US: No military solution to conflict
Published: 03.04.10, 07:21
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57 Talkbacks for this article
31. Yet US solution for Al Qaeda is military,
SC   (04.03.10)
maybe US should start bribing Al Queda instead.
32. It is offensive to hear the US calling upon Israel to come
Jehudah Ben-Israel ,   Qatzrin, Israel   (04.03.10)
to the talks while it has been Israel that has been insisting for over a year that direct talks is the only way out of the conflict and it is Israel that has taken practical steps to "encourage" the Arabs to talk. But it is not knew to receive such messages from this US Administration, the one that has not ceased to attempt to humiliate Israel's prime minister and in so doing one of the most important symbols of Jewish sovereignty. It is high time the US ceased dealing with Israel as a play-thing and with its Jewish population as a group that can be pushed around and spit upon...!!!
33. The US, EU and the UN should make only one demand:
Jehudah Ben-Israel ,   Qatzrin, Israel   (04.03.10)
Demand of the Arabs to accept Israel's right to be, to exist as the nation-state of the Jewish people. Such a demand would be in line with UN resolutions of 1947, 1949 and 1967 and when met will eliminate the core reason of the Arab Israeli conflict: The total refusal of the Arabs to accept Israel's legitimacy. It is this core issue of the conflict that prevent the Arabs from accepting that a peace agreement will be the "end of the conflict". One can only assume that they would see such an agreement as a stage in the march towards the total elimination of Israel, if not in one than in several stages, against the UN Charter and several of its resolutions. But, will Mr. Barack (Barakeh, in Arabic) Hussein Obama rise to the occasion and make the simplest demand required, or will he rather continue to humiliate Israel's elected officials and Israel's symbols of government and in so doing give a hand to the Arabs who have no intention of reaching a peaceful accommodation with Israel...??!!
34. Sarah B: Whose side are you on?
Steve   (04.03.10)
You wrote: "....repudiate their charters..... which call for the destruction of the State of Israel....and recognize the right of the State of Israel to exist in its ancient homeland," etc. These are your conditions for another Muslim state? Sorry Sarah, I don't care what they do or recognize. The land of Israel belongs to the Jews. Even if these people (dwelling in the land) all became saints, the land of Israel belongs to Israel.
35. Sarah B
Dino Domingo ,   Canada   (04.03.10)
Sarah, some parts of your opinion are right ...but cocky! As usual you repeat many things here as you do on several other posts. You also repeat yourself about all the victories which is somewhat laughable...not because it isn't true but because I think anybody could wipe out militaries that use camels and molotov cocktails as their main source of weaponry when Israel on the other hand has been given American arms, technology and billions uopn billions of dollars to spend on defending and attacking, the playing grounds are not even close to a fair fight. (I say this because of your cockiness, I don't like Arab politics or Muslim extremists at all but you say things as if Israel accomplished things without the help from the U.S.) The U.S. and the rest of the world is hell bent on forcing Israel to negotiate because it is the only solution. You and many others like you are also extreme...except without acknowledging that your Israel needs the Western world... and that is a huge mistake! If the world turned its back on Israel your people would be gone within months! I think the Palestinians are scum...they are a menace to society and they give nothing to this world other than terrorists but for the sake of an area highly contested and where there are many grey areas it is inevitable and many Israelis know there will never be peace until you negotiate. It is the armchair quarterbacks who make ridiculous comments and have no regard for peace other than a peaceful Israel which unfortunately will never be peaceful until there is some sort of reconciliation regarding borders...where both parties are satisfied! That part of the world is far different than any other you had mentioned for one MAJOR know it, I know it and so does the rest of the world. When Israel was formed not too long ago, shortly after that many people suffered. Even if Israelis and Jews believe the land was promised to them it doesn't matter to the rest of the population on this earth. Most countries dislike Jews (and I say this without being rude...I like Jews far better than Muslims) and therefore could care less about what your book teaches or claims. Palestinians have lived beside Jews up until not too long ago, owning properties and now live in poverty, away from what was taken from them...if you don't see things this way then you have a problem and so do those who who see it like you do. The world has problems with Muslims everywhere! They abuse our social systems, insurance companies and many other organisations daily here in Canada and I also know its the same in Europe...France, Sweden, Germany, England... to name a few. The problem is Israel has won land from a war in which they had far more weapons and technology to fight and received land that was unrightfully and unlawfully given to them without regard to the people that were living there! You got something for free and the person it was taken from didn't agree... You should move to Israel, live in Jerusalem like many other people do and see how the people that live there think. I have read many Jewish people's opinion that think Obama and the US are not out of fact its about time someone from the US has finally asked Israel to be a little more accountable!
36. but there is a military solution to Iraq?
mark ,   new York   (04.03.10)
i guess only the US and Britain can use military force
37. Resounding Israeli military victory is the ONLY solution.
Chaim ,   Israel   (04.03.10)
The Obama administration is chanting the same old discredited mantra we constantly heard during the Oslo Disaster. The obvious truth is that resounding Israeli military victory is the ONLY solution. Just as it was with the WW II Allies. The Allies' resounding victory over the Germans and Japanese, with no concessions, brought generations of peace to Europe and Asia. With no end in sight. The same is true for Israel. This conflict will never end till Israel resoundingly defeats the "Palestinians" once and for all, with no concessions, and claims our sole, tiny Homeland forever.
38. Idiotic
Agent 007.5 ,   USA   (04.03.10)
I must say that the current Obama administration is dead wrong. Negotiations with Islamo-fascists is a worthless exercise. The only peaceful solution is total military defeat for terrorist, and only then can any progress be made.
39. Israel will be forced, the US and world wills it...
Michael Hess ,   Charlotte, NC   (04.03.10)
...and all the petty comments will do nothing. North and South Korea have nothing to do with it. Neither do Darfur, Sweden, or Turkey. It all has to do with decades of Israel ignoring international law to the point of affecting US National Security. President Obama and his strong administration are not amused by your antics. They will no longer be tolerated period. Time's up. No more hasbara, no more excuses.
40. What about Afganistan? Iraq? WW2
BJL ,   usa   (04.03.10)
The USA had a miltary solution for these conflicts. Not okay for Israel? Why the double standard????
41. IDF can decisively defeat its enemies if allowed to!
zeroing ,   Germany   (04.03.10)
Clearly, there is a military solution to this conflict like also there is a military solution to the conflicts in Afghanistan, Iraqi or Sri Lanka. The only difference is that IDF is not allowed to defeat its enemies like Sarah Honig has clearly explained it in today's JPost: "The International community consistently deprived Israel of victory and indirectly encouraged Arab attacks with all their resolutions, condemnations and interventions against Israel, especially when it is on a verge of crushing its enemies".
42. #14 And you ain't no rocket scientist
Cynthia ,   USA   (04.03.10)
Islamic jihad has nothing to do with the self-induced siege. There was no "siege" on the Israel-Lebanese border when Hezbollah fired 4000 katyusha rockets at Israel in 2006.
43. TALKS?
HERMAN MUNSTER ,   ca canada   (04.03.10)
Well boys, if "talks" are the only solution to the mideastern problems that the Arabs etc have with Israel, why in the name of Obama haven't they and aren't they working??? Has anyone of these Brighteyes ever considered that? Seriously, just how stupid are these idiots?
44. Iran too
Mike ,   UK   (04.03.10)
This will include Iran too. I know the mass media myth put out that "Iran a danger to the world" when clearly Iran isn't Israel does have a right to self defense so how is Israel going to tackle a nation of 70+ million like Iran when Iran won't even lay a finger on you ? Iran has done nothing wrong. The world knows Iran has no nuclear weapons and Israel has nuclear, biological and chemical weapons ? No smoking gun in Iraq and the world won't fall for the one supposedly in Iran.
45. Talks - which language?
Ralph Haglund ,   Lund, Sweden   (04.03.10)
those Muslims always say different things in English and Arabic - but I guess Obama knows Arabic so he should stick to that. How many times now has Obama said "within a few weeks"..... I remember a few.
46. Proximity Talks
Joan ,   New Zealand   (04.03.10)
Do you think the UN, UK,EU and USA have noticed that wherever there is war and no peace there are Muslims
LAWRENCE ,   SAFED ISRAEL   (04.03.10)
Obama probably does have more power than anyone in this world and I respect that ,BUT ...for some strange reason which I cannot for the life of me figure out, I am just not afraid of him .I have swallowed bigger things for breakfast quite frankly .Netanyahu ,however ,does give the impression of being afraid of the man ,popularly known as "The Kenyan."
48. It is between prevention or incineration
Brod ,   USA   (04.03.10)
Israel cannot and must not depend on Obama and his AntiSemite administration for anything including the Iran scenario. Obama is far from being a Truman or a Nixon. Israel alone will determine its course of action to prevent a repeat of the Holocaust by Iran's Hitler- in- the -making. The Islamist-Jihadist Fanatics in Iran are feverishly working on their nukes and missiles, and have threatened to annihilate Israel repeatedly. Israel has all the rights in the world to defend itself. The world cannot prevent or advise Israel not defend itself. Israel must never allow any entities or countries to tell it to be a sitting duck for the Fanatics' Mushroom Cloud. It is time for action rather than more talks that give more time for the Fanatics to complete their nukes.
49. "TALKS" are the answer!!!!
Spencer ,   Israel   (04.03.10)
How is Israel supposed to talk to or negotiate with a party that has never recognised Isreal's right to exist. "Wake up" Mr. Barak HUSEIN're not being genuine in your calls for talks. Perhaps it's because of your upbringing and islamic education! As for Ban's pronouncment viewing Jerusalem as occupied territories, that show just how much Israel can rely on the UN.
50. Concerned Europeans
Madeleine ,   Israel   (04.03.10)
Wow, I am SO comforted by the concern of the West. Oh wait a minute, they're concerned because we're defending ourselves. They'd like us to roll over and disappear - now wouldn't that solve the problem for them! Sorry folks, that's not going to happen. As for talking - more yakkety-yak. When will Eurabia and Ameristan understand that we are going to defend ouselves and deal with the terrorists , one way or another, until they resign themselves to the fact that we are here to stay.
51. #1 sarah
i tend to agree with you. my question to the usa is this... can israel also say that THERE IS NO MILITARY SOLUTION TO AMERICA'S AND NATO EUROPEAN ALLIES IN THEIR WAR IN AFGHANISTAN AND IRAQ????? the usa and europe have no single right to tell israel that what is dangerous for its survival immediately on its borders is less important that the danger of the taliban which is thousands of miles away from any european and american borders. so, if there is no military solution to iran's threat, then why do all believe therfe is a military solution to the taliban threat? america and europe are hypocritical to the extreme. they can fight against taliban threat 7,000 miles fvrom their border, but israel has to agree to accept the iranian and arab threats on their immediate borders. something here rings hollow. hameed aboughaze, iranian
52. After it is all said and done
Ravvi-Oli ,   Alexis, NC USA   (04.03.10)
MORE is said than done
53. No military solution
Robert Weinraub ,   Aventura, Fl-US   (04.03.10)
I dissagree about this. Since 1948 all the arab countries have understood and respected was, Israel's will to fight for peace and land. Jerusalem is not up for grabs, regardless of what the world says, until now we are doing OK controlling all of Jerusalem.
54. #39 Time is running out for Obama. Not Israel.
Chaim ,   Israel   (04.03.10)
Obama has just rammed through one of the most unpopular laws in U.S. history, using contemptible, utterly undemocratic means. An astounding 67% of Americans, Democrats and Republicans, want Republicans to continue opposing Obamacare. Recent polls show 60% of Americans feel Obama is leading the nation in the wrong direction. Only 33% approve. Israel is far more popular, among Americans, than Obama. Time is running out for Obama. Not Israel.
55. Obama is right
James ,   Herzeliya   (04.03.10)
There is no military solution to Iraq and Afganistan. You should withdraw all tropps immediately and start negotiations.
56. The Solution
Arena ,   US   (04.03.10)
There is a clear solution to this problem. It is explicitly spelled out in the Bible. And Israel will win.
57. Jerusalem is not occupied territory!
Shiran ,   IL   (04.04.10)
It's our Capitol! Before that Jordan occupied East Jerusalem and we have a peace agreement with them. They did not demand it back. Pal's homeland in Jordan. Not anywhere in Israel.
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