Peace Now opens 'snitches' hotline to battle freeze violations
Efrat Weiss
Published: 09.12.09, 13:56
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25 Talkbacks for this article
1. I think the hot line for
ghostq   (12.09.09)
the the local chess club will much more busy than that stupid thing. anyway they had to use the donation of 2 million Euro they got from forign gov in Europ, lol they don't even get local supposrt. and it is more stupid since the freez valid only for the next 10 monthes. no logic.
good joke, right :)
3. Why is Peace Now still legal? Why are they still free?
Marcella   (12.09.09)
Foreign-funded people with such unpatriotic and racist activities belong in jail! Set up a parallel hotline to denounce illegal Arab housing. There are hundreds of thousands of them and they continue to build! And since the leftist government of Israel doesn't want to hear about it. Be loud and persistent. No racist housing freeze in Israel!
4. Do you have to be 18 years or older to call?
I beweev my parents are wenevating a toilet. What should I dooo?
5. Slowly yet surely, Israel is wiping '67Palestine off the map
Nour ,   Palestine   (12.09.09)
6. It's a minor step on the right track
Muslim ,   Al Aqsa   (12.09.09)
7. Thanks "peace now" !
Amih'ai ,   Yesha   (12.09.09)
Now we have at least a way of bothering them (each one one's turn) ! From now, I advice to everyone to call them and either report them false information or just keeping on calling them to bother them and occupy the lines. If enough people do this, they will lose their time and it will be much more harder for them to destroy the Heart of Eretz Israel !
8. just wondering what's going to happen
ghostq   (12.09.09)
when someone from the Israeli gov will check income sources for legal parties, I bet shalom achshav will be out of the law, cause 2 million Euro is nice some for making troubles, they don't do nothing else.
9. left wing garbage
peace now   (12.09.09)
10. hotline
Goldy ,   Israel   (12.09.09)
I hope this new hotline gets flooded with reports of THE MAIN illegal West Bank construction--Arab Construction Especially in a place like Hevron, Peace Now will have to waste its resources checking out all of these reports.
11. Everyone should call this number,
Nick Sporek ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (12.09.09)
10 times a day ;^)
12. #7 Ahih'ai in Yesha - THAT'S BRILLIANT!
Marcella   (12.09.09)
13. The Peace Now people have sold their souls
Nora Tel Aviv   (12.09.09) their European Masters. The Israeli Income Authorities should investigate very thoroughly where from are all those millions the Peace Now and another 49 similar "Trojan Horse" European financed organizations have being getting in order to weaken Israel and reinforce the Arab world.
14. peace now
alexi   (12.09.09)
Some 12 years ago, ginsberg of peace now like organisations persuaded me to trust gaza withdrawal would spur economic development and mature behaviour by arabs. I was reluctant but went along with him. Arabs it turns out don't work out that way. They don't want israel but they don't want their own state. They want palestine to be a slag heap while they collect money from the bleeding heart gutless EU and UN. No more. Concessions are not the way to go whether golan, or west bank. Arabs should be paid to move to jordan or the whole jordan issue of mandate should be resurrected.
15. This is a brave thing too do
Sam ,   ME   (12.09.09)
I wish the palestinains have some to stop dillusional people on their side...i.e. hamas.
stude ham   (12.09.09)
Why not? obviously, 'peace never', that insatiable enemy of israel, also discriminates against canadians.
17. peace now can go to hell
esther Benari ,   USA   (12.09.09)
I think we are giving to critability to peace know they only like the poor palastinians go hell with them in hell.
18. Flood them with false information
Willy Wonka   (12.09.09)
Send the pakachim everywhere for nothing and run up Peace Now's phone bill.
19. Peace won't come with obsession over settlements
JPS ,   Efrat   (12.09.09)
Even if Israel totally stopped all building including existing construction sites, the Palestinians can't come to the table. Fatah and Hamas are still at each other's throats (or putting knives and bullets in each other's backs). There is no united Palestinian front, nor a Palestinian leader who can sign a peace treaty. Peace Now can jump up and down all they want about settlements, but that won't bring peace. Now or ever.
20. #5 - Nour - Arabs began that back in 1922
William ,   Israel   (12.09.09)
and since then, have continued to shoot themselves in the foot and wipe away their "existence". Sadly, idiots like you still blame Israel for your own shortcomings....but atleast there will be plenty of psychiatric assistance to help you collectively get over your misplaced visions of grandeur, when this story concludes and Arab oil money dries up.
21. #7 - Darn it, Amihai - you beat me to it
William ,   Israel   (12.09.09)
I just wrote the same post before reading your's. Good job!
22. #14 - That's why we still don't have democracy in Iraq
William ,   Israel   (12.09.09)
Because the Middle East doesn't work like the West does. It still doesn't stop the West from dumping a lot of cash into the region to buy temporary loyalty and push voting that never seems fair or legal. Once the West realizes they must change THEIR approach to the Middle East, laced with Western values, then we can progress. But sadly - once that happens there will be no need for the hundreds of NGOs sucking at the Western teet, and they would block this in a second. Look at UNWRA - 61 years and they do more to accentuate tensions than to fix the refugee issue.
23. :: Peace Now
Matty Groves ,   Fairport   (12.09.09)
Good to see Peace Now is staying on top of things. Basically they are doing a better job than the Israeli Gov in relation to monitoring the illegal settlements in the Palestinian WB. Excellent work guys, keep it up!
24. #5 There was no "Palestine" in 1967
Kyle ,   Southpark, CO, USA   (12.09.09)
Gaza was occupied by Egypt and WB was occupied by Jordan.
25. peace now,snitches hot line.
David ,   whiby,canada   (12.09.09)
What to do? Easy,just over load the phone# line,with calls.
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