Is partition still possible?
Yaron London
Published: 25.02.10, 18:43
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31. #16 Michael NY
Sami ,   Lebanon   (02.26.10)
Before the 1982 Israeli invasion for Lebanon Hizbollah didn’t exist. The birth of this organization was the result of that invasion and the 20 years occupation of the south part of Lebanon where the majority are Muslim Shiite , Hizbollah supporters. Israel invaded Lebanon to get ride of the Palestinian fractions and PLO and unconsciously created stronger and well organized enemy. As you can see the invasion back fired.The Israeli actions are the roots for the all growing extremism. You destroyed our relatively secular societies and we have to live now with al-queda and alike threat. The same story with the Iraqi invasion .America tumbled Saddam Hussein for fictive reasons although he was ready to cooperate in his last days ,and ended up now with more problem and stronger opponent Iran. So the invasion is backfiring again. Invaded Afghanistan to get ride of Taliban . Pakistan is fallen apart now , wich is more serious problem and Taliban are coming back t power anyway. Again backfiring policy. :Looks like America is loosing slowly the whole Middle East listening to Jewish thinkers in the previous Bush administration like Richerd Pearl ,Wolwovitz ,and the enterprise new conservative institution ideologists. Georgia got the same faith when his newbie president Skashvilliy put his hands with the Israeli expert look where he ended up. Don’t know where the next invasion will be and who is coming to power? Not a pro Israeli or pro American most likely. I know for facts the log live Arab Presidents ,Kings ,princes ,dictators are holding the power n the last straw .America don’t want to loose them as soon as they continue to serve its agenda.
32. democracy vs Jewish History
moshe ,   Tivon   (02.26.10)
Why is it that the number of Jews are counted or miscounted to evaluate whether the Jew / Pal ratio is " democratic". How is that statistic different from the Catholic / Protestant ratio in say England or the Alawi/ Sunni / Shiite ratio in Syria ? One answer is that the non-Jewsih world of regards: 1. Jewish-Israelis as just another a religious denomination when it comes to allocating political power in Israel 2. Israeli-Jews as just another people when it comes to proportional power over the land. The problem is that the JEWS that built modern Israel had other reason TOO, that can not be applied to Syria or Great Britain: 1. modern JEWISH HISTORY that has shown with 6,000,000 deaths what happens when there is NO ISRAEL 2,ancient JEWISH HISTORY which reveals the Jewish heritage in Israel, and the miiitary enforced Exile. moshe
33. to Sami
concerned citizen ,   Jerusalem   (02.26.10)
Sami, are you saying that Israel should treat its Arab citizens and Palestinians the way Lebanon treats Palestinians and then we'll be secure?
34. fallen from grace sami no6
moshe ,   petaktiva   (02.26.10)
what you say describes most countries in the world, wether or not you see the checkposts guards etc they are still there looking into every aspect of your life, and most modern societies are very violent and crime is prevalent. what im saying is within your heart how can you say hariri rest in peace?
35. Is the hanging of treasonous journalists still a possibility
eran ,   haifa   (02.26.10)
36. #29 Dr. L Brnd
Sami ,   Lebanon   (02.26.10)
29 We didn’t expel any Lebanese jew and stop this Bul.shit propaganda. Jew lived in Lebanon in prosperity and wealth and peacefully among other religious sects. For your info till now we have small Jewish community over here and there is a project of construction for a synagogue ongoing now but it is not advertised for security reason. Jews were good till the Zionist idea invaded their mind and corrupted their conscience. Through out the history only among Arab, Jews lived in peace. Since Faraon time Jew were prosecuted here and there. During Roman time ,in Europe , Spain, Germany ,Russia were pogrom after pogrom took place except in Arab countries .During WWII Arabs in North African countries helped Jews escaping the Nazi Germany and hided them among themselves .Probably most Jewish historian know these facts but it is not in your benefit to admit it. Give me one prove that Jews were mistreated in Arab country before the Arab-Israeli conflict started. This is another failed Zionist propaganda that Jews were excelled from Arab land so here we have Palestine in exchange. This won’t work. Arabs opposed any Jewish immigration to Israel . Arab Jews left by their own will , nobody force them to leave. The still existing Jewish community in Morocco ,Yemen are they forced to stay there ?Are they locked in like use to be before in the previous Soviet Union where all the Western countries pressured Gorbachev to release their immigration and all is concerned about how much the Jews are discriminated in Russia? Now what? after they fulfilled the paradise trip to Israel and faced the reality of “the land of return “,most of them returned back to Russia ,Ukraine …etc…making not bad businesses and we discover that all these stories about Jewish discrimination all over the world is a full crap Zionists propaganda. Cheer :)
37. Gosh, just be done with it already...
BBSNews ,   Charlotte, NC   (02.27.10)
Attack Iran, get decimated, get forever ostracized. There is no real Israeli L E A D E R .
38. 31
zionist forever   (02.27.10)
In 1991 the US intentionally didn't topple Saddam because there was nobody better tho replace him with and they didn't want to see another post WW1 situation where they toppled the strong man and then got something worse. At the end of WW2 they intentionally left the empror in power but with less power so Japan kept its figurehead and its because there was no figurehead to look up to for leadership which is one of the reasons that a political organization like the Nazis came to power. Saddam Hussain had been kept in power but controled after the first war so he was no threat to his neighbors only his own people & the west wasn't to concerned about them only Saddams oil rich neighbors and to make sure the Iraqi oil flowed via the oil for food program. Wheres 1991 was about liberating Kuwait the second Iraq war was sold on the idea of WMDS the US believed he may or may not have had ( Iraq was a closed society & Saddam secretive ).\ It was also sold on the idea of morality America saving the poor Iraqis from the evil Saddam Hussain so there was no leaving him in power to create stability. Iraq has never experienced democracy before. It started as tribal provinced, then after WW1 the British united the place into a single country ruled by a king, then the Baathists took over. It should have been obvious Iraqis were not ready for democrcay they should have installed some kind of constitutional monarchy to have the final say in everything. Nationalize the national industries especially oil try sell the idea we want to use this for the good of all Iraqis. Its not the American way but socialist policies are more stable & patriotic than free market capitalism. Give them phased democracy and capitalism. One of the reasons early zionism was so succesfull is it was socialist. Things like the kibutz everybody worked for the good of rhe community. If Sunnis & Shias were working together for te good of all Iraqis there would be less killing more working. I know its not that simple the US has handled Iraq wrong from the start. They thought they were going to be welcomed as heros like they were in France during WW2 They were thinking like westerners liberating a western country. In Afghanistan the basic objective of driving out Al Quaida was achieved. The problem is they misunderstood the Taliban. Just like Iraq in the 90s they should have driven out the Al Quaida then done a behind the scenes deal with the Taliban possibly power sharing agreement with the new government if they dont gave the terrorists a safe haven Again what got in the way was democracy and the idea of liberation. Morral goals but better to treat them like children. You know what your eventual goals but you want stability as primary concern and overnight full democray & capitalism won't bring that.
39. depends
Nimrod ,   Baghdad-Iraq   (02.27.10)
If israel feels that it is growing weak and its security can only be attained through partition then there is no option, I am applying this theory as I feel emotionally close to this issue, as my country Iraq is in a similar situation although our dilemma is more complex. If not and if you have the upper hand then I say the alternative state in Jordan and the majority in Jordan are Palestinians so just resettle them there.
40. #2 chaim
dez ,   eu   (02.27.10)
It was partioned in 1947 and Israel has been illegally occupying the Palestinin half since 1967. Palestinians will not leave their homeland, besides they don't have duel citizenship like most Israelis.
41. 39
zionist forever   (02.27.10)
The idea of selling jordan as the palestinian state should have been pushed for decades ago. If Jordan had welcomed the palestinians of Judea & Samaria as citizens it would have overthrown Arafat and the PLO. Jordan is a big country, it has recources, a stable economy and has a stable leadership. What was needed was a bribe. Jordan has money but its not a rich country. If they had done a deal with King Hussain an international fund would have been created to provide funds for absorbing the palestinians and extra as payment for agreeing to accept the proposal. Once the behind the secret deals are done then get the international community to publicaly support this idea and Israel would say nothing on the record. Then possibly create a pro state in Jordan to try topple the PLO. It should have been sold as a solution to the paestinian problem and Israel should have been kept out of it as much as possible because what Israel wants the arabs don't want. I think it still might be possible to sell that idea if the behind the scens work is done with Jordan then introduce a new political party who says a palestinian state is ideal but lets consider the advantages and disadvantages. Possibly Israel could return some territory to Jordan and annex the rest the palestinian residents though being Jordanian citizens. They can be given some kind of long term residency permit to live in whats now Israeli territory and they cannot be forced to leave as long as they obay the law. It solves all problems overnight No Giving land to create a state thats not viable. No problems with settlements All palestinian political movements disolved overnight replaced by a single leader who has authroity to speak for all. Arabs are citizens of Jordan but as long as they obay the law they can continue living in whats now legally Israel. Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, Amman is the capital of Jordan so no messing around dividing the city between 2 countries. All be done on paper all thats needed now is a will and then to sell the idea.
42. 40
zionist forever   (02.27.10)
The 1947 partition plan never went as the UN planned because of the war of independence. The partition plan gave the arabs 49% and Israel 51% of mandate Palestine. The arabs didn't accept and invaded and mostly on advice of invading arab armies they locals left planning to return later after the jews had been driven into the sea as they had been promised. Unfortunatly for them it didn't work that way. When the war was over the ceasefire left Israel with 78% of Palestine & west Jerusalem when the city was divided for the first and last time in its history. Jordan got the remaining 22% + east Jerusalem from which is expelled all the jews. Egypt got Gaza, In 1967 Israel LEGALLY captured the remaining 22% of mandate Palestine along with east Jerusalem and Gaza Resolution 242 makes no mention of palestinians or palestibian state. It doesn't even demand or expect Israel to return everything it captured it was expected Israel would keep some land but it would be worked out betwen Israel & individual states. Resolution 181 is out the window... why do you think the UN has never told Israel to give the arabs the 27% extra it captured in the war which would have been allocated to the arab state. Making Jordan the arab state is not the politically correct solution but long term its the ONLY viable option because a state in at best 22% of palestine with a growing population, shortage of land, no shortage of things like water, limited business oportunities because of both lack of land and recources avalible to it. It will be a state in 2 halves & israel will probably control the airspace. Give it 5-10 years & the arabs will be back for more because what they have isn't good enough for their long term needs. It will be more like a semi autonomous area of Israel but all the decisions on a national level are made by Israel. Once the celebrations are over it just won't be viable.
43. Partition Jordan, Iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia, etc.
Yacov ,   Chicago   (02.28.10)
Of course partition is still possible. The 22 Arab countries, with a land area the size of the continental United States, could be partitioned to make a homeland for the Arab Palestinians. Israel welcomed the hundreds of thousands of Jews ethnically cleansed from the Arab countries. These Jews were welcomed into the tiny Jewish Homeland of Israel. Why shouldn't Jordan, Iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia and the other Arab countries be partitioned to make a homeland for the Arab Palestinians?
44. # 8
J.K. ,   Brooklyn USA   (02.28.10)
Sami ! Lebanon is highly respected by the world,since the quisling Nasaralla made Lebanon a Vassal of the Ayatollas in Iran.
45. #18 Mike: You are WRONG!
Isaac ,   Newark USA   (02.28.10)
Mike, you are entitled to your opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts. Israel has no recognized borders? WRONG: 2 peace treaties with Egypt and Jordan with those borders mutually recognized; the border with Lebanon is internationally recognized. The border between Israel & a future Palestine is yet to be negotiated. All Israelis have dual citizenship? WRONG! Most do not. Which poll are you referring to? Name it cite it before making a claim like that.
46. There have already been 3 partitions.
Kyle ,   Southpark, CO, USA   (02.28.10)
First Partition in 1920, creating a "National Homeland for the Jews. Second Partition in 1923, taking away 80% of the first Partition to create a kingdom for the Hashemite tribe of Mecca, after the Brits screwed up and gave away the Arabian peninsula to the caravan-robbing Gang of Saud. Third Partition, in 1947, creating Jewish and Arab states out of what was left after the Hashemite tribe grabbed their chunk. The Arabs didn't want any Partition, they wanted all of it, and no Jews. The Arabs will not be satisfied with any "Partition" that allows Jews to remain, anywhere.
47. Future will see 3 Pal states
Futurist ,   Paris, France   (02.28.10)
Within the next 75 years, there will emerge three Palestinian states, one in Gaza and West Bank, one in Jordan, and a third one as an autonomous region in Israel proper. What Palestinians need now is peace and economic development, let time takes care of the rest.
48. #2 got it right, #3 your hearts in the right place...
Brian ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (03.02.10)
...but apparently you are not aware of the reality here, sounds nice though, see #5 he explains, #8 actually Israel is probably the greatest success story of any nation ever, and doing quite well, Lebanon on the other hand is doomed, everything you wrote is nonsense and untrue, where do you get your information? Or did you just make all that up? Nice try though doofus.
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