Terror victim's son: We won't seek revenge, we're Jews
Efrat Weiss
Published: 25.12.09, 13:09
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31. Barney on occupation, ignorant or just a liar?
BBSNews ,   Charlotte, NC   (12.25.09)
Really Barney, which is it? The rest of your comment is also nonsense. Israel has illegally transferred hundreds of thousands onto Palestinian land that Israel will never hold sovereignty over. It is that illegal action, totally on Israel's part, that resulted in the death above, and the death of the boy that Matty pointed out. Palestinian kids are killed almost every day by IDF snipers. And there is candy handed out in the colonists illegal colonies when that happens so spare us your one-sided nonsense. Israelis are no different than Palestinians, they just have bigger and badder US supplied weapons and they are willing to use them to steal land and resources from the Palestinians. And that results in resistance Barney. Every real American would also resist a violent Israeli style takeover of our land, although I'd like to think we would have stopped them cold decades ago...
32. Honest Abe makes a VERY good point!
BBSNews ,   Charlotte, NC   (12.25.09)
Call it the "reverse price tag" - violence begets violence, the occupation brought the illegal colonists, and they have terrorized the Palestinians to no end. One reaps what one sows...
33. #25 it is even not decided by the army whether
observer   (12.25.09)
it was a drive-by or stationary ambush shooting.
34. settlers put kids in harm way; cauz they are holy humans?
observer   (12.25.09)
35. B.S.News (# 31). Getting more idiotic by the hour.
flyingdoc57 ,   Florida, U.S.A.   (12.25.09)
"Israel has illegally transferred hundreds of thousands onto Palestinian land that Israel will never hold soverignty over" [BSNews] What a stupid thing (even for you) to say. Israel didn't impose any such "transfer". All Israelis living in the disputed (yes, disputed, not Palestinian) territories are there by their own desire and will. And as for "sovereignty", you may as well just stop spewing such ignorant statements because they help no one, not even you. Jews have lived in the currently disputed territories for thousands of years, with the few exceptions of those times that they were forcefully expelled by Jew-haters like you, most recently by Jordan in/around 1948. Therefore, for you to use the words "Palestinian" and "soverignty" in the same sentence is foolish. And while we all know that foolishness is your forte, it really has no place in any substantive discussion. But, then, you've never been interested in 'discussion', have you? No sir, not B.S.News. No, you're here for pure, unadulterated Jew-hating. You're here to lecture Jews on how evil they (we) are, and on how much you despise them (us). You're here to fling insults at everyone who posts a pro-Israel comment. You're here to issue threats ("Don't you dare...", "I'm filing a law suit...", "I'm sending your comments to the White House and the FBI", etc., etc.). You're here to be our commandante, isn't that so Michael? In your sick mind, you actually believe that you can control us (Jews) and our media, don't you? "Palestinian kids are killed almost every day by IDF snipers...And there is candy handed out in the colonists illegal colonies when that happens so spare us your one-sided nonsense" [BSNews] Why do you even bother to post such idiocy? Even you don't believe such garbage, so why would you think any reader here would buy into it? Is this something you also saw on your "satellite TV", like you claim to have watched the entire Cast Lead operation from a bird's eye view? Perhaps you could be so kind as to post the images of "IDF snipers" killing Palestinian children "every day", as well as the images of the "colonists" handing out candy. You realize, of course, that the handing out of candy to celebrate death, much like parents strapping suicide bomb vests on their children, is a purely Arab thing. No other people in human history do such things. So, just go ahead, Michael, and continue to waste your life spewing anti-semitic venoum on Israeli/Jewish websites every hour of every day of your empty existence. Let's just see if the next 10 years of doing so will result in any difference than the past 10 years of doing so has.
BENJAMIN   (12.25.09)
37. Ahhh, the flaming fake doc from Florida arrives...
BBSNews ,   Charlotte, NC   (12.25.09)
Let's put it this way. No real doctor would countenance Israel's countless human rights violations in the occupied territories. Well, except for maybe Yehuda Hiss and Joseph Mengele. I'm well aware of the fake doc from Florida, it has been disgraced for a very long time, and it would find the two monsters above as birds of a feather. Sane and gentle people interested in a fair and just peace for both sides beware of the fake doc. It exists only to destroy Israel, not help. It is evil incarnate.
38. # 32
Birdi ,   Israel   (12.25.09)
BBS as respect to the dead man, you should keep your mouth CLOSED here. WE dont need nor want your drivel here.
39. #28 I am amazed by your B..S...
rachel ,   usa   (12.25.09)
40. #31 hahahahah really how would you know ?
rachel ,   usa   (12.25.09)
where did you see pictures of Israelis handing out candy ? you are a liars , a fabricator of BS news ..and more Pallywood ...
41. #37 with all your hatred you must be a very lonely
rachel ,   usa   (12.25.09)
42. Birdi, meet flaming fake doc, you're 2 peas in a pod...
BBSNews ,   Charlotte, NC   (12.25.09)
...I do care, that's why I advocate every day for Israel to end its violent occupations and then these types of incidents won't happen anymore. Occupation breeds resistance and violence; it's been that way throughout history, and if Israel truly seeks to live in peace there is a very simple quick way to do so. Start respecting the relevant UN resolutions and customary international law and end the damnable occupations that have led Israel to this insecurity and violence. And Birdi, I'm here because I see a grieving son advocating that Arab are not human beings, at a time when Israel's illegal colonists are already on the rampage. If there are no Israeli leaders to put down such talk and tamp down the violence sure to follow in its wake, Israel is liable to explode in anti-Arab violence. I urge a REAL leader to step up and remind Israelis that Arabs are human beings, and to remind everyone that there is still no culprit.
43. state terrorism
observer   (12.25.09)
Since the ‘ceasefire’ in Gaza on 18 January 2009, Israeli soldiers have continued to terrorize farmers and civilians in the border regions, well beyond the Israeli-imposed ‘buffer zone’ of 300m. Just last week we met some of the recent victims –17 year old youths gathering stones and steel for reconstruction, targeted by a deadly dart bomb; a volunteer medic, targeted with three of his friends as they went to the eastern cemetery to visit a friend martyred the year before, the four were spied by an Israeli UAV (drone) which dropped a missile next to them.
44. B.S.News. Don't pee on my leg, and tell me it's raining.
flyingdoc57 ,   Florida, U.S.A.   (12.25.09)
Hey, B.S.News. Here's the headline of a story just coming over the wire. These are the types of vermin you refer to as 'peaceful, tolerant' people. BAGHDAD (AP) — A roadside bomb killed six Shiite Muslim pilgrims Friday during a procession, the latest violence targeting the group during observances of a religious holiday, officials said. I know, I know. I can just hear you now...."What does this have to do with the Israel-Palestine topic", right? Here's what it has to do with it. Rabid junkyard dogs like you spend their lives on Israeli/Jewish websites condemning Israel in the name of humanitarianism, always defending yourself against accusations of anti-semitism. It's always the same excuses from dogs like you..."I don't hate Jews, I just hate Israel" or "Being anti-zionist doesn't mean being anti-semitic" or some other non-believeable crap like that. If your interests were truly humanitarian, not merely anti-semitic, you would concern yourself with (and loudly condemn) the hundreds of daily massacres going on throughout the Arab/Muslim world at the hands of Arabs/Muslims...every single blessed day. But, the sad truth is that you couldn't care less about the thousands of people killed every day at the hands of Arabs/Muslims. You couldn't care less about world hunger, political/religious/social oppression or, yes, even the wonderful, peaceful, tolerant 'Palestinians'. You only claim to care about the Palestenians because they provide you with a mechanism by which to spew your anti-semitism behind a tissue-thin veil of humanitarianism. You may be too thick in the skull to realize that we see right through fakers like you. We Jews are 'professionals' at being on the receiving end of hate, so please don't think you hide your anti-semitism from us just by saying "I don't hate Jews, I'm just anti-zionist". Said another way, 'Don't pee on my leg, and tell me it's raining'.
45. # 42
Birdi ,   Israel   (12.25.09)
BBS let it go,at a time like this we dont want your opinions here. Really we dont.
46. Enough already!
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (12.25.09)
For those of you who consider the Palestinian Arabs to be “dispossessed,” let’s examine the facts. For starters, you cannot be dispossessed from land which is not yours to begin with. And it is most DEFINITELY not Arab land; never was. It passed from the Ottoman Turks to the British by virtue of World War I. During the first and second aliyahs, the Jews bought parcels of land from the Ottomans, land which was uninhabited, uninhabitable, swamp or desert. These transactions are superbly documented. So-called “Palestinian Arabs” have no roots in Palestine. The vast majority come from the Hejaz, on the Saudi peninsula. The balance come from modern-day Iraq. In the years just prior to the outbreak of World War II, they came en masse, and squatted on land in the Palestine Mandate, land which had been promised to the Jewish people by virtue of the Balfour Declaration. There were major demographic shifts – spurred on by changing loyalties, and changing boundaries, courtesy of the British and the French. The historical record is very clear on this, too. The Arabs never owned a single dunam of land in Palestine. During the Ottoman Era (before Sykes-Picot and before the Mandate, and certainly before the mad land grab of the French and the British, in certain areas of modern-day Lebanon and Syria, there were Arab tenant farmers for absentee landlords in Turkey. Owning land and sharecropping land are two vastly different concepts. There were major political machinations right up until the United Nations took over the Mandate from the British. It was decided that the nonsovereign Mandate land should be made into two states: one extremely small Jewish one; a second considerably larger Arab one. Partition, as it has come to be known. The Jews accepted; the Arabs did not, choosing to go to war instead. And the rest is history. It has never been Arab land. No matter what spin anyone chooses to put on it. Hasn’t stopped the Arabs from going to war six times (losing each time); hasn’t stopped the Arabs from engaging in unrelenting terror on a global scale. The sooner Arabs face the facts, and accept that history is what it is, not what they wish it had been, the better off the Palestinian people will be. The Palestinians have thrice rejected a two-state solution. There will NOT be a fourth offer. Count on it. Deal with it.
47. #3 Hundreds of terror attacks inside Israel
Cynthia ,   USA   (12.25.09)
Marlene, you feel no pain for your fellow Jews or Israelis. You remain silent when Israelis are murdered. Your brain is programmed to spew hate for Israel. You're nothing more than an apologist for terror. And for your information, Jews have every right to live in the West Bank. There is no international law that prevents them from living there and they are not "invaders" on Arab land.
48. #31 More BS
Cynthia ,   USA   (12.25.09)
The West Bank is not Palestinian land. Jews have lived on this land thousands of years. They have every right to be there. The rabbi was murdered while driving in his car on land he had every right to be on. IDF snipers do not kill Palestinian kids daily. Jews do not hand out candy when Palestinians or anyone else dies. The only thing the Palestinians resist is peaceful coexistence with Israel. And you don't speak for Americans.
49. Particle Physics Model of Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Really, I just realized that the conflict can be modelled with particles bumping into each other. Sometimes it does seem like there are humans there, but for the most part it just looks like particles.
arabscum ,   NC   (12.25.09)
51. #44
Rachel   (12.25.09)
I have only one word to respond to your post. AMEN!!!
52. May he rest in peace, and not have died in vain. Z"l
Scott ,   NY, USA   (12.25.09)
53. To: No. 37
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (12.25.09)
Don't forget Dr. George Habash (may his name be cursed throughout eternity). Remember him? Founder of the Popular Front of the Liberation of Palestine. Author of many, many, many bloodthirsty attacks on Jews and Israelis. Remember Entebbe? That was his. Of course, it kind of blew up in his face, but, hey, Israel will not apologize for having a superb military. The problem with your "fair and just peace" is that the Arabs have rejected a two-state solution on three occasions; have lost six wars (initiated by the Arabs on each occasion. No more bites at the apple. Shoulda, coulda, woulda -- except the Palestinians did NOT take advantage of any opportunity presented to them to have a normal existence. They are the architects of thier situation, and they must learn to accept the consequences of their choices. There is no occupation of Judea and Samaria, because Israeli acquired this non-sovereign territory while fighting a defensive war. And -- just so you know -- legally, I do not have to prove to you that Israel has not violated any human rights -- it is up to you to provide proof that Israel has. Which you cannot do, of course. You're in the big leagues now, baby. You are going to have to do considerably better with respect to factual content in your posts. Basically, there isn't any. Or get used to being outmatched. Comes rather easily to me, actually, and probably to most posters on YNet. I hope you enjoy having your arguments torn to shreds. I CERTAINLY enjoy tearing them for you. Oh, and I agree with you that Arabs are evil incarnate. Remember Osama bin Laden? Isn't he just the poster child for evil incarnate?
54. To: No. 31
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (12.26.09)
Israel acquired Judea and Samaria in the course of fighting a defensive war. The land was non-sovereign territory; Israel is well within her rights to retain the territory and to build settlements. Anyone can spew forth spurious claims -- hell, you do it all the time -- but your claim that "Palestinian kids are killed almost every day by IDF snipers." Care to document that for us? The burden of proof is on you. Oh -- cite to legitimate news sources, please. Do you remember September 11? All those news accounts showing shocked Israelis standing on line for hours in order to donate blood while Arabs in Gaza and Judea/Samaria celebrated, firing rifles into the air, distributing sweets, and kissing pictures of Osama bin Laden. Remember that? I think you should. Speaking of violent takeovers -- when is the United States planning to return all the land stolen from the native Americans? Once that is done, Israel will contemplate following suit. Not unless; not until. (Gosh, BBS, can we do this some more? I really enjoy making you look like a fool. Truth be told, it's not that hard to do, what with all the inanities you post. Rather like shooting fish in a barrel, actually.)
55. To: No. 14
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (12.26.09)
1. You never seek bloodshed? So the Palestinian record of killing innocent civilians in horrific acts of terror does not qualify as bloodshed? Are you brainwashed or plain stupid? 2. "Your" land? Oh, that's rich. We've got much better claim to the land than reaching back to the Bible. For the record, the Palestinians have never owned so much as a single dunam of land in Judea and Samaria, and you know it. Here's a news flash: Jordan attacked Israel in 1967. Judea and Samaria were non-sovereign territory. Jordan was defeated, and the status of the land is simply that it belongs to Israel. Acquisition of non-sovereign territory while fighting a defensive war constitutes legal acquisition. Whether you like it or not. 3. The Palestinians have no desire for peaceful co-existence. You need look no further than the charters of the thirty or so organizations each purporting to be the true representatives of the Palestinian people. Each and every one such charter calls for (i) the destruction of the State of Israel and (ii) extermination of the Jewish people. Is that your idea of peaceful? 4. The Palestinians have on three occasions rejected a two-state solution. You know what? There is not going to be a fourth. We do not believe you want a peaceful existence. You want to take over the whole region (to which you have absolutely no legitimate claim). That stubborn refusal to recognize the right of the State of Israel to exist in its ancient homeland has been lethal to the Palestinians. Six wars. Sixty-one years of unrelenting terror, targeting Jews everywhere. We are so sick to death of you and your terror and your violence. 5. The Palestinians are the architects of their condition. You have made some incredibly bad choices, but they are the choices you made and you must take ownership of the consequences to those choices.
56. Sarah B. H., like you would even know...
BBSNews ,   Charlotte, NC   (12.26.09)'ve been caught changing your resume so many times, you've been caught lying about facts and history. Just go away. Let the grownups deal with how to make a sensible, fair and just peace deal within the Rule of Law. Something you know absolutely nothing about.
57. Sarah B. H., here's a little challenge for you dear...
BBSNews ,   Charlotte, NC   (12.26.09) claim to have "shredded" my arguments? Now that's a belly laugh... I challenge you to meet me anywhere, Charlotte, New York City, anywhere. We will invite an unbiased third party with international legal experience, I will pay for a stenographer and a video crew. I will lay my facts out. The countless UN resolutions, customary internal human rights law, the various agreements Israel has entered into and reneged on, and then you can offer your No, No, NO scenario. Then we put the tape on the Internet on youtube with your real name. Everyone already knows my identity, I'm not an anonymous wingnut. Do we have a deal sweetie? I'm willing to lay it on the line and invest hard cash and end your nonsense once and for all. You send me an email and we'll work out the details and then post the outcome and the URL to the youtube video here on Ynet. Deal?
58. I wonder if Ynet realizes Birdi, Cynthia and Rachel are...
BBSNews ,   Charlotte, NC   (12.26.09)
...the same person? Probably not even a woman. Sock puppets went out with USENET newsgroups... Sadly, the Internet trolls are still with us and probably always will be. They don't care about truth, facts, peace, reconciliation, the Rule of Law. Nope, they are just here to see Israel fail and they want to be in on it. They are showing tapes from the War on Gaza right now, with interviews of Gaza victims on Al Jazeera. And it strikes me how pathetic the likes of "cynthia, rachel, birdi, sarah B.H. and the fake docs" of the world really are. They are simply pathetic wretches filled with hatred and bile and not one of them has ever offered a plan for peace, and not one of them has acknowledged both sides. I'm not built that way. I see both sides, and I have offered many times concrete ways forward based on the Rule of Law. And all these folks ever offer in return is something like "what about Darfur".
59. Fakestinian; Your land is in Arabia!
Palestiiansareamyth ,   USA   (12.26.09)
"Palestine" is just another name for Israel. "Palestine" has nothing to do with Arabs. You are an Arab from Arabia. Jews are from Israel!
60. #16 Replace the question mark with a period, then you 're
Bunnie Meyer ,   Los Angeles, CA USA   (12.26.09)
correct with your headline.
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