Jewish Scene
Hershkowitz: Evolution does not contradict religion
Kobi Nahshoni
Published: 05.03.10, 09:36
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24 Talkbacks for this article
1. Hitler followed American eugenicists' forced sterlization
observer   (03.05.10)
Hitler commonly and throughout life referred to himself as a Christian. He peppered his personal and public communications with biblical references and affirmations of his faith. Hitler believed in Jesus, he believed in Christianity and he believed - much like Abraham willing to sacrifice his own son - that he was doing the Lord's work. "Without doubt the chancellor [Hitler] lives in faith in God. He recognizes Christianity as the foundation of Western culture.", Cardinal Faulhaber said. Hitler told his fellow Nazis that he closely followed American eugenic legislation. “I have studied with great interest the laws of several American states concerning prevention of reproduction by people whose progeny would, in all probability, be of no value or be injurious to the racial stock.”
2. evolution is an ideology without scientific proofs
3. #2 Totally wrong
Stan ,   USA   (03.05.10)
Hitler was a pagan, Nazism was a pagan movement. Christianity was effectively outlawed amongst the party, with christian holidays actually being tossed off the nazi calendar for neo-pagan celebrations and he constantly debased it as being in the way of what they called progress. If you think Hitler was Christian you have no idea about his history.
4. Cientific progress
Ariel ,   São Paulo - Brazil   (03.05.10)
When you're sick, you turn to a rabbi or a doctor to heal? Or both? Depending on your answer, we can consider whether you believe in Darwinism or more in the Bible. In any event, all scientific achievements, medical, and others are directly related to scientific progress, which in turn has nothing to do with religion. Or you have seen a country dominated by religious make scientific progress??
5. To #1
M. Hartley ,   Atlanta, US   (03.05.10)
I could sit here all day long, spout whatever chapters and verses would suit my agenda the best and it wouldn't make me a believer. Hitler, aside from the fact that he was no Christian, was a monster, regardless of what he believed. Stalin, in the name of another ism, was just as bad and, according to the Old Testament, the new and improved God of the ancient Hebrews had been no slouch, either, when it came to the occasionally senseless and cruel smiting. Maybe humanity would be better off without religions, simply accepting the possibility that evolution is three steps forward, two steps back, with all the corrections and adjustments never being very pleasant. To put it simplistically, a kid doesn't understand the concept of hot until he's stuck his hands into or onto a burning object and, hopefully, learns that he shouldn't do that again. Unfortunately, humans as a group, in contrast to the aforementioned kid and to most viruses, seem to be slow learners.
6. "The Torah certainly speaks obscurely of Creation"
Josh   (03.05.10)
The book written by an unknow author (fails as a prophet) know as berashit (genisis) has two stories mixed into one. One where animals are created first and man afterwards and one where man is first and animals are afterwards. One where man and woman were created together and one where she was later created from a rib.(cloning?) Regardless, if the book is taken on the face, no we did not come from monkeys, rather Adam named the monkey which was created after him not before, or was it before? The idea of creation is now more valid in that even a being slightly more advanced than current mankind (who are infants at understanding genetics), is much more likely an explanation for species that work as a system than random mutation. Why? Because man is already making new species. We are the latest creationists. Other than basic bacteria and viruses, we have not seen species create themselves. When I see a new bird come out of a chicken egg I will buy Darwins theory. I will go with a scientific creator called G-d first.
7. Evolution vs. Creationism
Mikesailor ,   Miami, FL   (03.05.10)
Creationism is based upon faith, nothing more.As such, there is no amount of knowledge or empirical fact which can overcome this belief.It is the reason why religion is such an awful basis for government. If one has 'faith' in the absolute rightness of their belief, then how can one modernise, adapt or forge compromises even when reality points another way? Evolution, however, is a scientific theorem which is based upon empirical observation of the natural world. It continually occurs in the natural world. Why and how do 'drug resistant' strains of viral or bacterial infections arise? Because God willed it so? Or because the microbes self-select the resistant strains and reproduce in order to ensure their survival? Through the process of 'natural selection', those strains which mutate to resist the drugs are allowed to reproduce while those that don't face extinction. The conflating of religion, ie. faith, with science, ie. reality, is a truly ridiculous idea. How would you explain to an illiterate peasant living thousands of years ago that the earth was not the center of the Universe, or even our solar system. Unfortuantely, too many of our modern compatriots would still rather believe comfortable myths rather thean empirical reality.
8. Something from nothing?
moishe ,   usa   (03.05.10)
Although there is much proof from Darwin and others as to the specialization of a new species from another similar species(comes from the same word), there is no proof on the origination of life, or major changes in an animal. Just like religion, you must accept a lot on faith. To assume that you can get life from nothing. That the force of Entropy (things falling apart) will somehow cease to exist, is not only a jump of faith but is illogical. Darwins theory still requires creation, at least even in the beginning. Life comes from life...that is the only truth that we have evidence for.
9. Important comments by this man
(03.05.10) is very clear in the Talmud especially that the creation narrative in Bereshit is directly written in an obscure way. The Torah was written to teach man what G-d wants him to DO. Our creation is a small fact, and that is why it is given such a small portion of the Torah to explain, a mere few paragraphs. These Darwinists however are fools, they mock religous people for having absolute faith in something which cannot be scientifically proven, yet they believe WITH absoluteness in the theory of evolution, which is just a theory, even they don't know the exact mechanics of how man came into existence. It cannot be proven. I think its a shame that believers in G-d, Jews and Gentiles have been trying to dispute these Darwinists, the truth is we don't know for certain the exact nature of creation and our religions have NEVER believed in the creation story as of more than minor importance.
10. Scientists
Marilyn ,   USA   (03.05.10)
Sure I could say I'm scientific and therefore go along with the crowd and this theory. However who upon actually reading about it actually agrees with most of it? I'd have to say very few people. So it's like might as well be real like this guy whom they are wanting to fire.
11. # 5 M. Hartley
Sagi   (03.05.10)
As usual you have my full support. Religion is the bane of humanity. To be very curt and concise, albeit impolite, it is the biggest load of crap ever invented by Man. I have spent my entire life trying to understand the reason for this invention. What makes Man feel the necessity for "Gods" and the "prophets" and "sons" that he sent down from heaven to instruct us on how to conduct ourselves. Why is heaven "up" and "hell" down. Are "good" and "bad" not relative to one's social orientation rather than to what a "prophet" decided. We are a very strange species indeed, so irrational when we should be just the opposite because intellect is what makes us different from other species and intellect should give us the power to analyze and conclude that spirituality and metaphysics are nonsense.
12. Evolution
R. Tippel ,   Sout Africa   (03.05.10)
Intellect is indeed what makes us different from other species and intellect gives us the power to analyze and conclude that Darwin's theory does not make sense. Nothing comes from nothing and we blind ourselves to the beautiful and intelligent design around us, that life is. We are indeed a species, that is set apart from animals. We have a spirit and a soul, and that is what connects us to God and allows us to recognise his existence in a higher dimension. It is our pride and swank about our own achievements, that prevents us to even consider that Darwin's theory does not make any sense.
13. # 12 Tippel
Sagi   (03.06.10)
I find it preposterous that an intelligent person such as yourself can actually believe in such nonsense as "intellegent design". To me this is evidence of brainwashing. "God created Man in his image" so say the scriptures. So "God" is a multifaceted entity, he has yellow,black and white skin, he has Asian eyes and a Semitic nose, he is six feet tall and also a dwarf, he is sick and cures himself and then sick again but dies, he wages war and kills a few million and then declares peace and helps a few million.The most interesting thing about this"God" is that he has declared himself the "one and only", the "true one", yet with all his omnipotence he has allowed, and continues to do so, other "Gods" to take charge now and again who generally cause chaos, suffering and destruction. This I find mighty strange. Yes, of course there is intelligent design, it is called "Mother Nature", every microscopic and millimicroscopic entity has its function and is dependent on another. This is called symbiosis and it has taken Man all of his millenia on Earth to understand this. Unfortunately only scientists and open minded intelligent people can comprehend this. Religious beleivers are incapable of understanding for the simple reason that "God" interferes with their common sense and their pastors and mentors and leaders exploit this to control them like lambs to the slaughter.
14. #9 On theory.
Adele ,   Toronto   (03.06.10)
By far, one of the biggest misconceptions outside of the scientific world is the word "theory". People treat it as if it means nothing. Like, "evolutions a theory, who cares?" Well guess what? That's not the case. A theory is not nothing. It is something highly valued in science. A theory is something that involves observations, hypothesis, experiments, and the ability to be falsifiable. It is in no way absolute. Take for instance, another theory. Gravity. People are all accepting for it despite it not being 100% fact or falsifiable. However, since we can observe gravity in other ways such as recreating it in different environments, people treat it as something believable. So why not the same for evolution? It is no different then any other theory out there. It has its proofs, its experiments, its observations etc. One more thing. Believing in Evolution "absolutely" is a tricky term. Evolution is composed of many things. Some things that are actual facts and are proven (like microevolution) whereas other things are still being debated and fitting together pieces to make sense (macroevolution). So when you see someone flaunt about believing in evolution, it's not that they believe "this is how life began" rather it's "this is how life operates". That's what Darwins been trying to convey to us in the very beginning. Evolution explains how life works and the many changes it goes through before achieving what it becomes today (despite being different several million years ago).
15. Sagi
R. Tippel ,   Sout Africa   (03.06.10)
You sound like a very angry person that has thrown all the different religions into one pot and I can detect a bit of mocking in your writing. I can understand that many people are angry with the church and christianity and the pain it caused humanity during the last 20 centuries. When God created humans, he also gave them the freedom of choice to believe or not to believe and right through the ages many people in the church and in power have made the wrong choices. Do you think that God agreed with the crusades or the spanish inquisition or Hitlers attempt to exterminate the Jewish people, to name just a few examples the church has on it's conscience? Hitler might have called himself a christian, but that does'nt mean he was one. If God gave us the freedom to make choices, why then would he interfere in the actions that we take. We have to bear the consequences though, even though a lot of innocent people have to suffer in the wake "Mother Nature" can not design anything, She has'nt got the tools to do so.The DNA of every living creature or even every microscopic entity has to be "written" first, before it can function. Ask any software designer or writer of programs used on computers. A PC can not work without it's operating system and it certainly can not design or write a program as it goes along or improve itself during it's life cycle. By the way, there are many scientists, physicists, astronomers ect, who believe that God created the universe and everything in it and they are certainly capable of understanding. God did'nt interfere with their common sense. Christians can think too and they also ask the same questions you do.
16. # 15 Tippel
Sagi   (03.06.10)
Not angry Sir, sarcastic yes. This is indeed because I mock the very concept of surreal entities, figments of Man's vivid imagination, metaphysical dieties whose sole contribution to Humanity has been death, destruction and suffering. The "message" from these "Gods" has been passed on to us through scriptures and "Prophets" who used venomous rhetoric to incite and frighten the masses into submission, submission to "Allah" or to be a "slave" to the "God of Israel". Sir, these "Gods" have been responsible for the swish of the sword, the thump of the mace, the roar of the canon and other familiar sounds which have been perennial throughout history. Yes Sir, I know that they also have preached love and brotherhood but they were obviously less convincing with this "tenet" as you are well aware most societies spend untold amounts on war and infinitly less on love and brotherhood. I am approaching my seventieth year, in three days time, I am an atheist, a very confirmed one, I shall not change now. This is due to a lifetime of studying and contemplating the social phenomenon known as "God" and the need to "worship". Why does Man not worship himself and his acheivements rather than unknown quantities, not only unknown but untouchable and unaccessable. The answer to these questions has always eluded me. I apologize if I offended you by my mockery, it is my way of expressing myself and was not intended on a personal level.
17. Tippel
Sagi   (03.06.10)
I have pondered endlessly the case of Sir Thomas More. A giant among intellectuals of his age and era. An educated man who was dedicated to King and Country but found it necessary to die ignominiously for a principle, or what he conceived as one. Is this what his "God" intended ? One "God" permits multiple marriages, concurrently or separately and another forbids. Are there different "creators" ? Anyway, I doubt that More's "God" intended him to expend his life because he refused to sign a document in order to appease a vile monarch.
18. Darwin
J.K. ,   Brooklyn USA   (03.06.10)
Charles Darwin looks like a Litvanian Rabbi,including the sharp mind ,# 2 just look at your toes,and there is your prove,since there is no use for them they will disappear in the future as their small size indicate,in the past when the monkey man was living happyly with his monkey brothers on the trees,the toes were as big as the fingers in the arm ,to inable him to climb trees and to fight,but when he made the silly decision to leave the safety of the trees,and vent down to earth the toes started to shrink,because their use was not needed any more,and will eventualy completely disappear.
19. Well said, Sagi
Mikesailor ,   Miami, FL   (03.06.10)
Culture arises from the synthesis of two forces: history and geography. Religion arises out of culture as a way to 1) explain the unknown by ascribing the unknown to supernatural forces 2) propitiate favorable outcomes from those same supernatural forces. Therefore, people have requested favors from the 'supernatural' by praying or worshipping in order to gain something of material benefit. I have often wondered why a supernatural being would really care whether or not his/her creations would acknowledge his/her existence. I would think him/her would not be of such a fragile ego as to worry him/herself overmuch about such man-made ritual. Actually, a supernatural being wouldn't give a damn about such fol-de-rol. War, violence and brutality are man-made yet, religions usually excuse or even demand such bood-letting. Therefore, Christianity could approve the Crusades, Judaism could approve the extermination of the Canaanites and Moabites and Islam could approve slaughters in the name of 'jihad'. By the way, I am an agnostic. I don't believe in a supernatural being, yet I can't prove a negative either. I really don't think however, that it matters much either way. We are here and the only moral commandment is the Golden Rule as to how we treat and consider other human beings and inhabitants of this tiny planet: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
20. #14 According to theory you should move back to Europe
First Nations ,   Iroquoi   (03.07.10)
It is unacceptable in today's world that you still illegally occupy our lands, you didn't ask our approval to be here. Imperialists and racists like you and Arabs band together to deny smaller nations their ancient rights.
21. #3 Totally Wrong
ASA Pentateuchal ,   Whatever   (03.10.10) Catholic (/Christian)
22. We are Space Aliens
Rabbi Kalashnikov   (03.10.10)
The most evolved theroy about humanities origion is obviously the one which conjectures a reason for man's evolved intelligence. How is man's intelligence so evolved? He is not a native specie but was accidently left here by other Aliens, perhaps more advanced who had traveled from the center of the Universe closer to the Big Bang nucleus, thus allowing for evolution to be more developed by them. The Jews are of course even closer to the center of the Universe than all other species thus creating a Chosen People effect and their tremendous effect on human history much much greater than their numbers can explain, like humanity as a whole relative to other animal specie.
23. Darwin never said that people come from monkeys.
K. Tyson ,   Mobile, AL   (03.12.10)
Darwin NEVER claimed that people come from monkeys. You can search the Origin of Species and you will not find that statement. There idea came from the prosecuting side in the Scopes Trial.
24. The Abominable Toeless Snowmen
Daniel Rey M. ,   Bogotá, Colombia   (03.19.10)
K. Tyson (#23) is right. The first paragraph of this piece of news displays a common mistake: the idea that the theory of organic evolution "claims that man evolved from the monkey". Darwin never did say that (nor did Wallace, I guess). What he really said was that man (human beings, to play fair) and the monkey (modern-day apes) SHARE A COMMON ANCESTOR, which is not quite the same thing. There is no hairsplitting involved here. It only seems like that could be the case. J.K. (# 18) makes a big mistake by claiming that toes are useless and on their way out, like the appendix. It is exactly the opposite. They are IRREPLACEABLE. They allow us to keep our balance when we stand up, walk and run, as mountain climbers are shocked to find out whenever they lose them to frostbite and the ensuing necrosis. They must then use crutches at all times since otherwise they would fall on their faces. Running is out of the question. They, in fact, become cripples for the rest of their lives. More misguided souls here (an incomplete listing, to be sure): 1) those who think evolution is either true or false, period (it depends on what you think drives it forward), 2) those who think there are no invisible worlds (I've been there), 3) those who think there is such a thing as "creation" (from a timeless perspective, all that exists has always existed, and besides, as someone has said here, nothing can spring forth from nothing, or "ex nihilo nihil (fit)", one of the oldest logical conclusions in the history of philosophy), 4) those who (to be continued at zzz.uselesslists.grog) ….
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