'Jews may be next target'
Published: 03.12.09, 23:07
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31. #25 Chaya-
Lisa   (12.06.09)
yes- thousands of years- and it means thousands of years behind- all religions except the ones you have mentioned have made some progress- adapted- do you really think God cares about this? The worst rules and laws are made by fanatical religious leaders- that is why 'religion is poison for the mind- and it wasn't me that said this but I agree. The worst persecutions were always done in the name of religion- ALL religions- yours included- makes for interesting and quite revolting reading...
32. #25 Chaya
Lisa   (12.07.09)
just so you know- Switzerland does not allow any mistreatment of animals- for whatever reason- religious or not. Animals must be stunned before they are killed. The Jews refuse to do this because of their thousand year old tradition.. You pray for the animal before you kill it? Good for the animal, I a sure they appreciate it. The Swiss government is however allowing the import of kosher meat- so you needn't worry about your Jewish brothers, who are quite happy in Switzerland, not getting their kosher meat. The same applies to muslims and their meat. You think the ban of ritual slaughter is to drive Jews and muslims out of the country? You have too high opinion of your importance. This law is about the animals- not about the Jews and muslims. NO ONE is allowed to kill animals in religious rituals, period.
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