Jewish Scene
Neturei Karta: IDF Purim costumes worse than Nazi uniforms
Kobi Nahshoni
Published: 25.02.10, 07:37
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44 Talkbacks for this article
31. Big Question regarding Nutarei Karta
Lou ,   Deal, USA   (02.25.10)
My big question is what religion Nutarei Karta ? They hardly resemble Judaism other than the way they dress. The break one of the ultimate commandments by wishing death to Jews, so they cannot be a part of the Jewish nation
32. Traitors!!!
Phoenix ,   Israel   (02.25.10)
Neturei Karta are Goim!!!!!! Goim in Jewish dress. Wolves among us. Kofrim!
33. Jewish game of chasing monsters & there are none
Convert   (02.25.10)
It is amazing how Israeli's run around making monsters out of honest good people and then play a game of plastic spy army men. Except these are now grown men. Everbody lives in a box of a cult fighting shadows and feeling ligitimized in their evil deeds. Like something out of Kfar the movie, they do not realize the enemy that make believe is real is only a figment of a cult imagination ment to box Hebrews into a mind control cult. When will these 8 year mental midgets see THERE ARE NO MONSTERS. Honsetly Grow UP! Friars! Israelis are the only ones who can make a person getting a cup of coffe into a monster conspiracy. I guess it is an atempt to fill the emptiness of not really doing Torah and loving G-d. That or the oppression leaves them with cult dreams of superiority where none exists. Fight the shadows or youll fade away? Invisible souls, four generations, and loss of identity? Are you for real? Seriously? Go play with dolls.
34. NaturiKarta
David ,   Quito Ecuador   (02.26.10)
I dont like them, I dont agree witht them, but I dont understnad what is the fuss. How many Naturei KArta are there? how can anybody be so stupid to think that all Haredim are represented by this groop of extremists? Unless they have found a way to express their hatred of Haredim through Naturei Karta, nad BTW they take no money from Israel.
35. L in Elad
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (02.26.10)
They are maybe charidi , but you are Israeli Jewish Charidi . A big differeence regarding this question . חג פורים שמח
36. Listen to the NK, hear what they are saying...
Jake ,   USA   (02.26.10)
They believe (like Hamas, Hezbollah, Syria & Iran) that Israel is an evil regime, plotting to take over the world. They sing songs about blotting out Amalek, as they burn Israeli flags in Brooklyn & upstate NY. Sick? Repulsive? Traitors? Yes, absolutely. But more importantly, they are mentally ill. They believe the propaganda that inspires the most vile anti-semites on the planet. The protocols of Zion would be a best seller in their communities, if it were written in Yiddish.
37. 33 , honest good people ?
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (02.27.10)
There is one voice here not condemning those "rejects" , a "convert" . It says enough about you . The same as those NK , not Jewish
38. #44 condeming rejects
Convert   (02.27.10)
Where to you get the idea I am not condeming you? "That's not jewish" is an expresssion used by people who do not know the answers to the simplest of questions, can't explain their bad actions, and choose to be a lump of the masses rather than engage a single brain cell. Brainwashed. It is saying I am too dumb to know these things- only scholars do, so rather than read or think I opt for defemation of character and grand standing glory statements to defend my ridiculous stance. You hope you can win the argurment by being simply Jewish and therefore you don't have to be right or righteous? I't won't work. People will hate such frauds and then project it on all Jewish people and antsemitism will grow to throw us from our beds at night. We'll that is not "Jewish" and if it is then being Jewish is not Torah. Certainly not choose life Torah anyway. I dont condome the lot of it and if my being "not Jewish" enough as a convert to persecute unrighteously others makes me a monster in your imaginary Jewish world and I don't play make-believe good enough, well so be it. Yes Charles, I am your make believe monsters of the day. Grrrr! Judaism will crumble because I think and speak. The Monster goyim ghost will breach the Kafar perimeter, so swallow the cult teachings of imaginary mosnters will get you and stay fenced in as a Hebrew mind slave? Little children with mental midget mentalities in the bodies of grown ups. Go play with dolls Charles. At least they are not as invisible as your so called Jewish soul.
39. A convert can't be a Jew ,
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (02.27.10)
only a follower of the Jewish faith . To become a Jew there are some generations needed . I won't receive you as belonging to my , not your , people . The same as those NK's who think they are Jews , but are'nt for me and for most sane Israelis , seculars to religious and ultra Orthodox . Those NK"s only pollute our country . And you , a so called convert who does NOT obey the Shabbat law by writing a talk back today . A fake guy , that's what you are .
40. costumes?
Lisa   (03.01.10)
Nazi costumes? something is wrong here- I am sure the wearing of costumes is supposed to be fun- like carnival or Fasnacht- wearing soldiers uniforms, Nazi uniforms etc- sounds just plain sick!
41. Lisa , is that your "christian education"
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (03.02.10)
That says that boys , who anywhere in the world like to play "war games" , are sick by wearing "soldier uniforms" ?
42. #40 Charles
Lisa   (03.03.10)
it has NOTHING to do with christian or any religion. Any parent who dresses little children as soldiers and gives them weapons on a supposedly fun holiday or celebration, has a sick mind. Can't they find costumes that are REALLY fun and suitable for children? Isn't there enough violence in everyone's lives? Do we need it on a holiday too? A costume party is not a war game played by little boys in the streets....this is a dress up occasion. If you find this 'normal' , then you are too far gone already to understand- .
43. #18 NK are not Jews?
Lisa   (03.03.10)
ok- I repeat after you: NK are not Jews- so? Then pray tell- what are those traitors and sickos doing in Israel? Why are they tolerated? Why do they get any support and services? Why do they get publicity? Why does Israel allow them to smear the name of country? Why are they allowed to burn the Israeli flag? All I hear is talk, yak, yak, yak- these people act like the worst anti-semites and enemies of the State- and they are still your 'brothers'- because they are Jews? Is there no end to this stupidity?
44. 42 lisa
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (03.04.10)
You take it much to seriously . Only because of your christian education you want to criticise something you can't understand . Don't you know that boys like to play "war games" ? That little boys want to look as theire "heroes" do ? be it an astraunot , a jet pilot or IDF soldier .
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