US senator: Palestinian declaration will lead to chaos
Netanel Shlomovich
Published: 17.11.09, 10:41
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17 Talkbacks for this article
1. Somone needs to wake Lindey from his slumber!!!
Nour ,   Palestine   (11.17.09)
THE "PEACE PROCESS" is already dead & burried, so what "devastation of the peace process" is he talking about? Israel rejected it and chose instead to expand territorially, stealing more Palestinian land.
2. Palestine declaration
Bruce Hill ,   Melbourne, Australi   (11.17.09)
Why shouldn't the Palestinians seek a declaration of state hood from the UN. Who else is going to do it? 60 plus years is too long. They have waited long enough to find out just how little of their country the Israelis and The USA may give back to them. Meantime the Israelis steal more Palestinian land every day.
3. :-)
4. Dear senator...
Brad ,   USA   (11.17.09)
Jews do not want peace, they want one state and Palestinian territories. They use these negotiations as weapon of stalling and as blackmail. This is why they are panicked by this unilateral move. And if USA blocks the recognition of Palestinian state, it will spit in its own mouth: we always shout that we want Palestinian state, and now, when there is a possibility, then Jewish lobby work their way...
5. The excuse for lack of discussions: The "Settlements".
Eitan ,   Qatzrin, Israel   (11.17.09)
The "settlements" issue is of course only an attempt to divert attention from the core issue of the Arab Israeli conflict. The core of the conflict is the total, consistent and persistent refusal of the Arabs, Palestinian and otherwise, to accept Israel's legitimacy and its right to be, to exist as the nation-state of the Jewish people. None of the other issues are at the core, either, e.g. "borders and territory", "natural resources", "refugees" or even "Jerusalem". These issues were not there in 1947 when the UN voted to establish a "Jewish state" and an "Arab state" in the Land, yet the Arabs rejected this UN resolution, 181, and instead initiated the 1947-1949 war whose goal was the annihilation of the tiny Jewish state just proclaimed. These issues were not there between the years 1948 and 1967 during which time the West Bank, eastern Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip were Jew-free, "cleansed" of all their Jewish residents by their Arab rulers. And despite this situation the Arabs did not even try to set up their independent state there, in the very same territory they demand now. But of course, the Arabs did initiate the June 1967 Six-Day War against Israel hoping to accomplish what which they couldn't accomplish in 1947-49: The total elimination of the UN member state of Israel and with it all elements of Jewish civilization of which Israel is its cradle. To begin to overcome the core predicament the Arab leadership, Palestinian and otherwise, should state clearly, in Arabic, their acceptance of Israel's RIGHT to be, to exist as the nation-state of the Jewish people – based on League of Nations decisions, United Nations resolutions and on the universally accepted right of all peoples to national self-determination and independence, including the Jewish people - and back up their newly found conviction with a few simple deeds, actions that would demonstrate their change of heart. This will bring with it a sea-change of attitude among Jews, within and without Israel, whose nation-state Israel is, ready to take additional risks to the ones already taken towards an accommodation of peaceful coexistence between Arab and Jew, between Israel and its Arab neighbours, something Jews have been eager, very eager to achieve since at least the late 19th century, upon the coming about of the none violent (not pacifist) national liberation of the Jewish people, Zionism. Will the Arabs do so, or will they rather attempt to divert attention from the core issue of the conflict, hoping to bide time and achieve their real goal at some point in the future…??
6. "60 plus years is too long". Indeed, 60 plus years they have
Eitan ,   Qatzrin, Israel   (11.17.09)
rejected the principle set in UN Resolution 181 which calls for the establishment of a "Jewish state" and an "Arab state" in the Land. To this day they refuse to accept Israel's legitimacy as the Jewish state proclaimed based on that UN resolution. Furthermore, they could have set up an independent state between the years 1948 and 1967 on the entire territory they presently demand. That area was Jew-free, "cleansed" of all Jews who had lived there, done by the Arab rulers, but they didn't. They could have set up a state in 2000 based on the Barak-Clinton offer. They could have set up their state based on the Olmert offer of 2008, but opted not to pursue it. And of course, they could have done it long ago, in 1937 when the Peel Commission proposed an independent Arab state. Any guesses as to why they have rejected all these and additional opportunities...??
7. Visiting senators
Anny Matar ,   Ramat Hen -Israel-   (11.17.09)
To my greatest regret none of the Democratic Party senators could (although they might have wanted to) assure Israel of the U.S. support. It is terrible to watch these delegates trying to be positive but being unable to. Why does Obama so hate Netanyahu? He is a President and should be politically correct not let his personal dislike dictate his decisions, but then having been taught by radical Muslims he doesn't like a Prime Minister who neither gives him heavy gold chains nor is ready to bend to his wishes/ GOOD FOR US!!!
8. to #1 so what your alternative to peace
ghostq   (11.17.09)
proccess, the alternative is war. and according to first agreement inorder to make progress palis will have to give up any hostility from them, 4 years ago Israel started the withdraw but the kidnapped and the rockets put an end to it, palis never had any intention to feel their end of the bargin, so if you need anyone to blame blame yourself. you don't even try or initiate nothing. going with head against the wall will lead you to situation worse than 1948, just don't say I didn't warn you.
9. @ No. 2
AJ - Raalte   (11.17.09)
There was never a Palestinian country, so whatever they may get in the future, they should gratefully accept. Everyone seems to forget that Israel totally legitimately conquered Judea and Samaria from the Jordanian occupiers after they attacked Israel in 1967. The fact that Jordan relinquished their illegitimate claims on Judea and Sameria in 1988, does not make the region automatically "Palestinian land". Israel has at leats as legitimate a claim on it as the Arab inhabitants.
10. Very simple
Ben Israel ,   Kiryat Arba   (11.17.09)
Linsey Goober Graham should have told them : If you want to declare a State on your own that is fine but they should expect the following: Closed Borders - no free passage, no work etc without visas work permits etc. just like the border between France and Germany No water, electric, telephone or fuel from Israel Annexing by Israel of essential areas such as Hebron, Schechem etc. They also must realize that by international law, Borders are not set unilaterally
11. Very Simple
Invicta   (11.17.09)
The West Bank to an extent and Gaza in total is surrounded by an Israeli wall and guard towers - just like a huge concentration camp. There is no freedom of movement and in Gaza the poulation is subject to ritual and regular Israeli violence. Unilaterally declaring independence is the latest attempt by the besieged and occupied Palestinian to assert their rights in the face of continued israeli ethnic cleansing and occupation. The USA entirely supports this project despite their words to the contrary. The USA could stop the killing and the illegal settlements, the phosphorous, the cluster shells, the 8 metre high wall, the imprisonment without trial in an instant. If it chose to. The whole world, for a brief moment, thought that Obama would bring justice to the Palestinians. But it does not seem to be happening. Instead the impoverished and besieged Palestinians must continue to suffer and to die. And Israel must continue down the road of a pariah state; a right wing, militaristic entity.
12. #1 really???
Brian Gottesmann ,   Tel Aviv, ISRAEL   (11.17.09)
Last I checked when you so called Palis, had three or four times as much land, you all decided along with several Arab nations to wipe the Jewish population out, funny how you types always cry about land stolen and occupation, the land wasn't stolen it was lost when you animals attacked us and lost, many many times, and Gaza and the WB, would be completely free, if you could all govern yourselves and act peacefully, which you have proven time and time again that you cannot, so...yes you are all walled in and caged up like two zoos, act like animals and get treated as such. Your type will never win we create and create and create, all your capable of is destruction, your the perfect example, you have a computer, the whole world is at your finger tips, and what do you use this incredible tool for? To be a filthy, lying, little coward of a propaganda troll, on internet talkbacks, you are the perfect example of why there is no future for your state. YOUR on our LAND, stolen from us, WE ARE BACK AND HAVE RECLAIMED IT, YOU BETTER BELIEVE WE ARE HERE TO STAY.
13. Did you say a “Palestinian people”?...
Ron B. ,   Lod   (11.17.09)
According to Zahir Muhsein, the leader of the al-Sa'iqa Organization : “The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a PALESTINIAN STATE IS ONLY A MEANS FOR CONTINUING OUR STRUGGLE AGAINST THE STATE OF ISRAEL for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct 'Palestinian people' to oppose Zionism for tactical reasons, Jordan, which is a sovereign state with defined borders, cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa. While as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem.” - Zahir Muhsein, the leader of the al-Sa'iqa Organization revealed the truth in an interview to the Dutch newspaper Trouw (March 31 1977). More at :
14. One state solution then
Ann   (11.17.09)
Israel wants negotiations but no preconditions .. and stoppage of illegal settlements, and "Maintain the status quo" USA can't stand vs. Jewish lobby, this will only encourage more extremism
stude ham   (11.17.09)
but as things are turning out there will be war anyways because the palis have launched their own plans for a gotterdamerung. what absolute idiots these palis.
16. Facts and Figures
Syed ,   Karachi, Pakistan   (11.17.09)
I dont get it, you say jews were cleansed out from Palestine, What history tells us, jews have been living in Palestine for centuries and all the trouble started when British Empire decided to break up the state. You say Jews have right to have a state, History tells us, that Palestine has been home to jews, mulsims and christians (Coptic Chrisitians) living together peacefully, after the crusaders left offcourse. Why was there a need to break out a separate state ? The answer is because the west was persecuting jews, not just the Hitler, the whole Europe was involved in it. Just because Europe cant keep the people, doesnt give them right to declare another state anywhere else in the world just for them. That was what happened, fast forwarding to today, when Arab league made an offer to Israel to withdraw back to the position of 1967, in exchange for recognising the Israli state, why didt the Israel respond to this? Comparing today with 1948, 98% of Palestinian territory has been converted into Israeli territory almost all the non Jewish residents have been exiled, and you talk about rights !! Go to youtube you will find hundreds of Jews protesting against Zionism and Israel. creation of a state just for Jewish people, because they were kicked out of there 2000 years ago is not protection of rights, How would the world react , if the native red Indians of USA Declare a state for themselves and occupy American territory because the were the native to this land !!! Just recently the Israel govt declared an area Illegaly occupied by its resident, (people were living here for more than 100 years) and destroyed their homes to make way for new settlements!! WTF Think About it
17. If only the Arabs accepted UNGA 181; if only they accepted
Yair ,   Mevaseret Zion   (11.17.09)
UNSC 242; if only they accepted Israel's legitimacy there could have been peace here for many many decades. Their drive, expressed brutally or elegantly, to eliminate Israel and and "cleanse" the country of all its Jewish elements is at the heart of the conflict. We, Jews, know it. Will the world out there will finally come around to realize what's at stake?
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