Was Churchill a war criminal?
Ophir Falk
Published: 17.10.09, 14:01
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31. "most densely populated places on earth"?
Yonatan ,   Yeruashalayim   (10.18.09)
Why do idiots like Ophir Falk keep printing this ridiculous progoganda? NYC Population Density from wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Queens Manhattan has more people than Gaza in one sixth the area! ALL of NYC is much more densely populated than Gaza. How many idiots like Ophir Falk are screaming about the poor New Yorkers and their horrible dense population. What about Mumbai, Calcutta, Beijing, Singapore, and the list goes on and on! What's wrong with these pretend journalists who are too stupid to check facts so they reprint propaganda?
32. Ron, 9, worse. If they had their way he'd have been murdered
Anat ,   Hadera, Israel   (10.18.09)
33. the facts are irrelevant Israelis always wrong
.avrom ,   bet shemesh   (10.18.09)
in the left wing "truth "because it is occupying Palestine{exists] therefore everything the palestinians do if fine because it is resistance and everything Israel does by definition has to be a war crime and thus has to be boycotted and destroyed The left wing campaign of delegitimisation is genocide in stages aided and abetted by all those who voted or abstained in the Goldstone vote
34. No he is not only if
Practical ,   Australia   (10.18.09)
you give us the same German bombers to bomb Tel Aviv Eilat and Haifa. Being Bias is a dangerous formula which is practiced by many Israelis. They call them self intellectual citizens, blah blah blah
35. oh becarefull don't bring the dead
ghostq   (10.18.09)
when churchill visited Tell-Aviv he himself saw the importance of jews to be in Israel it wasn't his gov or his desitions to creat Gaza or the other refugee camps, the dresden massacre was unfortunately and not his will either. ironical the Brits doesn't care much for his legacy or his contribution to mankind.
36. to #24 sunis kill shiias and visa versa
ghostq   (10.18.09)
all the time in Iraq and it's not connected to Israel at all, mmm you think tiny scap goat Israel is guilty in ME problems then conga you lake of self responsibility will cause you more trobles in the futur.
37. You shouldn't be disappointed more Jews were not killed
To Cohen # 20   (10.18.09)
You shouldn't be disappointed more Jews were not killedor that the IDF is effective
38. Learn to Read and Grab a Life
to 31 ,   Israel   (10.18.09)
"Gaza is one of the most densely populated places on earth with the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics estimating 1.5 million inhabitants on Gaza’s 139 sq. mile area". That does not mean that Gaza is THE most populated places on earth it means that Gaza is One of the most populated places on earth. Aside from that, NYC is a city and so is Mumbai and the other places you demogogiclly mentioned. Gaza includes urban and "rural" areas. In short, after you learn to read -grab a life.
39. Mistakes are not war crimes.
Ron B. ,   Lod   (10.18.09)
The IDF took extraordinary measures to give Gaza civilians notice of targeted areas, dropping over 2 million leaflets, and making over 100,000 phone calls. Many missions that could have taken out Hamas military capability were aborted to prevent civilian casualties. During the conflict, the IDF allowed huge amounts of humanitarian aid into Gaza. To deliver aid virtually into your enemy's hands is, to the military tactician, normally quite unthinkable. But the IDF took on those risks. War is chaos and full of mistakes but mistakes are not war crimes. Civilian casualties were a consequence of Hamas’ way of fighting. Hamas deliberately tried to sacrifice their own civilians. More at: http://xrl.us/be8dzf
40. pointless he is dead, don't speak ill on the dead
ghostq   (10.18.09)
and move on, the UK did much worse than Chrchil time. the even caused some wild life to be extinct. so you see you got pleanty other to chose from and not pick on war hero.
41. Historical and other factual inaccuraices
Smith ,   TA, Israel   (10.18.09)
"Thousands of civilians were killed by the British air raids, but it was a decisive factor in the eventual victory of the allied forces" This has been roundly disproved by military historians and isn't even postulated anymore. The carpet bombing had no net effect on German industrial capabilities or the regime's psychological capability to keep fighting to the end. The decisive factor in the war was Germany's decision to invade Russia and then lose at Moscow and Stalingrad (and declare war on the USA.) "Hamas indiscriminately fired over 12,000 rockets or mortar shells at civilian towns in Israel. More than London was hit with." This is a totally bogus claim. Germany dropped thousands of tonnes of explosives on London and killed over 50,000 civilians in the Blitz. Comparing it to puny Qassem rockets is disgracefully self-serving. Bosnia-Herzegovina is administered by NATO and considered a rouge state along with Ghana, Senegal, and Nigeria? The last three all recognize Israel and Ghana is a shinning example of good governance and democracy in Africa. Furthermore, the author's implicit suggestion that the laws of war be amended to sanction the killing of civilians beyond what is already allowed is morally reprehensible. And yes, by today's standards Churchill would be considered a war-criminal and, although a great orator, he was a pretty awful strategist and its thanks to his generals not always listening to his advice Britain limped through the war. His greatest achievement was securing American aid and eventually bringing them into the war.
42. To: No. 28
Sarah B ,   New York / Saviyon   (10.18.09)
The fact that Churchill was an alcoholic doesn't bother me -- he joins a long list of pretty impressive individuals who had substance abuse or alcohol issues. No, I'm not giving FDR a pass. But while FDR was president and attended all the tripartite conferences, the truth is that he was not terribly interested in international affairs -- he actually deferred on such matters to the recommendations of his closest aide, Harry Hopkins. Of course, that amounted to putting the cat among the pigeons in a big way because there is excellent evidence to suggest that Hopkins was a Soviet mole (note I say "mole," as distinct from "spy"). But I digress. My two personal historic passions are the American Civil War and World War II. The former is actually fairly easy to research, the information is readily available and there are no classified documents relating to the Civil War. This is not the case with the Second World War, where fully 85% of the documents, memoranda, assessments and the like remain under seal. Arguably the war that has had the most impact on the world, and it is hard to track who said what, who ordered what and who did what because despite the fact that nearly 65 years have passed since the end of the War, so much of the actual documentation remains highly classified. It's very frustrating. The Churchills were anti-Semitic in a very genteel sort of way. Same with Roosevelt -- not Eleanor, though. Definitely FDR, definitely Sarah. Churchill's references to the plight of Jews when seeking additional military budget allotments is hypocritical to say the least; he was the one man who was actually in a position to do something about it. Then again, the numbers had to be there and they had to be staggering -- there is no doubt in my mind that there would be no State of Israel today had the numbers been lower. Ah, I'm rambling. The War is such a fascinating subject -- both theatres, actually -- and the world is living the consequences of that war to this day. I guess the best we can do is muddle along on conjecture and speculation. The factual material will not be released in my lifetime; perhaps never.
43. To: No. 26 and No. 37
Sarah B ,   New York / Saviyon   (10.18.09)
Jerrold Cohen is not Jewish. It's a made-up name used by some virulent anti-Semite to try and show that there are Jews who prefer the Palestinian cause to the Jewish one. Sometimes, however, he forgets, and what comes through is not anti-Israel sentiment but a sort of crude hatred of Jews. You will find that most people ignore him and his ludicrous posts, and so should you.
44. #25 malpractice
Goldstone is a lawyer. His job is to serve whoever is paying him with no regards for morals or justice. He was paid to make a report accusing Israel of war crimes. That is what he did. He himself admits that his report is baseless, but he did his job. If he did not accuse Israel of war crimes, then he would be guilty of malpractice.
45. Churchill considering air raids
Jens ,   Germany   (10.18.09)
The carpet bombings on Dresden et al. were the labour pains of modern democratic Germany and made post-war Germans realise that war is not such a good idea at all. The result is nearly 70 years peace in Europe. Churchill a war criminal? In the end - history proves him right. The question if some air raids on Germany were too excessive or how big the military effect was (without the Red Army keeping almost 5million german soldiers busy, D-Day would have become a bit of a problem) is not important anymore: the war is over.
46. Best reference on Churshil
Reader   (10.18.09)
is David Irving. Many will be shocked, but no other historian explored the life of this War Criminal better than Irving. "Churchil's War" is the best book ever.
47. To: No. 45
Sarah B ,   New York / Saviyon   (10.18.09)
Seventy years of peace in Europe? Someone forgot to tell the Bosnians and the Serbs. I guess the Hungarians and the Czechs didn't get the memo, either. The war may be over, Jens, but the world is living the consequences of that war. One-third of the Jewish people on the planet were exterminated like flies, and you dismiss the acts precipitated by YOUR country as "not important any more." How dare you? How dare you? Ten thousand years from now -- if Germany is still around -- it will be no less guilty of crimes against humanity than it was the day the Nuremberg Tribunal issued its ruling. Germany will never be bestamt. Never.
48. cuba? cuba is criticize us???
one or zero   (10.18.09)
"These “pillars of humanitarianism” include ........Cuba, ....S. These countries constantly choose to criticize Israel" Is Israel really can afford to live by the criticism of the country like Cuba? Cuba was never known as a stronghold of human rights and freedom, so it's better for us as Israelis continue on our right way and ignore global hypocrisy.
49. To #15 Sarah: History is not one of strong points
Ariel ,   USA   (10.18.09)
50. To Reader #46: Best reference to "Churshil"
Ariel ,   USA   (10.18.09)
Read "Alone". And then lets talk about the best reference.
51. To Sarah (No.47)
Jens ,   Germany   (10.18.09)
With all respect, Sarah, you are barking up the wrong tree and I guess you don't WANT to understand me. My comment was solely about air raids ON GERMAN CITIES. I did not mention German war crimes with one single word. This was not the topic of my comment. I wrote unmistakable: "The question if some air raids on Germany were too excessive (...) is not important any more" And you are turning every word in my mouth and answer: "(...) and you dismiss the acts precipitated by YOUR country as 'not important any more'. How dare you? How dare you? (...)"
52. UNfounded Allegations.
Daniel Francis ,   Berrien Springs MI   (10.18.09)
What part of the Goldstone report was unfounded? Was it the 300+ children killed in the operation? Then again, they are palestinian children....they fact that Goldstone acknowledge that these children were killed is probably just a manifestation of latent self-hatred.
53. To: No. 49
Sarah B ,   New York / Saviyon   (10.18.09)
Oh yeah? Please see the post at no. 23. Thank you.
54. #52: Children killed
Steve   (10.18.09)
This is the thing. Like the Nazi party in Germany, Hamas came to power in Gaza by democratic means. William Shirer ("The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich") wrote that in Hitler, Germans found their savior, in spite of the devastation he had brought to Germany. He was Germany's savior. The lesson to be learned is this. If you don't want your children killed in a war in which your leaders were the aggessors, don't support gangsters, terrorists and criminals. Muslims in Gaza chose these Hamas gangsters to lead them.
55. #18 - Based on your logic, Israel can suicide bomb
WilliM ,   Israel   (10.18.09)
So, let's count how many sniper shots targeting civilians, rockets targeting civilians, and suicide bombings that Hamas has initiated. Hell, let's include everything that has come out of Gaza. Using those comparisons, Israel is actually in its right to send in scores of donkeys, cars, and people strapped with explosives to kill whom ever they wish in a crowded area. Israel can also send in people with explosives to hospitals to blow up doctors and patients, alike. And seeing how Hamas' main target (97%) has been civilians, and the IDF has never intentionally targeted civilians (not counting those disqualified under Geneva Convention), it seems we have the right to kill a lot more civilians in our next Gaza excursion. Frankly, I don't believe your fake sentiment regarding Goldstone and "whoever commits them (war crimes)". Your very posting shows that you not only ignored, but purposely excused terrorist actions which had no defensive value for Hamas or Gazans at all. It was terrorism for the sake of racism.
56. War Criminal?
paul keresy ,   Kufrland Earth   (10.19.09)
The differences in civilian deaths vis a vis Israel and the Gazans, is hard to rationalize. I do remember seeing the citizens of Sderot going to their bomb shelters. Also, who can fotget the numerious times the gazans showed off their extensive preparation for the safety of their people, and the frequency of their sirens going off, practicing getting to safety. Yes, it just hard to understand, both sides went to very extreme measures to keep the noncombatants safe. Am I not right?
57. no he was not
sherman   (10.19.09)
but goldsien is !! a
58. #4 - Agreed! - People Forget
Christy ,   Boston, US   (10.19.09)
People who are trying to make 'nice little rules' for war are ones who have been very far removed from the real threat of their country being destroyed. They are living in a fantasy world. How could France, and therefore Europe, have been liberated from Nazi rule if these premises from Goldstone are agreed to? In France, the Nazis were dispersed among French civilians. It was not possible to drive out the Nazis without killing French civilians. Many French, and other European civilians, were killed as the Allies combated the Nazis throughout Europe. Same thing happened in Japan. It's not possible to wage a war without innocent civilians getting killed. Armies may try very hard not to kill the innocent civilians, but civilians *will* be killed. That's war. If/When the world's back is against the wall, like in WWII, then we'll again see war waged just like it was in WWII by the Allies. Unfortunately we have so many leaders living in a fantasy world, regarding how war needs to be waged, that it will probably take a WWIII to remove the fantasies.
59. British Colonel Reveals Truth on IDF and Gaza at UN
Writer   (10.19.09)
Below is a 3 minute presentation given by British Colonel Kemp at the UN and should be seen by anyone interested in knowing what really happened in Gaza http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NX6vyT8RzMo&feature=player_embedded
Arn-Orao. ,   Sweden-Srbia.   (10.19.09)
Ironically, the UN Human Rights Council, which gave Goldstone the mandate to prepare the report on Gaza, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yWSATpx7uzk Arn-Orao.
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