Al-Aqsa Brigades: Israel opening gates of hell
Ali Waked
Published: 26.12.09, 16:37
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31. Matty Groves ... lolol you dishonor the song
GZLives   (12.26.09)
"Little Matty Groves, he lay down and took a little sleep When he awoke, Lord Donald was standing at his feet Saying "How do you like my feather bed and how do you like my sheets How do you like my lady who lies in your arms asleep?" "Oh, well I like your feather bed and well I like your sheets But better I like your lady gay who lies in my arms asleep" "Well, get up, get up," Lord Donald cried, "get up as quick as you can It'll never be said in fair England that I slew a naked man" "Matty Groves" is a song by Brit band Fairport Convention
israel   (12.26.09)
A simple rule of thumb. Those savages don't think they can kill and get away with it. Because they've found out today, that they can't. I'm sure they are all headed straight for hell.
33. Boxing day
Ilan ,   Ariel   (12.26.09)
If you go to the dance you got to pay the entrance fee.... These terrorists knew the risks and killing them was far less punishment than they deserved for their evil murder of Meir Chai. No pity for soulless beasts.
34. #4 Pathetic post
Mark ,   Lodz, Poland   (12.26.09)
Unbecoming of your usual 'attention to detail'. Your standard is dropping rapidly as you yet again fall victim to Palestinian prevarications.
35. Marty Groves wot a dunce!
jb   (12.26.09)
To compare the Warsaw ghetto to the west bank and Gaza is not just ludicrous but borders on the hateful and anti-semitic. It also shows a profound ignorance of both area, one that can only be mired in a wilfull acceptance of jew-hating pali propaganda. Of course you believe the Jews have committed war crimes! Your Pali friends say so and that's all the evidence you need. Oh and don't quote that piece of crap the Goldstone Report. Have you read it dumbass? Do you know the difference between evidence and hearsay? Goldstone doesn't and apparently neither do you! As far as "illegal occupation" is concerned, that occurs in your fertile mind when only Jews "occupy" not Muslims. Check out the various treaties of the League of Nations. Check out the various attempts at reaching border agreements and coexistence from 1948 to the present which your Arab friends have spat upon. The only illegal occupiers are the Arabs. Try turning off the BBC and CNN and read a few history books instead of demonstrated your abysmal ignorance!
36. To: No. 31
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (12.26.09)
We know. There are six or seven people who made the connection to Fairport Convention.
37. resistor
mira ,   israel   (12.26.09)
its not us that you resist its GOD himself. listen to your heart.
38. 1
Rosie   (12.26.09)
Why insult animals?
39. 2
Rosie   (12.26.09)
Why insult animals?
40. 4
Rosie   (12.26.09)
Why should Israel allow Gazans to get into for whatever reason? When there were Jewish settlements there, Gazans made a living working in them, but then they screamed "Jews, get out!". So the last Jew left the area years ago. Now Gazans try to illegally "get into Israel to find work"??? And Israel is supposed to do WHAT? Let them in?
41. Opening the gates of hell to throw PA terrorists in there
Open those gates and keep them open untill they all end up over there.
42. #4 - Suspicion is often enough in closed military zone
William ,   Israel   (12.26.09)
I invite you to enter a closed military zone and see what happens. Whether you're collecting scrap metal, hunting for birds, or carrying bombs to kill people - the reaction of the military might be the same. You can decry Israel for its actions but at the same time, the area near the Gaza fence has been a closed military area for years. If any Gazans don't know this by now, it is truly their problem. Further, 99% of the time when a Gazan is spotted in a closed military zone, it's to launch an attack or plant a bomb. You can't blame the IDF for reacting to a common precedent set by Hamas and their ilk. When you decry "palestinians" for their use of indescriminate force...which is every time they kill a civilian, like the one you consider "illegal settler", then you'd have some credibility to speak. Personally, I believe the IDF did the Gazans a favor...but increasing their collective IQ, albeit by a very tiny margin.
43. #25 - Hahaha - as if all "pals" are innocent until IDF come?
William ,   Israel   (12.26.09)
Give a little credit to the hours and hours of warfare training, racist articles and sermons, and dehumanizing of Jews by Hamas, Al-Manar, and PA TV. These little beauties do more to create a cycle of hatred than any IDF soldier. If Israel could make a difference to the hearts and minds of "palestinians", then they wouldn't return as suicide bombers to kill the very Israeli doctors who saved their lives in Israeli hospitals. But then again - I'm using human logic and that just doesn't apply among Arabs.
44. #26 - If it's fact, then please provide links
William ,   Israel   (12.26.09)
Please provide the resources of these "facts" that you claim to be citing. While I don't distrust you, a fact is only a fact when it can be proven as such. We are entitled to our own opinions, but not our own facts.
45. #28 - An interesting phenomenon from 2000
William ,   Israel   (12.26.09)
Your post reminded me of another incident that truly spoke of "Arab logic" In 2000 after Arafat began his terror war, and Israeli Arabs joined in with violent protests and attacks on Jews (including Electric and Phone workers)...Jews stopped coming to Arab towns. An Israeli Arab leader appeared on Channel 2 News and spoke of the devastation in the local economy because Jews were too afraid to visit their towns. In the same breath, he said it was safe for Jews to return to shops and restaurants, but if they didn't Arabs will rise up in violence and create hell of the Jews. Is it me or do the Arabs need a lesson in Marketing skills?
46. To: JB at No. 35
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (12.26.09)
Nice post. You're kind of wasting your time, though. "Matty Groves" has a most peculiar interpretation of history and a very anti-Israel, anti-Jewish and anti-Zionist axe to grind. Reason won't work with "Matty Groves." He/she seems to have some prefrontal lobe issues.
47. Ah, the gates of hell; with or without the 72 broads ?
Jojo ,   PRT WASH NY   (12.26.09)
Abu Mahmood ! as the anointed keeper of the gates of hell (obviously you seem to have absolute control over them) , you must be in very warm (should I say hot) relationship with the boss, Mr. Lucifer, for him to allow you the use of " blood and fire " as a preamble. Of course, islam, allah, muhammad, your koran have been preparing you for this sublime endeavor since childhood. With excellent classroom teachers,mosque preachers: mullahs, imams, sheiks, ayatollahs, and a few non-descript characters, you probably were at the top of the class. As a reward, " the Gates of Hell ". congratulation..... Also please read # 6 from Sarah B.. And , I wish to thank the US of A for providing training and weapons to Fatah, the terrorist terrorists -
48. Israel not interested in Peace
Rivkah ,   Israel   (12.26.09)
And what exactly is the constant and ongoing attack of Arabs on Jews, either via rocket attacks, stabbings, drive by shootings to name a few? War, savage attacks, suicide bombings is what the Arabs are taught from birth in schools, in special training camps, in mosques, in public decrees by their leaders.
49. #30 - Sarah B, still fearmongering with your
AY_Lamb ,   Globestan   (12.26.09)
evangelical cohorts ehh? ooohhhh scary, "I am all for free speech so long as they keep their damn mouths shut" Please Sarah seek out reason, I know you can attain it. I am working feverishly on my book and you can check out in there it will be titled "The international Evangelist", global trajectories in christo-centric terror and violence. It will involve a little history but, no farther back then the mid-30s geographic Christendom and talk about Jones town, Waco, Ruby Ridge, the freemen, Bo Gritz etc. etc. oh well don't wanna give it away but, you would definitely benefit from reading it. You have neem so manipulated by the Gentile information apparatus you have become like those Kapos that truly believed isolation and total control of the Jewish populace of Europe was truly in the best interest of a "safe and secure" Europe. You have become dependent on your task masters. Jews have nothing to fear from liberty, exchange of ideas, and civil unrestrained dialogue. here is what your goyim friends might say "en vigo veritas liberabit" eh? what you think? oh man that NSA is really a great benefactor for you I suppose but, you can sever the link, even the tick becomes satiated on the back of the host and eventually falls off.
50. To: No. 49
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (12.26.09)
Umm, not for nothing, but I am Jewish. I have very, very wary of evangelical Christians. I'm really not interested in studying cults. I'm an independent thinker and I tend to speak my mind. I would not do well in a cult and the prospect of being told what and how to think is just not all that attractive. You really don't want to liken me to a "kapo." I am a child of concentration camp survivors, and I find it quite repugnant. It demeans you, too, since I suspect you knew that. You're lucky I still remember college Latin. "The truth shall set you free" was written by John. Manipulated by the "Gentile information apparatus?" That is actually very funny. My politics are actually rather simple, and uniquely mine. If it's good for Israel and the Jews, I'm for it. If it's not good for Israel and the Jews, I'm against it. Can't get more primal than that, I suppose. The NSA? Scary. They look for certain buzz words, and lay open the life of the person who used it. Nothing is sacred. They can watch you online, they can listen in on your phone (landline and mobile) and track you in your car to see where you go. It took a little while, but it would appear that 1984 is here. Merry Christmas; Happy New Year.
51. To: Jojo at No. 47
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (12.26.09)
I think the 72 virgins and rivers of honey apply to paradise. If you go to hell, I think all you can expect is one 72-year old virgin and rivers of cod liver oil.
52. To 24 Worst parallel ever, go back to History 101
The Dude   (12.26.09)
"If Jews or Israelis were penned in and oppressed (think Warsaw Ghetto) by a vastly superior force would these Jews/Israelis form a "resistance" to this oppression? Would they take up arms and fight back by any means at their disposal? " I cannot believe you honestly tried to compare the Warsaw ghetto to the West Bank military operations. The Warsaw ghetto was where faithful, non-violent, Jewish CITIZENS of Poland were rounded up and shoved into. They had no choice, all property was taken, and this was simply preparation for taking them off for the death camps. They didn't want to be in Ghetto's and didn't proclaim it as there territory. The fact is that this 'resistance' you talk about it completely different. This has started nearly a century ago with huge amounts of fighting between Jewish pioneers and Arabs from the neighboring areas coming in and fighting over territory and resources. The fact was up until 1967 Israel was not the superior military force it is today. And the fact was that there was also terror attacks back then as well (1910's-1967), but I don't see you mentioning this. Also the fact was that before the Oslo terror war, most Palestinians and Israeli's regularly crossed over into each others towns and this area was actually very open. It wasn't until the terror started was there even a need for the security measures and the military operations. And another point to you completely incorrect parallel, is the fact that the Ghetto fighters of Warsaw fought only against the SS and the Wehrmacht, armed soldiers. This isn't like the 'resistance' of attacking a random father of seven driving through a road, unless in your future planned "Palestine" it will not only be Judenrein but also simply have signs that say "No Jews Allowed Entry". The fact was that this was crime through and through! I wonder if you would be so gung-ho about supporting such things had this been Left-wing activists on there way to a protest and then being gunned down? Seriously go take a history class, your attempts to paint this as the palestinians being defenseless is crap. The fact was that originally they were the ones holding all the cards and superior military hardware and they lost it and now are simply being abandoned by the Arab world, and hopefully soon enough the rest of the world will realize that money to the palestinians is better used as toilet paper... and all that will be left will be guys like you. Who live in there parents basement, with cheeto stained fingers, ranting self-righteous rants...
53. 10
zionist forever   (12.26.09)
What will Abbas & Obama say when the first rocket at Ben Gurion Airport? Launched from the Jordan valley in the palestinan state. Will Abbas arrest the terrorist or will Obama do anything other than make a statement condemning the attack & make a few speeches or would he be willing to get real tough even if that means a diplomatic conflict with his muslim allies? What would his reaction be if Israel invaded to deal with the terror problem? Would he order the Israeli troops back, would he be willing to send US solldiers to help hunt down the terrorists if Israel isn't allowed or would he just say to Abbas get your security people onto it quick. The biggest problem with the idea of a palestinan state is security & promises from Fatah or even Hamas mean nothing because there is no palestinian people its a collection of terror groups all with different agendas soms more hardline than others that just. go under the palestian franchise The palestinians must show they are turstworth through their actions before we start talking about statehood. From the start oslo should have been about earning rewards through action... slow and steady not run into the unknown and hope for the best.
54. #50 - Sarah B, Okay then; I stand corrected
AY_Lamb ,   Globestan   (12.26.09)
I just don't want to many to become, so immersed in this "christian penchant" for zealotry and absolutism: That is all - it is easy for one (and even me) to be memorized by the rewards of the material world and the numerical strength of the popular. might makes right? The ends justifies the means? - these things have never set right with me, I'm not sold on the intentions of this crusade, not sold at all.
55. # 24
Birdi ,   Israel   (12.26.09)
No way Matty can you compare the Warsaw Ghetto to Gaza.
56. why only 3, not 4 or 5 is it the democracy?
observer   (12.26.09)
57. Israel opened the Gates of Hell and Terros felt the heat!
Alan ,   SA   (12.26.09)
58. To Birdi
FG   (12.26.09)
Any half-wit imbecile knows that the ONLY ones who use this nefariously disgusting comparison (betweenGaza and Warsaw) are Holocaust-relativisers-deniers and/or trivializers and outright David Duke-type racist bigots. I hope Ynet will have the courage not to censor my post.
59. 43
Rosie   (12.26.09)
A very good post.
60. #4 Matty's scrap metal collecting youth
Cynthia ,   USA   (12.26.09)
Per DEBKAfile, "In the South, Israeli air and ground forces killed three heavily-armed Palestinians near the Gaza border trying to crawl into Israel for a terrorist operation."
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