PA: Peace talks cannot be revived
Ali Waked
Published: 24.01.10, 18:31
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46 Talkbacks for this article
31. To: No. 17
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (01.25.10)
Annex Judea and Samaria, and send the Arabs living there to Jordan -- they hold Jordanian citizenship, anyway. Compensate them for their property, let them take whatever they own (a generosity not extended to Jews who were expelled from Arab and Moslem lands), and bid them farewell. There really is no other way.
32. Pals despair?What Pal plan leaves Israel a Jewish majority?
Sam ,   Canada   (01.25.10)
Boo hoo! Pals despair about Jews in the West Bank and Pals despair about not being able to flood Israel with Palestinians. The fact is Palestinians reject any compromise. They believe that with 3 hundred million Arabs in the Mideast and 1.5 billion Muslims in the world they don't have to reach any agreement with Israel. They believe time and numbers are on their side and somebody will just make Israel go away. What they are despairing is that it is taking longer than they expected.
33. #30 My favorite NY'er Sarah
Cali Cal ,   Los Angeles, USA   (01.25.10)
beg to differ. The land in question was mandated to the Palestinians, excepting Jerusalem which was mandated as an international city under the UN auspices. The 67 war was not a defensive war as Israel themselves call it was a preemptive war, meaning Israel started the war. If arab territory is non-sovereign than so is jewish land, so are you saying if the Arabs eventually unify and attack Israel and reclaim Haifa, Askelon, Beersheeva, Jaffa, Lyyd, Acra, that you would agree that it is their right to keep the land? I mean it would only be fair, right?
34. #18 You can't steal what belongs to you. G-d gave ALL of
Bunnie Meyer ,   Los Angeles, CA USA   (01.25.10)
Israel to the Jews and not one square inch of Israel to even one arab. The UN is useless, certainly not as powerful or all knowing as G-d so the Jews will just keep occupying THEIR land.
35. finaly. reality. take over west bank, do what usa did in jap
ralph   (01.25.10)
japan after ww11. raise a new generation, teach them democracy then set them free.
36. Legitimacy.
Ron B. ,   Lod   (01.25.10)
"By 1920 the Ottoman Empire had exercised undisputed sovereignty over Palestine for 400 years. In Article 95 of the treaty of Sevres, that sovereignty was transferred to England in trust for a national homeland for the jews. The local Arabs had never exercised sovereignty over Palestine and so they lost nothing. Their rights were fully protected by a proviso in the grant: ' being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine...'. The proviso has been fully observed by the Israelis. Since 1950 the Arabs have built some 261 new settlements in Judea and Samaria — more than twice as many as the Jews, but you never hear of them. They fill them with Arabs from Lebanon, Egypt and Jordan and by the grace of God they become Palestinians. The Arabs call Judea "the West Bank' because they would look silly claiming that Jews are illegally living in Judea." More at :
37. To : No 31
victor   (01.25.10)
There is another way : the South African way. One state with all citizens equal whatever race they belong to, equal rights for all, and a reconciliation process between the colons and the indigens. Actually this is the only way. Making a difference between individuals based on race or religion is just something retarded.
38. I don't think Jordan wants to take over
Robert Haymond ,   Ashdod, Israel   (01.25.10)
the Westbank so that solution won't work unless the king and queen can somehow be convinced. Like Egypt with Gaza, Jordan recognizes the precariousness of taking in people which includes a population of Hamas sympathizers which could possibly disrupt its own (relatively)peaceful regime. Nour's posting makes sense in describing the reality of the current situation. The current situation sounds like what is known as a standstill. It will take two great leaders, one Palestinian and the other Israeli, to solve this conflict. Both leaders will have to be willing to sacrifice their own lives (assassination attempts) in order to solve the intractable problem between Israel and the Palestinians of the Westbank. Naturally, Palestinians in the Westbank wish to be governed by their own kind. This stands to reason. Israelis, on the other hand, need to have their own security needs met. This is crucial. And, as well, as Nour so incisively delineated, a Judenrein Westbank is not feasible. So right now we are both headed into ongoing misery, tied together as we are by a geography of fate.
39. To: No. 33
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (01.25.10)
The land in question was mandated to the British. By the way, did you know that the term "Palestinians" was always used to refer to the Jews living in Palestine? Arabs were always simply referred to as Arabs. That said, partition was intended to create two states in mandatory Palestine -- one tiny Jewish state and one much larger Arab state. While the Jews accepted partition, the Arabs did not, choosing to go to war instead. They lost. The territory that Israel acquired by virtue of its victory in the War of Independence was annexed by Israel. By the way, are you aware that the Arabs rejected the offer of a two-state solution twice since the initial partition vote in 1947? They are not interested in part of the land; they want it all. That isn’t going to happen. Ever. Arabs eventually unify? The Messiah will come long before that would ever come to pass. Has it escaped your notice that the Arabs are one fractious lot that cannot agree on the time of day, let alone present a united front against Israel? Moreover, they've tried it in the past and have lost each time, even against the fledgling State of Israel in 1948. However, your question fails in any event because Israel has concluded peace treaties with both Jordan and Egypt which changes the situation. Nonetheless, with a nuclear solution in its arsenal, how likely do you think Israel is to lose a conflict such as the one you suggest? Finally -- "reclaim?" Reclaim what? The land was purchased by the Jews from absentee Ottoman owners, whose land it was to sell. Palestine was never a country. Besides, there was never anything but a negligible Arab presence in the part of Palestine which makes up present-day Israel. That land was swampy and uninhabitable in the north; arid and inhospitable in the south. It did not become attractive to Arabs until the Jews drained the swamp, pushed back the desert, built cities, roads, and made this desolate and abandoned backwater of the Ottoman Empire a lush and fertile place. You really should acquaint yourself with the facts.
40. To: Ralph at No. 35
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (01.25.10)
Nice point. Why is it that everyone forgets that the United States did not return Iwo Jima to Japan until 1968 and Okinawa until 1972? Of course, the Northern Mariana Islands (including Saipan) remain under United States control to this day.
41. To: No. 37
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (01.25.10)
Israel has a unique identity as a Jewish state. The vast majority of even the most secular of Israeli Jews prefer it to remain that way. Extending Israeli citizenship to West Bank Arabs, which would be required were Israel to annex Judea and Samaria, would not change the Jewish majority, but it would threaten it. These Arabs have proven themselves time and again to be violence-prone and rejectionist. Until Israel built the security fence and no longer allowed West Bank Arabs full access to employment opportunities in Israel, terrorist attacks were a daily occurrence. As it is, the attacks have not ceased; they’ve been thwarted. There is a difference. The thirty-odd Palestinian organizations with a presence in the West Bank each have charters which call for the destruction of the State of Israel and the extermination and/or expulsion of the Jewish people. These same organizations adamantly refuse to acknowledge the right of the State of Israel to exist in its ancient homeland. The Arabs have gone to war six times, and have engaged in over sixty years of unrelenting terror in a futile effort to undo their 1947 mistake in rejecting partition. Certain choices cannot be undone, and the Palestinians just have to learn to live with the consequences of the choices they have made – just like every other country in the world. It would be daylight madness for Israel to allow the cancer that is the West Bank Palestinians into its body politic. Moreover, six wars, all of them initiated (and lost) by the Arabs, and the history of Palestinian terror not only against Israel but against Jewish targets throughout the world, cannot be overlooked. Please keep in mind that the Palestinians have rejected the offer of a two-state solution on two occasions following their initial rejection of partition in 1947. The Palestinians are not interested in two states. They are interested in one Judenrein state. That is why they have consistently refused to repudiate their vile charters. That is why they have consistently refused to recognize the right of the State of Israel to exist. The Jews are not "colonizers." The land belongs to them. The Palestinian Arabs for the most part hail from the Hejaz in the Western Arabian desert. Others come from present-day Syria; still others from Egypt. Some come from Iraq and some come from as far away as the Balkans. The Jews are indigenous to the region; everyone else is an interloper, squatting on land which has never been -- and is not now -- theirs. Jordan – carved out of Palestine by the British in 1920 to soothe the ruffled feathers of Feisal’s baby brother Abdullah, who wanted to be a king just like his big brother – extended citizenship to all Arabs and their progeny living in the West Bank in 1950. It is not as if there is no place for them to go. Jordan is the logical place for them to go, because Palestinians are the majority of the population in Jordan. By the way – asserting differences among people may be “retarded” (I disagree), but it has been the way of humankind since the first humanoid stood upright on two legs some three or four million years ago. That is why countries (ethnicities/nationalities) and religions evolved in the first place – to set themselves apart in some way. Just look at the United States – people aren’t simply “American.” They are Polish-American, Irish-American, Italian-American, German-American, African-American, Arab-American Native American, Hispanic-American – and Jewish (we’re the only identifiable group that asserts its identity by religion), et cetera, et cetera. Do you consider them all to be “retarded?”
42. no3
hebrew prophet ,   israel   (01.25.10)
The two state solution was mandated back in May 1948 ,Matty Groves ,it,s now January 2010 ,so are you mentally retarded or just plain and simple stupid?
43. no 25
hebrew prophet ,   israel   (01.25.10)
Go away fool.
44. no33
hebrew prophet ,   israel   (01.25.10)
You speak with forked tongue Cali ,so how do you propose that Arab/Palestinian peasants take up arms and conquer Israel ,as for your translation abilities stick to reading comics as you sound like one?
45. no39
hebrew prophet ,   israel   (01.25.10)
Philistia ,the Roman name given to ancient Israel at the time of Judah and the Maccabees ,after the Emperor,s wifes name,a common custom of the Roman enmpire centuries before Islam and the Ottoman/Turk empire ,facts not wishy washy Arab fantasy.
46. Sarah #41
Resistor   (01.25.10)
How can white European jews be "indiginous" to the Middle East? They are not, and you are not! However, you are a typical part-time Israeli, whose "holiday house" you only frequent when the natives are not restless.
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