Mitchell’s wake-up call
Yoram Ettinger
Published: 13.01.10, 18:21
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31. Michael Pielet, Israel IS a banana republic...
BBSNews ,   Charlotte, NC   (01.14.10)
...whatever gave you any other idea? The country lives like a war-fortress under constant threat, even though Israel's "existential" threats are of its own making. Israel cannot manage to keep a full-term government. (Any bets n when this one will fall?) Israel's leaders are either former war criminals, or wanted war criminals, or under indictment or threat of indictment for corruption, or they are actually in court right now for corruption (or rape). Not just isolated incidents but almost across the board sleeze. No secualr marriage. No secular divorce. A theocratic racially pure soceity seeking to erect a fence around the entire Fortress Israel and lock undesirables out (Arabs and Goyim) and keep the racially pure within, nationalistic extremist religious fanatics that believe some deity gave them a land title thousands of years ago back when people did not take baths and were lucky to have an oil lamp... A mistreated and subjugated Arab minority, with Palestinians within Israel treated even lower etc - Israel is bleeding any possible moral high ground and indeed morality at all by continuing its warlike, isolationist ways and the little rogue country is endangering world peace and has now become a US National Security problem. Sigh. Israel could have been a great country. But they squandered the chance and time has now run out.
32. To: No. 8 and No. 14
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (01.14.10)
Your claim that the Arab states will recognize Israel -- even when several of them simultaneously profess to be in an active state of war with Israel -- is remarkably short-sighted. Arabs say lots of things, most of them not true. This is akin to believing Abbas when he says that he would sign a peace treaty with the devil if it would bring him closer to the "ultimate goal." We are all familiar with that euphemism; just as we are all familiar with "comprehensive peace." But if the Arab states indeed say what they mean, they are welcome to publicly recognize Israel and to execute peace treaties with Israel. Abbas is welcome to renounce the Fatah charter which calls for the destruction of the State of Israel and the extermination and/or expulsion of the Jewish people and to openly recognize the right of the State of Israel to exist in its ancient homeland. These necessarily must occur prior to any concession which Israel may make. Israel emerged victorious from all of the wars, which were all instigated by Arabs. Six-time victors fighting defensive wars set the terms and conditions for everything. I do believe that is why victors tend to call for unconditional surrenders. You need look no further than history to work that one out. You are naiive to believe Palestinian claims. First of all, you know quite well that Fatah (dominant presence in the Palestine Authority) is only one of over two dozen Palestinian organizations. Even the so-called moderate ones refuse to repudiate their vile charters and to recognize the right of the State of Israel to exist. I'm afraid such recognition by Arab states and repudiation of the over two dozen charters and recignition of the right of the State of Israel to exist must precede any concession by Israel, for the reasons stated above. The victor is entitled to make demands and set terms and conditions -- it is the Arab states and the Palestinians that are stalling, not Israel. Finally -- what difference does it make how many American presidents have called upon Israel to cave in to the demands of Arab states and assorted Palestinian terrorist organizations? United States policy is not made in Jerusalem; Israeli policy is not made in Washington D.C. Have you noticed that the current administration's sentiments are very much anti-Israel? Has Obama's rather aggressive rapprochement policies with the Islamofascist world also escaped your notice? It has not escaped the notice of the American people -- just check out Obama's popularity and approval ratings, which have plummeted like a rock and are below 50%. Support for Israel, on the other hand, has enjoyed a remarkable increase among the American people. So why on earth should Israel pay much attention to the wishes of an American president who has made it his life's work to destroy Israel when his ambitions run decidedly counter to the desires of the American people, whom the president represents and whose wishes he is bound by law to represent? "Proud Israeli" doesn't tell me if you are Jewish or Arab or anything else (although I'm pretty sure I know), but I appreciate your assertion of pride in your nation. Unfortunately, it would appear that you are also a very naive and foolish Israeli.
33. #31
Ram ,   London   (01.14.10)
Your rant might be impressive from an educational point of view; unfortunately you use your eloquence to spew out vitriol that only a slanted, poisonous, hateful and biased person is capable of doing. Hey, Israel has been having to live with attacks from 100 million like you and maybe Israel it is not winning the popularity war at the moment but all sane people that Israel is righteous and will come up trumps! Watch out, your hate will grind you down. Ask your doctor if you do not believe me :)
34. #8 Proud Israeli. Israel has ___ to gain from retreat.
Chaim ,   Israel   (01.14.10)
"Proud" Israeli (What a unsuitable handle you've chosen). You write that the Two State Final Solution is so obviously good for Israel, nobody should oppose it. How exactly is it good for Israel? How does an 8 mile waist benefit Israel? Do we want our enemies to be able to cut our nation in two with a liesurely three hour hike? How does being inundated by hostile Arabs help Israel? How does having every Israeli city and town within range of terrorist rockets help Israel? Any rational answers? Didn't think so.
35. Ram, then point out the "hate"...
BBSNews ,   Charlotte, NC   (01.15.10)
...you made the claim. Now let us see you back it up. I do not in any way hate Israel. My position is well known, and I suspect you know it also. Israel has every right to exist within its own borders. Palestinian militant rocket attacks are war crimes etc. Whatever made you think I felt otherwise? So now that you have been properly informed again - point out the hate. Don't just make a false accusation and run away... Point out the "hate".
36. Chaim, no occupations means no resistance...
BBSNews ,   Charlotte, NC   (01.15.10)
...peace means peace. But instead, you and the other wingnuts are encouraging Israel to risk it all, it's very existence, to keep the illegal colonies. Israel's actions are now even straining the two peace treaties that it has in hand, with Egypt and Jordan. The situation is critical and getting worse because Israel refuses to acknowledge that the illegal colonies are the real threat to Israel's continued existence as it is currently constituted. You are helping it to get worse by encouraging Israel to ignore international law and norms and continue down this renegade path it is on. Now ponder this. When a fair and full peace agreement is made, and Israel finally fulfills it's international obligations, the sovereign state of Palestine will exist. If Israel is attacked by the state of Palestine, Israel will then have the full force of international law and backing when they rightfully and quite forcefully respond. The world would not bat an eye... That's the reality Chaim.
37. Here's the "hate" you want pointed out, B.S.News
flyingdoc57 ,   Florida, U.S.A.   (01.16.10)
First of all, anyone wishing to "point out the hate" spewing from your sewer of a mouth need only look at the picture you post of yourself alongside your comments on Wall Street Journal and JTA website talkbacks. Look at that evil, sinister puss, and tell me that's not the face of animosity. it's as if the photographer unexpectedly entered your bunker and announced "Hi, I'm a Jew". But if your picture isn't enough, the following are some excerpts from a post of yours earlier today right here at Ynet (different article)... "Israel made a horrible PR mistake with the atrocious behavior towards the Turks. From outside the Israeli self-denial bubble, it looks like Israel is trying very hard to alienate any and every friend in the world that it ever had, just to hang onto some stolen property that some imaginary skydaddy mythically bequeathed upon wild-eyed colonists. Delusional religious extremism is as alive and well in Israel as it is in any Islamic country one would care to name. If Israel ever wants to grow up and really be a part of the community of world nations, it too will have to reign in the religious extremists and the brutal illegal occupations and the siege of Gaza, a crime against humanity, must be brought to an end. Israel is risking its own future by belligerently and violently trying to cling to stolen land and religious delusions. BBSNews , Charlotte, NC (01.15.10) bbsnews@gmail.com" "imaginary skydaddy"? That's how you refer to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God we worship? That's not hate? Try calling Allah or Mohammed an "imaginary skydaddy" to your friends in the Arab World, and see what happens to you. "Atrocious behavior toward the turks"? What was so "atrocious", you idiot? "Delusional religious extremism"? That's how you refer to the Jewish population who support the existence of Israel? That's not hate? Try calling a Muslim in the Arab world a "delusional religious extremist", and see what happens to you. "Brutal illegal occupation"? That's not hate? Who decided it was "brutal" or "illegal"...you? Ahmedinejad? How "brutal" were the 50+ Arab Countries when they evicted nearly 1 million Jews from their lands after W.W.II with nothing but the shirts on their backs? "belligerently and violently trying to cling to stolen land and religious delusions". That's not hate? Just how many negative adjectives thrown at the word "Israel" or "Jews" does it take before it means "hate"? You spend every minute of your worthless life cruising the Israeli/Jewish websites for the purpose of calling Israel supporters "wingnuts", "useful idiots", and everything else. That's not hate? Have you taken even one minute out of your busy Jew-hating day to think about 100,000 dead Haitans? That's not hate? You couldn't give a shit about anything or anybody (including the 'so peaceful and tolerant' Palestinians you claim to care about). A billion Muslims live lives of abject poverty and oppression throughout the Arab World, and you are SILENT. We are supposed to believe that you are some sort of humanitarian, perhaps? You're a fraud. You know it. We know it. The entire world wide web knows it. Next to pornography, you're about the most prolific presence on the internet, with your hatred of Israel/Jews. Find me one Israel-basher on any website who's been referred to a nazi as many times as you. There's a project for you. Don't spend too much time on it, though, there is not such person out there.
39. If I may to @21
Philip ,   USA   (01.17.10)
You have put the onus where it belongs and point of fact absolutely true.Fact is, it has to be hammered to the skuls of some who think Israel is dependent on the US while the US is in dire straits with their economy in taters we are suffering from. Obama is one of the worse presidents (bar Jimmy Carter) who will rue the day if he continues in his stance to think he can order Israel to be his scape goat for his outlandish errors. Your assumptions on the present affair I say thank you. We in the United States are lost for words.The ones who voted Obama in are going to rue the day,and doing so now. Let us wait for the midterm elections which will prove to many( I mean particularely the Jews who helped vote for him) then hopefully we will throw out Obarmi where he belongs. Most certainly NOT in the White House.
40. To @4
James ,   ISRAEL   (01.17.10)
Just a brief reposte .I'll take one paragraph of yours and reply.i.e That without the US Israel would be totally isolated? Wow is that a new phenomenon? We have become more isolated since Obama. Had the same with GWya to an extent,but not as it is at present. We are continuing to survive extremely well and will continue ,with or without the US. We have many countries waiting in the wings to buy our technology but you forgot to mention it in your hurry to demonize this aspect. China,India to name but a few. What is more an important aspect US needs us more than the reverse. Israel is the bulwark to the US because they can depend on us being the only democracy in the ME which is the crux of the matter. You are being a jeremiah and you damn well know it. So, I say nonsense to your assumption. Israel has nothing to offer but its technology. Now there's a thing.Without the technology no one can advance there fore another nail in the cofin to your presumtiousness. America knows it. Russia and China are more interested in the Arab states resources and support. Israel has nothing to offer but technology . That is it...our technology which is second to none which makes us strong,and the likes of China who are at the ready to purhase our knowhow.You forget that inspite of the recent contrempt with Turkey we sell them much of what they need and require it badly to them, and much of that military tech was partly financed by the U.S. Wrong there, it is our superior militatry technology which is second to none whereby the US benefits from,Not only them ,but also China
41. Was it due to Obama pressure or..
Yosef Levy ,   Tel Aviv   (01.17.10)
Netenyahu trying to come off as a friend who wants to help his buddy get his foot out of his mouth and get a favor returned to him at a later date ?
42. The not so Proud Israeli More like>>
Stephen ,   USA   (01.18.10)
You proud(or not) as the case may be have some catching up on your memory to search and see the truth. As one of your interlocuters reminded you very wisely too: On the two parties i.e Fat-ah & Ham-ass kiling each other. If they cannot live with one another(no surprise there with Arabs) how does Proud Israeli justifies his silly response with his delusional thinking. Telling all and sundry,about Obama,GWya et al advocating>>> nay,nay,demanding from Israel/Jews to do their bidding and vacate certain parts of the country of Israel as though it belongs to them,or more like thinking that Israel is the 51 st American State. Bull shitting proud Israeli wake up and smell the coffeee.They are all trying to take over the whole of Israel.Not for peace,but piece,by piece.And annihilate the lot of you,lock,stock and two barrels.
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