Assad: No preconditions for peace with Israel
AFP, Roee Nahmias
Published: 11.11.09, 17:03
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19 Talkbacks for this article
1. What a moron he is. The pre-condition is "The rights being
restored".He's the ,   leader of a country?   (11.11.09)
2. In Any case the Golan Highs should remain Israeli!
Ron B. ,   Lod   (11.11.09)
The chances of peace with Syria never existed. At the most Israel could hope for a “Hudna”.The maximum that Israel can aim for is a limited ceasefire or an armistice, taking into consideration that the Arab side will violate it at any time, as the Palestinians have been proving on a daily basis since the signing of the Oslo Accords in September 1993. That is in the spirit of a “Hudna” as explained at :
3. The Golan was used by Syria as a launching pad, and only as
Eitan ,   Qatzrin, Israel   (11.11.09)
such, in order to annihilate the Jewish state. 1) In 1948 Syria launched, together with Arab states, an attempt to extinct Israel's life upon its proclamation based on UN resolutions. Syria was repelled back to the Golan. 2) 1949 to 1967 Syria used the Golan to attack, nearly daily, the collective farming communities of northern Israel and Jewish fishermen in the Sea of Galilee. 3) 1967, together with Jordan and Egypt, Syria initiated the June 1967 Six-Day War from the Golan whose goal was to accomplish that which was not in 1948: the annihilation of Israel. The Syrians were repelled again, this time from most of the Golan. 4) 1973, Syria, not having learned the lesson of 1967, initiated together with Egypt the Yom Kippur war from the Syrian part of the Golan, only to be defeated again. Historically, the Golan was part of Eretz Israel. The Syrian controlled it only between the years 1946 to 1967. This fact, coupled with Syrian's use of the Golan, which country would take any more risks and endanger itself and its people by providing the Syrians with the launching pad to be attacked again...??
4. Assad gets it, why not Abbas
Irgun ,   zion   (11.11.09)
its funny to hear Assad say resisitance is the core of his policy. I guess by that he means Palestinians dying not Syrians, what resisitance has Syria provided other than to egg on everyone else to die. Anyway, at least he gets the no pre conditions for talks which is unlike Abbas whose conditions have conditions. After 60 years of arab rejectionism doesn't one of these idiots want peace or is it all a means to ultimately destroy Israel. My bet is the later and certainly as long as Iran remains a home for nilhistic religous fanantics waiting for the 13th Inman, whoever that joke is supposed to be. In themeantime, negotiate tough and stand even tougher, no concesstions until everyone accepts Israel right to exist and be the eternal home of the Jews.
5. Western educated enlightened human being
Len ,   USA   (11.11.09)
This man is despicable. The fruit do not fall far from the tree. He has called Jews--monkeys, pigs etc. He should be disregarded. He can not be trusted. His words are meaningless. His actions must be addressed. The people he rules and the people of Lebanon should be set free. He is an unacceptable partner for any agreement. The world would be a better place if he were absent from it. He fools no one. Let President Carter have dinner with him in Plains and give him a sermon.
6. NO MEMMORY !!!.
Arn-Orao. ,   Sweden-Srbia.   (11.11.09)
"Resistance (to Israeli "occupation") forms the core of our policy, both in the past and in the future. We do not put forward conditions on making peace, but we do have rights that we will not renounce," YOU BEGAN YOUR RESISTENSE 1947-48., AND ARE STILL ON THE SAME PATH, THE PATH OF WAR AGAINST ISRAEL. YOU HAVE THEREFORE LOST ALL YOUR RIGHTS. I HOPE ISRAEL STRIKE YOU FIRST, BEFORE YOU DO IT, AND I HOPE IT WILL BE VERY DECISSIVE THIS TIME. Arn-Orao.
stude ham   (11.11.09)
otherwise noon would be asking whether or not he listens to himself...
8. Israel must manage expectations up front loud and clear
Q-Data   (11.11.09)
No Golan Heights, ever. No discussions, no negotiations, ever. Unconditional surrender, give them 24 hours to do it. Damascus to be destroyed if they don't. Come on Israel, stop wussying around already. All the blood is on Kadima and Barak, Peres, Olmert, Tsipi and the weakling set.
9. Rights
Zach ,   USA   (11.11.09)
It's become the classic Arab byline: If you want something, then claim you have a "right" to it. Just the use of the word "right" will cause liberals to fawn all over you and demand you be given whatever you want. Syria does not have a "right" to the Golan Heights.
10. No. 3 The Facts of History tells it all on Syria, (!!!!)
Roy c. Hudson ,   Pittsburg USA   (11.11.09)
The Future of Syria is soon to come. More Facts. Isaiah; 17; 1, The warning to people that live in Damascus !! Take note Damascus is taken away from being a City,and it SHALL be a RUINOUS HEAP..a total destruction from one sun down to the next sun rise, The History from Eitan of Israel tells us God will have Israel to make the change after all this time. This young Punk don't have a clue, other then this bit of print, how bad off they are in syria each sun down. Israel is Home to stay this time. And all the Obamas in the world can't tell Israel to move out ever again. Thank you No.3 for your History, thank God for the Future of Israel. Roy C Hudson USA
11. No Need For Peace With Syria
Reuven Brauner ,   Raanana, Israel   (11.11.09)
They attacked us in 1967, and lost. We won the Golan Heights and security for ourselves for 40 years. Let them eat sand.
12. Syria who supports and harbors
Lior ,   Israel   (11.11.09)
terror, who assassinated Lebanon's prime minister Rafik Hariri who builds a clandestine nuke facility who traffics lethal weapons for Hezbollah from Iran..suffers not one consequence because of it. What nation even speaks of Assad's crimes? The chinless Assad has the unmitigated gall to speak to Israel from both sides of his mouth offering an olive branch. A phony one at that. There he stands acting all statesman like while the world lacks any kind of appetite to hold him accountable let alone question his motives. "Hear no evil, speak no evil and see no evil." Most certainly when it comes to evil dictators. Assad will get the Golan back on my dead body.
13. assad holding peace hostage
mike ,   israel (formerly usa   (11.11.09)
if he wanted peace, there'd be peace already. among the other vast network of terror-support he facilitates, this only adds to the proof that he doesn't mean it.
14. no pre-condition for peace
johnson ,   madrid spain   (11.11.09)
this moron is lying, israel should never trust the arabs to keep their word.anyway wether the arabs or the world likes it israel has come to stay forever.. golan belong to israel.
15. Enough is Enough
Ruby Asuleen ,   Coral Springs Fl USA   (11.12.09)
Dear People of Israel & Syria Dear Netanyahu Dear Assad Why dont you meet in the border in a set-up Tent Go over the issues eye to eye and give your people once hope.. yet you may like each to give us peace.
16. Response to Assad: The conditions will be set by
ZIONIST JEW ,   ISRAEL   (11.12.09)
By israel.Thus I say to you this:You attacked us,we beat you.Not once,not twice,BUT THREE TIMES. Therefore,we will set the conditions thus:Stop opening your mouth,stop calling your Arab brethern "WOMEN" as you did during the 2nd Lebanon war,which MADE YOU LOOK A FOOL,and so did they.You have yet to learn the LESSON :being:You do not have the power,or ability AND CAN DO ZERO. Best thing Sad' baby:Stop demanding Golan it is OURS,PART of ISRAEL,We will not leave an open door for you to attack our Northern Jewish populations EVER again..Now that's Israel's conditions.understand? Furthermore,point that dirty finger away from Israel...we are NOT amused. .Best point it toward hassan,,he sure would appreciate it. Now piss off,and put your condition where the sun don't shine.
17. An open Letter to Assad:Conditions?
James ,   Israel   (11.12.09)
Okay by all means.Not long from now expect us in:Damascus when we will enter it with all our might,and demolish not only your country,but we'll first make SURE you wil have to move out of your residence RIGHT into A HOVEL AS a prisoner of ISRAEL,FAIR?
18. mike me old chum.if the coward ass-ad
James ,   israel   (11.12.09)
wanted peace he had ample time these past decades to agree to BUT! demands as usual with their lot,but with HUMBLENESS perhaps we would have come to an agrement. With A PROVISO:No surrendering GOLAN EVER. The doomkopf does not get it.same old,same old.Demands that will never be acceptable by us in a milion years. Does he think we Jews were born yesterday. My addendum to him is this: As dentist I will ask:IS IT SAFE?,is it safe? Mike if you get my meaning...
19. To Reuven@11 What I am Saying to ass-ad
James ,   Israel   (11.12.09)
Ready to go ass-ad:see you in; Damascus.Ready steady GO,GO! Now don't let you arab brethren down will ya?
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