Israeli ambassador offers to return to UC Irvine
Associated Press
Published: 09.03.10, 07:27
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23 Talkbacks for this article
1. good, try that, try talking to them
ghostq   (03.09.10)
just hope the hatred toward Israel didn't took over completely and let them to hear the other side like in any academic debate, unless freedom of mind isn't what they use to.
Yitzchak ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (03.09.10)
But not at the expense of somebody's else right to free speech. You want free speech. Then you, too, book a hall and execise your right of free speech. Heckling and interupting is DENYING SOMEBODY THEIR RIGHT OF FREE SPEECH. And that is not democratic or even liberal. That is fascist, my dear "peace"-loving want-Israel-destroyed (meaning Jews wiped off the face of the earth) "I define what is correct" anti-semite.
3. University as well as students should express heir apology,
Eitan ,   Qatzrin, Israel   (03.09.10)
because they offended not only Mr. Michael Oren but the entire Jewish people, within and without Israel, the Jewish people's nation-state.
4. Ahh, but can those students actually debate?
Brian Cohen ,   Judean Peoples Front   (03.09.10)
I have my doubts about the intellectual and disciplinary capacity of those students. Any boor can yell down somebody, then whine about "freedom of speech" when they are hustled out of the hall. Do any of these students know how to debate at all? Are they capable of holding themselves in check and allowing the "opposition" their due time? Are they willing to play by the rules (Roberts Rules, I would guess) and obey the orders of the moderator? Given previous experience with the "pro-Palestinian" lobby, my guess would be no. These students appear to be totally ignorant of what free speech is, and mistake the concept as them having the right to yell and scream as much as they want. Free speech means you have to listen to the other side. These students are not interested in that, and that is the pathetic result of the Palestinian propaganda machine.
5. Orwell's Animal Farm
Nigel ,   Israel   (03.09.10)
Free speech for pro-pali's but not for others - sounds like George Orwell's Animal Farm where 'All are equal, but some are more equal than others'.
6. The offense was against the whole Jewish people and not only
Gabe Spigleman ,   Seattle, WA USA   (03.09.10)
against Oren, who was only an agent of the Jewish people through its national homeland of Israel. And since this is the case, the entire university community, including the representative of the student body, should apologize to the Jewish people, in America and elsewhere.
7. ghostq - didn't you notice the rules changed?
JPS ,   Efrat   (03.09.10)
Of course academic freedom doesn't exist any more when it comes to Israel. Haven't you noticed the pro-Palestinian attempt to boycott all Israeli academics no matter what their point of view? Hatred has indeed taken over, and the pro-Palestinian lobby is trying to rewrite the rulebooks so that their enemies (us) have no freedom of speech, no human rights, and no country. Just look at the "students" who were ejected from Oren's speech. They were obviously not interested in free speech, otherwise they would have engaged him in debate. Instead, they showed how weak they are by their inability to actually stand up and confront Oren's ideas. It takes a cowards to shout. It takes a brave person to listen. The Palestinian lobby is about as cowardly as one can get.
8. it doesnt matter how much ass you kiss! these people hate
Jews in general
9. UC Irvine Student hecklers
Spencer ,   Israel   (03.09.10)
The radical left wing students (and that's what all those hecklers were) don't only hate Israel....they also hate what the USA statnds for (or used to stand for under previousadminstrations)!
10. Oren's Return to UCI
Daryl Temkin ,   Los Angeles   (03.09.10)
We are lost in our belief that people are the same and that their values are the same. Jews have been trying for years to find a rational forum to speak with Arab students and their supporters. Why Michael Oren feels that he will suddenly be successful is that fantasy which many Jews continue to uphold. We would all like to have the power of a "messiah" but the reality is quite different. It is hard for us in the West to understand the deep impact that the teaching of hate has had on this student population, It is wishful thinking that magical words will suddenly change the deep rooted indoctrination of generations.
11. From my experience...
shlomo ,   Haifa   (03.09.10)
in debates with pro palestinians , I never get a response when after having accused Israel of being a nazi state I am asking this: "If Israel is a nazi state how come that more than 20% of the israeli citizens are arabs who have egual rights, have 3 independent parties and 10 members in the israeli parliament and 50% of them are even voting for the jewish zionist parties? How many jewish parties and members of parliament were represented in the nazi Reichstag?" And when we are accused of war crimes, no answer when I respond: " Why is Israel accused of war crimes in Gaza, while no one has ever accused the NATO states for bombing Serbia for 72 days, destroying the infrustructure and killing 3000 civilians? All this when the serbs never fired even one bullet on any NATO member, while Hamas fired for 9 years rockets on israeli civilians." These are only 2 examples the pro palestinians never do answer, there are about 60 more I am willing to share so they might be used in debates with our enemies.
12. Raucus, an islamic specialty-
Bozo   (03.09.10)
from generation to generation. UC Irvine is a cesspool of students not attuned to the democratic values (not the muslim type)of a free society. In some of their beloved countries this type of behavior would be the death penalty. So, as usual,(like in Europe) they are tacking advantage to this god given freedom on allah's terms of course, to insult and obstruct the give and take exchange of a civilized society, a body of students(who were rather calm, but). My own opinion?, nothing is going to change. They, the arabs, will have a round 2 and Oren will pay the price.Civilized exchanges are not a koranic " must read ". What is a must read for them, is " submit or die ". To their credit ,they made suicide bombing very popular ( men, women, children, no discrimination ). They made honor killing respectable, same with stoning to death young girls, and more. All of it to be found in arabic in their book of miracles. --- Good luck Oren.
13. to #7 you right coward indeed,
ghostq   (03.09.10)
that's cause their entire claimes based on emotion of rage and hate and not on facts.
14. one sided free speech
olowy ,   USA   (03.09.10)
Apparently free speech for the students are for only those who agree with their political views only.
15. that pro-Palestinian student
oren k (not Michael) ,   Irvine (USA)   (03.09.10)
is my hero
16. to #11
danny ,   Riverside   (03.09.10)
i respect both of those points, though i wouldn't call "them" my "enemies"... please (in all honesty) from a person living in the region, please enlighten the world of a few more of those 60 other points.
17. Stop whining, but act.
tiki ,   belgium   (03.09.10)
It's about time that some Israeli film/docu company starts making the same kind of 'truthfull and factual' film/docu's/propaganda movies about the 'humanity and 'clean hands' of Pal's/Arabs andTurks.
18. israeli ambassador
debbie ,   israel   (03.09.10)
TO BOZO I live in Israel and constantly see this name "Irvine" in the news. What is this cesspool of bitterness, hatred, bigotry, and non-tolerance? Why don't students protest, by not registering there?MONEY SPEAKS! Why don't the authorities step in? Why is this allowed? Why don't the students raise an enormous protest? After all, it is not only hatred of Jews they promote there, it would naturally be hatred of all "others", all minorities, and anyone considered "different" than them. Why is this allowed to continue? There surely must be something someone can do. After all, we not in the 1930's & '40s. We're not in Nazi Germany or in a Moslem dictatorship. Why don't you Americans cry out against this?
19. "Freedom of speech" - the Irvine style
Tahl ,   Ashdod, Israel   (03.09.10)
It is considered "freedom of speech" to heckle, disrupt and curse out a guest speaker with differing opinions, thereby shutting off his freedom of speech. Michael Oren should not put up with this scandal, and should come there again to complete his message.
20. They dont want "debate"Its part of demonise&destroy Israel
Alan ,   SA   (03.09.10)
21. To: oren k (not Michael) - Loud mouthed heroes?
JPS ,   Efrat   (03.09.10)
Ok Oren, ya got me scratching my head. The loud mouthed pro-Pal students who were kicked out for shouting down Oren are your heroes? Just what do you find heroic about their inability to engage the enemy in debate? Are you enamored with their inability to respect free speech? Are you impressed that they refuse to engage in debate - and I hesitate to extrapolate, but if you don't want to negotiate, then I guess you're opting for "armed resistance", right? Do you find the "legitimate right to resist the occupation by any means" to be heroic? Are your heroes also the Palestinian suicide bombers (some of whom were students)? And when you say "pro-Palestinian", do you not mean anti-Israel? Because it seems that most students don't seem to give a damn that the Palestinian Authority offers almost no human rights protection to its own citizens, especially those in minorities like Christians, Jews, gays, and the like. Oh yes, forgot that there are no Jews living in the PA as part of their ethnic cleansing policies against Jews. I guess you find that heroic too, no?
22. Go to the top of the Education Department in Sacto.
Hinda ,   SF Bay Area - USA   (03.09.10)
UCI has had a short history of appeasement starting in the early part of this decade when the graduating group had decided to wear ham-ass outfits complete with real bombbelts. I'm not kidding. What Oren should do is go to the Department of Education in Sacramento and request that the university which is a public institution be closed due to failure to represent American learning patterns. Most of their foreign student visas are from countries that support Al Queda. Like Washington State did with Evergreen College (where the little Nazi Rachel Corrie fine-tuned her anti-Semitic skills), the college lost it's Charter and now is a homeless shelter. Which is a much better use for the building.
23. islamic gangs not welcome
John   (03.09.10)
I think that UCI should follow the path of the infamous Evergreen College -- to be shut down. The current leadership of UCI is incompetent; maybe raising chickens would be appropriate. The filthy big mouths should be sent back to their islamic countries. Over there they can raise hell in class and have their heads chopped off. A dream of a lifetime (remember the 72 broads?); and UCI should revert solely to education.
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