Did Russians save Israel?
Tani Goldstein
Published: 07.02.10, 07:46
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31. 30#,Rich, Did you do a scientific study?
Judah ,   Golan Heights,ISRAEL   (02.09.10)
No, I did not do a scientific study of all 7.5 million Israelis and ask if everybody is happy. Did you do such a study??? All I know is that my wife and I are immigrants from two different countries(Ukraine and Canada) and we are both happy here. So are my neighbours and family members. As for "selfish" you must mean yourself. Just because you did not have what it takes to make it in Israel this now causes you to become bitter and send to Ynet anti-Israeli emails. Not everyone fails like you and runs back to Toronto.
32. To #s 10 & 11 Outside of the fact
jason white ,   afula,israel   (02.09.10)
that my parents ,greandparents and great grandparents were married in Jewish ceremonies, we belonged to three different shuls at different times, kept all the holidays, had a kosher home, I had a brit, Bar Mitzvah and was married by a Rabbi. I also attended Hebrew school three times a week for seven years. I guess that would make me enough Jewish.I also demonstrated for JEWS to leave the f.s.u. for five years. As for Valery, I have my university degree that I earned and not bought. I served in the I.D.F. for 22 years. What about you? I know personally a guy from the ukraine that converted to islam and married a Beduin from Shibli. We had another girl from Afula Illit that married an arab from Dabburiya. It was in the local papers. She converted and did not want to serve in the I.D.F. I forgot top mention the woman who lives about 100 meters from me.She was from the ukraine and had a baby with an arab. Go into arab villages and walk around. You may hear a few women speaking with russian accents. You should take your head out of the ground and look around. You seem to be afraid of seeing and hearing the truth. You are the one with the taliban head and imaginary world.
33. #32
Arthur ,   SF, CA   (02.09.10)
Sorry to say - there are quite a few sabras who married arabs. It has nothing to do with their desire to serve or not to serve in the Tzahal. Just look at Yad LeAhim website.. So much for that. You can be 100% sure that the grand and greatgrandparents of all the olim from FSU were married in the same traditional Jewish marriage as were yours. And if you were lucky to have a chance to go to a Hebrew school - Jews in Russia were raped by the soviet regime. Rabbis and melameds were either killed or exiled; all the Jewish schools were closed in the late 30's. All that doesn't make them less Jewish than you. One of the Hassidic masters once said - that in order to pull another Jew out of the misery/dirt - you have to descent there yourself. That is the ahavat Israel. BTW - my last visit to Hebron - I was very happy to see plenty of Russian kids in the IDF uniform guarding Mahpelah. I spoke to them at length - I wish every Jew would show that much dedication and love to the Land of Israel as they do.
34. Did Russians save Israel?
Rina ,   Haifa   (12.22.10)
I don't know under what rock Mr.Zeira lived last 20 years, but I think he is the person, who arrogantly didn't want to see anything positive, which came from Russian Jewish. When I came to Israel in 1993 Israel economic was not in it best. There were no many business,which could work with Russian speaking people. There were no shops with Russian food, there were no many book stores, with books in Russian, there were no Russian speaking clerks in banks or any other offices. An only places where were enough people, who speak Russian were kupat holims and hospitals. Where would be Israel today if 70% doctors and nurses wouldn't be from Russia? I don't say where would be Israel sabras if Russian Jewish would not buy or rent their old apartments? Many of them became very rich by renting their old apartments to olim me Russia. Before 1989 there were not even apartments for rent. In 1993 not many people even in the cities like Haifa have Cable TV. For me it was a shock to found that having TV was luxury. In Ukraine we have TV from the day I was born and I was born in 1955. TV was a first electronic device we bought. I would not even talk how Israel education system improved because of Russian Jewish citizens. I don't need to prove my Judaism to anyone. I am Jewish by blood. my mother grand mother, grand-grandmother were Jewish. I don't need religion to prove who I am. Some Jewish people concentrate their attention on Judaism more, than on Jewish people or Israel itself. I can understand in the past, when Jewish people didn't have their own country and were in minority they needed a strong religion to keep them together. But now where we already have our country maybe we should pay more attention to Jewish people(doesn't matter from what country they are) and not to religion. Because being Jewish by converting in Judaism and being Jewish by blood is a different thing. Person can change religion, but they never can change or erase their blood. Just delusional person, who live in la la land can't see how more than 1 million Russian Jewish changed Israel for best.
35. The professor also says that Israel's education system is be
Sam ,   NYC   (12.22.10)
What a lying sack o' dreck!!! :))))
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