Labor slams Lieberman over comments against Turkish mediation
Attila Somfalvi
Published: 28.12.09, 17:22
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31. #30 - how is he being constructive?
eitan   (12.28.09)
I am not sure I understand how exactly we are now better off after Lieberman said that Turkey basically can go to hell? Is that a wise diplomatic move? Did it achieve something? Is our international image better now? Whether we want Turkey to be involved or not, there are better ways to handle our PR. Lieberman represents our country to all the world, he is our chief PR person, which means that we can be angry as much as we want, but it doesn't suit our rep to act as an offended macho. I wouldn't put my family's fate into the hands of a lawyer whose tactics is spitting with anger in court, I wouldn't entrust my business (if I had one) to a PR person who yells angrily at other company's reps, regardless of the fact that I might find their actions unfair. You would think that on a national level things should be done in a more professional, mature thought-through way rather than with impulsive emotional outbursts. If problems could be solved just by barking back at your opponent, then I would agree that Lieberman is doing his job properly. Then every other guy on the street would be able to do a great job as our Foreign Minister.
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