Report: Arab schools fail to mark Holocaust Remembrance Day
Yaheli Moran Zelikovich
Published: 30.12.09, 09:13
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31. to #22 what??? oh no not another cluless
ghostq   (12.30.09)
It's not cause Germany lost, Germany pay only to jews who were Germans, the other jews don't get even one Euro from Germany, and if you only knew about the jews went through than you would donat money cause some of them today r living in poor conditions. and fair warning vendeta always back fire, and thank you for clarified jews had kingdome where you lived after all they were the land owner 2000 years ago.
32. to #23 you r not acurate, and very misleading
ghostq   (12.30.09)
cause at that war the Israeli Army had huge shortage of weapons, how ever the British Army provided the Arabs with rifels so those r facts your sources r shady, and I can guess who gave you the wrong info.
33. garbage
observer   (12.30.09)
And you know what? They don't mark Tisha B'Av either!! (Anniversary of the destruction of the Temple) And you know what more? Neither does the Keneset or the majority of Israeli citizens. You know what even more? I'm orthodox jewish and I don't observe that day either. It means nothing in the jewish calendar. It is simply an attempt to justify the state's existence. So why should they bother about a remembrance day contrived by their enemies?
34. reply to #13
observer   (12.30.09)
You have learned your zionist propaganda well, my boy. No go and learn the truth. Learn how israeli agents provacateurs stirred up arab anti-semitism to get the jews expelled. Learn how 3/4 million arabs were expelled at gunpoint from their homes by jewish militias - mostly even before the state was declared. Find out what is still happening today in the 'territories' and then you may begin to understand.
35. to #34 zionism and the state of Israel
ghostq   (12.30.09)
got nothing to do with the holocause, the idea for state was 120 years ago, and the holocaust is something that everyone should observe cause after all in my eyes it was worse than the Egypt slavery. and since 6 million jews died cause they were jews especially when in crystal night all synagougs where burnd with the bible books inside.
36. to #34 non believer observe this
ghostq   (12.30.09)
37. Arabs *should* at least learn their part in the Shoah
Raymond in DC ,   Washington, USA   (12.30.09)
They should be taught not only about Haj Amin al' Husseni and the Muslim collaborators in Europe, but of those in North Africa who collaborated with the Axis occupier. They should also be reminded about the refuge provided by Egypt and Syria to Nazi officers. And, yes, as part of their studies of Arab and Islamic history they should be taught about the 800,000+ Jews who were driven out of Arab lands.
38. then they better start now. we should have started this righ
ralph   (12.30.09)
from the beginning.
39. A national curriculum should mean its NATIONAL not race base
zionist forever   (12.30.09)
If jewish schools must learn about the Holocaust then the arab ones should to. Learning about their own culture doesn't mean it has to be at the expense of the culture of the majority of the population. The arabs themselves benefit from learning about the Holocaust .. knowladge is power. Also we must also make sure that arab culture doesn't mean palestinian culture and they are not being taught all about nakba and how Israel is a bad guy like Yuli Tamir would have had them do.
40. I can understand that.
Rudi ,   Belgium   (12.30.09)
And I think they should not be forced either. It is not really an Israeli day but a jewish day (and Roma...)
41. #4 and #9
the question you two should really ask from yourself...honestly now.. is: DO YOUR ARAB BROTHERS IN ALL ARAB COUNTRIES THAT INVADED NEW ISRAEL IN 1947-1948 AND CAUSED THE TRAGEDY OF THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE, DO THEY CELEBRATE YOUR NAQBA???? no! they do not and they were the ones who started the war and pushed you out and caused all kinds of tragedies for you and at the end didn't give you citizenship in their countries, put you into concentration refugee camps, treated you like vermin and roaches, used you for terror against israel, never made you citizens, never allowed you to work in their countries, often kicked you our of their countries and basically used you for the hate and venum they had towards israel. who to blame????? israel and jews or your arab friends??? this is the question of the naqba. this is the real issue and i tend to think that it is your arab brothers than caused you all your problems. do not put the blame only on israel and if you demand that israel celebrate the naqba, you have to doubly demand that your arab brothers celebrate it too since they surely contributed to it almost 100% in 1947-1948. the naqba is a two way road. not only israel was involved you must admit that all the arab nations who attacked were the main reason for your naqba. hameed aboughaze, iranian
42. you'r so brainwashet that holocaust exist and Nekba doesn't
lyly   (12.30.09)
not how about Sabra et Shatili, doesn't exist too ?? loll
43. #33 speaking the truth at last
better observer   (12.30.09)
garbage is what you do every single day
44. Get real, their parents are against jews
bernard ross ,   st anns bay, jamaica   (12.30.09)
wake up, they probably believe that the holocaust is a fraud. this is PC journalism without substance that shines no light o anything
45. Is it required for Jews...
Marco ,   Spain   (12.30.09)
to learn about the massacres of Kana and Der Yassin? What about the Goldsone report?
46. It is not required for us either
Marco El Puerco,Puta ,   MadreImperio Español   (12.30.09)
we are completely innocent, no inquisition, no expulsion of Jews, no genocides in the Americas, the Philippines and in Africa we are completely innocent...............
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