National Palestinian women's soccer team takes field
Ronny Shaked
Published: 29.10.09, 09:01
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26 Talkbacks for this article
1. This is really an important news story!
jason white ,   afula,israel   (10.30.09)
It makes such a difference in our lives and for the future. Who gives a damn! So some women are playing a women';s game. That is what soccer is for. In a stadium named after a terroprist. With tibi given a front row seat. Too bad peres was not there.
2. To Jason White from Afula
Sick of your racism ,   Woman from Palestine   (10.30.09)
Faisal Husseini never did a terrorist thing in is life. In fact he is viewed by some Palestinians as a traitor for encouraging people to make peace with Israel, which as we all know is a racist state full of racist citizens like yourself. I'm sure the only news about women in Palestine you find newsworthy are those about honor killings or other stuch tragedies that support your racist assumptions about how backward we are. I'm so sick of Israelis and their aggressive dehumanizing attitude, I could puke all over this computer screen. But I won't. Patiently waiting for the day of reckoning to arrive and every dog has its day. Enjoy yours while it lasts.
3. PA women soccer
J ,   UK   (10.30.09)
link in Wilkipedia it says Beginnings Football has a long and rich tradition in Palestine. The game was originally introduced during the time of the British Mandate. The Palestine FA was formed in 1928 and joined FIFA in 1929 but at the time the association was made up of Arab clubs, Jewish clubs and clubs representing British policemen or soldiers serving in the region during the British Mandate rule that spanned the period between World War One and the creation of the state of Israel in 1948. An Arab club represented the Palestinian FA in an attempt to qualify for the World Cup in 1930 while the qualification matches for the 1934 World Cup were contested by a Palestine team made up exclusively of Jewish and British players.[4] In the following years the sport would fall into disrepair humans has to stop dehumanising others and be somewhat reasonable, facts of history speaks louder than bigots like this Jason White, who sounds a very typical English name may be BNP member
4. #2 - because we have some morons like Jason White....
Andy ,   ramat hasharon   (10.30.09)
you want to call us a racist state? How many Israelis are working for peace and compromise? We have plenty. Alot more Israelis do than Palestinians - as is clear from the fact that there has NEVER EVER been a Palestinian peace movement. If there were one, the people in it would be killed. PM Sharon took us out of Gaza and your people turned it into a terrorist toilet. You destroyed the agriculture we left behind to build rockets and bombs instead of schools and playgrounds, only to blame us for how miserable you are. You should look in the mirror before you call us "racist." You will find that your own people have more than us insofar as sick, disgusting, violent, racists. People who teach your children nothing but the ways of murder and hate in the name of God. That is why you are in the miserable position you are in now. If you learn to compromise with us, you will have the state you claim you want so much. You cry that nobody recognizes your rights, when your so-called leaders like Abu-moron won't even recognize Jewish soverignty. So STFU and clean the vomit off your computer sreen. By the way, some of us are happy that you have a soccor league. I know I am. It's better than some of your other activities, like blowing yourselves up in our restaurants and on our busses.
5. No4 - Andy: your just as racist as Jason (no1)
Kim ,   Australia   (10.30.09)
Ahhhh, Andy, you just don't get it do you? Your attitude it little different from Jason White's attitude. You label all Palestinians terrorists and who supposedly all teach their children hatred - you are nothing but a fully fledged racist yourself. And if you want to start throwing around such accusations, how about looking in your own back yard - remember the images of the young Israeli girls signing with love the bombs being sent to kill thousands of Lebanese civilians in 2006. My, my what a way to teach young children love for humanity and their fellow human beings!! And how about the settler Hilltop Youth, who constantly attack Palestinians in the occupied West Bank, burning their crops and attacking villages (I spent a year living in the Occupied Territories and witnessed this on many, many occassions). Go and visit Hebron and there you will see children who are taught to hate - Israeli children of illegal settlers who stone Palestinian children on their way home from school (and yes, I have seen this with my own two eyes!). These Israeli children have been taught to hate with all their hearts and that Palestinians are not human and that their actions are sanctioned by god. Israel is the occupier and the violater of human rights, it is YOUR task to be responsible for what your nation does as its actions are illegal under international law. Palestinian violence does not occur in a vaccuum as you pretend, it occurs in reaction to more than 60 years of Israeli state sanction violence - violence with has sought to ethnically cleanse the Palestinian people from their home land and which seeks to destroy their every way of life by demolishing their homes, by restricting their freedom of movement and speech, by bombing their villages and killing thousands upon thousands like in the Gaza assault and by arresting their youth without charge or trial.
6. How did the Australian aborigines fare under white rule?
David ,   Rhode Island   (10.31.09)
7. To #4 andy you and #3 ought to
jason white ,   afula,israel   (10.31.09)
mate,then you both can bring sub humans like yourselves into the world. And kim, how many Aboriginies did you all kill when you took over their land? Still treat them as treated the native africans? The trouble with Israel is that we are accused of war crimes and we did not commit any. Not like your aussie troops in so.vietnam and iraq. We should have hit the terrorists and their civilians and maybe they would leave us alone. Do know how many factories they had in the liberated territories? I used to check the quality control in factories there every day. There was plenty of work for the palis.But their violence made our companies look for other countries to produce our apparel.They lost out big. Finally you are a neo nazi anti Semite if you think that the palis are good and we are bad. We mind our own business and we let them live on our Jewish land.The arabs are the trespassers. Why can a moslim live on Jewish land and a Jew cannot visit saudi arabia? If you had some intelligence and were not as stupid as andy then you would see who the real racists are.
8. #5 Kim
Cynthia ,   USA   (10.31.09)
Israeli children are not taught to hate. Unlike Palestinian textbooks, Israeli textbooks do not demean and dehumanize Palestinians. Unfortunately, very few Israeli children have been immune from terror. These Israeli girls you referred to who signed the bombs just came out of hiding from a bomb shelter while under siege from 4000 katyusha rockets from Lebanon in 2006. Did you expect them to throw kisses? Many Israeli children have been murdered, maimed, injured, and orphaned from terror attacks. But still, Israelis do not teach their children to hate. Your post is full of empty clinches and unwarranted name calling at Jason and Andy. In reality, why should Israelis care if Palestinian women play soccer?
9. #4 - Jason - your use of "subhuman" is perfect....
Andy ,   ramat hasharon   (10.31.09)
since it is a Nazi term of art. Your demented rantings on this site are long standing evidence that you are a sick, blood thirsty person. And Kim, the love notes were intented for Hibollah animals, not Lebanese civilians. And of course I don't label all Palestinians terrorists. But one only watch Palestinian television and listen to the sermons from their mosques to hear the filth that they teach their children in great numbers. Of course I have been to Tel Rumeida - and know full well that Jews are permitted to live in one tiny sliver of Hevron, next to the tomb of the patriarchs. Of course we have our share of haters, like Jason, but a majority of our people AND our leadership favors compromise with the Palestinians.
10. #8 Reply to Cynthia and her one sided questions
Kim ,   Australia   (11.01.09)
Cynthia, it must be said that your post is lacking completely in FACTS and is replete with double standards, which reveal your underlying racism towards Palestinians. Israeli text books do in fact demean and dehumanise the Palestinian people. They do not recognise the Palestinian Nakba and the suffering that Israel imposed (a recent Israeli text book was developed to address this but it was banned by the Israeli govt!!) Israeli text books do not recognise the West Bank as occupied land or that the Palestinian people are suffering 60 years of occupation - how much more demeaning or dehumanising can you get to whitewash a brutal and illegal occupation of another people! It is interesting that you attempt to give context and justify why the young Israeli girls signed the bombs. YOu say, do you expect them to throw kisses?.... well how about applying the same standard to Palestinian children? Palestinian children and their families have been living under a 60 year brutal and violent Israeli military occupation. They have seen their house demolished, their family members murdered, their land stolen and what you expect them to do...blow kisses? You ask how many Israeli children have been attacked and murdered and terror attacks, well Cynthia what about Palestinian children attacked, murdered in Israeli state terror attacks? Just this past January, more than 400 Palestinian children were killed by Israel, where is your outrage at that? The death of any child is a horror but the fact is between 2000 and 2008 the number of Israeli children killed by Palestinians is 39, while the number of Palestinian children killed was 952 (according to Israel's B'Tselem group). The figure now for Palestinian child deaths is now more than 1500. 1500 Palestinian children, Cythnia!!! Where is your outrage at that! But I guess, as you point out why should Israelis care about Palestinians, they are after all Palestinians not Israelis. Racism, Cynthia, comes in many forms and thinking that one people are more worthy of understanding, kindness, human dignity, human rights and respect, while another should not be afforded the same respect, dignity, rights and understanding is racism - which is little different from the racism professed by Andy or Jason.
11. No6 - David: an answer from an Aboriginal Australian
Kim ,   Melbourne   (11.01.09)
David, interesting that you should pose the question, "how did the Australian Aborigines fare under white rule?" The answer is just like the Palestinian people we did not fare well. Today we are still struggling to overcome colonisation and the dispossession from our land and more than two centuries of racism, which continues still today in Australia. This is why many Aboriginals, like me, identify so closely with the Palestinian struggle. We idenitify with the struggle of a fellow indigenous people who also have endured and continue colonisation, dispossession, ethnic cleansing and racism.
12. #2 don't like our racism? Try being "honourably" killed on
Genuine Tosefta ,   Tveria   (11.01.09)
your side but of course you would rather trash talk about Jews
13. to #2 I heard that your school books
ghostq   (11.01.09)
r very incitful agains jews and Israelies, and the reputation you did it yourself, last week a pali woman stabed an israeli soldier.
14. #2 arab women
miron   (11.01.09)
First you are not palestinian women due to this word prezent only in history and not relatet to the arab natons.please read the serious history books.Second you sick it very simple cure move to yours sister in Jordan and samewhere alse.Israel will not stop you.Please.
15. 10 - occupation is not brutal and arabs are treated well
mike ,   israel (formerly usa   (11.01.09)
my arab wife grew up happy among jews and our kids (who are considered arab) are treated with equality and respect in their almost all-jewish school. it's all propaganda, and you spew it with ignorance well.
16. #15 Mike, you've lived under Israel's occupation, as I have?
Kim ,   Melbourne   (11.02.09)
Well Mike, lets talk about ignorance shall we? Have you spent a year living in a Palestinian village in the occupied West Bank? Let me take a guess and Well, I have. So I speak from personal experience, not from ignorance and from the saftey of my home inside Israel, the US or an illegal settlement, where the occupation has never touched your door step. Here's a list of some of the things I have witnessed: 1. The murder of a 10 year Palestinian boy by a Israeli sniper. 2. The murder of a 17 year old Palestinian boy by Israei snipers the following day at the 10 year old's funeral. 3. The brother of an Israeli friend shot in the head by the Israeli military, when my friend's brother attend a non-violent demonstration in solidarity with Palestinians whose land had been stolen by the illegal wall. 4. Jewish Israelis abused and beaten by the Israeli military but welcomed with hospitality and respect in the homes of Palestinians. 5. One single Palestinian home (in the village of Mas'ha) surrounded completely by the wall and the family isolated by Israeli military forces. 6. The children of this family stoned by illegal settler children - despite the fact the Palestinian family home had existed where it stood for 20 years before the illegal settlement was built. 7. The graves of 11 family members killed when Israeli forces bulldozed their homes with little warning in Nablus in 2002. 8. Numerous demolitions of Palestinian homes. 9. Homes belonging to Palestinians invaded and taken over by Israeli soliders. 10. Illegal Israeli settlers burning crops and olive trees belonging to Palestinian farmers 11. Illegal Israeli settlers invading and shooting up Palestinian villages 12. A Palestinian teacher beaten at a check point when he was trying to make his way home. 13. A Palestinian farmer shot by Israeli settlers, while the farmer was farming his own land. 14. Palestinian graves desecrated by illegal Israeli settlers in the village of Kifl Haris (something which the Ynet actually reported on). 15. Palestinian children stoned by Israeli Jewish children on their way to school in Hebron. 16. Palestinan homes in Hebron, where Israeli soldiers welded shut the doors so Palestinians could not leave their home and walk on the streets (which were preserved for the use of Jewish settlers). The list could go on and one, but I will stop at 16. And finally by the sounds of what you write, your wife grew up in Israel not under the occupation in the West Bank or Gaza. Palestinians who have Israeli citizenship, while still suffering institutionalised discrimination, do not experience the same oppression as Palestinians living in the West Bank or Gaza. If your children have not suffered this in Israel, then I am glad to hear it but it does not mean that other haven't suffered in this way.
17. Kim #16
Hassan ,   Sydney, Australia   (11.02.09)
Kim, you amaze me. You personally saw all 16 and more of the incidents you mention in your post? I grew up in the west Bank in a village called Katana and I never saw all those things. Yes, the roadblocks are very annoying and the soldiers are often unpleasant but when my father had a heart attack, we were quickly allowed to take him to Haddasa hospital. He and we were treated very nicely by the Israelis. I think you copied and pasted all those things from a book or from books. I dont believe that you lived any extended time in the West Bank. Maybe you visited. I left for Australia because I don't want my kids to become suicide bombers and yes, the Palestinian textbooks are full of hate for Jews. Your nonsense is not helping Palestinians at all.
18. #15, re: "indigenous people"
Micah ,   Los Angeles, USA   (11.02.09)
Kim, I have taken the liberty to re-write what you wrote to make it seem like you've read a history book and have an IQ higher than your shoe size: "Today we are still struggling to overcome colonisation and the dispossession from our land and more than two centuries of racism, which continues still today in Australia. This is why many Aboriginals, like me, identify so closely with the Zionist project and the rebirth of the Jews as a sovereign nation in the land of their forefathers. We idenitify with the struggle of the Jews, a fellow indigenous people who also have endured and continue colonisation, dispossession, ethnic cleansing and racism for almost 2,000 years, first from the Romans and then by the Muslim Arabs who had invaded the Land of Israel in the 7th century. We wish to learn from the Jews of Israel and become a success story by regaining the rights we deserve in our ancestral lands. Am Yisrael Chai! Your Australian Aboriginal friend, Kim"
19. #17 - Thanks, Hassan, your honesty....
Andy ,   ramat hasharon   (11.02.09)
is very much appreciated. We are not perfect by far, but for the most part try to do the right thing under impossibly difficult circumstances. Thank you for exposing Kim for the lying charlatan that she so clearly is. She's the complete mirror image of Jason White from Afula, who would probably support carpet bombing or expelling all Palestinians from between the Mediterranean and the Jordan river. Both of them spew nonsense that doesn't help anybody. Hopefully, one day there will be complete and total peace between our people and yours.
20. My bad, I meant #11, re: "indigenous people"
Micah ,   Los Angeles, USA   (11.02.09)
21. I wonder
Sarah B ,   New York / Saviyon   (11.02.09)
what their uniforms look like. My daughter plays soccer, and her uniform is basically a loose V-neck tee-shirt and loose-fitting knee-length shorts. I don't see that happening in Ramallah but, frankly, I don't see what else one can wear to play soccer effectively .... Just wondering.
22. #21 - No Sarah - you're not wondering anything....
Andy ,   ramat hasharon   (11.05.09)
but when the next opportunity might be for another one of your gratuitously snide comments.
23. to #10 KIm your ignorance of history is astounding!
andy ,   orlando,u.s   (11.05.09)
You refer to this mantra of the Palestinian people suffering 60 years of occupation.But you forget one crucial fact. The modern state of Israle was legally created by the UN partition resolution of 1947! There is no 60 year occupation. Furthermore the Arabs were offered Gaza and the West Bank for a state in the 47 resolution but turned it down!
24. to #23, Andy
Howard I ,   Dallas, TX   (11.07.09)
Andy, Shhhh! What are you trying to do, destroy Kim from Australia's propaganda? You should really be more considerate than that. Besides, the Pals have turned down a state at least 3 or 4 times that I can recall off the top of my head, not just in '47.
25. With this photo, Fendi stock plummets to the ground
Tahl ,   Ashdod, Israel   (11.13.09)
Nothing more disastrous for a stylish, high-status fashion brand, than to be seen worn on top of a burkah (a symbol of oppression) of an ugly woman sitting next to terrorists.
26. #21 Just for you, Sarah.
Tahl ,   Ashdod, Israel   (11.13.09) Check out the right-most photo at the top of this page. I think this would answer your question... PS. Your daughter wears a V-neck T-shirt and knee-length shorts? That's it? Show her this photo, I'm sure she'd be so very envious.
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