is to find a means of silencing our internal detractors or at least making them pay a price for their calumny. Allowing university professors, for instance, to continually denounce our dream of Zionism, to utilize words such as "occupation" and "illegal settlements" and to suscribe to theories that indicate that we do not belong in Eretz Yisrael is to permit sabotage from within. It is unbelievable to realize that we pay professors who broadcast "boycott Israel" slogans to the international community while they are being paid by the state. No state, especially one in as precarious and insecure position as Israel's, can allow unbridled freedom, including the freedom of denouncing the state's very right to exist, without causing significant negative consequences.
Arn-Orao. ,   Sweden-Srbia.   (10.14.09)
35. No my friend you are completely wrong because....
carlos ,   San Diego U.S.   (10.14.09)
The Arabs have attacked Israel since the 1930's. Israel is defending itself. The Palestinians only want to destroy Israel. If it wasn't so, why didn't they do something before 1967. They are hatemongers, terrorists and they only speak about destruction, hate and killing. Haven't you noticed?. Terrorism is terrorism don't fool yourself you should be ashamed of yourself by supporting terrorism. Gaza is fre to be civilizd, they cannot and will not. They need 100's of years to change.
36. #11 American Observer - You're wrong
Suzy ,   Jerusalem   (10.15.09)
For your information, Israel already withdrew, completely and unilaterally, from Gaza three years ago. And what did we get in return? Thousands of rockets and international criticism when we tried to defend ourselves. If the world wants us to withdraw from more land, it has to support Israel's right of self-defense.
37. # 33 Robert in Ashdod: EXCELLENT
Imperator ,   USA   (10.15.09)
Kol HaKavod, Robert! . Lack of clever Hasbara by Israel is a problem as much as are the detractors within. Excellent commentary, write more often. Imperator
38. what's wrong with isolation?
carlo   (10.15.09)
The Bile says that we are an isolated nation. "Am L'vadad Yishkon" This is our fate. We must rely on ourselves & ultimately God. God is the one who runs the world. Unless we accept that we are doomed to failure no matter what we do! Israel exists by the grace of God alone.
39. to #30 no just normal behavior from people
ghostq   (10.15.09)
who got stabed in the back from USA gov. riddle me this American observer what did the USA in the last weeks to secure Israel safty? nothing, not onlly nothing it also kiss major palis reer on Israel expence, so Israel got a bitter reality bite in the neatly greatly USA won't come to the rescue enc must relay on herself.
40. to #36 wrong 4 years ago in 2005.
ghostq   (10.15.09)
22000 rockets in 8 years on civilians.
41. #33 & 37, Fascism in Israel cannot be condoned,
Rich ,   Toronto, Canada   (10.15.09)
even by Israelis. In a true democracy, people have a right and duty to speak out against the tyranny that's enslaving them. If Jews can't speak freely in Israel, then they need to leave that country. Love conquers all, not hatred.
42. It's easy for Canadians (#41 Rich)
Robert Haymond ,   Ashdod, Israel   (10.15.09)
to spout on about freedom and democracy as Canada is in the lovely position of being far away and isolated from battle and Canadians just have no understanding of the drastic situation in Israel. I know this because I'm a citizen of both countries. Democractic freedoms are always limited by the the specific socio-cultural and political situation in which a nation finds itself. In Israel's case, the "freedoms" start with a dysfunctional Knesset which allows almost any political party to be represented by a minimum percentage of votes. As a result, progress and movement are awkward and stymied. In Canada, only four national parties are represented not including the Green Party which received about 10% of the votes during the last election but has no representatives in parliament. Even with only four parties represented in government in Canada, there is a certain quagmire (minority government). In Israel, with about ten parties represented, almost nothing can get done. This is due to the "freedoms" accorded to each and every differing group and point of view in Israel. Rich makes a big issue (along with his moral indignation) about "freedoms" without any apparent understanding about limits to freedom, the nature of democracies and the particular socio-political context under which nations operate. In Israel, as I have already contended, there are too many liberties extended to too many differing groups and points of view and not enough unitary action. This situation is resulting in Israel's destruction from internal division. The Torah, as an historical document, presents a similar case in ancient times. Arnold Toynbee points out (in his masterful history of civilizations) how all but one of the fourteen or fifteen civilizations which he identified were destroyed first by internal division and weakness and only secondarily by external factors. I think the same could apply to nations and certainly to Israel. If someone, including Rich, wishes to dispute my point of view, I would clearly be interested in hopes of increasing my understanding and education. Bombast like we heard from Rich, however, is not education and requires no further commentary.
43. #18
Michael ,   Haifa   (10.15.09)
I doubt that Ron Ben-Yishai is a fool, but i have no doubt that Ariel Ben Yochanan did not take his pills today
44. israel better listen to america and throw their leaders away
american observer ,   dc   (10.15.09)
if israelis were smart, they would listen to america and the world and throw their leaders in a dumpster because those so-called leaders are hurting israel. israel will never have peace until they withdraw from ALL illegally occupied palestinian land. Its plain and simple!
45. To 14/21
Observer ,   Spain   (10.15.09)
"SubSaharians are getting what they deserve? Morocco get what they deserve(Ceuta y Mellilla)? Is South America getting what they deserve" I lived in canary islands and we received there a lot of illegal immigrants and they are treated very well. We don´t fire at their boats. Some people from Morocco comes to Ceuta and Melilla(where the population wants to be spanish, opposite to the palestinian people who wants their own state) stablishing there and benefiting from spanish system on all levels. They could study in Spanish universities and receive financial support. I guess that this it´s not the same way you treat the palestinians. On the other side we mustn´t make responsible the present generations for the sins of the past ones. The moment to build the future and justice is now. This is an absurd excuse. I´m not responsible like my generation, for spanish mass killing of indians in latin america, though i condemn it. You only have to take at this moment a little steps to make the peace possible in the future(temporary freeze of settlements, more liberty of movement inside the west bank, ease of gaza blockade), and you are not taking it. The other side has its responsibilities too, but this time you are the ones who are deliberately boycotting the peace process.Don´t complain later if there are more palestinians who are willing to become radicals. You reap what you sow.
46. Jews always right, everyone else anti-semitic
Eric ,   Canada   (10.15.09)
The paranoia here is amazing. Rather than looking inward to see what Israel could do to improve its image (such as halting the provocative settlement building), the talkbackers here instead resort to the paranoid view that everyone in the World is anti-semitic. This "anyone who criticizes Israel is an anti-semitie" stuff is getting ridiculous.
47. To nr 45 - the "Observer"
Alexander ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (10.15.09)
Has the Spanish "Observer" observed that no "Palestine" and no "Palestinians" have ever existed in recorded human history? And has the "Observer" observed that "Palestine" is a Roman/Latin name for Israel given by Roman Emperor Hadrian 2000 years ago? Has the 'Observer" observed that no "Palestine" or "Palestinian" state existed 10 years ago, prior to 1967, prior to 1948 and not 100, 500, 1000 or 5000 years ago either? Have you observed that Jews have lived in Israel since 2000 BCE and that Arabs entered Israel as OCCUPIERS and CONQUERORS in 636 AD - 2600 years AFTER the Jews, ethnically cleansed Israel of Jews and then claimed that Arabs have lived in Israel since time immemorial? Did you, the Spanish genius know about it? Have you observed that Jews have lived in Israel in 4000 years and have BOUGHT, FOUGHT, CRIED and DIED for the land for 4000 years? Has the "Observer" observed that only the Jews OWN the land of Israel and only the Jews have ever had a state in Israel in ancient times and has the "Observer" observed that no "Palestine" and no "Palestinians" are mentioned in the Hebrew Tanakh, Christian Bible and Moslem Koran, in Jewish/Israelite/Hebrew, Edomite, Canaanite, Phoenician, Philisteene, Egyptian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Hittite, Persian, Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Arab, Turkisk and European sources? But they all mentioned the Jews and Israel by name! And most of them have dealt with us. Has the "Observer" observed that Africans are being shot at when trying to get to Spain? Has the "Observer" observed that Spain is OCCUPYING the Basque people - the NATIVES of northern Spain? Has the "Observer' observed that Spain is OCCUPYING Ceuta and Melilla in northern Morocco? You haven't seen any discrimination? Then I suggest you get better eye glasses because both UN and EU have condemned the Spanish shootings at Africans. Has the 'Observer" observed 600 years of Spanish anti-Semitism, the Spanish inquisition, ethnic cleansing on Jews and Arabs 600 years ago and conquest and genocide on Native Americans in Central and South America? Has it escaped the "Observer's" notice that Jews and Arabs have lived in Spain before the Spanish and that Spaniards OCCUPIED the Basque and the Native Americans? Has it escaped the "Observer's' notice that those peoples' never constituted any military, political or demographical threat and they never attacked Spain and never intended to destroy your nation, whereas "Palestinians" are illegal Arab immigrants, occupiers and Arab imperialists(that have lived in Israel 60-150 years and came from all the Arab world to seek jobs in Israeli industries and agriculture) that are trying to steal 4000 years of Jewish history and Arabize Israel and the entire Middle East. Arabs must leave Israel - all of Israel - it is our land. If they shoot at us - we will destroy them. And you the Spaniards, the real occupiers, you will leave Ceuta, Melilla and the Basque - these territories are not originally Spanish. And unlike the ethnically cleansed Jews and Arabs of Spain 600 years ago, Arabs of Judea, Samaria, Israel and Gaza have multiplied by 1000%(10 times) and we have brought them from the Middle Ages to the 21st cent. and given them universities, hospitals, modern infrastructure, human and democratic rights(denied by their fellow Arab compadres in 22 Arab states) and water, food, clothes, running water, electricity, highways, roads, money, and even weapons and even the right to use their Bir Zeiyd university(built by Israel) as a base to rewrite 4000 years of Jewish history and steal Israel from us. Have you the Spanish no shame in your body?
48. the isolation
linda ,   denmark   (10.16.09)
so sad, so sad to read this report of the current situation. it is difficult to say what Israel should do, will do, should have done. don't think that it would have changed anything. The muslim countries and other non-democracies need a scape goat for their own misery and violations af women rights and human rights
49. To nr 46 -Eric - Canada
Alexander ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (10.16.09)
Let me ask you a simple and plain question in English: what on earth do you care about what is going on in Israel thousands of kilometers away? How on earth are you, your family, your relatives, your friends, your jobs, your economy, your freedom and liberty, safety and security and lives affected by the fact that Jews REFUSE to be ethnically cleansed from Judea and Samaria - the core regions of our ancient homeland? Why is it that Arabs can live anywhere they like in Israel and in Judea, Samaria and Gaza, Europe and USA without having their presence criticized as "racism" or "occupation" - only limitations are placed on where Jews live simply because we have Jewish blood in our veins? "Palestinians" and "Palestine" have never existed in recorded human history, Arabs have existed for 1400 years and come from Arabia, Jews have existed for 4000 years and lived for 4000 years in Israel, Arabs dominated our land for 22 years in the 7th cent. AD whereas we Jews have dominated Israel for centuries - before our exile. Just read history. No Egyptian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Canaanite, Phoenician, Philisteene, Israelite/Hebrew/Jewish, Persian, Greek or Roman sources ever mention a "Palestinian" people or any "Palestinian" country - ever! The Romans invented the name of "Palestine" - their name for Israel. But "Palestine" is the Roman/Latin name for Israel and not the name of a state, people,race, ethnicity, tribe or identity. The first fugitives of "Palestine" were JEWS in the first and second century AD when Romans occupied and conquered Israel. If not one single Jew can live in Judea, Samaria and Gaza simply because the world thinks it is "disputed" then Arabs shouldn't live there either. They have after all 22 Arab states 1.5 times larger than United States of America. Arab conquest and Arab occupation of our land in 636 AD does not make it their property. The "west" says that occupation is "illegal". Obviously not when Arabs OCCUPIED Israel 636 AD, ethnically cleansed the Jews from Israel and then claimed that Arabs have lived in Israel "since time immemorial". Canadian, have you no shame in your heartless body? Your country is the second largest territory in the world after Russia, you have no enemies and you are surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. We should do some soul searching? Why don't you give me a break! What about the racist European genocide on North American Native Indians? Have Canadians and Americans done some soul searching? Most countries in the world have minorities. Are you suggesting that an Arab "Palestine' that has never existed in recorded human history with a Jewish minority is "occupation"? Not only do the Arabs STEAL OUR LAND, now you Eric support ethnic cleansing on Jews so that not one single Jew can live there? Israeli cities in Judea and Samaria are no more 'settlements" than Ottawa, Montreal, Vancouver, Calgary and Edmonton. The only difference being that the world recognizes Canadian theft on Indian soil and a huge Canadian territory but does not recognize Jewish independence, sovereignty and Jewish freedom and liberty in the land of Israel - a microscopical piece of real estate that happens to our ancestral homeland. We are not newcomers. But the Arabs are. Read history! Are you really so "disgusted" by the fact that Jews have roof over their heads, live in their land of Israel, have jobs, schools, hospitals, universities, businesses and cities? Is a normal life for normal human beings suddenly a crime? Is it a crime for Jews to live in their ancestral homeland? What language, religion, alphabet, history, kings, dynasties, palaces, temples, cities, territories, neighbours, currency and measurements did the "Palestinians" (Arabs) have? When has "Palestine' or "Palestinians" ever existed in recorded human history? I suggest you do some soul searching and stop talking b*llshit and accusing us of accusing everyone of "anti-Semitism".
50. To nr 46 - Eric - Canada
Alexander ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (10.16.09)
We Jews are ALWAYS right when it comes to our claims to our historical and acestral homeland of Israel and our right to exist, live, defend ourselves, maintain, protect, uphold and defend our basic, human, citizenship, ethnic and national rights, our demographic majority, our capital, our territory, our borders, our air space, our waters, our right to demand an complete end to all hostilies from the rest of the world and its attack on our lives and our Jewish identity and on our independence and sovereignty. In these circumstances we are ALWAYS right and you are always wrong. And any of the above mentioned attacks on us is racist, discriminatory, hostile and anti-Semitic. It's like saying: "We are not against you Eric and your country. But we think that USA has the right to flood your country with Americans and destroy Canada demographically, steal Canadian territory, send thousands of rockets and missiles into your homes and you must supply food, water and electricity to the USA even if it fires at you." Are you completely insane man? Have you ever criticized the Arabs? Have you ever critized yourselves and done some soul searching? Who is threatening Canada with missiles, rockets and demographic warfare? Who is trying to destroy and steal Canada and rewrite Canadian history and claim Canadian territory in the name of another nation? Who? Name that nation! Give me a break man and get yourself a life...
51. Alexander from Tel Aviv
Lisa   (10.16.09)
hope you are feeling better after telling everybody that they are wrong and YOU ARE ALWAYS RIGHT. We all know that there were Jews living in the Middle East for eons- you keep telling us. Not many people in the world do have a chance to go back to their homeland hundreds of years later, once they loose it in a war- or are expelled-. Israel would be the one exception. You are back- and look at you: a country divided- orthodox fighting the seculars , ultra -orthodox embracing the enemies because they do not believe in Israel, incompetent politicians, corruption.....waffling governments- changing directions, etc.etc. All the talk about Israel having existed for thousands of years- well...this country needs a lot of work.. and the international communities: what do you expect then to do? The Palestinians (yes- whatever they call themselves- they need a place to stay- they need food- isolation makes for enemies... ignoring them will not solve the problem) . A temporary stop to settlements would have made a world of a difference- but NO- Israeli politicians had to show muscle- 'don't bow to international pressure- you might loos a few votes!' The Israeli FM has been running all over the world- accusing everybody of ant-Israeli- or anti-semitic feelings and actions...and doing it in a totally undiplomatic way... The Goldstone report- totally one-sided. Why? Because Israel refused to tell its side- now of course- after the fact there is an outcry- what did you expect? The EU, Canada, The US do not like the Arab countries any more than Israel- countries do not LIKE other countries, they do NOT LIKE people- they have diplomatic ties, they do trade.... what is this desire to be LIKED by everybody about? Why do Israelis care? Reading TBs most Israelis dislike just about everybody else in the world for one reason or another- .
52. To Lisa
Alexander ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (10.16.09)
When it comes to our rights, our liberty, our freedom, our independence, our sovereignty, our capital, our demographic majority, our historical rights, our ethnic, cultural, national and religious identity, our territory, borders, air space and waters, and defending our rights to our ancestral homeland and our lives and our equal right to live as a free nation among the nations without being attacked - then we are ALWAYS right and you are always wrong, and any criticism denying us of the above is characterized by anti-Semitism - 4D+ 1F = 1) Demonization of Jews 2) Disrcimination of Jews 3) Double standards delivered against Jews 4) Delegitimization of Jews and Israel and 5) False accusations against Israel and the Jews. Yes the Goldstone report is onesided because it does not make any difference between self defense and war of aggression. One cannot compare 8000 rockets fired by Arabs from Gaza against Israel with Israeli rigth of self defense. It's like saying that both Nazi Germany and the allies of WW2 were "bad". And who are you and where are you from and who are you to judge us? Are you a superhuman, do you stand above the laws of nature and above the laws of God and society? Are Jews the eternal scapegoats and you the eternal judges? And you don't think you are patronizing? Don't use the name of "Palestine" or "Palestinians". They are Arabs and prior to 1967 they didn't call themselves "Palestinians". In what way are they victims? If they are not the natives of the land and you know that they don't belong in Israel and if you know that they have lived for 60-150 years in Israel and if you know that those Arabs originate from North Africa and Arabian Peninsula without any prior history in our land, you also know they are alien to our land. If you feel so sorry for them, I suggest you import all of them to Europe, Canada and the USA. Unlike USA, Canada and Europe, Israel has to fight for its very existence, its right to exist, its borders and territory and demographic majority - something that the "West" takes for granted. It is easy to rant about "human rights" and "freedom" when Europeans have conquered, raped and massacred much of the world for centuries and now live safely far away from wars and conflicts. You want the Arabs to have a home? Sorry, that's not my problem. You cannot grant someone life on the expense of someone else's death. They cannot have our land because it is ours and we no other place to go to. But I suggest that the Arab world of 300 million people in 22 Arab states absorb their Arab brothers in true and brotherly friendship. But, oh, I forgot, the Lebanese, the Egyptians, the Jordanians and the Iraqis don't want them. That's how much the Arab world cares for the "Palestinians". More than 90% of the "Palestinians" - meaning Arabs from the entire Arab world that came here 60-150 to look for jobs in our land, are being killed by other fellow Arabs/"Palestinians". 10 million Moslems have been killed by other Moslems since 1945. Less than 100.000 Arabs/Moslems have died in conflicts with Israel. The Arabs need to live somewhere? Let them move to your country then dear Lisa if you care so much about them. But be prepared that you will have Islamic terrorism on your streets and they will try to take over country from the inside out. Arafat tried to gain political control and power in both Jordan and Lebanon. It does not suggest any love for Judea, Samaria and Gaza does it? Unlike the Arab world, Israel has built up modern infrastructure for the Arabs of Gaza, Judea and Samaria. We have given them food, clothes, electricity, running water, brought them from the Middle Ages to the 21st cent. AD and given them schools, hospitals, universities, money and weapons, and even the right to appeal to the Supreme Court in Jerusalem and even the right to use the Bir Zeid University (built by Israel) to spread hatred against Israel.
53. To Lisa
Alexander ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (10.16.09)
"Palestine sits in sackcloth and ashes..desolate and unlovely..." Mark Twain, Innocents Abroad, 1867. "The Country is in a considerable degree empty of inhabitants and therefore its greatest need is a body of population." The British Consul 1857 "The road leading from Gaza to the north was only a summer track..no orange groves, orchards or vineyards until one reached the Jewish village of Yavneh." Palestine Royal Commission, 1913 "There is no such country as Palestine! "Palestine" is a term the Zionists invented! There is no Palestine in the Bible. Our country was for centuries part of Syria." Auni Bey Abdul-Hadi, a local Arab leader, to the Peel Commission, 1937 "Palestine was part of the Province of Syria..politically, the Arabs of "Palestine" were not independent in the sense of forming a separate political entity." - Representative Arab Higher Committee to UN May 1947. "There is no such thing as "Palestine" in hisotry, absolutely not." Prof. Phillip Hitti. Arab American Historian 1946. "There are no differences between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese..The founding of a Palestinian state is a new tool in the continuing battle against Israel." - Zuheir Muhsin, Military and Executive of PLO. Dutch Newspaper 1977. "The return of the Jews in the 1800's and early 1900's created jobs and Arabs from impoverished areas were drawn into the Holy Land for work. In 1948 so many Arabs were new to the area and could not qualify for the UN requirement for refugee status that the UN added a clause permitting refugee status for Arabs who had been there for as little as two years." - Joan Peters "From Time Immemorial" 1984 "The interesting thing about "Palestinians" is that so few of the West Bank Arabs thought of themselves as such before 1967. It post-dates the founding of the PLO: "Palestine" had a national liberation movement before it had a nationality." - Mark Steyn, National Post, April 4, 2002.
54. To Lisa again
Alexander ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (10.16.09)
So if you admit that Jews were first in the land, how can Israeli/Jewish cities in Judea and Samaria be "settlements"? What has the Arab side ever done for us and why are you not demanding anything from them? And once again who the hell are you, where are you from and whoa re you to judge us? We are no showing any "muscles" - we are just exercising our rights to live in our own land - it is as plain and simply as that. I have noticed that USA or Canada or showing any "muscles" when they want their citizens to have freedom to live in their countries whereever they wish. International Law does not consider Israeli/Jewish cities as "settlements". Again, why can Arabs live everywhere in Israel, Judea, Samaria, Gaza, USA, Europe and Canada, but Jews are banned from their homeland simply because they are Jews? Having Jewish blood in our veins makes us "occupiers" in our own land? So Internatinoal law supports ethnic cleansing on Jews? I don't think so. You must give the Arabs the responsibility to absorb the Arabs of Gaza, Judea and Samaria - move the Arabs to 22 Arab states 1.5 times bigger than United States of America. So the Arabs "NEED" a place to stay but banning Jews from their ancestral homeland is ok? And you are not anti-Semitic and an enemy of Israel? Isn't that discriminatory and double standards dear Lisa?
55. Let me ask you something Lisa
Alexander ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (10.16.09)
In what manner are you personally, your family, relatives, friends, hometown or city, jobs, education, well being, social security, law and order on the streets, your society's economic well being, lives, safety and existence affected by the fact that Jews REFUSE to be ethnically cleansed from their ancestral homland of Israel and they demand to live as normal human beings in a normal country with normal lives with roofs over their heads, kindergartens, schools, hosptials, universities, research and technology centers, culture, business, trade and commerce? If you bother to read I said that when it comes to our freedom, rights, liberties, independence, sovereignty, lives, existence, safety, security, capital, territory, borders, air space and waters and historical rights to our land we are always right. I never said anything about Jews having legitimacy to conquer others or to treat the rest of the world like dirt - I said that we Jews have unalienable, natural and God given rights to be alive, free, independent, sovereign and prosperous - but you criticizing us for that clearly reveals that you are merely a coward anti-Semite hiding behind "legitimate criticism" of Israel. And why do you need to criticize us all the time? Do you think we care? Who the hell are you to judge us? Can't you criticize Arabs or possibly yourself and your country and examine your own moral character? Why can't we criticize you? Who are you? A queen or princess - possibly a Godess? Who placed you in a position of leaning over us and judging us and viewing us as scapegoats or "little people" that you can throw all your dirt on? I can argue the same thing about you and other anti-Semites: You ALWAYS say that you are right and you ALWAYS say that Jews are wrong. Because I have never remotely heard anyone of you ever admitting remotely that Jews can ever be right and have any rights and freedom at all. You deal with opinions and not with facts - as usual. You lashing out at Lieberman proves how prejudiced you are. We voted for Lieberman - that is our democratic right. And EU, Sweden and Norway are de facto anti-Semitic because their criticism is ONE SIDED and always against us and always denying us the same rights that everybody else takes for granted. You think Lieberman is not diplomatic? What is diplomatic? To verbally assault Jews for 2000 years? Are you diplomatic Lisa? Is diplomatic good or bad? Why do people need to be diplomatic? If people want you and your family and country dead - will you be diplomatic to your enemies and a third party interfering with your business? Should the Allies have been more "diplomatic' towards Nazi Germany? I don't need the world to like me but I need the world to butt out - something you can't or won't do.
56. Alexander, Lisa is correct, and you are simply ranting...
BBSNews ,   Charlotte, NC   (11.30.09)
...and you positively exude anti-Arab hatred, that hardly makes you an impartial observer. In fact, it simply paints you as an extremist. No less an extremist than any jihadi you'd care to name. When I read about what you claim Israel "gave" the Arab world, I see nothing but the racist condescension of the American South in this country's more violent racist past; I'll bet you'd favor Arab only drinking fountains? It is your attitude, and those of your ilk, that prolong the conflict what with your historical revisionism and your abject denial of facts and reality that any objective observer can simply look up for themselves and quickly come to the conclusion that you simply don't have a real clue.
57. Withdrawing will not help Israel.
Elias ,   Finland   (01.12.10)
As far as I know, reason to war against Israel bases on will to eliminate it, no matter what Israel does. Withdrawing from settlements will not cease war on Israel, and hopefully Israel will not gain its peace by diplomacy which requires national suicide. However, Israel should disobey international pressure by showing love for their neighbors, and if possible, make it visible. We, on the other hand, should not “help” palestinians by attacking Israel.
58. The Right wing Government
Shalom ,   Cairo   (02.02.10)
The Exercise of the Rightist Ideology has put Isreal much to the corner and is triggering an Isolation from the Remaining rest of the WORLD. few year later some thing Strange will happen.
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