Opinion  Sever Plocker
Obama’s year in office
Sever Plocker
Published: 15.01.10, 14:30
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31. obama
nimrod ,   montreal   (01.15.10)
sever you r nuts leftist after all this u still speaking about ã palastiniean state? don't you see what's going on? bombs stabing Chamastown. that's what's going to be the 2nd state.
32. For a more realistic analysis see Charles Krauthammer
Mladen Andrijasevic ,   Be'er Sheva, Israel   (01.15.10)
One year out: President Obama's fall By Charles Krauthammer What went wrong? A year ago, he was king of the world. Now President Obama's approval rating, according to CBS, has dropped to 46 percent -- and his disapproval rating is the highest ever recorded by Gallup at the beginning of an (elected) president's second year. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/01/14/AR2010011403558.html
ROBERT ,   USA   (01.16.10)
34. No. 32
NYC Girl   (01.16.10)
Although he doesn't address the issue in this particular article, Charles Krauthammer has also written about the fact that Barack Obama is a narcissistic personality. And he's in a position to know because he used to be a practicing psychiatrist.
35. To #32 Thanks for the good read!
M. Hartley ,   Atlanta, US   (01.16.10)
36. To My Fellow Jews, Vote Republican in Nov
Dav Lev ,   Burbank. CAUSA   (01.15.10)
Herr Obama has a nice smile, and is still beloved by his liberal constituents. But we Independents (I voted for McCain and am a proud Jewish Zionist), know better. He has been a failure, getting all Fs. Obamacare will insure a few million illegals and charity cases and we all will pay higher premiums and have fewer benefits. He allows 13m "illegals" in the US with no fixed policy to deport them. His cap and trade is a joke. His stimulus plan, costing 800billion is only one-third spent..he has lost more jobs by far than created. Our offspring are confronted with trillions in anticipated taxes. He bailed out the banks with my tax dollars, yet they still give out huge benefits. Main St is suffering. 20% unemployment (and underemployment). Columbia languishes, while Castro laughs. Venezuela has nationalized entire industries, and is getting a Russian base. Israel has frozen nursery schools, while Abbas balks at talks (thanks Hillary and Mitchell). Hez/Hamas are loaded with rockets, supplied by Iran, which is allowed to brutalized it's people., while 3 battleship groups float in the Gulf. No Korea has nukes..and China owns US. The remedy: vote Republican in Nov fellow Jews, don't be in the Democratic pocket.. Get rid of Schumer, Reid, Boxer and Feinstein. Vote RIGHT. Turn everything red, from blue.
37. To Sue: Tikkun Olam is Destroying US
Dav Lev ,   Burbank. CAUSA   (01.16.10)
To Sue: you forgot that Obama and the State Dept have pressured Israel to "freeze" additional bedrooms and nursery schools on their little kinder while the so-called Pales continue to build illegally. Israel dismantled mos of the road blocks, and the Palis kill rabbis traveling in cars with their wives and children. Syria and Iran supply Hez with Fajrs and 80,000 rockets, ignoring the cease fire. Iran uses it's police to brutalize millions who protest it's illegal election and who want freedom, while Obama does zilch, but make statements. Hillary wants sanctions on the regime..sure, like wow. Chavez's country is hurting..and we do nothing to end his regime. The economy is in the toilet, with the Fed owning trillions in toxic assets, while Wall St does what it damn well pleases. Obamacare demands everyone have insurance (unconstitutional), enforced by whom, the IRS? Yet, who helped put him into office, you guessed right, we Jews ( approve same sex marriages, definition of Armenian genocide, and aid to Darfur ( Tikkun Olam-save the world and let the Jews be destroyed).
38. Ruri, you are quite the scary poster aren't you?
BBSNews ,   Charlotte, NC   (01.16.10)
...you probably don't know why though. Your comment is quite telling. Israel has been experiencing increasing censorship, the arrests of "leftists" (people of conscience who know right from wrong), is on the rise, including the director of ACRI, creeping fascism and government machination (the 3-day period over politics to decide to do the right thing with Turkey), and lots of other stuff that you won't care about... Facts and all... Mind point is you mentioned "elites". First they came for the human rights groups, then they come for the self-hating Jews (they don't let them in ie: Finkelstien), then they come for the goy activists, then they come for the home grown dissenters (ACRI), then they come for the "elites". I'm quite sure you don't know what an "elite" is, I'm sure you just believe that it is someone who has more than you and therefore must believe they think they know more than you and for that perceived slight, you have some need to hate "THEM". They came for THEM next. Israel seems to be in a downward spiral.
OZ   (01.16.10)
with just about every news poll out there in the usa pointing to a very negative ratings(rassmusen is double- digit negative for 3 monthes! first ever for any president!), it's hard to see plosker's view even from afar. obama stands for-- one big awufull mistake america!
40. BRAVO Sever Plocker
Tony ,   Raanana Israel   (01.16.10)
The crazies remain crazy, but normal people are calmed by Obama's steady, reasoning hand on the wheel. Let us just be vigilant against the half-baked spinners and their crazy agendas!
41. Protecting its people and borders is Israel's moral duty.
Ron B. ,   Lod   (01.16.10)
if America demands that Israel relinquish biblical territory, refrain from responding to the murder of its citizens, or cease building in the West Bank, Israel's reply should be "No." And if aid is thereby cut off (unlikely but possible), so be it. Protecting its people and borders is Israel's moral obligation. Maintaining close relations with America is not. Israel will not collapse without America as an ally. It can survive on its own or form alliances with other countries. More at : http://xrl.us/bex2jh
42. #7 yagoda-great post
mira ,   israel   (01.16.10)
and so very true. in my opinion it all comes from fear. american jews are the most cowardic jews. the sad part in all of this is-that we dont want them in israel as well.
43. obama is the worst thing that happened to the usa.
mira ,   israel   (01.16.10)
i am just so greatful for fox news and WND who watch him every step of the way, if it wasnt for them and others he would have destroyed america by now. i
44. First year. A loooong year.
GideonReader   (01.16.10)
ZerObama: Narcissist. Marxist. anti-American and anti-Israel, Arrogant. Kakistocratic, detached and most of all (thankfully) INCOMPETENT. Now for his negatives,......
45. you got it all up side down
Yoram ,   USA   (01.16.10)
I guess the differences in the hours between Israel and the US makes Sever Plocker see light when it's actually very DARK!!! It's mind boggling how a person as smart as Plocker is totally abelivient to the current reality in the US a year into the Obama ruling. The recent elections in NJ, Virginia, and the coming one in Mass serving as a strong evident that Plocker got EVERYTHING up-side-down!!! Wake up Sever and open your eyes to the truth and the reality!!!
46. #42 mira - they don't fear
Yagoda ,   Dixieland   (01.16.10)
I am of E. European Jew who is well acquainted with the tragic, bloody history of Bolshevism, the Yevsektsiya, and our primordial role in the spawning of Marxism. American Jewry - originally E.European and Russian Jews - were spared and sheltered during Holocaust, they kept on amassing money and influence unhindered, far removed from the heroic birth of Israel and the ensuing struggle. They inherited the Communist ideology from their parents and grandparents, they believe - as do most Communist - that they are the the vanguards of the New Man (!) the Leaders of Humanity, they must save the World which is "in bad shape." They are not afraid: they continued to believe in their crap even in the Gulags at E. Siberia: for Bolshevik Jews are fanatics! The problem lies in the fact that Americans tend to discover their insidious attempt to subvert the US into a neo-Bolshevik country and the pernicious repercussion will hit mainly the innocent Jews as usual. We are in the first stage: Bashing straight out the "JEWS" (sic) is still un-cool so the code word for it is "ISRAEL". Israel this, Israel that... Unless Hussein O. and his Jewish coterie is removed the word "Israel" will be replaced by "THE EVIL JEWS" - and very fast.
47. you all blind, Nobama took care for his
ghostq   (01.17.10)
own family from kenya to come to the usa, some without legal permits but to Haiti residences he so call give help cause he doesn't Haitian refugees coming to the USA. sick and distorted.
48. Obama did not disappoint
Tony ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (01.17.10)
Obama did not disappoint you, because you are not an American. Clearly, you have drunk the Kool-Aid. Wake up and smell the coffee!
49. Obama will be campaigning in Massachusettes Sunday.
Steven Wilson ,   Anchorage, Alaska   (01.17.10)
He finally had to send the female Clinton to Haiti to make it look like he cared slightly. It's rather funny he is campaigning while people are living in squalor with no food and water. ................................. And they called Bush unsimpathetic to the plight of the people in New Orleans. At least he showed up rather than campaigning for other Senators, while dropping the heavy lifting off on President Bush...President Clinton...and Clinton's mouthpiece for the White House "wife". Obama did give them ten dollars to play with. 10 dollars for 10 million Haitians. 100 million dollars. Fast food cash.
50. Tony from Raanana, good to see a sane voice...
BBSNews ,   Charlotte, NC   (01.17.10)
...President Obama was gob-smacked by the largest financial crisis since the Depression, and Bush jr had already started the massive bail-out, but the winguts forgot that. Add in the War on Iraq, that insane neocons engineered. Add in the War in Afghanistan. Mix with insane wingnuts who form bogus "tea-parties" that have everything but cross-burnings and effigy's of President Obama hanging from tree limbs, even though their race hatred is clear for all to see. We have the politics of personal destruction alive and well in the US much like Israel has it with Richard Goldstone being immediately labeled a "traitorous self-hating Jew" for telling the world the truth about Israel and Palestinian militant groups. Anyone who speaks or writes the truth to Israelis is suspect. The bubble of denial has gotten so think, it is hard to know what will ever penetrate the thick skull of Israeli denial.
51. 50# Why don't you get your self loving behind
Steven Wilson ,   Anchorage, Alaska   (01.17.10)
to Haiti......as well as the French.....and the President of the United States. ....................................................................... These people are stranded on an Island starving because of Britain.....France.....and the United States running slaves through the Carribean and leaving them there to die. The left has labeled Bush as a Neo Con for freeing 50 million Iraqi's at the expense of 4000 troops lives with a population of 300 million American citizens. .............We had 30 million people in the United States in 1861 with the start of the Civil War on April 12th. We lost 600,000 men freeing the slaves. Liberals are always talking about the wonderment of it all. We would have to lose 6,000,000 million soldiers to free the slaves with our population as of right now. But the liberals incessantly whine about the Iraq war. We freed them from slavery in Iraq and you meddle and whine. You are a hypocrite. Go down to the abortion Clinic and save the 4000 children they kill every day under the Liberal Parties Mantra of "you shall not live, if you are hidden away"! As for the Depression......it was created by both parties you fool. They stood by and robbed the United States of all its money and resources also. (www.usdebtclock.org) Both parties are a joke. This messiah who won't even go to Haiti to help....while he campaigns...is a joke. He might as well be spitting on the Haitians offering 10 dollars each to them. He had no problem helping every corporate whore in the United States get back on their feet. Where is he now?
52. See Israel, we have our wingnuts too! Alaska Steven...
BBSNews ,   Charlotte, NC   (01.17.10)
53. Wrong on every count
Sharona ,   Jerusalem Israel   (01.23.10)
Failed on health-care, failed in Copenhagen twice! Olympics for Chicage, bogus global warming Failed to force Israel to commit suicide, failed to keep unemployment at 8%, failed to create jobs, failing in Haiti, succeded in creating deficit far larger than Bush's, failed on national security by trying terrorists as convenience store robbers, failed by attacking the CIA as the enemy rather than the Islamic terrorists, lied about open government on C-SPAN, bribed senators to vote for the horrid healthcare bill, guaranteed the defeat of DEM candidates by stumping for them, put communists and incompetents from the Chicago machine in the WH. And the list goes on and on and on......Lame duck now and lame lame duck in NOV 2010.
54. This article
Don Ferrill ,   Greenwood USA   (01.23.10)
The writer of this article is an out of touch Obama loving LIBERAL and an idiot. Have a nice day. Don
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