House members to Clinton: Resolve crisis with Israel
Yitzhak Benhorin
Published: 27.03.10, 10:30
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31. #1 A balanced answer....
Mark ,   Lodz, Poland   (03.27.10)
It's unfortunate that you have been used as pawns in the Arab/Iranian - Israeli conflict. Now you're just gonna have to grin and bear our security measures. As for stealing land, in general, you were migrant farmers anyway, now squatters brought in by the Ottomans from Bosnia and other places. Your Koran states that the Land of Israel is for the ....what are you garbling about?
32. To Ilene, USA
Annie ,   Boston, USA   (03.27.10)
Instead of worrying so much about AIPAC, (which is only one group among many many hundreds that have a powerful grip on who becomes president), and who is only one of many many groups to whom Obama lied...(see below his quote to AIPAC "Jerusalem is Israel's Capital and should never be divided" in order to get elected: I would, instead, worry about the person in charge of our country and army and some say the world that has lied his way to becoming president and is, as far as I am concerned, the most dangerous person in the world today, providing every day more and more power to countries like Iran and Syria and extremist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah. Scary.. Israel can even spit in our face so far as I am concerned - because they can never be a threat to our nation - but what Obama is doing is giving power to the extremists who every single one is a threat!!!
33. The Jewish Lobby
Christian ,   Sweden   (03.27.10)
is only another phrase for Jewish money. We hav heard it before, that it rules US, Germany, Europe, the world. It's an old anti-semitic canard. If there is a strong support in US for Israel, which there is, thank G-d, it has more to do with Israels historical beginnings, that it is a democracy which won its political freedom in fighting not only ME Arabs but the British Empire, and still more that as a Jewish state there is a strong connection with Christianity as a Jewish daughter religion. For us Jerusalem is the city of not only David, but Jesus of Nasareth who most certainly also was a Jew and for us is the Messiah of God.That should count for something, and it does! It's not about money stupids! It is about shared values, shared historical and religious roots, a shared hope and a little common sense.
34. To: Lydia, Brisbane
Annie ,   Boston, USA   (03.27.10)
You are mistaken, Israel is not the problem. The issue here is the letter written by the U.S. congress to the U.S. President through the U.S. Secretary of State. The ONLY concern of the American people is America; the only concern of the U.S. Congress is the U.S. and the only interest of the U.S. President SHOULD BE the U.S. Israel is and has never been and will never be a threat to the U.S., however Iran IS and Syria and the other Muslim extremist nations/groups ARE. Obama should not be bowing to the Saudi King and kissing the arse of Iran and Russia like a scared little boy - and then giving the hardline politics to countries like Poland, Israel and Czech Republic who are our ALLIES!! His politics is backwards and is out of fear. He should stop wasting our time talking to Israel like they are our child and turning his back on other allies in the world; he should be busy getting the world together to fight the real threats to the US - Iran, Pakistan and North Korea.
35. 16 Agreed! US only hinders the UN
lydia ,   Brisbane   (03.27.10)
The member nations of the World expects the little country to obey the law. Not to keeps ignoring resolutions because UN one veto hinders sanctions. Yet Israels yammers on about Iran.
36. AIPAC and its list of obedient ‘Sabbath Congressmen Goyim’.
Observer   (03.27.10)
37. respect
uzo ,   Lagos Nigeria   (03.27.10)
The very existence of the modern state of Israel in the Middle East ( isreal's land anyway) is a massive favor to America the West and even Africa. Israel has been shielding us from the jihadist onslaught with their lives...if you know what i mean. To isreal, thank you.
38. House members to Clinton
Spencer ,   Israel   (03.27.10)
Clinton is certainly a problem for Israel, but the biggest problem is that Barak HUSSEIN Obama is blatantly anti Israel and pro Palestinian. I don't even think he cares too much about the USA.
39. To: Lydia, Brisbane
Annie ,   Boston   (03.27.10)
You are right - there are about 250 UN resolutions against Israel - but what should bother you is not that we vitoed them, but that they exist at all!! The UN should protect our world but instead is nothing more than an anti-semetic body that rushes in to write a resolution every time someone in Israel sneezes. The fact that there are/were wars/conflicts in Somalia, Yemen, Afghanistan, Chechnia, Chad, Sudan, Pakistan, Darfur, Iraq, Bosnia, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Lebonon, Rwanda and the UN did absolutely nothing. NO RESOLUTIONS. Every current conflict in almost every part of the world today involves Muslims, but because they are about 1/5 of the world population and consist of 1/2 the UN members, nothing is done. The Jews are less than 0.02 of the world population and have only 1 voice in the UN., but over 80% of the resolutions are against that country. THAT SHOULD BOTHER YOU AS A CITIZEN OF THE WORLD.
40. To Arab lover #22
Michael Hess aka BS ,   Charlotte, NC   (03.27.10)
Arab Bushes don't love you no matter how much you want to respect them. This desire of yours only incites their primitive instincts more to want to genocide you. On the other hand you disrespect Jewish supporter in #5 by not mentioning his name. You seem to be exactly like Hussein Obama, bowing to enemies and distancing allies.
41. Enslavement
Rob ,   USA   (03.27.10)
Nour, I think the concept of "enslavement" that you bring up is very critical here. You will not be able to appreciate balanced answers until the time comes when your views are no longer influenced by the very prevalent and distorted way of seeing the conflict. What good does any support do for the many decent palestinian people when almost all funding ultimately gets channeled into weapons and violence by the extremists among them who "enslave" the people by having them believe that hate, blame , violence and martyrdom are the only way to resolve the conflict, rather than taking some sense of self-responsibility and working to build Palestinian society up from its ground roots with an emphasis on education,healthcare, respect for individual rights, and so on. There will never be any true transformation for the Palestinian people until they can throw off the shackles of this poisonous ideology and focus on the core values that makes any society robust and capable of bringing themselves out of difficult times. In the history of all "oppressed" peoples who subsequently achieved independence and a decent existence, this is what ultimately made the difference, but those who resorted to aggression, hostility, false bravado , and coercion to violence always failed. Allow yourself to consider this perspective for just a minute.
42. To Lydia #28
Rob ,   USA   (03.27.10)
You really stand out in these talkbacks with your distorted and poisonous views and having all your facts ass backwards. It is your brand of mentailty which is the biggest obstacle to there ever being any real progress in this conflict Truly pathetic!
43. #1 AIPAC
tamhighpoint ,   Prince George, USA   (03.27.10)
We patriotic Christian Americans defend the people whom God has chosen as His people - we are commanded to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, which is the capital of Israel. It's not complex, just obedience.
44. #1 Israel will continue to prosper
Frank ,   USA   (03.27.10)
While your 22 Arab dictatorships and Hamastanis/Fatahstanis will continue to dwell in pain, violence and misery.
45. This proves the US congress deserves its...
Persian CAT   (03.27.10)
reputation as the "other occupied territories"! Shame on these bastards who have no qualm on fighting each other by all means including calling each other "baby killer", blocking the extension of unemployment payment and other benefits to the American unemployed, but come together when their Zionist contributors order them to voice opposition to Obama when he tries to oppose Israel's destabilizing policies that jeopardize American national interests. In this respects these so called representatives are bunch of traitors. The American people now have a perfect opportunity to see whose interests these so-called representatives represent, certainly not the American people's.
46. to all talkbalk supporters
jason ,   israel   (03.27.10)
as a jew who lives in israel it warms my heart to see some common sense and heartfelt support in the midst of this madness that gets thrown upon us. particularly rob, usa and annie, boston. passionate, and informed. powerful combination. thank you!
47. Annie at #32
Mark ,   Lodz, Poland   (03.27.10)
Thanks for that're absolutely right.... Here Obama states:- "Let me be clear. Israel's security is sacrosanct. It is non-negotiable. The Palestinians need a state that is contiguous and cohesive, and that allows them to prosper — but any agreement with the Palestinian people must preserve Israel's identity as a Jewish state, with secure, recognized and defensible borders. Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel, and it must remain undivided." Gets the Jewish vote (not all, mind) and is now back-pedalling. How spineless!
48. #40 Michael
Yossef ,   Rehovot, Israel   (03.27.10)
I am not an arab lover neither an arab hater. I am a jew living in Israel in the middle-east in the middle of arab countries. I don't forget that I have been slave in Egypt and I try to not be arrogant with my neighbors. Conversely I ask them to not be arrogant with me and to give me the respect I deserve. If they want war there is war if they want peace there will be peace. BTW I hate racists, even more when they are jewish because they offend the jewish people. Got it ?
49. to NOUR #1
CHANGE ,   USA   (03.27.10)
Things are changing. Aipac previously had or has USA congress in a strangohld due to control of media and trying to ruin officials careers if they speak out against israel. calling them anti-semites etc. Obama is strong though, and realizes this as racist bullying and manipulation, as do MOST OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. After, it was mainly jews, he took down our financial system (madoff, goldman sachs, lehman brothers, etc. etc) people started to wake up more, after all money talks. especially if you lose it. NOW the jews keep calling for war against IRAN on the backs of American troops. not only can we not afford this, but it is only for the jewish states safety, not the USA.s and as we find the jewish state is NOT a true friend more and more with a one sided relationship . and treats the Palestinians terribly moe Americans want to disassociate with Israel.. Petreous also spoke out against israel, saying it is a main cause of endangering USA troops in that region. THINGS ARE CHANGING.
50. Obama
Felix ,   Jlem Israel   (03.27.10)
Obama is either very naive or antisemitic and strongly biased against Israel; very possibly both explanations are correct . He is naive since he does not live in the middle east: ; anybody who lives in this region understands that for the palestinians any "peace arrangement " should only be instrumental to their final goal which is the annihilation of the only jewish state .This is why they insist on the right of return ,this is why they do not want to recognise Israel as the state of the jewish people , this is why they do not agree to a truly and completely demilitarised state and this is why they do not agree that the alleged peace treaty would put an end to their demands from the state of Israel !
51. NO Arab involved here; it's only Israeli-American
observer   (03.27.10)
why American taxpayers are supporting indirectly, through the tax-exempt contributions, a process that the government condemns. why the Americans' tax money is used to feed the settlers and shelter them.? Every dollar that goes to settlements makes Middle East peace that much harder to reach. Obama said, "those settlements are endangering America's security." One reporter asked him what Obama will do if Israel fails to heed his call. Obama responded: "I think it is important not to assume the worst but to assume the best.".
52. Obama's war on Israel
Frank ,   USA   (03.27.10)
Obama's goals appear to be (1) allow Iran its nuclear weapons, and (2) diminish or destroy America's alliance with Israel, in favor of realignment with the arab/muslims. He has therefore embarked on a diplomatic and political war on Israel, and hopes to degrade American public support for Israel. His goals are supported by the anti-Israel "liberal" "progressive" media, which routinely propagandizes the American public against Israel (as does Ha'aretz). He has enlisted the aid of the "progressives" and other Jew-haters, a vile bunch who care nothing for arabs, but use attacks on Israel to express their hatred of Jews (as in some of the posts here). Passover is here, and every Jew observing it will end the seder with, "Next year in Jerusalem". Antisemites aside, in my opinion, the most despicable group are the "liberal" and "progressive" Jews, who having regrettably helped to vote in a radical enemy of Israel, even now fail to stand up for Israel against Obama and his minions, and fail to do what they can to vote out of office the most anti-Israel president in history - who is placing Israel and Jews everywhere in grave danger.
53. Did you see the letter they sent Bibi?
Paul ,   Florida   (03.28.10)
No, I haven't and that is something you will never see. Did you see them write Bibi when Biden was insulted? Did you see their letter when Corie was crushed by a bulldozer? Will never happen because they are totally in AIPAC's pocket.
54. 10
Rosie   (03.27.10)
55. 12
Rosie   (03.27.10)
Good. You mede my day.
56. 24
Rosie   (03.28.10)
Thank you for this information.
57. Hussein's Islamic Lobby
conspiracy theorist ,   Essex, UK   (03.28.10)
Funny all this talk about Aipac - Hussein Obama, who isnt even american, but a muslim, is installed by marxist-islamist money, eg from Qadaffi, Ahmadinejad et al. He wishes to enslave Americans as dhimmis - and his test ground is Israel.
58. 33 The Jewish Lobby
Rosie   (03.28.10)
Jewish money is nothing compared to Arab oil money.
59. 39What sticks out like dogs b*lls is that ONE US veto
lydia ,   Brisbane   (03.28.10)
What bothers me more is that this 0.02% is the biggest instigator of wars, the Iraq preemptive war waged on Israel manufactured evidence of Sadams WMDs, the Georgian conflict that saw the Israeli mercenaries bolt home and leave Shakaasvilli eating his tie, the bombing of Lebanon, the bombing of Syria, bombing of Gaza and the drumbeat to attack Iran for weapon tech supplied by Israel all while Israel is in possession of its own illegal WMDs stack and is in flagrant violation of Int. Law.
60. 42Many still haven't had any of that jewish coolaid
lydia ,   Brisbane   (03.28.10)
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