Iran warns Switzerland over minaret ban
Published: 05.12.09, 18:10
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61. 46
zionist forever   (12.06.09)
How can you call banning minarets being a breach of human rights? Its the same as me saying I will let you park your car in your driveway but I won't let you build a garage to keep the car in. The minaret is not a holy object, its a tower that was built so the faithful could be called to prayer when it was time before the days of swiss watches and alarm clocks. They were built for practicality not for religion. Its a traditional object but its not holy and has nothing to do with islam as a religion. The Magen David has become a traditional symbol connected with judaism but in itself it is not a holy symbol, its the symbol that was on King Davids shield nothing more. Nobody is saying that mosques cannot be built just that they can't have minarets .... its archtecture rather than religion. Most the minarets in Switzerland are not even used they are simply there for architectual purposes and the Swiss don't want these towers built on mosques.
62. #41 Iran wants to be Pan-Arab/Muslim leader
Cynthia ,   USA   (12.06.09)
Yet they treat their own Muslim citizens like dirt. With a few exceptions, we don't see the Arab/Muslim world embracing Iran. In fact, many are buffing up their own armies to ward off Imperialist Iran. This is a wake-up call for Switzerland and other countries doing business with the Islamic Regime of Iran. You buy oil or gas from them and in return, they feel they can dictate how you govern your country.
63. This cann't be serious!!!!
Ed ,   Herzlia   (12.06.09)
64. Tolerance ?
Nathan Rai ,   Bangalore   (12.06.09)
The sad thing is not that Iran can be so hypocritical. Its that we allow "political correctness" to blind us to truth. Our moral weakness, controlled and influenced by the pernicious forum of sadistic perverts that identifies itself by the name United Nations has blinded is to the fundamental truth that its there to protect those who value and protect life and not be a platform of those who celebrate the destruction of life. The United Nations has made this world a Sodom or Gomorrah of murder, mayhem and lies. Talk of the seeing blind..
65. Iran terrorist sate warns...
G.W. Shiabuster ,   Texas   (12.06.09)
Terrorist country Iran warns a European democratic country.. how long will we wait to bring these middle aged sand apes back to the reality. they are only a backward fashist third world country where women, membrers of other religions, are daily abused, and who pursue a nuclear program in a way to commit a genocide. My answer is Bomb iran now !
66. To: No. 39
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (12.06.09)
Yes. There are 10,800 Jews in Iran (down from a population of well over 100,000 at the outset of the Islamic Revolution in 1979). These Jews are denied contact with their families outside of Iran and are not allowed to leave Iran. Discrimination against so-called "dhimmis" is alive and well in Iran. What's your point? What good is a synagogue if Jews are not permitted to worship there? How comfortable do you think the trapped Jews of Iran feel? How much religious "freedom" are the Jews of Iran accorded?
67. to 56 persian SAG
Septimus Severus ,   Rome   (12.06.09)
Unfortunately our "dear" persian SAG, did forget to mention how humanely are treated the Bahai's in his beloved terrorist entity. Muslims should learn that in Europe they hav eto behave like Europeans.. Don't like it ? go back to your "paradises"
68. Sarah! Can the chatter..
Nathan Rai ,   Bangalore   (12.06.09)
Sarah, Can the chatter directed at the mullah - offspring. You would do more service to mankind if you get as many of your people to recognise the cancer that Islam is. For it feeds on the very freedoms it seeks to destroy. For a clear idea of what these " peaceful " people are, google on Samir Kuntar and see what he did in Israel to become a true Muslim hero . We unbeleivers and our unbeleiving children are next in line for the Samir Kuntars who identify them selves as true peaceful Muslims.
69. to #57 lol but the minerets has no other porposes
ghostq   (12.06.09)
but lousdly call for prayers unless they much like the turk era used for militery porposes. so they got banned by democratic votes. and women r treated very nicely in chritianity, however iran don't treat very nicly to her chritian population, and I checked, most of chritians in Iran find themselves bitten or behind bars just cause they r not Muslims. and last and not least your country banned curvy maniquenns that is discriminating against latex sex dolls. :P
70. #57 persian CAT
Lisa   (12.06.09)
you are totally brainwashed dear- how are women treated in Afghanistan? they are not allowed to go to school, have to wear burkas, can not go out alone-. Maybe in Iran women are freer, a little bit- at least they were until the mullahs started their regime. What do you know about Christian women in a free country? Nothing? Except the muslim women are still not allowed to work, have to wear hijab and worse, are forced into marriages, there are honor killings-. As for the minaret: the muslims themselves say it has no religious significance- it is simply a high place for the mullah to chant from- the mullah-not the loudspeaker that is- go find a tall tree! And as for loudspeakers- even during the campaign one mosque installed super duper loudspeakers that could be heard across the Rhine to the next country- , this was illegal- and it did not endear them to the surrounding villages- it was a blatant act- the beginning of many??? that is the way many people saw it. So don't go on about democratic rights etc. Muslims are welcome in Switzerland- they can become citizens, learn the language, get social benefits etc.. pursue their religion- but it does not mean they can impose their Sharia laws and medieval customs on their own people, let alone the rest of the population. You immigrate- you adapt, period! If you don't like it- go back to where living was SO MUCH BETTER?
71. Ah, Tolerance
Bob ,   Clarksburg, WV, USA   (12.06.09)
“Values such as tolerance, dialogue and respecting others’ religions should never be put to referendum,” he argued." Oh, that's really rich. The most intolerant religious bigots on the planet admonishing the Swiss about religious tolerance. What hypocrites.
72. Destroy Iranian Gov't
Dave ,   Anytown, USA   (12.06.09)
Iran wouldn't ever tolerate a Christian church. I vote for a salvo of cruise missiles to destroy Iranian leaders. Take 'em out before they take us out. The Iranian gov't is demonic. They deserve to be blown up. Iran is full of good people who would run the country better than the demons now in control.
73. human rights?
steve ,   belfast uk   (12.07.09)
What exactly would the evil islamic regime of iran know about human rights,other than how to abuse and deny them?These hypocrites make me so angry,dictating to the rest of the world how we should live,while they promote,teach,finance and supply global jihad.PURE EVIL!
74. lectures from iran?
tom ,   toronto, canada   (12.07.09)
it's almost funny to hear an iranian official lecturing switzerland on democracy and religious tolerance. we have just witnessed the spectacle of iranian "democracy", where the "supreme leader" published the results of the presidential election, through some sort of divine revelation, before the votes were counted. islam itself decrees that converts away from islam are to be killed - i can't imagine a less tolerant attitude. and the iranian record on religious tolerance, though less well-publicized is darker and more sinister: the persecution of the bahai faith has gone on for many years under the islamic republic, without any attention from the world press. and they're lecturing the swiss?
75. Architecture
123   (12.07.09)
A minaret is an architectural style. It has nothing to do with banning Islam. Architecture is an expression of culture. If the Swiss want to preserve their own culture by enforcing architectural standards I don't see the problem (many places do this). If a mid-east country didn't allow the building of large European-style gothic cathedrals, nobody would even blink. I don't have an issue with minarets, but far be it for me to tell the Swiss, Iranians, or whomever what they can or can't do to preserve their culture.
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