World according to Goldstone
Abraham Cooper, Harold Brackman
Published: 15.10.09, 11:35
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31. The New Islamic World Order Judenrein
Dav Lev ,   Burbank. CAUSA   (10.16.09)
Nothing can be done about Goldstone, he has done the damage. He is, like the house Jew (hear that Rahm and Axelod), or court Jew. Today in the USA, Obama's Jews are mentioned..when econ policies are criticized or linked with socialism. We hear that all the time. Israel and the US must ignore Kapo Goldstone. Recall Kapos were also gassed. This man is a fool and dangerous besides. Even the Egyptian head of the IAEA, faults Israel, w/o being too critical of Iran. Birds of a Muslim feather. The 100yr old Pales-Jewish conflict has taken another twist in it's sordid history. Another chain in the link to kill all of US. It's in the Koran folks.
32. The Death of 1,000 Cuts and Israel
Dav Lev ,   Burbank. CAUSA   (10.16.09)
To Christy: I agree and yet am concerned. Sharon gave up the Gaza Strip fearing the world's reaction to the occupation..AND believing it was a good faith gesture. The aftermath should be a warning to Israel..giving up the W. Bk completely, E. Jerusalem, the right of return and the Golan Hts..will see similar actions by the Arabs..and sympathy by it's world supporters. Abbas demands pre-conditions...Bibi says not necessary. If Bibi blinks, it's all over. The death of 1,000 cuts is applicable here. Israel is strong, but vulnerable..it is being tested again.
33. To Christy: One Mushroom Cloud Only
Dav Lev ,   Burbank, CaUSA   (10.16.09)
To Christy: You are right..but only if the US vetos any UNSC resolution. Let's see what Obamamaniac does? Iran has ignored 3 UNSC resolutions..thanks to China and Russia and a timid West which doesn't want war. However, sooner or later someone will have to take out Iran's nuke sites..or face their intimidation for decades.Both Korea and Iran are giving the finger to Obama who is talking, negotiating and engaging. For what? Time is on Iran's side. Some say, Israel can wipe out Iran in 3 weeks..maybe? But one mushroom cloud over Tel Aviv and it's all over.
34. To Alexi: Israel Needs 100 More Nukes
Dav Lev ,   Burbank. CAUSA   (10.16.09)
Israel should put Goldstone on it's not wanted list..and if he shows up at Ben Gurion...either arrest him, or put him on an El Al plane to the nearest Arab city that will accept Israeli planes. You are so right. This Kapo, this turncoat Jew, doesn't know what he has started. But there is a silver lining. Israel must learn who it can and cannot trust. It should appreciate that disengagement means engaging in a war later. Peace Now is a Jihad later.It should stick to Bib's red lines..and not waiver one iota. If Israel blinks..it is all over with. It is still in denial about itself...who cares about PR, I want more Israeli nukes..100 more, with Iran in it's gunsights.
35. Goldstone has done more damage to Israel
Brod ,   USA   (10.17.09)
than any other person. He has followed the pathway of those who want to effect a Final Solution on Israel. He played right into the hands of the Islamist-Jihadists who are hellbent on the destruction of Israel. The goal of the dark forces is to subdue, dominate and islamize the whole world. They are already on the way to accomplishing their goal through their domination of the UN and their growing Trojan Horse in America and Europe.
36. When Did an Arab Defend a Jew?
Dav Lev ,   Burbank CAUSA   (10.17.09)
To Brod: look, there are millions of Jews and Christians who are ready to fight any attempt to take over our (US) country. One liberal news TV journalist (Washington Post) says the neo-cons (aka Jews), let this country to the disaster in Iraq. So blame the Jews guys. FYI, Bush made the final decision..with Condi, Rumfeld, Franks, etc., not Perle or Wolfowitz. Congress has given funds to continue the war for 6plus years. The Arabs blame we Jews for 911, and deny the Holocaust, even though Germany kept meticulous records. They say Christ was a Palestinian. So much for the Arab mentality. Al Qaeda and others have issued fatwas for our (Jews) deaths. Israel is fighting our war..if no israel, there would be bombers in our streets. Every Muslim terrorist targeted US Jews and Christians. This is documented. I have proposed every Jew buy a 22, and more. We must be prepared to defend ourselves..from Kapos like Goldstone. He is a disgrace to our people. No Arab would dare defend a Jew, and none have. But with Goldstone and Madoff, we have somehow failed! Perhaps x communication is needed.
37. To Brod: Goldstone, J St, Roger Cohen..Toast
Dav Lev ,   Burbank. CAUSA   (10.17.09)
To Brod: just note how many Jews are highly critical of Israel's actions to basically defend itself. Naming just a few, Edward Fein, Goldstone and Roger Cohen (NYTimes). Cohen says Bibi spent too much time mentioning the Holocaust before the UN. (duh). And Israel makes mistakes (duh). Israel also targeted poor innocent Arabs throwing stones..at the IDF during Operation Cast Lead. The Arabs were just protecting themselves. Then there are half-Jews like T. Friedman who say it's the settlements volk. No settlemets, peace. Speaking of peace, hows about J Street. They blame Israel for everything..but say their goal is peace. Sanctions against Iran, forget it, counterproductive they say. To J Street: go live in Sderot or Ashkelon...go live among your friends the Palestinians in Ramallah or Hebron..break bread with Hamas and Hez. Sure, right!
38. What goes around comes around.
R   (10.17.09)
Most of the world was silent during 8 years of rocket attacks on Israel perpetrated by the world's poster child, the Palestinians. The world was silent throught years of terrorist suicide bombings on Israel. Now the majority has legitimized terror by supporting Goldstone's report. But what goes around comes around. Pakistan is awash in suicide bombings. the world has legitimized it. Karma.
39. UN - Goldstone Report
Miriam Ferstman ,   Montreal, Canada   (10.17.09)
There is somethuing very askew in Judge Goldstone's decision to put his name on a report that he allegedly also feels was not thorough in revealing all the facts known to the rest of the world through film and numerous print-media accounts. Has he gone senile? Is there something seriously wrong with him? Why would he suddenly jeopordize a noted world reputation promoting justice and human rights by allowing this report to become .legitimized with his name on it????? Something has gone terribly wrong!!!! Who will be the one to get to the bottom of this fiasco as the democratic world teeters on the brink of chaos? I am truly worried about the consequences of this latest calamity on the world scene Miriam Ferstman
40. refute Goldstone with a REAL and balanced report from a worl
rob ,   orangevale /USA   (10.17.09)
Whats the deal? Why is Israel whining about Goldstones report? Is Israel so without friends in the world that she cant come up with a reputable, verifiable refutation of his asinine report? When did this small brainy nation turn so befuddled! Is he(Goldstone) the only one the world will listen to? Hardly. For more years than I can remember, people from every rock and crevice have berated your God given country, but most of the world knows that the percentage of "opinion" is one sided. How about some careful thought, a few calls to the world body, and ASK some questions that should have been asked by the windbag Goldstone, make a legitimate comparison, and let the chips fall where they should. It was WAR! C'mon Israel, you aint nearly as dumb as you act. Maybe it's because you showed so much restraint that the world expected it from you. Don't let outsiders determine what God has set forth for you! Shalom.
41. addendum to # 40
rob ,   orangevale /USA   (10.17.09)
Oh yeh, when a body that's investigating you asks for your input, perhaps instead of slamming the door in his/her face, one may ask for a moment, then acquiesce, and give the "other" side of the story. Call me crazy, as many of you certainly will, but the way I see it here in O'vale, you certainly deserve better representation than you got by the "stone face". I see it as 'bad organization', you can do better.
42. # 40
J.K. ,   Brooklyn USA   (10.18.09)
Rob ! Israel was willing to participate in the investigation,The language of the invitation by the UN was insulting;you are invited to participate in the investigation of crimes commited by the IDF,so Israel was right to ignore the invitation.It's time to stop the festival of Goldstone,he is just a usful fool in the hands of his handlers.Israel must ask the international community a simple question,if Hitler,Sadam Husein,Bin Laden,would set up their headquarters in a Maternity ward,school, kindergarten,what would they do ? allow them to conduct the war because a reluctance to kill civlians,or destroy them regardless of the civilian casualties.
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