90% drop in rocket attacks since Cast Lead
Hanan Greenberg
Published: 09.12.09, 22:13
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15 Talkbacks for this article
1. Rockets,shmokets-Kidnaping is still the best game in town
Alan ,   SA   (12.09.09)
It gave the best results with only one victim.
2. I am sure that Goldstine would be delighted to hear it
zionist forever   (12.09.09)
At least all those war crimes he has accused the IDF of actually achieved something in the end.
3. headed in the right direction
Galut ,   Selah   (12.09.09)
need to stop all togather...the people of gaza might be pleasantly suprised when check points open up with less restrictions.... the only time there will be a lasting change is when combatants step out side the box of hate and bitterness and take the step to befriend your enemy.
4. Rockets,shmokets,you bet
stephen ,   ludlowusa   (12.10.09)
Never were real rockets, more like big firecrackers. but they were effective- lured in brute force, caused Israel world wide condemnation. Fire the so called leaders that fell for it.
5. #4 - Qassams are "firecrackers" with 20 meter killing radius
Yaniv ,   Israel   (12.10.09)
Would you enjoy playing Russian Roulette? Because that's what it's like when a Qassam hits your neighborhood. It's not about killing ratio, it's about striking terror. Get it?
6. re 4 stephen
Galut ,   Selah   (12.10.09)
these so called fire crackers killed serveral people ....if one those fell in your back yard in ludlow and killed or injured a family member or a nieghbor you would demand something be done about it....
7. to #4 yet people died from the shmokets
ghostq   (12.10.09)
for real. what you r going to tell the kid who got a fragment of shmokets in his brain? your injury doesn't count, or another kid who lost both of his legs and besides would you feel at ease when going to the supermarket, you will now and again hear the alarm on daily basis and run for cover?
8. Hat Attack
Shlomo Kamra   (12.10.09)
Why did they wear those silly bags on their helmets???
9. Why the low IQ in Ludlow USA?
JPS ,   Efrat   (12.10.09)
Any moron with a keyboard can go to wikipedia and find out that kassams have killed 11 people. The injury statistics aren't there, but there's a 15 year old kid in Sderot whose legs were blown off by a kassam - I'll bet he would have some choice words about Stephen's lack of intelligence.
10. A normal civilized society?
Ron B. ,   Lod   (12.10.09)
When Israel unilaterally withdrew from Gaza, did Hamas start building schools, universities, a free-market economic system, or any other part of a normal civilized society? No. Hamas’ top agenda was to go on a brutal rampage directed against its own people, the members of Fatah. Their next “priority” was to start shooting missiles at Israel. This is not the mark of a civilized society, but of brutal gangs fighting a petty turf war. Yet many people in the “world community” ignore Palestinian society’s extreme dysfunctional nature. As to the “Palestininas”, they prefer Hamas :
11. Some facts about rockets and mortars:
Robert Haymond ,   Ashdod, Israel   (12.10.09)
According to the Shin Bet, since the beginning of 2005 through 2008, 5,700 rockets and 4,000 mortar shells were fired upon (southern) Israel from Gaza. In the year 2008 alone, 2,000 rockets and 1,600 shells were fired into Israel. During the six-month truce between Israel and Hamas ending in December 2008, 361 rockets and 303 mortar shells were fired by Hamas and its constituencies.. Since the firings began in the year 2000, nineteen Israelis were killed by rockets and eighteen by mortar shells. Please keep in mind that all rockets and mortar shells were fired into civilian areas. Many more people, mainly non-combatants, were injured, some significantly. I, myself, saw the ten year old boy from Sderot whose legs had to be amputated because they were shattered by rockets being wheeled about in a wheelchair in the city of Ashdod. All firings by Hamas were meant to intimidate to Israelis as well as to frighten, cause havoc, damage and death. In addition to deaths and woundings, there was a huge amount of indiscriminate property damage. Not to be forgotten is the fear unleashed by the rockets and shells, their unpredictability, and the subsequent Post-Traumatic Stress-Disorder which was caused by the firings, especially in the southern city of Sderot and surrounding areas. The effects of PTSD is devastating and may last far longer than the immediate effects of the mortar shells and rockets, especially in children.
12. good cast lead reached it's goal.
ghostq   (12.10.09)
however there should be zero rockets.
13. that was the goal for cast lead
adir ,   israel   (12.10.09)
to reduce the attacks. for us its a WIN even if we didnt found gilad shalit =\ untill the next time.
14. #4- Dont talk nonsense!
Alan ,   SA   (12.10.09)
15. #4-7
stephen ,   ludlowusa   (12.11.09)
Not speaking nonsense! Even a rock will kill, what most consider real rockets will destroy many buildings at once. Monkeys shooting firecrackers were there only to draw massive attack and destroy any support the nation had. The unwise will always fall for insult!
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