Muslims call for global intervention over torched mosque
Published: 12.12.09, 18:15
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118 Talkbacks for this article
61. Okay to destroy 3000 year old Budha or Gold Mosque of Samara
meir elazar   (12.13.09)
But don't call your Teddy Bear Mohammad or draw a cartoon about Mohammad. It is okay to defile the Tomb of Joseph, desecrate Jewish cemetaries in the Kidron valley, lynch Jews, etc. As you treat others, so shall you be treated. Mosques have become training centers and storage depots for arms. They are often used as terrorist facilities to launch attacks and as such they no longer have any claim to protection as a "Holy place" any more than a female suicide bomber is deserving of respect for her modesty as she wears a suicide belt under her burqa.
62. Dangerous game being played
Rodney Dezarn ,   Fayetteville, USA   (12.13.09)
It appears an apocalyptic group or individual is attempting to ignite a regional conflict for either perverted religious reasons, political gain, or for enhanced land concessions. I believe this same group also carried out attacks in Russia as well as the attack on the Iranian bus in Syria. While the Israeli settlers draw international ire for their defiance they are the perfect target to frame for this incident. With the peace process dead in the water, who would stand to gain the most from a renewed conflict but the political and financial waning empire of the United States.
63. #10 gets a 10 from me!
merry ,   USA   (12.13.09)
Sarah you are exactly right! God bless you and I pray for the peace of Jerusalem!
64. religion the curse of mankind
Jjake   (12.13.09)
When will it end?
65. why?
tom ,   toronto, canada   (12.13.09)
why are moslems the first to demand rights, and the last to grant them to others? why are moslems so upset when "infidels" burn mosques, yet are quite willing to burn them or to bomb them, even with the worshippers still inside? why did islamists in gaza destroy the synagogues in gush katif? why?
66. To the Stupid flow JEWS of us
David Fakheri ,   Los angles   (12.13.09)
With these kinds of FRIENDS who needs ENEMIES ?! Daveed
67. Where??
I am against whoever did this, BUT where was the Muslims' condemnation when synagogues were destroyed in Gush Katif? When Muslims made an animal den out of the Avraham Avinu synagogue in Hebron? When Jewish cemeteries are often desecrated in Jerusalem and other places??
68. Arab Hypocrisy again!
Israeli grandmother   (12.13.09)
Anybody remember all the synagogues destroyed by the Jordanians in the Old City of Jerusalem after their conquest in 1947? (and slaughter of Jews too). This was far far worse than a few extremists (assumed to be Jews) burning a room in a little local mosque. I dont think there was much International attention paid to the Jordanian atrocities!
69. Hamas used mosques as arms dumps during cast lead
zionist forever   (12.13.09)
Then afterwards they were furious and demanding world condemnation because Israel had bombed mosques. In 2005 after the withdraw from Gaza the first thing they did before destroying the hot houses was burn the synagogues claiming that they were no longer holy places. Settlers may or may not have burned down a mosque and if they did then its an uncceptable act but lets wait for some hard evidence. It wouldn't even surprise me if it was done by Fatah who are starting to play dirty talking about unilaterally declaring statehood Its possible this is a stunt to try and get the west to rally around their cause. Europe caved in on Jerusalem so lets burn a mosque, blame it on setters to show the world how they must force Israel to abandon these settlements now.
70. article
Jed ,   United Kingdom   (12.13.09)
There is no justification for desecrating ANY Holy sites, be it a Synagogue, Church or Mosque. If muslims do it, they are wrong, if christians do it, they are wrong, and if Jews do it, they are wrong. One cannot justify such actions, by saying 'but look what they did!'. If they did that, they are wrong. Otherwise it becomes a viscious circle with people justifying themsleves by the incorrect actions of others.
71. torched mosque
annie ,   glasgow   (12.13.09)
Oh what a bunch of hypocrits.It's alright for hamas to fire rockets into Israel on a daily basis and not a peep from the so called "world press"but let Israel have 1 incident like this and out come the "madmen"WHO THEMSELVES WOULD BURN ALL ISRAELIS
72. Where did Michael Hess/Kandy Ringer of
Robert Haymond ,   Ashdod, Israel   (12.13.09)
the now defunct BBSNews ever condemn Hamas for hiding weapons in, and fighting from, mosques? Certainly not in the Huffington Press where they blog from time to time. Did they ever condemn such activities in their comments in Haaretz, where they used to be allowed to respond? I don't think so. Typical, isn't it, in a world in which Arabs and their affiliates such as Hess and Ringer are quick to condemn Israel but fail to condemn their own kind for the truely despicable acts which they participate in. And, actually, it's not even proven who caused the damage. It could have been one of their own. Well, at least the likes of Hess, Ringer and Addle give us an idea of some of Israel's enemies and that they do shamelessly continue to exist.
73. How about some world intervention to stop the Kassams?
BK   (12.13.09)
74. torched mosque
its_me ,   the woodlands,TX   (12.13.09)
i am so sorry for the bad press Israel is once more getting but anyone with an ounce of sense relizes that this is just one more excuse the moslem world is useing to slam your God given country. stay brave and free..more people are standing with you and praying for you than you relize. Sarah (#6 and#7)once more your words of wisdom have helped me to see the middle east as it really is.God bless you Israel
75. When they apologize and rebuild Josephs Tomb...
ChiDia   (12.13.09)
OIC=Crocodile Tears. How many shuls were utterly destroyed by Jordanian MUSLIMS and used for latrines after '48? How many Hindu temples have been burned by MUSLIMS? We need 'global intervention' to put down the OIC.
76. "we will burn you all" !!
Salem Awaad ,   Rafah Palestine   (12.13.09)
" we will burn you all" !! that is what the Israeli settlers (the expansion army of israel) have written on the mosque walls. The Jews again and again have not learned the lessons of history and they have paid and will pay the price for such arrogance and ignorance!!.
77. Burning a mosque or any building is wrong! and criminal
Israeli Israeli   (12.13.09)
but did the OIC condemn the massacre of 8 innocent students at Merkaz Harav?!!! I'm not trying to justify the burning of the mosque (because it is plain wrong), but a little less drama from these hypoctrites of the muslim world would be better. When one of their own blows up a mosque with all the worshipers inside, the OIC doesn't say a word. So puleeze!!
78. and when Arabs destoyed Joseph's Tomb?
Mea   (12.13.09)
where was the Jordanian outcry and call for international action? whre were the cry baby leftists who so dutifully attend talkback lines on Jewish newspapers? What Arab entities need to grasp is the fatigue of the west over the decided selective silence given towards the actions of their favored kin. A mosque is torched and Jewish graves on the Mt. of Olives regularly vandalized and not a word. But the immensely sacred tomb of Joseph is destroyed--literally--with sledge hammers and it is recorded on tape and not a single utterance. Unless and until there is condemnation for the negative behavior of Arabs destroying sites sacred to not only the Jews but the Christians, why should anyone care anymore about a mosque getting damaged?
79. just a comant.
ghostq   (12.13.09)
what did they do when Muslims sucide bomb in Iraq, they did nothing, what happened to the chritians in afganistan, oh genocide, yet nobody investigated or care, so stop the whining cause that is all you know.
80. to #31 it retaliation for fire the palis cause
ghostq   (12.13.09)
in the paying hall in josheph tomb, go check your facts.
81. to #41 you got short selective memory
ghostq   (12.13.09)
but Muslims burned jewish bible books 6 monthes ago in joseph tomb. did you were concerned back than? no? didn't think so. only when you get fire you whine.
82. #43 You are an imposter!
David ,   Shilo Israel   (12.13.09)
Speak for yourself. There is no logic in your comments that link the current construction freeze against settlers living in Yesha and your vague grudge against all Arabs & Muslems (note: you are not affected in Jerusalem). Yes, we do have many enemies. They are in the form of nazis from all countries, extremists..including Jews who don't care for their true identity & background nor for their brothers, many Arabs & Muslims 'although not all' , the list is extensive. Your words just sounds like an empty mantra...I truly doubt that you are a clear thinking settler, maybe an agent provocateur or a fool at the least?
83. seriosly to 17
sawsan   (12.13.09)
do you know any thing about the real hell ..when and where and who and whom
84. to 34
lolo ,   jerusalem   (12.13.09)
read your history ah are you from germany .ah i like the country .but i think germans lack the mercy for others . i think we need mercy more than rights specialy in these days as if the right od some body is to destroy the other ... oh some mercy is needed
85. to 36
lolo ,   jerusalem   (12.13.09)
i do not like the way he put his post it is the same like his name long and complicated better to sign as ATA; BUT SURE I PREFER THE BRIEF AND SHORT POST LIKE YOUR ONE EVEN IF IAM NOT WITH YOU
86. Sadly, every society, Israeli society included, has its ...
Eitan ,   Qatzrin, Israel   (12.13.09)
... share of thugs and vandals. This case of course is a sample. So, first, as a Jew and an Israeli, I wish to apologize to the people affected while hoping that they will recover from this case as fast as possible both physically and emotionally. Second, I wish to point out to them and to others the fact that upon learning about this case Jewish leaders in Israel - political, educational and religious - have condemned the case and explicitly stated their objection of harming any innocent person and their strong objection of desecrating any religious site, be it Jewish, Christian, Muslim or Druze. And finally, Israel's police, it is widely reported in the Hebrew press, has started a major hunt after the perpetrators with the full intention of catching them and bringing them to justice. Let us hope this is the last case in which "the other", be it an Arab, a Jew or anyone else, is targeted to be harmed and violated.
87. #31 - BBS - Please prove Sarah wrong
William ,   Israel   (12.13.09)
She only has mountains of documentation to feed off of, and you have....a satellite dish in NC aimed at Al-Jazeera. Now who is likely to be the revisionist?
88. #41 - So it seems another 330 are needed to be even
William ,   Israel   (12.13.09)
89. #51 - the response of a typical Leftist coward
William ,   Israel   (12.13.09)
and your answer to my question? Ohhhhh, nothing. Just reiterated your libel and ignored it. I think Goldstone did the same when he was in the hotseat, huh?
90. #57 - Sarry - I welcome bringing you into the light of truth
William ,   Israel   (12.13.09)
First, please list all the massacres of "palestinians" at the hands of Jews, names and dates. Does that include the 500 killed in Jenin? Or the 1400 civilians in Gaza (or was it 4100, or all kids under the age of 5?) At the time, 1 million Jews expelled was a real number. Your number cited of "palestinians" is a current number, not the original number - that's manipulation #1. Next, "palestinians" were afforded the only refugee status that carried on through generations and began for residents in Palestine of 2 years or more. For other refugees - you must be a resident of 20 years AND it is non-transferrable. Why are "pals" still in this state? Good question. Let's ask Arafat why he threatened people with death if they left the refugee camps? Let's ask the UN why despite throwing billions in aid $$, not one high rise or sprawling community was built? Let's ask those Arab leaders why they lock up these refugees, some even denying them rights to study or work. So you have a tv. Good for you. It only shows how utterly myopic you are for you put your absolute faith in someone else telling you a story and assume (or hardly care) that it's objective. Did your idiot box tell you that in the 1930s many thousands of Arab illegal immigrants crossed into Palestine and squatted illegally on open land? It was documented by the British quite well. Did your box tell you about the many massacres of Jews at the hands of Arabs before Israel was even established? Perhaps you missed the breaking news story where Arafat signed the Oslo Accords then told an Arab audience it was a smoke screen to continue destroying Israel. Well, you can pick and chose what to believe, but here in reality it's a different story.
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