Clinton: Settlement freeze not a pre-condition for talks
Roni Sofer
Published: 31.10.09, 23:51
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34 Talkbacks for this article
31. Eitan's two silly points
Noor ,   Palestine   (11.01.09)
"1. Question: why single out Jews and demand of them not to reside in city neighborhoods, in villages and in towns which are part of a disputed territory? Isn't singling out Jews in this fashion a form of racism, anti-Jewish racism...?? " No one said Jews couldn't live in the West Bank, Eitan. The problem is that they are ILLEGALLY residing in occupied territory. No country in the world allows this to happen on their territory publically, so why should the Palestinians accept this? They wont, so if you want to reside here in the West Bank, do so legally. learn to follow the rules. By the way, the West Bank is not "disputed" rather occupied territory. Those UN resolutions that you had the audacity to mention earlier on, call for Israel to w/draw as it is part of OCCUPIED PALESTINIAN TERRITORY. The ICJ ruled this as well in june or july of 2004. Furthermore, please dont speak fo racism as israel os the only example of an apartheid state in modern world politics. Do away with your jews-only roads, your no-intermarriage rules, your "Palestinians cant buy land in present day israel," and the Apartheid Wall, and THEN start to point the finger. Apparently, you are not in a position to do so. "Comment: "Occupation" in Arabic, when used within the context of this Arab Israeli conflict, means the entire landmass from the Jordan River to the Sea, including the UN member state of Israel, all of it. It is time we listen to the Arabs when they speak their language and not the "liberal" and "progressive" language used abroad, away from the conflict itself. " Well, this argument has already been thrown in the dumpster as the Arabs have commited themselves to 2-states.
32. "Settlements" as Substitute for Core Issue
Eitan ,   Qatzrin, Israel   (11.01.09)
Since the core issue of the Arab Israeli conflict is the Arabs' refusal to accept Israel's very legitimacy (see post # 4), could it be that they make a big deal out of the "settlements" issue so as to divert attention from their refusal to accept Israel's right to be, to exist as the nation-state of the Jewish people...?? Just wondering...
33. two quick
Barney ,   USA   (11.01.09)
points. the areas you refer to were not occupied but liberated in a war of aggression and two since when did the arabs begin their concern with law-international or otherwise?and many lands have been conquered in war throughout history. i am not a lawyer nor do i study international law. all i can say is i see no resolution for this conflict because the arabs can't accept Israel as a Jewish state. Therefore the whole process is dead in the water. When the Israelis left "occupied gaza" what did they get in return? kassams. did the quality of life improve under the leadership of their own people? the only thing they were interested in doing was importing weapons. the Israelis had a great export business in greenhouses that the people in gaza could have continued providing some form of sustenance and productivity but they didn't why? i don't get the mentality. i know all of the arab people are not the same but those who think along the lines of peace and want a better life for their families and a life of productivity are either grossly outnumbered or too intimidated to speak up. It is the fault of the arab brothers that anyone lives in refugee camps 60 years. unprecedented anywhere else. some "brotherly" love.
34. #31 Noor
Cynthia ,   USA   (11.01.09)
The West Bank is not occupied territory. UNSCR 242 calls on the parties to negotiate a solution to the conflict. It refers to Israel withdrawing to secure borders in exchange for peace gaurantees from Arab parties. There is no mention of Occupied Palestinian Territory. In addition, there are no "jews-only roads" in Israel. There are roads for Israeli citizens to protect them from Palestinians who fire on the roads. No-intermarriage rules are religion based and obviously intermarriage exists in Israel. Are you interested in meeting a nice Israeli man? Buying land in Israel is difficult for anyone including Israeli citizens. Do you want to buy back the land your family abandoned in '48? Aparthied Wall or security fence saves lives including Arab lives. It's a non-violent form of security. Call it what you like. You say Arabs have committed themselves to 2-states. It seems you are the only Arab making this commitment and you live in Canada. Does Hamas, Islamic Jihad and all the various Palestinian terror groups make this commitment? No, they want 1 Islamic state.
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