Haiti sees 200,000 dead, fears violence
Reuters and AP
Published: 16.01.10, 07:55
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26 Talkbacks for this article
1. Giving money to a failed state is like
Al   (01.15.10)
pissing money down the toilet. Stop playing the game you want to save the world. Yesterday a one year old Jewish child suffered a severe injury in Israel thanks to those you love to have pity on.(Arab terrorists) Charity begins at home. Stop playing the save the world" putz and start looking after your own. As far as those dumb wade Israelis looking for adventure in the shit holes of the world..tell them in no uncertain words they are on their own. You owe them nothing...Look after your own.
2. looting of un????
i had no idea hamas was in haiti.
3. #1,2 Haitians need aid & security to prevent looting
observer   (01.15.10)
As Israel has the best experience, I suggest that the Israeli mission starts establishing road locks and border crossings.
4. Declare martial law
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (01.15.10)
and shoot looters on sight.
5. IF ...
IF WORLD POWERS DONT MAKE WORLD COUNTRIES POOR, THEY WOULD HAVE BETTER ECONOMIC POWER TO BUILD BETTER HOUSES. they would have systems ... they would have much education ... and deaths would be much less.
6. # 1
Birdi ,   Israel   (01.15.10)
Oh Avi do lighten up.The aid is for the people & not for the state. Show a bit of heart will you.
7. The "nice" and "peaceful" arab countries
Sarah   (01.15.10)
didnt even offer to send help to Haiti. God knows they have more than enough money from oil !!! Just like they never offered to help their Palestinian "brother"... Just goes to show you who is the bad guy in all this unfortunate and avoidable conflict is !!! The arabs r people whithout a heart (just look at how they treat women!!!).
...SUCH A SHAME   (01.15.10)
9. #8 Why surprised?
Nour ,   Palestine   (01.15.10)
That woman (Sarah) breathes hatred for Arabs. If a meteorite landed in Bolivia and killed thousands, she will still find the "Arab connection". What do you expect from her anyway, but ignorant, baseless and hateful commentary.
10. #7 WRONG Arab Countries Sent Aid
Nour ,   Palestine   (01.15.10)
Get your facts right and quit writing diatribe. I don't know about the rest of the Arab countries but Jordan DID send food and medicine last Thursday, in addition to a mobile military hospital to assist in search and rescue. You done with your narcistical escapade? Feel better now that you've done your daily bashing of Arabs and Palestinians? Now watch YNET censor this post!
11. Nour
Jane   (01.16.10)
Considering what you habitually say about Israel and Jews, I don't think you are in any position to speak about Sarah (that woman). Also, considering what is going on in the world, there often is an Arab/Muslim connection.
12. #8 atilla
why is turkey not sending anyone or any money to this poor country? to these poor people???? why is no arab country full of petro dollars and why IS NOT TURKEY SENDING ANYHTING TO HAITI? WHY??? you are too busy like all muslims and arabs in blaming the west for all your troubles. america and the west makes all your lives better, not worse. america and the west gives aid money so the countries you say are poor would do something about this poverty. INSTEAD, THE RULERS OF THESE COUNTRIES TAKE THE MONEY, ARE CORRUPT AND USE THE MONEY FOR THE REGIMES TO GET RICH...NOT A SINGLE PENNY OF THIS AID IS EVER GIVEN BY THE REGIMES TO ITS PEOPLE. stop blaming the west and start blaming and putting the blame where it the hands of these despotic and rtotaloitarian regimes who torture their people, who steal the aid money, whoo use the aid money to get rich and who abuse their people. DO NOT BLAME THE WEST FOR THE INCOMPETENCE AND GREED OF THESE DESPOTIC REGIMES. 1. hamas and plo used the billions in aid for military use, hate propaganda and terrorism. not a single palestinian life was made better by this aid. these organizations are corrupt and steal from those that needed the aid. look at how arafat got rich. look at how haniyeh got rich, at mashaal and at mahmood abbas. they have luxurious villas, travel all over the world WITH PALESTINIAN AID MONEY FROM THE WEST WHILE THE PALESTINIANS LIVE IN POVERTY. NOT A SINGLE INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECT HAS EVER BEEN BUILT IN GAZA OR WEST BANK. THEY STILL LIVE IN REFUGEE CAMPS. do not blame israel and the west for arab corruption. look at aid given to lebanon, to syria, to egypt. nothing is done for these citizens, but the regimes are rich! you know why???? not because the west wants to keep these people poor. it's because tghe regimes want to keep their citizens poor so that they will have full control over them. they keep people poor, in the dark, opressed, fearful of the regime and the state police and do not educate them....and you blame the west? you know why they don't use the aid to educate the people??? BECAUSE IF THE COMMON PEOPLE GET EDUCATED AND EXPOSED TO THE WEST AND WESTERN IDEAS AND EDUCATION, THEY WILL START TO QUESTION THE AUTHORITIES AND REGIMES. THEY WILL START TO REBEL AGAINST THE OPRESSION AND DEMnd better democracy. they will start to revolt against the despotic governments. listen to what el baradei said on al jazeera. "i am embarrassed with my arab brothers and arabs in general. they have acheived nothing and will never achieve anything. they are illiterate, full of fantasy and the glory of the past. they have not moved in centuries in the right direction..." el baradei said nothing about blaming the west. he puts all the blame AT THE ARAB AND MUSLIMS' FEET. and this is where it belongs. stop the pity party. stop blaming everyone else for your conditions. look at israel. did you ever ask yourself how a million jewish, but survived... people that were left burning and destroyed after the holocaust, but survived and went to palestine...HOW WERE THEY ABLE TO BUILD A SOCIETY, A PROSPEROUS COUNTRY WITHOUT ANY HELP, WITHOUT ANYONE GIVING THEM AID, WITHOUT ANYTHING. no one gave these jews money to do anything in israel. they did it on their own. and no one gave israel money when one million jewish people were expelled from arab lands and ran to israel. israel didn't keep them uneducated in refugee camps. they educated them and included them into the jewish israeli society. the jews did all this without american aid, without european aid and without any ngo's working on their behalf. and without any un or anrwa aid at all. they had nothing. but look what country they created. IT'S CALLED HARD WORK, A VISION, NOT A NEED TO DESTROY OTHERS, A HOPE TO BETTER THEIR LIVES AND RELY ON THEIR HARD WORK, HARD EFFORT AND AMBITIONS. hameed aboughaze, iranian
13. #9
the pot calling thekettle black. i assure you that i read all your commentary. it is 100% more vile, hateful and racists that anyone of sarah's. you are what i call the palestinian sob story, the propaganda mouth piece of lies and historical distortions to lend your political agenda some credibility. won't wash! and that, my sister, i am telling you as a muslim iranian who is intelligent enough to have read and seen it all. hameeda aboughaze, iranian hameed aboughaze, iranian
14. #10
i looked at the web site you produced. NOT A SINGLE NEWS ARTICLE REFERED TO JORDAN SENDING AID IN ANY SHAPE OR FORM. NOT A SINGLE ARTICLE REFERED TO THIS AID YOU CLAIMED WAS SENT BY JORDAN. NOT A SINGLE ONE. I SPEAK BOTH ARABIC AND ENGLISH AND SCANNED THIS WEB PAGE IN BOTH LANGUAGES. I BELIEVE YOU NEED GLASSES, SISTER. let's assume jordan did send aid, as you erroneously claim. is jordan considered ARAB COUNTRIES...with an s, of course. jordan is one arab country among some 57 muslim countries in the world. a single arab country sending aid, a single one, tell quite a lot about the mindset of most arab countries. DO YOU REALIZE THAT AT EVERY UN RESOLUTION, HAITI VOTES AGAINST ISRAEL AT THE UN???? and still, israel found it in her heart, as a small country besset by your islmic palestinian terror to master enough power and resources to send 200 doctors 150 military strategic rescue mission personnel 100 police men and idf rescue teams with sniffing dogs 20 tents for field hospitals that can treat 500 sick in one day they didn;t for one minute consider that haiti is always against them at the un. they did what they believe is humane and just, unlike all your fictitious claims to arab nations' help, including jordan. hameed aboughaze, iranian
15. Mad Max Real Life
Marcel ,   Florida   (01.16.10)
Man never learns from the past ! The world today including most Christians and Jews hate to face the reality that this is God's judgment. This is the real reason why Robertson is being bashed. Judgment in this amoral,perverted and godless world is a taboo subject. Even with all the aid the problem of 'sin' is never addressed by the blind humanitarians. A 35 second Quake will drain the resources of the world to aid the destitute people of Haiti. The great flood ended the violence and wickedness upon the earth. This time ,the tiny atom and famine,pestilence,wars and earthquakes.will put an end to the violence and rebellion against the Creator.
16. re: nour #9 and #10
samuel ,   israel   (01.16.10)
got it wrong, nour - people express frustration and even anger, not hatred, when they see their country surrounded by enemies in the arab world who call and work for its destruction (this you cannot dispute) and at the same time israel finds time and resources to send help to haiti. i understand jordan has sent aid and if so great, but what about the much wealthier gulf states? i haven't heard a blip. people see the oil wealth in the arab world and have expectations - which time and again it seems they fail to deliver. so people come to the conclusion that maybe it's a culture that says: i don't give a damn about others outside my family, my clan, let alone half way around the world. am i wrong? i look at large parts of the arab world and seems they garnered wealth and returned nothing but excess capitalism and depravity at best or global terror at worst. i'd be delighted to eat my words if i read tomorrow's headline: gulf states sending over $1 billion worth of aid, which is LESS THAN 1% of their combined assets in sovereign investment funds (over $1 Trillion) as reported in UK's telegraph, 28 Sept 2009.
17. haiti sees
debbie ,   israel   (01.16.10)
OBSERVER, You are such an ignorant ass. Israel has a democratically elected prime minister, and he will make the right decisions to do whatever it takes to protect Israeli citizens. That, after all, is the duty of any country's leader. It it takes road blocks and border crossings, as you put it, then that is exactly what we shall have. I dont' give a rat's ass if the roadblocks inconvenience the Arabs. If it keeps them from coming in and murdering israeli men women and children, so be it! If it keeps one more israeli citizen alive and safe, bring on the roadblocks! OBSERVER, I've noticed that all your comments are ignorant, ill informed, prejudiced and antagonistic.
18. to #9 and #10
Sarah   (01.16.10)
The arab countries r the richest countries and SHOULD help the haitians (i.e. the "infidels"). It's infuriating to know that the aid coming from these countries is minimal !!! They should do their share to make the world a little better 'cause they sure can!!!
19. wow, numbers ...
jerusalem   (01.16.10)
1 and 2 really show the "heart" of the israeli people. if #s 1 and 2 didnt say anything, it would at least have given people the benefit of the doubt. and look at #7. i dont understand why your trying to pass it to the arabs; just like arab countries should have plenty of money (at least they gave something(oil) for it-i.e. WORKED, rather than the charity case, israel) so does israel. I dont see any other country in the ME boasting of the most developed and in tuneness with being state of the art than israel. so israel has brought it upon itself. why dont you just blame the earthquake on the arabs? i dont know (in response for the "no heart") if you bothered to look at #'s 1 and 2, especially #1, thats all the ammo i despite your talkback, nice to see israel helping the "gentiles". kinda gives them a "human side" and an uplift to all the bad publicity. hope the press doesnt over do it, or else it'll go down in flames...
20. Guess which country will get stuck with rebuilding Haiti?
Cameron ,   USA   (01.16.10)
Once again, another failed state to rebuild from the bottom up. More fat to pull from the fire. Enormous amounts of work & finance on the US's back, with a mountain of badmouth and criticism from those sitting on the international sidelines. What a mess!
21. #3 What aid is your country sending?
Cynthia ,   USA   (01.16.10)
Instead of suggesting what the Israeli mission should do, let's hear about your country's contribution.
22. #16 Qatar sent aid, LOTS of it
Nour ,   Palestine   (01.16.10)
23. Cameron #20
Tahl ,   Ashdod, Israel   (01.16.10)
Rush Limbaugh said something similar, and criticized Obama for providing such massive help to Haiti mainly due to electoral considerations, among US minorities. The entire media was grilling him for it.
24. #22
again nour, i scanned all the qatari news sites in arabic. no, sister. qatar sent zero aid and lots of zero aid at that. cut the bull. no islamic country sent aid at all. none. go to the bbc news. they have a breakdown country by country of those that sent money and or personnel . not a single one is islamic or arabic, nor iranian and not turkish. now, that is a shame! stop your propaganda and lies. i speak arabic and i can read in both english and arabic. hameed aboughaze, iranian
25. #23
Cameron ,   USA   (01.16.10)
Oh, the UN, and other countries will make symbolic, token gestures, but, as always, Haiti and the world will look to the Yanks to shoulder the burden. And of course, we one else wants to be really entangled with that Caribbean basketcase.
26. #23 Read THIS
Nour ,   Palestine   (01.16.10)
You read Arabic? Perhaps you need a refresher course darling: How about English? Do you read English? Check your facts. Jordan, Qatar, and Lebanon sent aid to Haiti. Most Arab states to follow shortly, keep in mind the airfield in Port au-Prince can only take a few aircraft at time. Why so much hate for Muslims and Arabs?
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